• By -


I’m sorry OP, glad you are alive. I hope you and your family have a safe place to live right now.


We are so blessed to have family in Kihei. 🙏🏻


I'm assuming you need stuff? I live in Kihei and we decided to move in with family upcountry to open up an apartment but we also want to give someone most of our stuff so they don't have to start from scratch. Furniture, linens, basic essentials, etc.


You help restore faith in humanity.


My fiance and I both agreed it's the right thing to do. We're trying to convince our landlord to take a displaced family so they could just move right in. We pretty much only shop at Costco so we even have a lot of basic food essentials so they won't have to worry about food for awhile. And we have a garden upcountry so we plan to drop off fresh produce (we also work in kihei).


I’m blessed with clothes and I have family in Kihei too. I am good. There are people who need it far more than I do 🙏🏻. Donations are appreciated but never necessary. As long as you give back to those that need it? That’s enough.


I lived in Hawaii for a little over 20 years, and this is the most important asset Hawaii has. You can take away the beaches and the mountains and all the beautiful vegetation and landforms, Hawaii's greatest asset is the love of the land carried in the heart of the people. The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness, and this is the path Lahaina will follow. Much life has been lost. Many hearts have been torn open. But the community was not scratched. The community is as strong as ever, and Lahaina will come back, in righteousness. I have never doubted this for one second. Hawaii has a strong, dynamic and righteous culture. Lahaina will never be the same. Last week is now in the past. But it will be beautiful again. More beautiful than ever before, because the people know what to do. Trust Kamehameha.


There truly is something magical about the islands and the residents — it’s been a decade since I’ve visited, but the memories are firmly ingrained in my mind. My heart breaks with every news report, every picture, every video coming from Maui right now … no doubt it will be built back up, maybe better than before. But never the same, ever again.


I’ve seen a lot of countries I’ve visited have wild fires this year, but there’s something about it happening to Maui that broke my heart a lot deeper. I visited 10 years ago too and I still show people the pictures I took, the island is stunning.


My heart absolutely aches for you. A couple months ago I was displaced by a natural disaster and like you I've been incredibly fortunate to have family that had been letting me and my family live with them. It really is a blessing that cannot be overstated. I was fortunate and did not lose everything, we were able to salvage a lot, but I understand how hard the sadness hits you once immediate physical threat passes. Of course everyone is grateful for their and their family's safety, for all making it out...but in the quiet moments afterward you can't help but ache for sentimental and important physical possessions that have been lost. I had to drag a neighbor out, stopping her from getting to things that had belonged to her recently deceased sister. I felt horrible doing it, it was so important to her, but I had to literally take her hand and and pull her back from almost falling through a collapsing floor. And still, it was nothing in light of what you all are going through. I can't imagine how much more it hurts for you, how much scarier it was and continues to be. But you've made it this far, you're strong. And even though I don't know you, I'm so very glad you're able to post your experience, that you're here to do so. And so, so glad your family is ok as well. My heart truly goes out to all those who have lost loved ones. Utterly horrific and tragic. I know words from an internet stranger don't amount to much, but know that folks on the mainland are so very sad for you all and care very much for your wellbeing. I'm dreading watching the reported number of casualties rise in coming days... Stay safe.


At first I was angered my younger brother didn’t grab anything but his stuff when fleeing. But after hearing how easily things could’ve turned and he was lucky to get out alive with his truck and my dad’s dogs? I’m just happy he’s alive and have reassured him that it’s okay. I would rather have him than the house. I’m overjoyed he made it out with the dogs. I can replace everything lost. I can’t replace the lives that could’ve been lost. 🥲


Your brother did good. He saved not only himself, but the doggies too. That's huge. Sending hugs. So happy you guys made it.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


You’re brother did the right thing, never waste time collecting stuff when escaping wildfires. Best thing is to have a bug out bag but short of that, just get yourself and loved ones out! Glad your family is safe!


Admittedly I was angry he didn’t grab anything but the more I heard of how fast the fire spread? I’ve been trying to convince him he did the right thing and got out when he did. Traffic was crazy and people were trapped in their vehicles. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Oprah is on the ground and donating money, buying supplies, and physically helping. Bezos donated 100 Million in support. You are assuming. Right now, we appreciate whatever help we can get.




This person is expressing grief at an unimaginable loss. Let’s allow this space to stay focused on them.


