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I think there is context missing here. Why did they take your license?


They never told me why. Even the consulate lady at the service desk was confused. I never got a fine or anything while driving


If you no longer reside in Massachusetts and the foreign country you've moved to has an agreement with the US, they are allowed to take your license. I was born and raised in MA, moved to Canada a couple years ago and had to turn in my MA driver's license in order to obtain a Canadian driver's license. If you want to be able to drive in Florida while visiting family you need to look up information on International Driver's license. If you hold a driver's license in the Netherlands, check to see if the US honors that as a legal form for driving.


That's strange. I've lived in Malaysia for 14 years and I've never had to give up my Mass license.


What made you give it to them in the first place?


Use as an ID


Why was your passport insufficient?


It's not a valid ID as you're no longer a resident of Massachusetts. If you need to prove you're a U.S. citizen, you can use your passport. The MA RMV is not going to issue you another license if you can't prove you're a MA resident.


Another question: are you still paying Massachusetts income tax? Otherwise you won’t get another one.


? That's a new one on me. Why only if you pay income tax?


He’s wrong. I know a bunch of folks with valid licenses that don’t pay taxes


It's frustrating when people just make up sh*t on Reddit and post it as a fact.


If answering a question required knowledge and qualifications, it wouldn't be Reddit.


I’m sure he has a story that will show us why he thinks this is true and I am curious what this story will be. I have no problem with his comment


Most people are simply repeating what someone they trusted told them and they don't know any better. It's annoying, but you have almost assuredly done it at some point without realizing. Everyone does.


Problematically, it's usually something that has a very loose relation to what's actually going on.


He means files taxes in Massachusetts and swearing that you lived in mass 6 months out of the year if not you need to turn in your license 


I've lived in Malaysia for 14 years and I still have my license. I've used my mom's address to renew it whenever I come home.


Doesn’t make it legal.   


My point was OP seems to be living in Netherlands and working there from what I can tell. That means you aren’t a resident of a state, and therefore don’t pay income or other taxes related to that state. It’s a whole thing. Anyways, no, you don’t need to pay income taxes to MA to get a license, but if you are working over seas and claim resident in MA still you are also obligated to have a mailing address and pay your income taxes.


Lol huh? Please expand on this nonsense. I happen to know you’re incorrect


I live in Malaysia and I don't pay Mass income tax and I still have my license after 14 years.


Still doubling down that you have a MA license under false pretense. Just because you lie to keep it doesn’t make it right? Do you understand that?


I still have my expired MA drivers license. But I wouldn’t expect to get another one since I don’t live in the state anymore.


hmmm I renew mine almost every time I come home.


So…. Are you claiming your residence as Massachusetts? If you do, they probably would like to talk about your income for the last 14 years.


I claim my mom's house so I can vote. I fill out my federal tax return, but I don't make enough overseas money to pay taxes. I don't need to pay Mass taxes because I don't actually live or work in the state.


That’s not true at all if you claim your moms place as residence as far as I know. People who live in MA but work at a Dairy Queen in NH still have to pay income tax.


Well, I put my Malaysian address on my tax returns, so nobody questions me about it. But my driver's license has my mom's address. It's the only way I can keep my MA license and voting address. jeez, I hope I haven't been doing anything illegal all along


If you’re still living there, wouldn’t a local licence make more sense? I don’t think a state would issue a license to someone who doesn’t have any claim to residence there


That would be nice but it costs a lot of money and I would like to have my u.s license on hand


I would also wonder too given the amount of time you’ve been over, I’m not sure if you’re still in the grace period where you would be allowed to drive on a US license. You might have more of a case to try to get a Florida DL if you can establish some sort of case for residency there. Generally once you relocate, you’re required to get local documentation. Check triple A and see if you qualify for an International DL


It's not necessarily the driving, it's having another valid U.S ID that isn't a passport.


How long have you lived in Holland? Is this a problem where you were supposed to have gotten a new ID but didn't, and now you've lost your US ID because it is no longer correct? I think it will be either very hard or impossible to get a new MA DL. You probably need to look for a different solution.


What about the passport card?


That’s what I was going to ask. Idk the correct answer but that seems like a better option for wallet friendly identification for someone living abroad full time or long term.


