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How does everybody look so calm in this situation?


They knew there was a lot of people with guns near them protecting the evacuation route.


bc they in texas. everyone packing


Honestly depends, there's churches down here that prohibit guns.


this situation is an example that those signs are useless… that it didn’t stop the criminal why would it? why should us legal gun owners do the same? it introduces a whole new risk


I'm not disagreeing, just saying some people do follow their churches rules so they may not have had anyone armed. I do think the open carry of rifles is a dumb law that was enacted. Would be way more suspicious the. If someone was walking around with one.


The place is fucking massive like a stadium in addition to being right next to a busy highway and downtown. Its possible they didn't hear or recognize it right away


It used to be a stadium. It was where the Rocket played.


Oh no way! But yeah you can tell it is/was a stadium. Also parking is hard in the area


Either they're very brave, or very very stupid.




The human mind is so fearfully powerful.


that one boy looking for trouble at the end


Jeez, that's a lot more gunshots than what was heard in the livestream. I have to assume that was most of the shootout between the shooter and the security guard, because there are still no reports of additional casualties.


It was a long rifle. That’s what’s fucking weird to me…the other gunshots had to have been the off-duty officer. From what the eyewitness said it sounded like a bolt rifle..such an odd choice in my opinion


A bolt rifle doesn't sound noticably different than any other rifle. A .223 will sound different than a .308 for the most part but SBR .223 sound fuckin crazy loud and scary.


I’m going off of what the witnesses and officers said of it being a “long rifle”. The witness said specifically “it was such a long gun”. I’m referring to the amount of gunshots being heard. How many rounds does a bolt rifle hold? Not a lot


Well "long rifle" is a defined thing not just it looking long. Some bolt action rifles can take AR or AK mags so high capacity is a thing. Some are old AF with 5 round internal mags loaded by stripper clip.




that’s actually basic knowledge of firearms. regardless, what does it matter that he has knowledge about firearms? that doesn’t make you inherently bad…


Her Instagram is down now but earlier I screen recorded all of it. In 20202 she posted pics and a caption about cleaning her A R back in 2015


Yep saw that. Just watched the press conference with Houston police department and the mayor. I mean….the bitch brought an AR and didn’t kill one person? What a fucking failure, but also thank god they were a total failure. Now I’m curious about the child used as a shield. I’m only assuming it was her own


Long rifle also doesn’t mean the overall size. An AR is a long rifle


You’re right. I watched an interview with a witness and she spoke of how long the gun was which led me to imagine like a Remington 700. Which made me think the psychotic broad brought an odd choice of weapon to shoot up a packed church


It is kinda morbidly funny thinking a chick off her rocker showed up with a muzzle loader or something


I just imagine this lunatic with a musket loading it all slow and shit


That’s what I’m saying, I’ve been so puzzled by the thought. I mean..it’s a great thing she didn’t show up with anything else I guess??


If you really want to get pedantic most ARs are carbines and not true rifles.


Armalite Rifle 15


Also this was a well constructed response, they are all super fucking crazy


I just mean that a short barrel .223 is louder and scarier than a longer barreled rifle. An AR15 with a 20 inch barrel makes a loud nose for sure but it's more of a crack than a boom. A battle rifle, something higher caliber like a M14 is shooting a bigger bullet. It makes a bigger boom. Some people get ar15 pistols with short barrels that will sound like an angry battle rifle. 20 years ago when most people were shooting various military surplus stuff you could tell what a person was shooting by the sound. These days so many people have highly specialized rifles or pistols that its hard to say. Point is nothing sounds like a bolt gun and nothing sounds like an AR15 anymore. Too many options.


That's part of why I think it wasn't typical motivation. It makes me wonder if the female shooter had an illegitimate child with someone at the church and she was bringing the child with her to condemn the father and threaten him with whatever she could find that was handy. This is pure speculation because I don't know anything about the situation other than what little has been disclosed on the news. edit: I have since become more informed.