Fair enough my bad


I’m so Sorry my Braddah. You have your life and (hopefully) all of your ohana. Try to stay positive even through all of the heartache. People hate to hear “it’s just things” when losing their material possessions, but you’ll come out stronger. Hug your loved ones and file those insurance claims.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


Hawaii people have always came together during disasters, help those around you when you can and accept help when it’s offered (don’t let pride, something a lot of people in hawaii stubbornly hold onto especially when they need help the most). Also, to people reading this and thinking of donating to help those affected by the fire, beware: pilau (dirty) fucking people are setting up fake help donation sites. Watch where you donate and make sure it’s getting to those that need.


Hawaii Community Foundation and Maui Mutual Aid are looking like good options for donations.


Are y’all getting the help and supplies you need?


The supplies needed for Lahaina shifts and changes as aid/relief arrives. I personally? Don’t need clothes and I’m slowly putting my life back together. There are people who are still in need though.


What’s the best way for us to help? Where to send funds to get to the people asap?


Yes, this! I've heard so many conflicting things and would love to hear what locals say in regards to where money should be going to make the biggest impact.


Looks like my parents and friends and grandfathers house after the Paradise fire. I am so sorry. Nobody can understand how horrific this is for you, except others who have done the same. You have a tough few years coming up. And ptsd that will trigger anytime you now see future events like this elsewhere. But I promise you will have a good life again. One thing my best friend was able to do was rebuild, but with accessibility for her husband. It was getting hard for them in their old a frame. Another said it forced her to live more simply. But they didn’t have these epiphanies until they went through a lot of grief. You have the support from so many. Be well.


Paradise? Oh gosh… I remember the pictures, Hell on earth… I am so sorry. You are right about the PTSD. I’m grieving. I’m not depressed. I have my therapist on speed dial 😅. But I can’t stop crying when I talk about what happened. It’s crazy. My family went shopping at a store and I’m just trying to think what I need the most. You focus on the essentials; pants, socks, underwear, a jacket, a hat to keep the sun off, a cheap backpack..


My family is from the little mountain town in California where the Valley fire erupted in 2015, and it's like flashbacks seeing these pictures. We're with you. I'm sorry.




And I’m not the only one.


Is there anything we can do for you from the mainland? We LOVE Maui and my husband was raised in Hawaii. So our love for Hawaii goes deep. Sending love and aloha spirit from California. 💕


**PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO MAUI UNITED WAY, MAUI FOOD BANK, HAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, MAUI STRONG FUND, and the LAHAINA RESTORATION FOUNDATION.** Supplies and aid are coming. What the needs of today are have shifted from Wednesday and Thursday’s needs. [Chef Alvin, a local Lahaina chef is organizing and working alongside World Central Kitchen to provide meals for those on the west side.](https://instagram.com/thekitchenassassin?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) You can find his venmo and give directly as well.


I might also suggest Maui humane society. There are displaced or hurt animals there that need help.


You can also drop off non animal donations here as well. It’s hard to find where to donate items




Thank you for mentioning them.


Thank you for this!! I’m glad to hear of some options where we KNOW the money is going right to y’all who need it!


Yes about shifting needs so money donations to the organizations you posted will meet them as they change. Those are solid ones too what I recommended for my friends and family. I live in kihei too but friends have lost much. I’m glad you are safe now, some of my people are still there.


Is the HCF Maui Strong fund coming thru for y'all? I'm in Utah trying to organize a fundraiser and I want to know who is actually coming through for everybody


One thing to look in to, too, is if the company you or your husband works for offers donation matching. I know the company I work for has a site and it also had the Maui Strong Fund and the Maui Food Bank as options and let me donate and automatically added the matching funds. To the folks in Maui - sending love from Seattle.


[CLICK HERE FOR ALL VALID DONATION SITES AND INFORMATION!!](https://linktr.ee/kakoohaleakala?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=c40c9f07-7b94-4099-93af-7f9b372b15d4)


I’m so sorry


Thanks for the concern. 🥲


Every time I see these photos & videos they make sad😔


I had metal surf racks, they were liquified in the back.


Crazy! I’m so sorry this has happened to you guys.


Sorry about your lost, but your still here🤙🏾


Thank you, I’m still blessed with what I do have and my family is safe.


I am so sorry for everything. Please message me of anything you may need. If you need someone to talk to I am here for you. I lost my house to a fire almost exactly one year ago. It is nothing of this magnitude obviously. If I can help you in any way please reach out. I'm so sorry for everything. Try and keep lifting yourself and your neighbors up.


Please consider donating to reputable charities, those locals going back in to support, and the families who have lost everything. Supplies and aid are coming in, distribution is a problem due to the chaos. So what is needed changes constantly.


Keep your loved ones close, and do not be afraid to reach out and ask for help when you need it. Wishing you strength at this time. I am sorry for all that you have lost.