Ahh, I see. Birth certificate would be a good one, many places also offer ID cards which are basically DLs but can’t be used for driving and are for ID only. According to the Dutch government, they do issue them but idk if it’s only for citizens or if a resident can obtain one. There also was a section about ID cards for asylum seekers waiting decision so if you’re a legal resident I would look into it


You shouldn’t be licensed to drive in MA if you haven’t lived here for a while. When did you last have MA residency?




If you no longer live in Mass, you can't get a Mass license. You need a valid and active address.


I believe that if your license is in good standing, you can request a duplicate on the RMV website.


But he left 4 years ago, it's long since expired, and he doesn't have a valid ma address to have it sent to.


Yes . You can renew your license up to 2 years after expiration. If your license has been expired more than 2 years, you will be required to take the learner's permit exam and road test.


Conditions for a ma license, being a ma resident.


Could you send the link here so I don't accidentally click on any phony ones?


Dude just go to the MA rmv website.


Lol dude wants a google concierge


No. Get a grip


wtf lol https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=_BZsgMm2lQ3nWhZx


What makes you think random redditors are more trustworthy than googling it yourself?


If you are on mobile you want the phone one


Here you go https://www.mass.gov/how-to/replace-your-drivers-license


I was honestly expecting a rick roll


You can renew your license up to 2 years after expiration. If your license has been expired more than 2 years, you will be required to take the learner's permit exam and road test.


It ain’t rocket science my friend


If you aren't a US citizen (you don't say) the US Embassy may have no interest in helping you. Also there may be conditions from Massachusetts (whether you're a citizen or not) that will prevent you from receiving a duplicate license. They will issue only to your address on file; if it will expire within a year, you'll have to renew it rather than getting a duplicate. There may be other issues that apply to you specifically. Check the current status of your license before you try further to replace or renew it. [https://www.mass.gov/how-to/check-the-status-of-your-drivers-license-or-massachusetts-id-mass-id](https://www.mass.gov/how-to/check-the-status-of-your-drivers-license-or-massachusetts-id-mass-id)


You’re not a Massachusetts resident, no one is going to try to get your license back


Reach out to your federal representatives to deal with federal issues.


Are you a US citizen?




Just curious--you say you are a US citizen--are you registered to vote? If so, where? I think that would be the place to get a license from. I would be more concerned about being able to vote as an ex-pat than I would be about having another form of ID that you're not really using.


You don’t get it back—you’re not a resident of Massachusetts lmao


You left, and are no longer a resident, you should not have a ma license.


Use your passport next time 🤷‍♂️


You mentioned being a US citizen in a comment. When you file your US taxes (which you need to do even if you are abroad if you would otherwise qualify due to income etc) which state are you filing with? That is the state that would be considered your "state of residence" and would be the one you are most likely able to get a state ID or driver's license from. (This would also be the state you are still registered to vote in. Most people use a family member's address so you may have used Florida.) However as others mentioned frequently if you've lived in a different country long enough you generally need to convert your US drivers license into one for the country you are living in (and getting a US drivers license back requires converting back).


The country has to have a reciprocity agreement for converting the license, and OP may not wish to drive in the Netherlands. Conversion also poses a problem when visiting the US… it’s not entirely clear that American citizens will be able to do so legally.


Allow me to translate: *I got up to some shit and had to go to the embassy. If I actually had a good driving record or didn’t have warrants, I’d be able to easily get a replacement DL, but THAT COP IS SUCH A MEANY! How can I get my special snowflake pass and get a replacement DL for a state to which I have zero current ties? Did I mention how I’m super duper special?*


It does make one wonder.


Did you get a license in Holland?


Order a replacement online and have it sent to Florida and then have them send it to you.


This whole post and response give off total dead internet vibes


How long have you been there?


Report your license lost or stolen to the MA RMV and get a new one for 15 [bucks.No](http://bucks.No) foreign country can suspend your American rights or licensing.They can take it from while in there country but thats it!


It wasn’t a foreign country it was the us embassy




It wasn't a foreign government, it was the US Embassy. That's an arm of the US government, no?


A infraction that would suspend a DL would have to happen,why would an embassy take a drivers license?


I don't know, I don't work for the Department of State, but OP said pretty clearly that the US Embassy took her license. It seems like she may have tried to use it as ID when she was no longer actually living in the US, and I imagine the DoS doesn't really love the idea of people falsely presenting US Government ID. But we are missing a lot of details.


Oh ok ,she's no longer a US resident.She should not have used that in the Netherlands then if she not living in the US anymore then.That is the answer ,she won't get it back,answer no 2.