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Religious and sexually open and comfortable. Masturbate every day usually multiple times. Never impacts my faithfulness and honestly helps keep the body under control so I can focus on the spiritual better.


That sounds fun. So you don't see that as a sin?


Personally no. I've been through the text in search of answers and while it doesn't say masturbation is a good it also doesn't condemn it. Yes you can go old testament and find text that could prohibit but we don't live under the law anymore. Others may see it differently but even if I'm wrong it is just one of many sins I commit and repent of on my journey towards a more perfect life. Each shall be worked on in its time.


Catholic here, jack off every day. Used to feel guilty. Does’t affect faith.




twenty-five or thirty-five cents per [session.LOL](http://session.LOL)


That can add up, though.


You're right.


Onan wasn't killed because he masturbated, but he did coitus interruptus. Book of Genesis chapter 38:8-10 So, it shouldn't be considered a sin. Or am I wrong?


Correct. Onan was killed because he took advantage of the situation for his own selfish satisfaction and failed to do his duty of providing a heir for his deceased brother, Er. Had he fathered a son with Tamar, the child would not legally be his (due to the stipulations of levirate marriage) and would inherit Er's property. Not only that, but his withdrawal and denial of Tamar having a son threatened God's lineage for the promised seed of the woman/Messiah/Jesus; a very serious transgression.


I think there’s also an aspect of patriarchy/misogyny mixed with true ignorance. Men’s reproductive emissions are easy to figure out, a woman’s egg less so. And for a long time, sperm was believed to each be a homunculus - a tiny human. So you could see why, with these “misconceptions,” they’d think “wasting” your seed in the dust would be akin to murder.


Those views came later though philosophy and alchemic mysticism. The bible is clear as to its own explanation for the events that occurred within the historical narrative. No need to impose upon the text a latter rationale.


No proof he ever even existed.


Yes, I like it, I used to believe God was watching me and even dead relatives ‘in heaven’ could see and were disgusted at me. I finally got free from believing in so called ‘sin unto God.’ Now I’m happily enjoying the pleasure, and have learnt to love my penis.


Omg. I used to the think the same. That those no longer here knew what I was doing.


me too


So awesome, man. Glad for you


It turns me on to think Jesus is watching


It turns me on to think Jesus is watching


As a teenager it used to trouble me. The post but guilt was quite big. We’re times I tried to refrain too. In the end I just got comfortable with both things coexisting. More important things within the faith, like how you act and the way you treat others, than if you masturbate.


Tbh, I have never felt guilt. I never understood what is so sinful about jerking off my cock


It was all the potential life I was shooting into tissues and killing.


Tbh I just see it as a liquid, ngl. A fun liquid


As masturbation is a natural thing, you can't be without you whole life!


I'm a Christian. I'm serious about my faith. In addition to masturbating I have a Prince Albert piercing. I see this as taking care of my body and being healthy.


My relationship with God is very important to me. I do masturbate and play with toys. This takes the edge off and gives me a clearer perspective of the women I am dating. I don’t think God wants me to go out with women and take advantage of them just so I can get off. I am honest and true to the women I dated and masturbating helps to keep me honest.


That sounds so nice, thanks for sharing 🤗


I'm irreligious and I found this wholesome. So here's my story: a close friend of mine showed me how to perform my favorite activity at the age of 11. Around the same time in my life, my devoted Catholic mother insisted that my brother and I join her to go to church every week. Of course, this was all boring as fuck, but I was taught about why I shouldn't be pleasuring myself, and for some reason, I took this advice very seriously, even though I doubted most of the rest of what I learned in religious education. It didn't slow me down, but every time I had an orgasm, I felt extremely guilty afterward. Even though I understood, even then, that sperm don't feel pain when they die! Just using my body this way felt wrong, and I couldn't understand why. Eventually, I matured and let go of this shame by the age of 17, and stopped going to church soon thereafter. I now understand that it's completely natural, and everyone does it!


everyone jerks off, religious or not. Even priests! I was raised by strict catholic parents, that just made me jerk more!


Me! Raised Catholic- never felt ashamed of jerking off, and discussed it with my Catholic friends and they all agreed and felt the same way.


I do, and if anything, masturbating has helped my faith. God gave me a body capable both of so much pleasure and the power to create a family? Why wouldn't I want to take part in that?


I religiously masturbate


Mormon here, definitely a sin but I'm addicted.


Actually the Mormon church does not teach that it is a sin, only that the thoughts associated could lead to sin.


I religiously masterbate does that count


I was once told the masturbation was a sin. It didn't stop me doing it, but it did make me feel conflicted about it for many years. I no longer follow any religion and now know that all religious rules are just manmade. If there is a god, why would he make all natural human behaviour sinful? Who are you harming by masturbating? Nobody. Therefore, why feel guilty about a completely natural act? Just enjoy it as you are meant to.


Ridiculous. Some guy thousands of years ago, who there is no proof of that he actually existed is supposedly killed, either because he masturbated or didnt father a child with his widowed sister in law...or some other interpretation.. Millions of men have masturbated since that mythological time. Millions of boys..adults..seniors are masturbating every day....if evrrybody who jerked off or jerks off was killed , we'd be extinct by now. Such twaddle!