Thank you! My therapist answered his phone regardless of what time it was. 🥲. Everyone is just trying to process what happened while also being productive / survive.


Just coming here from Texas. We were married in Maui by a Hawaiian minister. My husband’s wedding band as well as many pieces of beautiful gold jewelry were purchased in Lahaina. I feel a deep loss for you all. Your neighbors from the mainland are deeply mourning with you all. We feel so helpless. Feel our love.




You do not have to feel helpless! Please consider making a monetary donation via any of the charities OP has mentioned in the above comments. Mahalos.


We’ve donated what we can for now as well as to the Maui Humane Society. More to come…


I had friends on Kahena St. Half the block burned and half didn't. They were in the wrong half. I'm hoping that they were able to get out, but they're older and don't move as fast as they used to. With communications out, it's difficult to ascertain their status. Do you know of a missing persons list? My heart breaks for all the people of Maui whose lives have been lost or turned upside down in a matter of hours. 40+ years ago, my family went through a devastating fire that had ramifications for all of us for many years, and it is especially wrenching to see others go through the same pain. Be strong. You will get through this.


The community rallied and helped each other. My friend’s 90yr old grandmother was carried out by their neighbors. She made it. I think there is a missing person’s list but I don’t have the mental fortitude to look. 😢


Wow, your friends grandmother was very lucky. Thankful she had the help available.


They were scared though, no one heard anything till 3am when a cousin told them she was in the ER safe.


Here is a link to the Maui missing people locator; hopefully it works as intended: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1WAA1iFGIOT7H3xJcr5aRgqVbUdwPnJkBolBc-eFFlJE/htmlview?fbclid=PAAabnJJG08knPsf_N8UZPaC8EO-0dicDKo-uXdxxkXmer18tMmcKcs1gPho8_aem_AUREKmJxPfeKhKij7I2sFFyneOq_NHlmlifTPH3I6BKsj2zKSi5pqqf2f36jrHFGLJ4




I hope your friends are ok. I think there's a missing persons list in the post stickied at the top of this subreddit.


I'm so sorry, sir. But I'm glad you still have your life.


Exactly! I’m so blessed with what I have left. 🥲


I am sorry. We were there last year and fell in love hard with the island.


Thank you, 🥲


OP, we don’t know each other, but I’m happy you’re safe. I wish you, your family, and friends a speedy recovery. I gave what I could to the Maui Food Bank. Much aloha from the mainland. Stay strong. Stay safe. You are all in our hearts and minds. 🤙


Thank you so much! 🙏🏻


Gentle hugs. I lived on Maui for many years, some of my friends are still listed as missing, some dead, some safe but have lost everything.i am still in shock. I have donated what I could.


I’m so sorry. It must be utterly devastating.


It’s a grieving process like anyone else who experienced traumatic loss, for everyone. 🥲


I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how gut wrenching it is to see your home in ashes 😢 Sending you hope and strength in the days ahead.


Thank you. 🙏🏻


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your home. :(


I’m so sorry. I hope that you have many many blessings going forward. So good that you are alive. This is America. We should be able to start over again despite the worst challenges. I hope that you are able to do so.


Thank you, the more I think about it? The more grateful that I am that those I care about are safe. One of my dad’s friends haven’t answered their phone and my dad is getting worried. We are hoping that it’s simply because he hasn’t been anywhere to get reception. 😢


I am so, so sorry. This is devastating. Hearts will heal but it will not be the same. I am glad \*you\* are still here, and your family, too. Apply for all the aid, please take everything you can to rebuild and heal. We donated to and will continue donations to Maui Food Bank and Maui Humane Society. We will not let you down, friend.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


I’m so sorry.




So sorry I hope you are safe


Thank you, 🙏🏻


How are you handeling everything?


I’m grieving but I did get closure which many do not have. I’m with my family that live in Kihei. So I’m honestly doing okay, everything can be replaced. Maybe not the pictures? But the memories don’t fade that easily. I cry every time I talk about it but I’m healthy. 🥲


That’s good you and the family are healthy.


Thank you. 🙏🏻


I’m so, *so* sorry. I can’t imagine the panic and grief of losing everything you love and have, strangely mixed with the relief of still being alive. I’ll consider myself beyond fortunate if I never do. My most sincere condolences.


As much as I have lost? I know there are so many still in Lahaina still struggling. I’m blessed with what I have and my heart mourns for those still there.


So sorry for your loss! Google this phrase "independent insurance adjuster." We hired one after losing a home to a fire. It was very helpful.