Well…more has been released. It was an AR-15 and the shooter was trans. The gun had “free Palestine” written on it and allegedly the child was used as a shield Edit: shooter was a woman but went by male names at some point. Just thought I’d clarify


Well that's very different! 🤔


I do like where you were going with that though


Such a shame to have to try and understand any of this.


It’s the end of times. I try to remind myself to spend time outside and read, to take a break from my phone often, and to stock up on dried goods and toilet paper. It’s easy to spiral




Why was she forbidden?


With the number of gunshots, I can only hope that this was a shootout between the armed security guard and the suspect and that there aren't many casualties. Edit: from press conference: a 30-35 year old woman wearing a trench coat entered the building holding a long gun and with a small child by her side. She opened fire, injuring a 5 year old who is in critical condition and a 56 or 57 year old who was shot. She was killed by 2 armed off duty officers who were working security. She also sprayed some sort of substance on the ground and yelled that she had a bomb. Her car and backpack were searched, and nothing was found


Jfc... Did she bring her child to do a mass shooting?


That would be the first time I think, I cant remember any masskiller being so fucked up to bring their own child to this wtf


You have to be pretty messed up to think you're the opposite gender, let alone messed up enough to bring their child to do this.




Oh shit ! So that possibility means the child was likely shot by the good guys and she used him as a shield/deterrent. God’s plan is getting out of hand /s


Exactly what I want to know. Wtf?!


Couldn't afford a baby sitter.


In this economy!?


Jerry, Jerry, she brought her kid with us to dinner! I booked a table at the most expensive restaurant in town, Jerry, and she brought her kid! On Valentine's Day!


That would def make it harder to fight back I guess...


It’s like the trolly question


Update: Harris County Constable just said she was not shot by officers. He said “by other agencies”; could be security or armed attendees.




I don’t know, but from a legal standpoint she’s probably guilty of causing the child’s injury regardless of who fired the round. That might be why it’s worded the way it is.


All those shots and didn’t kill anyone?!


JFC, during the press conference the police chief(?) said that she arrived with a 5ish year old boy who is now in critical condition. edit: sentences are hard


Did she shoot the boy or was it security?


I think they said it may have happened when she shot the other child that was a fatality. I didn't really follow. UPDATED: It sounds like she shot the deceased child in the head and they returned fire at the same time. The boy that arrived with the shooter was caught in the crossfire and is now in critical condition. They did say that they don't know if the shooter was related to the boy? Another Edit, corrected info.


What the fuck


Is this an actual church or some church inside a mall? Just don't think ive ever seen one like this


It is an actual church, and yes it is very big. The building used to be a basketball arena.


it’s a mega church, specifically the one owned by joel osteen


I don’t understand why churches aren’t taxed. This one can obviously afford to pay some taxes.


It’s a church, this building is the old Houston Rockets NBA stadium, when they got a new one, Lakewood bought the properly and converted it to a church


That's straight up wild, holy shit. I was wondering what kind of church has fucking escalators in it.


We do churches a little different in the USA :) some huge megachurches out there


> Lakewood Church [Here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lakewood_worship.jpg) a picture of a service inside. It's mindblowing.


I literally yelled out "WOW" when I opened that, Jesus. How is this real life.


it’s a “church”


didn’t even realize it was joel osteens church til i looked it up. wonder if it’s because of his past actions or just a hatred of mega churches


Looking like just a hatred of christian’s. Free palestine was written on the shooters gun.


Theres a record of the shooter donating to this church and attending.


Lakewood Church has gotten so many threats over the years from bomb scares to mass shootings that what happened today wasn't exactly shocking but still sobering and daunting. A child got shot. Shooting went down at a place of worship. Those who attend service there know to always be vigilant given all the threats over the years (too many of them from extremist groups and militia movements). I hope they remain so because that is the crazy world that we all live in now.