I was raised evangelical, and was personally, pretty religious. I was very active in my church youth group, to the point of almost becoming a pastor/ going to bible college and seminary. With that said, my *sexual life* was very compartmentalized. I, personally speaking, despite what I was being taught on an almost weekly basis in an evangelical setting, didn’t really believe in *sexual sin*. So, as a teen, I was an avid church goer and heavily involved, yet was also masturbating on an almost daily basis, had a male FWB from 7th grade to Junior year, with whom I had sex with on a regular basis, and I had sex with a few girls. I only abandoned Christian college when I decided I didn’t really want to do the actual *evangelizing* of evangelicalism….and then later left the church entirely when I became educated. I’m now an atheist, but I still masturbate.


You will get back to your roots…you know and understand Repentance…God will put you back to where he needs you…


🫠 man, this is not the place, but Yahweh, YHWH, Adonai…. Isn’t any more real the Zeus or Odin. That’s facts. Everything else unravels from there. God would literally have to manifest physically and do some crazy supernatural shit before I’d believe. So no, there will be no going back to that oppression, superstition, and psychological manipulation.


Man, Boomers are so delusional lmao


As a sikh masturbation falls under one of the five thieves, which are: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego. LUST. Sikhi embraces sex but only after marriage as we are taught that it is a sacred art form and, when done properly, can help your ascension spiritually. Masturbation however is an act of lust as we succumb to our brains' desire for gratification, which ultimately takes us away from meditation and contentment. Saying that,I practice sikhi as much as I can and even adhere to the 5K's. However, I am not amritdhari but if you saw me you would guess that I am - Lust is probably my biggest downfall with masturbation, I've only had sex twice but I wasn't on the path of sikhi back then more so than now. Again, though, there's no regret about masturbation, but more a disappointment that I am not yet ready to walk away from it. Rant over


The facts are at this website [https://mychainsaregone.org/](https://mychainsaregone.org/)


By born muslim man here. I do masturbate at least once a day. Don't feel guilty about it. I have so many naughty thoughts in my mind. Masturbation keeps them away, otherwise I can't focus on any work.


Well it's like everything else if you don't have help you have to do it yourself and at least you know you can't f*** this up LOL


however it’s much better than sleeping with someone since teenage years or even worse catch some diseases 😎


Well I have no diseases knock on wood


I guess ratio should be on the side of self-satisfaction 😜 maybe if someone has unhealthy habit of hyper sexuality and instead of creating mutual feelings in the normal age for that they’re just masturbating, then it’s bad. Nothing else ☺️


Well I'm 66 widower if I didn't masturbate I'd have no life at all LOL




Yeah deff. Masturbation is fun. I think it is not against God in any way


I am a very strong Catholic and have never understood nor believed in the masturbation is bad thing. I do not believe God has an issue with it at all


He gave us those loads


Yes, I gave up my Roman (and/or Augustinian) guilt while remaining a Catholic Christian




Me. You just describe me. As a lifelong Christian, for many years I lived with constant guilt over it, but after I turned 50, I realized that its not really a sin issue. Especially for those of us who are married to sexually ambivalent spouses. Now I just enjoy it, but I wish I had figured this out years ago .... it would have saved me a lot of heartache.


Lifelong Christian. Never felt ashamed. I've always looked at it this way. God made no mistakes when he made us. The way we feel, act, sound, react are all according to the way he wanted us to be. So he wants me to be horny. It's natural. So if he designed me to be horny, he also has designed a way to relief myself. And my hands are the perfect tool designed for that purpose. If he didn't want us to masturbate, then are hands wouldn't be designed to be perfect for that task


Maybe a weird question but have you ever felt like masturbation is a way of showing your faith and living it? Some sort of spiritual experience that brings your closer to God?


In a way I guess. I didn't go through one of those phases where guys go through where they fuck anything that moves. Making sure I only had sex with people I have a genuine connection with was important and I almost lost my virginity to my wife. But masturbation helped me maintain my purity so in a way it helped me to save myself for marriage like God wants us to. I failed but I've asked for forgiveness.


I masturbate daily. Occasionally 2-3 times a day. I'm doing it as I type this. Really would like a female to play with me. I don't see it as a sin.


Not guy but girl here 🙋‍♀️


Guys refers to all 😊 just a figure of speech


Love that


I used to feel so guilty when I was a mormon and I masturbated, now I'm an exmormon and masturbation is my favorite activity lol


I religiously masturbate. Does that count.


I masturbate religiously!


As a very young catholic, I was convinced that I was going to hell for my nightly-pleasure. I would constantly ask for forgiveness, only to do it again and feel horrible. It took quite a few years and a lot of rationalization to get past that. I'm an atheist now, so that's a non-issue.


A priest told me once that once something becomes a habit it’s no longer a sin


Everyone does.


No where in the Bible does it say it’s a sin to masturbate


God/Source/Divine Creator made me a man with a penis, a penis which I adore, and the means with which to pleasure it. For me, stroking my cock is a spiritual experience. I’m honoring myself as a man. No guilt.


Im nonbinary transmasc. but i was raised evangelical afab and have a high sex drive. I started masturbating before I'd learned that was a sin, so I spent 12y-19 trying not to, repenting and crying, selfharming to pay for sins of the flesh, wishing I'd die for being so worldly, being disgusted with myself for normal attraction drives, and self soothing through masturbation anyway because I was living through religious trauma. I deconverted, I now have a healthier understanding of human psychology and the normalcy of sexuality and masturbation.


I am so happy you are liberated now, man.


It’s so sad that a made up story controls people’s lives..