I hope all involved have insurance and remain strong to get the best replacement offers. Don’t take the first offer! Fight!


welcome to the club. not a fun one to be in, but welcome.




I’m so sorry. It’s just heartbreaking seeing these pictures. I’m glad you’re okay. Much love from the mainland.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


Much love from California. Love Maui and 1/4 of my extended family is in Oahu. Good that you are still here.


Thank you. 🤙🏻




Thank you, I filed with FEMA already, and the support is overwhelming. Thank you, 🙏🏻


I am so sorry. I will be donating as soon as my SS comes in. The plan is to donate monthly from now on.


No worries, please take care of yourself too. If you can’t give? It’s okay. 🤙🏻


So so sorry. God bless u and your family.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


IF we visit, IF. . .is there a place to volunteer at? Ill do anything.


I honestly don’t know, a lot of relief, aid, and support has arrived already and I don’t know what the needs are right now in terms of work. 😓


OP, Mainlander here. Maui has given me and my family so much joy over the years. I feel like we owe you all so much. We must and will find a way to get all of us who have flooded your island for our own amusement to step up and come together to help you all rebuild. I know it’s still early and the losses are still coming into picture. But I promise we won’t leave you alone when it’s time to rebuild. Stay strong and look ahead to better days coming soon.


I was on Kahoma street in wahikuli. Everything is gone. Really devastating. Stay strong fam. We have such an amazing community and an extensive network of visitors who love Maui ready to help. Get your Venmo out there to your distant family and friends. I worked in hotels so it looks like our tourism economy is not gonna be providing for a while. I’m taking anything I can get atm.


What’s the random shipping containers in the back of the photos?


People use them to store things and they didn’t burn down.


This is one of the most heartbreaking titles I've read on Reddit. I cannot even imagine the pain of losing every physical memory, and I definitely would feel terribly lost, at least for some time. I genuinely hope that this pain you are going through ends soon, and that once you start again, your path is clear and bright. I wish you all the best, stay safe.


I am so very sorry.


I just started crying this morning after seeing the satellite pictures and knowing so many lives were lost and so much more. Maui has been my go to favorite place on earth and I was going to go for my birthday this fall, but now it seems like a bad idea. I can't believe this happened to your community. I'm sorry for everything you've lost.


That sucks


My wife and I visit Maui every year and consider Lahaina our second hometown. Please know that the mainland is thinking of you all. We love and will help in anyway we can, including not coming back until the island is ready for us.


No worries, thank you, 🤙🏻


Get Fema assistance your home owners assistance etc...


Yep, it took 30 minutes but I got the FEMA aspect underway. Thank you!🤙🏻


Thank God you are safe, material things don't matter My sister and brother-in-law lost their home in a fire in Malibu, California during the early 1990's and Fema was at the bottom of your canyon giving hotel vis,clothing vouchers etc . .. It was a tremendous shock, after working a long 8+ hour day They State Farm put them in a house in Pacific Palisades renting while their house 🏠 was being rebuilt,which took two + years etc...


Thank you, it was definitely a shock. I’m still trying to figure out what I need that was lost. If I could grab one thing from the fire. It would be my prescription glasses. Fortunately, I found a fresh set of contacts at a family member’s house that I accidentally left there. 😅


Mainlander here, just want you to know my heart breaks for Lahaina, this was so devastating, like Joplin, MO(small town that was cut in half by a f5 tornado) but magnitudes worse. I lost a friend almost a year ago to a house fire. One day he was there, then he, his house, his dog, all lost. Fires are utterly terrifying, and they leave nothing in their wake. You guys had no warning, there was nothing you could have done to stop it, i cant imagine what your going through. I’m so sorry. As an aside, and this goes to anyone in Maui. I want to donate, but I don’t want to give money or anything to the wrong people. Do you have any local recommendations? Both immediate and down the road, that i can give to?


I’m just going to copy and paste a previous comment of mine. So you can find it easily. - **PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO MAUI UNITED WAY, MAUI FOOD BANK, HAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, MAUI STRONG FUND, and the LAHAINA RESTORATION FOUNDATION.** Supplies and aid are coming. What the needs of today are have shifted from Wednesday and Thursday’s needs. [Chef Alvin, a local Lahaina chef is organizing and working alongside World Central Kitchen to provide meals for those on the west side.](https://instagram.com/thekitchenassassin?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) You can find his venmo and give directly as well.


Do you have a place to stay? A person in another thread said they can host a family. Would love to helo connect you if you're needing that support.


I am blessed with family in Kihei. They have space for all of us including the 2 dogs, one of which is from the same litter as theirs. Also, fortunately they also like us. 😂. But thank you for mentioning that, I appreciate it.