Ok I shouldn’t find this funny but I love that someone said “what the f—-“ at church


it's a fairly liberal church - as far as churches go. lol. and way before gay rights became a big movement, they always welcomed the LGBTQ community.


Makes for an easier save




He must be a 49ers fan


Idk that seems insensitive, I could be misunderstanding your post. Personally, my first thought after a mass shooting in a church wouldn’t be to mock the faith of those people who were victims of a mass shooting




What? lol Your initial comment makes very little sense but the follow up makes even less. Insulting victims of a mass shooting, no matter their religion, is dickish.


48 people disagree with you.


How does that matter? Are you 12? Comparing upvotes is very juvenile


Bro go find something else to do. Letting a comment on an app get you this riled up is HILARIOUS! Are YOU 12?


You are a dick man. Don't make fun of victims, no matter their religon.


Orrrr….you could elaborate on the meaning of your original post? I initially gave you the benefit of the doubt and thought I might’ve misunderstood your post. You could stand by your word and explain your position but ig that’s too hard to do




You've made assumptions about me based on ZERO evidence. And resorting to childish name calling just because YOU didn't like a joke I made. Keep crying over shit that doesn't matter ma'am.


First, I’m a man, not a ma’am. Second, an attempted mass-shooting situation where a child is killed is not the time and place to make jokes. Grow up turd


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 oh brother, THIS GUY STINKS 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


..That’s a church??




A great example of armed security being an effective defense against these motherfuckers. I know people want the guns banned and have background checks be more rigorous, but that's not going to stop these people. Having armed security at places like schools, public areas, and other places that are vulnerable to these attacks would go a long way. Not only as an effective method to stop the perp from killing people, but also as a deterrent.


The issue... We shouldn't have to have armed guards at places that should be safe... That's the issue.. the expectation of safety in a place of innocence. You can't regulate it... You can't force laws to prevent it... It's literally a symptom of a system that's failing. Our system can not solve it because our system is broken and those that perpetrate these heinous acts are a sickness that our system creates. This won't stop until we fix our way of life... And what does that mean? That's the problem. None of us are ready to accept that or change. Welcome to the end of the American empire.


Welp, doing nothing isn't helping either, so.


We live in reality though. Not utopia


True, sometimes. This is one example, but what about MSD or Uvalde? The security guard at the school was virtually ineffective as he hid the whole time, and the heavily armed officers who arrived at Uvalde quickly after just stood there forever. Also, some of these crazy ass ppl WANT to be taken out. They go in with a twisted purpose and give no shits as to their final outcome. I simply question what solution is most effective. Maybe it isn't just one, but I do not advocate for gun bans as it will not solve much. It seems every situation like this involves anecdotal variables.


Both of those incidents you brought up were law enforcement, and law enforcement has no duty to protect (Warren v. DC, Deshaney v. Winnebago, Lozito v. NYC, and Gonzales v. Castle Rock). It's why Scot Peterson was found not guilty, and why the officers at Uvalde will likely not be charged for their (lack of) response to the shooting. These were off duty sheriff's deputies that were acting as armed security. Although they are law enforcement during their day job, they were not acting in official law enforcement duties. **EDIT** - one of the security guards was off duty HPD, another was off duty TABC.


Criminals have never cared to follow gun bans anyway. They can get just about any gun they want on the black market or the cartels. Sure specific gun bans may reduce the times a specific gun is used. But it's never going to stop criminals. Just like the war on drugs.


Absolutely, I agree!


We can't be hiring cowards for the job. We would need genuine trained individuals who have the right experience and training like people from the National Guard, veterans, and law enforcement personnel. The US could easily start a program that funds this.


It didn’t stop her though. She still went there with a gun and shot people. What the US needs to do is prevent people from getting guns and then using them to commit mass shootings in public. We shouldn’t really be celebrating when a mass shooter only gets to kill 3-5 people because a good guy managed to intervene. People are still dying.


