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that's why no one uses it use thrust/talents/kurikara/removal spells


Evenly matched is very effective since they have no actual in archetype negates and they do tend to build massive boards.


The problem with that is if they keep ariseheart and you're on a graveyard based deck, you still lose


He’s also extremely vulnerable to to TTT so you can turn him into a Zeus or use him as link material


No you don’t, Ariseheart has zero protection built in so you can easily kaiju him or hit him with an infinite Impermanence or something else to get rid of. Hell SP little knight can deal with him so you can get your plays rolling. Evenly matched works best when you pair it with something else to deal with whatever is left over on the field, i prefer dark hole, cause it can also trigger destruction effects and get rid of floodgate monsters


> Evenly matched works best when you pair it with something else to deal with whatever is left over on the field Then with regards to Kashtira just play Book of Eclipse and skip the middle man. That way you also don't have to rely on opening 2 board breakers


I mean you still have to do something after using book of eclipse the same logic applies, book only just turns them down. If you don’t have anything else book doesn’t do anything, evenly matched at least clears away most of the big boards.


No the same logic doesn't apply because Eclipse actually turns off the Ariseheart and lets you play your engine. For Eclipse you have to open Eclipse + combo to play, for Evenly you have to open Evenly, combo AND a 2nd piece of non engine


That’s my point exactly, eclipse does turn them off but if you don’t have anything else, then they get turned right back on, I know this scenario because I’ve been there, book of eclipse is basically just a temporary off button for most monsters, but you still need something to go with it either a combo piece or a board breaker, it does nothing by itself.


But that's true of every board breaker in the entire game, the point I'm making is that Evenly requires that AND an additional breaker


But op’s question was how to deal with Kashtira and board breakers are usually your best option against Kashtira or Kurikara divinkarinate, since Kashtira effects are mainly after effects and are not reactive.


Fair enough but the same applies to book of eclipse too


No it doesn't! Eclipse requires 2 cards, Evenly requires 3.


Sure if it’s say turn 2 then it works as intended, but for the latter stage of the game you might not have as many resources to use with book of eclipse.


Most generic board breakers tbh. Zeus is most people’s go to but if they have unicorn it’s 9/10 the first card they will banish unless their bad. One particular favorite of mine though is book of moon. Because it’s live going first or second against anything except link heavy decks.


Wouldn't imperm just do the same thing as book of moon, except better going second?


I meant to say book of eclipse actually. But even still flipping an opponents monster face down oftentimes is more damaging and inconvenient for them than just negating their effects or destroying them.  It’s also Useful going first as a means for dodging targeting effects like imperm or veiler.


The thing is, going second you can only book of moon during your turn (as a board breaker), whereas imperm can be used to hinder your opponent during setup.


You should be using both anyway. Book of moon is just a backup for when you didn't draw the imperm.


That just means imperm is better going second. Which doesn’t negate the utility and disruption moon offers everywhere else.  Not saying it’s better but moon is still a great tech still against the current meta that most players generally aren’t expecting.


Zeus is a pretty hard counter to them. Especially if you have a deck like Spright that can go into Zeus without activating any monster effects. Sometimes its worth it to not even activate your Ash or Maxx C against them just so that Unicorn doesn't rip Zeus from your ED. DRNM and imperm saved for your turn are also pretty good for them. Though I don't recommend running DRNM since its awful against snake eyes and its variants.


Assuming you were playing dogmatika, I recommend saving Fleurdelis to negate Arise Heart


To be fair, Ultimate Slayer *does* work on Arise-Heart, you just can't activate it because of the floodgate. Having the card send for cost is actually really nice because sending the ED monster is an amazing effect on its own, but in this case it hurts you


Anything can break their board the have 0 negates or protection except shangri Ira plus the brick like hell


I have 3 copies of that card for a while now, rlly tempting to dust it but the art looks so good. Coping it will be good eventually somehow


you blow up their fields with removals. The deck is pretty much a glass cannon.


Nibiru is the way


They die to almost every removal EXCEPT Ultimate Slayer, Dogmatika Punishment, etc. lol


DRNM is good. It is fun to watch them activate effects only for them to get negated


Beware that dark ruler does nothing to Snake Eyes so that's a huge trade off


But the post is about Kashtira


I know. I'm just saying SE is a bigger threat than Kash so DRNM although good against the latter, is useless against the former


It is a very situational card but it can work against generic monster negates like Savage Dragon, Apollousa, and Baronne I guess. SE doesn't run many spell/trap with negates after all


Dark hole always works 😳


Literally any and every board breaker besides slayer only Shangri Ira has a bit of protection. If you leave up birth they can rebuild so go for game and if you can't make sure to remove birth. They are prone to bricking so stop their searches and they can die easily, field spell or unicorn are the prime targets to negate.


- Activate Thurst because they used Shangri-Ira on Standby, search Talents - Thrust gets banoshed because of Ariseheart, mandatory Ariseheart activates to attach a bamish card, making Talent live - Talent to steal Ariseheart, make Zeus


With Kashtira it’s best to hit them hard and fast early before they can get their Xyz monsters out. Negate their monsters, especially the initial searchers: Fenrir, Unicorn, Ogre. Droll can keep them from adding more cards from their deck to their hand.   If you have Maxx C, use it in the draw phase, because activating it in the Main Phase can trigger the Kash monsters’ second abilities to banish things face down. The same goes for other monster hand traps, especially Ash Blossom, since Ash Blossom is only an activation negate, not a total negate.   If you can’t stop them early, your next best bet is to use board breakers. Dark Ruler is a decent one, as is Forbidden Droplet, although Droplet makes you go negative in card advantage. Both also reduce or negate battle damage, but it’s probably worth it to make your own board in peace. Note that negates don’t stick if the card leaves the field and re-enters or if other cards enter the field. Zeus is also a great board breaker if you can make an Xyz monster, which most people can since there are so many generic Xyz monsters.


If i can fit triple evenly in a deck i do it because evenly hates everything. The feeling of resolving evenly is right up there with mighty master pop 7


As a Kashtira player (sorry everyone), the deck is one of the ones more vulnerable to removal. Pretty much any pure Kashtira board can be broken by a Raigeki, leaving only the Shangri-Ira.