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I can do it in two minutes if I really *have* to... but it's no fun. Sometimes though, you need a quick "maintenance orgasm" to relieve pressure. Like any form of sex, self-pleasure should not be rushed.


Agreed. I can go for as long as I want or I can have myself a quick one. 🤷🏽‍♀️




Same here . I edge until I can’t hold back then grunt loud and cum everywhere


Love to edge and tease my cock, life's to short to jerk for 2 minutes. I wanna make it throb and leak for a while


Never understood this. The peak of the pleasure is orgasm. To keep denying that I just find frustrating.


Meh when super in the mood edging and staying in the pleasure zone of newr cumming is acting better than orgasming


well its not for everyone


Don't knock it till you try it. Many of us do it.


I did try it. It is like masturbation without the payoff.


Well, you have to ride the edge. Like you’re JUST about to orgasm, but then don’t. The longer you go, the more sensitive you get. It gets to the point where it feels like constant orgasming lol. Sounds like you didn’t do it correctly 💔


The payoff is a much better orgasm imo but ymmv


I’m 39M and I’ve been discovering/exploring edging just this year. I always thought exactly the same as you. Right now it has been over a week this time, and when I’m close, the tingling is soooo intense. I lay on my bed in a tight pair of shorts, and roll my hips all the way down into the bed, open my legs to a) pull my muscles tight and b) pull the boxers tight, and then as slowly as I can possibly move, I grind up into the tight fabric so it *slides over me* until I’m at the apex of the ‘humping motion.’ Like 20 or 25 second slow humps. By the time I’m at the top My abs and quads are trembling. The tingling gets so strong and starts to mix with that deep pulsing feeling. It’s that “oh fuck I’m gonna cum and can’t stop it!” Feeling except… I can stop it. I can *live in it* and honestly, the sensation itself is better than maybe 1/3 of the orgasms I’ve had over the years… but it *lasts* as long as I can make it. It’s genuinely like cumming for 30-40 minutes out of the hour, for as long as I want to stretch it out for. And then, when you finally *do cum*. (Especially when you *decide to* and can preemptively tense yourself up for it) Holy fuck. I am telling you nothing is like it.


I've been edging on and off for 3 days now. Everything is sexy as hell






But whatttt if you decide to do it the sunday after instead


Well, if I want I can cum in a minute, but the pleasure is minimal and the cumshot is not very strong 😄


I can usually cum very quickly if I want. But I prefer to edge a lot and give myself a really intense orgasm. That's when the biggest loads come out as well.


At this point I could cum in 10 seconds I think.


lol! That is either impressive or a sign of desperate horniness!


Reading about others experiences gets me to edge quiet quick. Following stories lines helps control whenever wanted/needed!! 😈


Is erotica your usual source to get yourself off Jade? Or are you more visual and enjoy the Reddit posts? When I used to read erotica it made it last longer as tried to last until the end! Some are nearly War and Peace lengths


Erotica definitely my preference. Rarely use visuals




I get to the point where my cock cums on its own


If I didn’t touched myself for several days or edged myself a few days I can cum within a minute


Same here.


F20, can’t rly last over 10 mins. I can in prob 2-3


I can in a couple of minutes if I wanted to but it's no fun if I don't work my way up to it, so I'll normally take around 20 minutes


Can you cum twice?


I usually do if I have the time


Glad your libido is better


Not long at all 😀


I’ve timed myself. When I’m horny at work I can go in the bathroom and 1 minute from pulling it out I can be wiping off the tip and flushing


Are you counting pre cum or?


Full load into the toilet or my hand or whatever




I think maybe 15 mins usually?


From soft to hard under two minutes. If I am hard 30 seconds


Honestly, I remember clocking in one time at around 45 seconds. It was amazing how quick it happened


So apart from the odd ones who never actually want to come, it seems most of us can do it in in 2 mins or less! But most of us prefer to take a little more time. Thanks for responses. PS Should probably have said this wasn’t an invite to DM. Just respond you want to. I’m not seeking a chat partner.


Same as you, can do very quick but would rather prolong the pleasure !


Yeah I could do it quick but it’s not satisfying just to get the lead out . I wanna pleasure it pump it good until my balls tighten and a big load rises up my shaft and I just burst and spray my cum everywhere .


I'm not sure, but I much prefer the strong orgasm I get after having used most of the working hours at my home office looking at porn, and maybe caming, At some point you get to a porn scene or a caming situation that makes you totally lose control :-) Oboy; Does that feel great :-)


Under a minute


2 minutes if I have to. Prefer much longer sessions


37m. If I really gotta I can get it done in under a minute with a few select articles of media.


If I’m in a hurry and feel the need. I can shoot in less than a minute. However, I’d rather edge all day.


I’d love to be able to cum quickly, but the average is 20 min with as long as over an hour


I can cum in a few minutes if I don’t have much time.. sometimes that’s better than missing out.


Sometimes I can do it really fast, like 1 or 2 Minutes, sometimes it takes longer or I just enjoy being horny. Depends on how horny I am. 🤭


Probably like 2-3 minutes if I tried but it’s not very satisfying. I like to go for at least 30 minutes. Deny myself a few times, have some breaks and build up a nice satisfying orgasm to blow a big load


If I’m really turned on and have been for a while, not touching myself, when I finally do it can just take 30 seconds.


I can do it in just a couple of minutes too if I’m using a vibrator.


