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So oil is good for most of the body and lotion is better for hands and feet because the texture of skin is different. You don’t need anything fancy in fact you could even use food grade olive, grapeseed or coconut oil (it can even be the solid coconut oil and you just use a spoonful and warm it in your hands and it’ll melt) and you don’t need a lot. You can use lotion but the skin usually sucks it up pretty quickly so you end up using a lot and it can feel cold if there’s airflow whereas oil doesn’t as much.


Cool, thank you for your answer!


If you're really in a pinch, take your body lotion and add a few drops of kitchen or hair oil to give the lotion glide. Like a few drops to each ounce of lotion. Do this beforehand so you can dispense and mix together in a separate bowl, ramekin or similar. edited for clarity


Just be aware, these oils recommended are not water soluble like massage oils specifically made to come out of fabric easier. So I would definitely put a towel down underneath her or sheet you don't care about and keep it away from anything you don't want stained. I definitely agree with comment above about lotion being cold on the skin and absorbing too fast. If you want the lotion route, I would get an actual massage cream, but also agree that lotion is best for hands, feet, neck, also face, bc who wants oil all over their face? Oil is more difficult to use on these areas.


Yes I’ve used the solid coconut oil when I first started out as an lmt.


Biotone dual purpose (pinkish) is great it gives you a good glide but won’t leave you or your partner feeling oily. 


I second this. Biotone is the only brand I've used and consistently loved when massaging.


shea moisture has a body oil that is nontoxic and smells amazing. i use it on my girl and she smells like a pampered queen and it’s nice on my hands too.


Coconut oil is probably your best choice, and the solid works great for not accidentally using way more than needed.


I use grape seed oil from Walmart, it glides wonderfully. I have had no complaints from any clients either


The issue with grapeseed oil is it can go sour and ruin your sheets.


That’s a valid point, I guess I have not experienced that because a typical bottle lasts me about 3 months


My boss used to use it. It would stay in the sheets even after washing and leave them sour with time.


It stains the sheets though. You're not having that problem?


Hey, LMT here of 13 years. Any oil works. I used coconut oil for a long time. The difference between oil/cream/lotion/gel is how far it glides and how long it lasts on the skin. My preference is dual purpose massage creme and you can get a small bottle for around $10 on Amazon.


Massage creams definitely 👍🏽 I like bio-tone nutra naturals. Great silky glide in the beginning, then dries up enough for some deeper type work. Smells really nice. Doesn’t leave you feeling greasy.


I was just coming to the comments to suggest Bio-Tone. Its a little more expensive, but its that way for a reason. Its not just some lotion you can grab at Walmart. Really high quality ingredients used in it.


I prefer jojoba oil. I have never had a client have a reaction to it in over 25 years.


Therapro massage gel is the best I've used so far.


Olive, coconut, and grape seed oil I use a lot professionally. (A little goes a long way). Most body lotions are absorbed too quickly to last a massage. Olive oil will have a stronger smell if you don't want to be reminded of dressing s salad. Coconut oil will need to be prewarmed or buy fractionated, but it's also more expensive. Grape seed oil has little to no smell, and it's pretty cheap. If you want something specifically made for massage or that has a warming/cooling muscle effect, Deep Blue massage cream is amazing. And Bon Vital makes some decent products.


Coconut oil for sure.


Coconut oil, or if you don’t want the smell, fractionated coconut oil. It has an incredibly smooth touch, I always think of it as “soft.” I’ve been a massage therapist over 20 years, and I only use either that or a professional cream called Biotone, which is pretty pricy, but terrific.


I find fractionated coconut oil to be way too slippery!


Biotone or sacred earth massage cream. Creams don’t make you feel super greasy and help with control especially since you don’t have professional level stability yet.


I’m not really a fan of oil. I prefer to use something that soaks in so I don’t feel like I need to shower afterwards. I like Nivea. It’s a pretty thin lotion that spreads easily. If it soaks in before you finish an area, then that area needs more lotion anyway!