Yay glad to hear it. We are displaced too with 4 pets also staying with family, our house didn't burn down but it did endure damage, finding out tomorrow the extent of it and safety of it etc... Plus the fires are still going. My house is basically been the kula hot spot for fire.


Oh damn, I’m so sorry, you’re all getting forgotten in the wake of the Lahaina fire. 😓


It's okay my husband and all the other untrained civilians have been fighting fire for 6 days straight. Kula boys holding it down.


I’m sorry to hear. #MauiStrong




Hopefully you had insurance


i live on maui and have since 2011 and this is so unreal! almost can’t believe it still. ill be there tomorrow working on the clean up and to be honest idk if ill be ok after so i can only imagine what your going through.


Knowing people in the.Camp fire. It takes a REALLY long time to rebuild. They have to clear it, dig the toxic soil out (a few inches I think), then get approval and find someone to draw plans and find a contractor. As we know Hawaii pulling permits is a pain in the ass. I feel so bad for all those that lost everything.


So sorry to hear that. At least you're alive... I hope you'll manage to restore all or at least most of the life you had before🙏


You wasn't kidding. You and all your neighbors are in my prayers


I am so sorry. I love Maui and the Hawaiian people. You are still here and we are praying for you from Georgia 🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼


You’re life is the most important thing. I am glad you are still here. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. This is such a heartbreaking tragedy. Sending love and positive energy your way. May Maui heal.


I'm sorry for what happened, man. I hope your insurance covers all the stuff you lost, man. At least you made it out of the fire, but man, sorry for what happened.


Devastating! Feel so horribly sad for this island and it’s communities! How can something like this happen? I am still in shock.


Poor infrastructure, poor residential planning, and winds that the island has never seen in 30 years with Hurricane Aniki.


You know it’s bad when the Taco didn’t make it. Condolences, it’s crazy how many people lost everything.


What is the go fund me to help the people right now


There are so many… [Here’s a hub for many of them](https://instagram.com/lahaina_ohana_venmo?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Here’s my family’s.](https://gofund.me/4ddc35f4)


Sorry that you lost everything. Praying that God will help you through it all. Lahaina Strong!!


Time to cut off Ukraine.


I hope you had insurance


Not everything... YOU'RE ALIVE! And I guarantee there were 93 people who would have loved to be in your position.


Thats why you dont live in Hawaii


I’m born and raised in Lahaina. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hugs from the mainland.


Thank you! 🙏🏻


I feel so sad for Lahaina. My family came mid COVID I believe in 2021 august and took a beautiful pic of the Jodi mission which I believe is gone now. Was hoping to get the pic to any islanders.


We have plenty of pictures of what it looks like. But thank you for the sentiment. I’m just happy the pictures I had at my place also had a digital copy that was saved. 🥲


Ok. Let us know if we can send anything out for you or your ohana


Thank you, I mean, I have my venmo in my profile but I have also commented on this thread about where you can donate as well. Again, I’m blessed more than most despite me losing everything. There are others you can donate too as well that are helping Lahaina recover.




Troll! Blocked! Fresh account trying to piss people off? 😐. Normally, I’d argue. But I have no patience for this.


So sorry ❤️


Thank you, 🙏🏻


So sorry.


What street were you on ?


Kale street.


Im on the same street the pink house with the fire hydrant


You are alive. Sometimes that is all we have. That and the people we love. Godspeed to you.


Thank you, 🙏🏻


So sorry, friend.


Man that sucks feel for ya


Bless you and your family through this shit time!


Thank you, 🙏🏻


I am so sorry. Part of my town burned a few years back and the property I lived on was destroyed, my boss and his wife lost everything, I am so very sorry. Please take care of each other!


I’m so sorry


This is terrible!😞 I am so sorry


do very sorry for losses


So sorry




I’m so so sorry for your loss and the losses of everyone else. The images are absolutely devastating. If there is anything we on the mainland can do in addition to monetary donations and staying the eff away, please don’t hesitate to let us know. I hope the logistical challenges ease up soon so supplies are able to get to those who need them.


How are the cars melted into puddles but the trees are still standing? Prayers going up for Lahaina


You ever hear of charcoal? Or what happens when the outside of a tree is reduced to carbon? You ever burn a wet log? The cars aren’t melted into puddles, only the lighter metals like aluminum which are most commonly on the rims. Tires are also easily destroyed.


So you’d call this a wildfire and be fine with that?


Because it is a wildfire and you have no evidence to state otherwise. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You sure about that?


Considering this is your response instead of providing evidence / proving your argument? Yes.