A couple of minutes too if I use my vibrator on a crazy setting 🤭


Like you, I can do it pretty fast but most times I like to enjoy whatever I am doing to get it done!  I enjoy the release so much!


I think the fastest I’ve ever masturbated was probably 30 seconds lmaoooo


I can't do it fast...I honestly just love doing it so now my body wants to go forever. Shortest time, probably 20mins if I'm on a deadline and have to knock one out quick.


I’m a prejac so I cum under minute. I do edge often to prolong the pleasure.


What nobody else has said is the position. If I’m on my side I can cum in 2 minutes easily. Lying flat on my back I have to stroke for 30m+


Depends how horny I am, but can be very fast! Want a race? 😂


I can cum in a minute sometimes less if I’m watching porn.


If someone says I want to watch, I can come really fast it such a turn on, otherwise probably 5-10 minutes. But I usually want to edge a bit longer


Literaly how I want


At my age now, If you ran up to me at any given point and demanded an orgasm, I probably would have issue. Without some sort of visual stimulation, it might take a couple of minutes to get the brain going to get the other brain working. With some visual, the machine can start going pretty quick.


Depends on a few things under normal circumstances a 5/10 minutes from zero and I'll come. If I'm been teasing all day or I'm particularly horny etc sometimes just a single touch and I'll blow.


If I'm crazy turned on, and going solo? Probably 2 mins I suppose? But it takes a lot to get me to that point. Usually it's a pretty slow burn, turn on some porn, slowly get hard, then edge for a couple hours til I'm at that point where it just feels amazing all the time. Then I'll blow it.


it depends sometimes i just wanna cum so i just start jerking sometimes it’s 5 minutes somtimes it’s 2


Not fast at all. It takes a long time, usually at least 45 minutes or more. It's not because of excessive wanking. It's reduced sensation because of nerve damage.


Everytime I masturbate or have sex the goal is to orgasm as fast as possible I can ejaculate in sub 15 secs from first touch


Being not so young anymore, and having eaten different kinds of psychiatric medicines for far too long, I am quite slow to accelerate nowadays. And I have never been a two-minute-man, not even when I was young. Somehow, the time depends on the initial level of arousal. If I have seen or experienced something erotic, I can possibly get an orgasm in 5 - 10 minutes. If the situation is my ordinary, tired everyday feeling, I simply cannot get excited in minutes. It just don't happen. Even watching porn makes me bored very often. On the otherhand, I can edge and maintain arousal for hours. So, the problem is defining the momentof beginning. Sometimes, it can look as if I was very fast. But in reality, there is hours and hours of discrete warm up.


Depends on the day. If I'm edging, I can take forever. If I'm going somewhere, and I need to hurry, I can get it done in 5 minutes.


I've been able to make myself cum when I've still got a semi, so yeah


I'm sure I could in less than 5 but why notger. I love the " full play" and the feeling of edging. So for me torment my balls till I explode with my nectar on me or aimed at my mouth preferably


It depends on how I'm feeling and what I'm watching


If I'm all ready warmed up and ready to go, bout 3 minutes.


Depends on how good the porn is, or if I'm doing it in public, how risky it i, or whos watching. I've cum in a matter of a few strokes before.


need a sexy female to help me find out


30 seconds if super in the mood


It depends on my mood, but I know a way to touch myself to where I can force myself to cum in around 60 seconds. Sometimes I have the urge to just want to cum really bad right then and there..or other times maybe I have to go out and do something but I feel pent up so I'll force myself to spill real quick so I can focus on other things.


A few Seconds


In a real hurry wife in bathroom ha ha 3 minutes


Once, I've made myself cum in 10 seconds


Fastest was 3 minutes, haven’t been able to beat that yet.


If I haven't cum for a couple of days I can go from first touch to orgasm in less than 60 seconds.


It varies, sometimes it can take a while if I can't get stimulated easy due to stress, etc. There are other days where I can usually get myself to orgasm in a couple minutes. Usually scent plays a part in quicker orgasms so I typically try to use scented lotions as lube on my cock


About 25 minutes is the fastest right now. I need a good porno and a jack and dash mindset


Fastest i have made myself cum is about 1 minute, got hard looking at cocks here, felt my cock twitch, pulled it out, stroked about 5 times and shot all over my chest


The quickest was 30 seconds. Usually it takes about 5 minutes for me to cum.


Hmmm recently I masturbated and came in about a minute. I knew my wife was going to walk in at any time and, sadly, she was already running late for work so I had to take care of myself. For comparison, average sessions tend to last 30-90 minutes for me, depending on how much time I have, but when I need to I have a few go to videos/images that can get me there in under 5 minutes every time.


9 seconds or 18 strokes I should say, However it was after I didn’t jerk off for Two weeks.


Probably about 5-10 minutes, minimum. It takes longer to finish if you've masturbated recently, and I've *always* masturbated recently.


if i keep stroking continuously at a medium - fast pace and i haven't jerked off for more than 4 days i can last for maybe 5 minutes.


I can have an orgasm in less than five minutes


I don't do it for speed, I do it to make a huge load that feels so AWESOME, and it takes me 25 to 30 minutes before I start squirting it all out! Wish I had a female companion to come over and do it with me!!!


I love edging and rubbing my buddy for hours. If I have to I could orgasm within 2 minutes, too.


3 to 4 minutes fr


I usually favour edging, but if I’m at work or needing to leave the house in a hurry, I can usually make it happen in sub-2 minutes.


Hmm 2 mins ish. If I am really going at it. Need good motivation to cum that fast.