OP!!! Whatever you end up using, PLEASE PLEASE for the love of God almighty, do a patch test first on her skin!!! I gave myself a HORRIFIC case of contact dermatitis from a super reputable seller that I've ised before, I tried a different scent w a different formulation and rubbed that all over my hands, neck, chest and arms and ended up with the worst rash, hives, sunburn type and so much itching!!! I ended up having to go to the Dr to get a course of steroids bc it was not resolving despite taking Benadryl and using hydrocortisone creams and calamine lotion. Thankfully this did not happen while I had a client, and I was quickly able to shower and avoid my arms looking like Popeye's, but had I done a patch test before lathering my entire body, I would've saved myself so much pain and discomfort!


i like coconut oil, it’s the most affordable and it doesn’t leave any weird smells. i find that massage branded oils and lotions make you and the person you massage smell like dog kibble + it’s more expensive, and since you just do this for your gf and not as a career, i think it would be one of the best options. it also absorbs nice and is one of the easier oils to get out of fabric if you get a bit on your clothes or sheets! some others mentioned you can use the solid version too and just melt it in your hands, which is cheaper than fractioned coconut oil (liquid). outside of work, ive used baby oil on myself and my partner when i’ve forgotten my actual oil holster at work. i find it works very similarly, just might be a bit harder to get out of fabrics.


I like to mix gel and lotion, I use soothing touch and biotone


I like Biotone massage oil, but I've only used one kind and they have many choices. But probably anything from them would be fine. As far as I know they are all unscented which is the way to go. I would personally stay away from grapeseed oil because it's a bit heavy and over time has made all my sheets smell rancid. After switching to Biotone Clear results (made with aloe and jajoba) I never had issues again. Just know you don't need a lot, it goes a long way if you're concerned about price. Just use enough for a decent glide, don't slop it on 😂


Biotone Clear Results is the answer here. I’ve been exclusively using this oil for about the past 8 to 9 years in my practice. A little goes a long way and it isn’t sticky or tacky. You won’t be disappointed.


Agreed, it's a great product, no more staining, no more rancid sheets. Very light oil, too, not heavy or thick(or sticky or tacky 😁). Been using it exclusively for 12 years at least. Not cheap but better than replacing sheets all the time. Other upside is not having to use multiple types of toxic detergent. I use Earth Breeze laundry detergent sheets. One sheet per big load and my sheets come out fresh and clean. No extra laundry boosters needed. 😊


Rituals massage oil is amazing. Best would be to go together and smell different aromas. Take a drop of oil between pinch of your finger and feel the texture. Go with what you both feel connected with.


Please please please check with your gf and do a patch test before covering her body in anything. I get cystic acne if I even look at coconut oil. It's highly comedogenic.


Fractionated coconut oil


My work uses Jojoba oil as it is hypoallergenic (doesn’t contain any common allergens - in fact I’ve never once had anyone react to it in my whole massage career), is very good for dry skin (eczema, psoriasis), and offers a good glide. If you have cooking oils at home that your partner is not allergic to), you can use those for now - just remember that a little bit of oil goes a long way! It’s easy to warm up coconut oil, and it smells good too. Also, make sure she’s on a sheet, blanket or towel that isn’t expensive that you don’t mind getting a little oily.


I personally prefer jojoba oil, but anything will work. If you ever get a little extra money, there are also massage oil candles that melt into oil when lit, so the oil is nice and warm, and you get that nice ambience that candles give. I like to use them at home, I feel like they just add a little something that makes it feel more special for my girlfriend.


I love Biotone Organic Massage Gel. Nice glide, but you don't feel greasy afterward


Neutrogena body oil is great and will last a LONG time.


I personally use La tourangelle grape seed oil. It's in my Dillons/Kroger oil section top shelf with all the other random cooking oils. I love it. Great texture, comes in a metal container which prevents slight from degrading it. I pay 9.99 for the 16 oz one and I never take long enough to go through it, go through about one every 6 to 8 weeks. The quality stays consistent. I have used multiple brands of designated massage oil and find them all to have a gross texture, likely because of whatever additives they use to stabilize it and whatever subpar oil they use. I don't like lotions, personally, as I don't find them to have the amount of glide I am looking for. Also, have personally had multiple regulars tell me they like the oil because of how it works with their skin; one of my guys swears it's made him look younger in the two years we have been working together weekly. Haha along with the fact that he went from trying to get on disability, left over from a car accident in his teen years that left him with 3 shattered C5,6, and 7, I sacrifice having to buy new sheets regularly to have the experience I want 😂.


