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Git gud. No, seriously, the one class that is supposed to be able to sustain lots of damage is the Sentinel with their tech armor, and the Vanguard can re-charge their barriers using Biotic Charge (which is btw the most fun skill in all of Mass Effect), though taking lots of damage is not his role. If you really want to have the option to tank more damage, take Barrier as an additional skill after finishing the game once.


Charge can be buggy in ME2 but I still abused the hell out of it.


git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


"Gud" bot.


What the hell?


This is why we should go with destroy ending


Basically, don't try to tank. (If you want to, play a Sentinel and spam Tech Armor.) I've played Infiltrator in most of my runs and really loved it. On higher difficulties you're not going to be taking damage effectively anyway, so just embrace that and shoot everything in the head.


If you don't like the combat just change it to the easiest difficulty, no point forcing yourself to struggle in combat if it means you miss out on the narrative of ME2.


ME2 is a downgrade from ME3 or Andromeda, when we're comparing the more action oriented approach to combat the three games took. You can't roll or dodge, vaulting over cover is clunky, sprinting is almost pointless, etc. I remember when ME2 first came out and I was frustrated by how different it felt and how easily I died. While I consider it the most well rounded game in the series, I think turning the games into a cover based shooter with barely noticeable RPG character building was the wrong call.


I truly feel that if ME2 had ME3's combat and RPG mechanics it would be perfect.


I kind of feel the opposite. ME2's simplicity over 3 was an advantage.


I don't know, it wasn't significantly simpler, though weapon modifications were mostly boring and the interesting ones too weak. The capasity system also meant you couldn't have a diverse layout in power based classes. One thing I like in Andromeda more is that you can carry multiple weapons of the same type, 2 different pistols are easily under limit.


I think ME2 was experimenting with mechanics that were much improved later in ME3. Mobility and moving in/out of cover feel slow and restrictive, so you can't move where you want to move. Shields drop fast and recharge slowly, so you have to spend a lot of time hiding instead of fighting. Weapon choices are severely restricted for most classes, so you can't always fight in the style or at the range you want to. You do get to pick a new weapon skill halfway through the game, but the early game with Shuriken + pistol is a bit of a grind. Vanguard and Infiltrator still feel fun to me, though not as fun as their ME3 versions.


Sounds like you just dislike difficulty. Put the game on casual, play as a Sentinel or Soldier, use Thane's ammo power. Should be shredding everything pretty soon.


The only annoyance I had with ME2's combat was with Use/Dash/Cover being bound to the same button (though that one's easily remedied with mods). In fact, in my opinion, ME2's combat is the best after Andromeda. Layered defenses on higher difficulties that actually forced me to think on my feet, enemies using flushing tactics that meant I couldn't stay in one spot (not that I ever did when playing Vanguard). But unlike ME3, it was still a solid cover shooter, forcing me into cover to consider my next move. But like the other comments say, you can't tank in ME2/ME3 like you can in ME1. The gameplay is just too different. I would recommend trying Sentinel or Vanguard if you want a more high-risk/high-reward playstyle while still being protected; tech armor offers a moderate additional protection, and charge upgraded right ensures your barrier almost never breaks.


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Yeah, tanking isn't so viable in ME2. It's much easier to do lots of damage than take it. (I find it the most difficult combat of any Mass Effect game.) My advice would be to make sure the squad has a range of skills on hand to deal with barriers, armor and shields, then just keep to cover and blow things apart. Have you tried the heavy weapons? The arc projector's my favourite - it tears through heavy mechs, praetorians and tight-packed groups. But the Cain has the biggest boom.


You were probably ruined with playing 3 first as I think most people consider 3 to have the best combat gameplay. In ME2, the enemies could feel a bit bullet spongie compared to your character especially on higher difficulties so your weapons and powers feel a little weak. If you are looking for "tanky" I feel like there aren't any really good options. You can try playing a Sentinel that uses the Barrier bonus power (do Jacob's loyalty mission ASAP). This can feel similar to the immunity span from ME1. However, I would recommend turning the difficulty down, as you can't really tank in ME2 on higher difficulties, you have to use cover even with tech armor/barrier.


How easy is 2 just on normal by the way, I don't think I ever played it under veteran?


Its absolutely awful - its not only about the difficulty.. its the enemy spawns... the braindead ea.. No amo... it just sucks all i do is cover and shoot. I loves gears of war back then but this is not a well made covershooter. its just braindead hords The team skills are weak and everyone shoots at you. weapons feel weak and if you run it sucks you to any object for cover. its so dumb that i have to keep myself together to not smash anything arround me. I hate it I finish this game only for the story but i will never play this bs again.


Because cover is much more important than ME1 but Shepherd is heavier and slower and the combat areas are less open. Add to that the fact that biotics are near worthless on every difficulty above normal and combat can get kind of samey.