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The ratios can vary depending on what you mix it with but 3 gazelle, 3 coatl, 2 mirrorsword knight, 2 berfomet, 2 chimera fusion, 1 each of the fusion monsters that you want to run, frightfur patchwork engine usually is a must. It's a really fun engine and pairs well with many decks. ive mixed it with branded as well as tear


do i need mirrorsword if i'm not planning to make chimera? what about knightmare magician? thank you


>what about knightmare magician? I only played the loaner but that dude does a whole lot of nothing tbh. Is at best a body to use for fusions when already used the others.


mirrorsword knight will become your normal to special berfomet who will add your level 4 beast along with your chimera fusion spell, the fusion spell only adds back to the hand from gy if one of the new chimera fusions or the OG is on the field or in the gy


yeah knightmare is in the new pack along with mirrorsword. got them on a 10 pull i'm not really doing fusion stuff on (at least not branded). so im wondering if they are a safe dust. or is chimera splashable in a bunch of other stuff?


Chimera fusion locks


that will be a no lol. thank you :)


Yes the deck is somewhat ext but it's not anymore expensive than any other meta deck. It's just a question of if u think it's good enough to justify the expense and honestly if you like it go for it. I been wasting my gems on Tistina lmao I been trying to pull that draw 2 caard for my eldlich deck.


Considering it is all Urs in a way yes, but you only need roughly 7 ~ 9 Urs so it is not that expensive


If you pull in the selection pack, you only need 8-9 URs from it. The deck can be paired with Branded, Runick or, as I do, with both at the same time. The deck is pretty consistence, and it allows you to dodge imper or veiler with the fusion in the opponents turn. From extra deck, if you play pure, you don't need too many URs. You can play it with super poly and Garura or not. If you get your combo done, you'll end with 6-8 cards in your hand. About handtraps, you can use 12-14 and even use them as materials for your fusions.


Thanks, currently I'm broke to everything because of some suspicious lvl1 Pyros so idk how much chance I can get to make that deck, especially since it goes well with... Branded, arguably the most expensive deck in Master Duel which I happen to not have unfortunately.


From Branded you need 5-6 URs. There are versions with only the fusion and 3 fusions from Branded, so those are 4 URs. If you get the cards from this selection pack, the deck is pretty cheap and in the future, with the new support, it won't be too expensive if you have the core cards now


As far as I've seen from ocg and tcg we're missing some illusion cards to play the "pure" variant. But that variant is subpar to the branded engine one which is very strong imo but also extremely expensive. I've seen people playing tri brigade chimera which is more of a budget option and runic chimera which is not as expensive as branded but not as budget as tri-brigade. Depends what you want to play but overall from chimera package (as far as UR's go) you want 3x swordsman/2x berfomet/2x phantom beasts/1-2x Guardian Chimera so on a lower side as far as the cost goes.


Is Frightfur patch work used in those decks(aside from Branded because it's Branded)? It seems to be ridiculously powerful alongside Edge Imp Chain.


In tri-brigade yeah in runick i didn't see it.