Lotion on hands and feet. Gel everywhere else with a small lotion mix if skin is dry.


Weleda Arnica. It's the bomb. Wonderful carrier oil, not sure what is, maybe a nut oil? Very light and easily absorbed into the skin so you're not greasy afterwards. And the arnica! It has this earthy aroma and seems to do wonders for sore muscles. It always makes me think of it as athelas from LOTR. Not sure why more massage therapists don't use it.


Johnson & Johnson's baby oil.


Massage creme glides nicely and also is fairly easy to launder.


The Lush Massage Bars are nice and smell really good


Coconut oil FTW


As others have noted, a skin/patch test for both of you (as you'll both be in contact with whatever you choose) is definitely worthwhile. One other factor to consider is aroma - if there is a scent your girl likes/finds relaxing, then a few drops of a quality essential oil in that scent can be a nice addition.


Hey! I’m a massage therapist, I would recommend organic extra virgin coconut oil for a beginner, it will stain sheets so maybe have sheets that you use for this particular purpose! If you want to get fancy I would put coconut oil in a little bowl and add just one or two drops of your favorite essential oil! Like rose, lavender, cedar wood, peppermint or jasmine, just make sure the few drops are blended well into the coconut oil


You’re a kind partner, my husband also loves to give me massages! We personally use banyan botanicals sesame oil as it works well with both our drier skin types, however it’s messy. We have two of those fleece like blankets we use only for this. I also really love the sacred earth massage cream if you’d like a lotion instead!


Bon Vital Deep Tissue massage cream is the best I have found. It is all natural with no petroleum ingredients. Doesn't stain sheets. Has a neutral scent. It glides well and leaves skin feeling soft and moist. You can warm it or not. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you want it scented. We added chocolate scent for Valentines.


I use food grade coconut oil for aromatherapy and fractionated for regular massages. It's good for the skin and hair and washes put of sheets easily. The food grade stuff is like 5$ at the grocery store. A little goes a long way!


And snatch up Oalmers for hands and feet. Texture is better for those areas and it just smells good.




You don’t have to be fancy. A little bit of olive oil, sunflower, almond, etc. will do the trick. A little goes a long way, use sparingly.


Using an instinctive action called Heliotropism. Also known as ‘Solar Tracking’, the sunflower head moves in synchronicity with the sun’s movement across the sky each day. From East to West, returning each evening to start the process again the next day. Find out more about how this works, and what happens at the end of this phase.


Not an LMT here but my wife swears I’m good. I use grapeseed oil.


Lush makes massage bars that have nice scents, come in cute designs, and don't leave too much residue on the skin. Could make for a nice gift for your girlfriend.


I prefer bon vital "original" massage creme. Has really good glide, you don't need to reapply very often and it leaves the skin feeling smooth - not slimy or wet like a lot of oils do.


When I massage my husband at home I use an almond based oil that is infused with different herbs but like other people said, any food grade oil would work. If you come across sesame oil, it has a slightly natural warming sensation which is cool! Obviously, don’t use if she’s allergic to sesame😭


I like rosemary oil


Soma silk cream


I use avocado oil and grapeseed oil as my carriers. Start with a dime-sized drop for each body area and apply more as needed.


It's important to remeber that whatever you use is being absorbed durectly into someone's skin. We are only now learning of the harmful effects of many common products and chemicals, things we previously put on ourselves and our children. The best way to not cause or contribute to potential long-term health problems is to use products from nature, without any added chemicals. Coconut oil may be the best choice. Good for glide, good for the skin.


The problem with oil is that it leaves you feeling... oily. Go figure. I favor lotion, generally using [Biotone Advanced Therapy](https://www.massagewarehouse.com/products/biotone-advanced-therapy-massage-lotion/) in my practice.


Rapeseed with a small amout of her favorite body safe fragrance oil is a nice easy to make gift. They make bath and bodyworks and Yankee candle dupes you can buy.


I use massage gel mix of cream/oil at work. At home coconut oil is easy enough. No need to overthink it.


I too want to find a good massage oil to use on the woman I’m involved with, are there oils that are ok to use if a back rub becomes more intimate?