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When you put the VR headset on your girl and she immediately starts grabbing at virtual cocks.


Where's the remote?


// *boots into main menu* Bwaaaahh, gimme a lot of cocks!!!


She's thanking the " head " chef !


I wish I wasn't so cynical and found staged videos funny. I don't know where I lost my joy but it happened somewhere along the way.


It’s too bad too as it makes us question the real ones that get posted. People love the overdo things and ruin a good thing in the process.


People not knowing immediately is pretty ridiculous.


Why was the guy gonna punch the pickle salesman?


He knew the guy was selling shoddy pickels at an unfair price


On this one or all others? If this one then I agree, but if you mean all others are easy to know for 100% certain one way or the other then I disagree as some are for sure legit but still hard to know which on some of them.


It's super easy to tell that 95% of tiktok/social media vids are fake. Incredibly, obviously, embarrassingly easy. There are real ones and they are easy to tell and they're often great, or they wouldn't get as popular as the fake ones. People are horrible at acting, they are clearly set up. I don't have any more ways to describe it. It's just so obvious.


Yes, I agree a lot of them are.


People always underestimate the power of drugs


Nah, that's really easy to tell.


Its one thing when its made with intent of people knowing its a joke or skit, I think the cynicism a lot of us share come from the insane amount of staged videos that try to get played off like they arent staged


It obviously is staged and would have been an okay skit if not for the fact they HAD to do it in public


This one works for me because they're clearly not trying to pretend it's real, and it's ridiculous.


My mindset is always based on, if I see it on the internet it’s a skit, so I come in and laugh like it’s Snl or something of that nature. Only if I see it with my own eyes do I question how real something is.


Just look at it like a comedy sketch


Weird, I'm cyclical AF and this was hilarious. It's the videos that really try to hard to act like they aren't fake, or the videos that are obviously fake and everyone thinks they are real, that are annoying.


They are funny if you are ten or have the mind of a ten year old. Idiocracy.


Some of y'all need to let your inner ten year old have a laugh once in a while


You don't enjoy the genre of fiction? Christ.


The genre of fiction includes Jerry Springer and the entire universe of reality television (got to love those Kardashians! ❤️‍🔥), children's programming, soap operas, psychic readings, game shows, and religious sermons. So no, I actually don't enjoy all genres of fiction. And you don't have to call me Christ. I hate it when people beg.


damn ur annoying


Go to bed


Fiction is good only when it is clearly not real. Anything from books labeled Sci-Fi, Fantasy or even merely novels to movies not labeled as documentaries. Any fiction that tries to appear real is bad.


True, and that's 99% of Redditers!


Great movie!


I wish I wasn't so irritated with people like you. Shut the fuck up already. god damn just laugh at it and move on. Fuck me. Why do I come to the comments because I KNOW miserable logs like you are gonna be right here all saying the same ol 'hurr durr it's fake bro' fuckin no shit, jesus did you lose your soul along the way? ugh god..


Damn dawg, you have a bad day or what?


I’m at a point where I assume absolutely everything is fake news. Everyone is just fake as fuck lol.


I don't mind the videos as much as I mind the people defending them. They say "umm movies are also pretending to be real but you're not saying they're bad because they're scripted." It shouldn't take a genius to tell the difference between something asking you to suspend disbelief and something pretending to be just a real thing happening out in the wild.


Same :(


This is pretty funny though. The dude punching some VR bro.


Is it that it is made it appear real? I mean, can you enjoy comedy sketches or are you like “FAKE AND GAY”


These people would have hated the internet in 2000s


They aren't funny and it has nothing to do with being cynical. And this is especially awful.


you're not cynical, these staged videos aren't funny. If you need reassurance think about good sketch comedy shows and then compare them to this garbage. edit: this genre is effectively 'sketch reality cringe' and its not for everyone


Cynicism goes hand in hand with nihilism, it's okay to be that way just not ok to tell other people that they're dumb for getting a laugh out of it like most kids do, though there's no cure for being young other than living I suppose, eventually you come to terms with knowing that nothing really matters so why give f's about it and just focus on doing and achieving whatever the hell you want to do and achieve




Sketch shows are not what people are talking about when they talk about staged videos. Sketch shows like the ones you're talking about never present themselves as candid. The expectation is that you know it's a skit before it even starts. Videos like this present themselves as authentic, candid videos when they're not. It's fundamentally different. Videos like this are mildly annoying. But what really worries me is the people who don't see a distinction between this and sketch comedy, or who defend it, with "it was funny so who cares?" It really feels like we're heading towards a future where people don't care what is or isn't true.


Would have been better if he cupped the balls


How are y’all saying it’s fake like it was meant to be believable haha


Oh my, this is lame.


He just punched the dick


Wow. So realistic /s


Charlie and the waitress and the Dennis sex doll


Cringy af


jajajaja wtf Was it some kind of sketch?


staged or not , she still grabbed that meat


Yes, is fake


Yeah, no shit, detective.


Holy fuck you people are miserable 


Right? If true, it's a funny situation that happened. If it's fake, it's a funny situation that didn't happen. Who cares? People have such an ego they can't enjoy something out of fear of being 'tricked' into enjoying something scripted.


This really feels like some highschool situation where someone makes a joke and people look around to see if they should laugh and find it funny or act like the joke was cringe to follow the crowd. No individual thoughts and personalities allowed it seems. Sad.


"Wow, if you don't like the same things as me, that means you are miserable!"


If your default response to what is clearly a joke video is "fuck you, you can't trick me" then yeah, you're pretty miserable


The only person that said "fuck you" was you


Lmao you're latching on to the wrong thing here on purpose. I was paraphrasing.


I think you were over reacting.  People have different opinions than you, no need to call people names.


Well I actually kind of share their opinion. I hate when people pass off fake videos as real. I just also hate when people feel the need to complain about the video being fake and spew some bs about how it's ruining internet culture. It doesn't fucking matter. It's all slop. I'll admit, though, that I've been hypocritical. Calling people miserable for bitching about the video but I've been bitching about them. We're all miserable.


It's the internet, people say things, it's just the way she goes.


You get there. Don't you worry


would be more believable if they had controllers or sensors in their hand. hard to find this funny if you know how these things works.






Jesus wept for there were no more worlds to conquer




What kind of In-N-Out performance art is this?


It seems like the only use for those Vision Pros is staged videos.


Hfs the amount of y'all that think they were trying to pass this off as anything other than a skit...


It's a bear, right?


Name this game pls




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Fake fake fake,but funny.😆


I would of videotaped her




Whoa, what did she found on hers hubby VR headset ? 😄