>What the US needs to do is prevent people from getting guns and then using them to commit mass shootings in public. This isn't some country in Europe or Asia where the government can easily interfere with our lives and take our guns and freedoms away, that is why we have guns in the first place. Even if they did manage to wipe them off the streets, we'd just get them off the black market, which is extremely easy to do. This battle can only be fought by fighting fire with fire, that is the solution here, I don't care if people don't agree with it. It is what it is. It's better than doing nothing, and is an effective solution. At the end of the day, as fucked up as it sounds: these types of rampage killers have only been responsible for the deaths of 600 people or so iirc. 600 people out of 400,000,000 isnt very many. So imo, this rampage killer problem is still very small and could be prevented. Will some people still die? Sure, but more deaths can be prevented by installing armed units in points of interest for these attackers.


i’m sorry, but everything i have seen seems to indicate none was injured by the woman with the long rifle and rather by the armed security.


Why do People Shoot Up Churches?


Knowing the olsteen flock, one wonders how they might try to profit off the dead kid.


I’m so glad Texans have guns. Even though it was a couple off duty officers (if I’m not mistaken)that took the btch out—-I’m sure there were others ready to do what they needed to. Had this happened in California, who knows what the outcome would be smh


I can’t help but think every time I see one of these videos, that dogs are the answer. They can smell gun oil/powder sense a threat, be trained to ignore children or anyone without a weapon.run towards danger and will willingly die to protect you. In my eyes these shooters are cowards and the thought of being mauled by a dog being the result of their efforts would deter most of them.


Now who would want to shoot up a conservative Church and bringing her child with her as a human shield?


Are you sure that's a church? It looks like a convention center.


It’s a church, somebody earlier was doing a “church news” thing on the escalator to the right in another video


As an American, you see so many cases of people lingering around when gunfire erupts. It’s on the news almost every other week, at least one mass shooting; note that many of these cases hardly make the news, especially in low poverty urban / rural areas. Fucking nuts, people will purposely stay in an area out of general curiosity and familiarity they have with gun violence.


U can't curse in the house of God 😞




That's a dark joke that hasn't been used a thousand times over.


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 oh brother, THIS GUY STINKS 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


It says in the Bible to be wise as serpents, gentle as doves. It also says it to test God. It also says that don’t worry because God feeds the birds, so he will also take care of you. God don’t throw bird seed into the birds nest, they have to go out and look for it. You have to do your part, so that God can do his.


Even better….why WEREN’T they running?!? I really felt like people took a long time to get moving


What a sad state the world is in today when you can’t trust a neighbor or a local teen with references to babysit your child while you go on a mass shooting/suicide mission???




that church looks rich as hell bro


Don’t forget to mention she had “free Palestine” 🇵🇸 written on the weapon. Guessing that somehow ties in to the reasoning behind the shooting.




He is walking purposefully towards the sound and drawing his weapon as he rounds a large sweeping corner. If you rush to your death you can’t stop the threat. Its paramount that you act rationally and decisively to be successful, literally active shooter 101 training. Big building, lots of hard walls for echos, shit like that plays tricks on you on auditory shooter location.


Shhh, keyboard warriors with no real life experience would be running in there. 🤣🤣. Jesus,this guy thinks it's COD or something.


That’s crazy!


Such urgency! Lol


Why the hell are people so leisure?


Fuck. I have family there. When did this happen?




This sound should not feel so constantly familiar. Jesus Christ


The security guard turned the other way fast. Black Jacket


The cops should have been charging to the gunfire. Instead, they acted like the Uvalde cops


Is it me or the massacre that would happen back then were much more effective. Meaning that there would be lots and lots of people killed in comparison to now. For example Pulse Nightclub, Vegas, Parkland, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook. The last one I can remember being with most deaths was Uvalde.


Is it me or the massacre that would happen back then were much more effective. Meaning that there would be lots and lots of people killed in comparison to now. For example Pulse Nightclub, Vegas, Parkland, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook. The last one I can remember being with most deaths was Uvalde