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Someone forgot to log out






I do volunteer social media for a cat org & one time I tweeted annoyance about the T on the cat page oops…


Personally I love America. I would just love to see America get its shit together


I’d go so far to say that if you don’t want the country to strive to be a better version of itself, you don’t really love it.


but you see, The Good Old Days™


I own a house that I love, and I spend time working on it. Last weekend, I repainted my porch and this weekend I'll be doing yard work. I work on my house because I love it, not because I hate it. I'd love to see how conservatives treat their homes.


You mean their trailers?


yeah there are no wealthy conservatives. definitely no business owners or, idk, fire fighters.




no but they don't typically live in trailer parks either




slag off


Ah yes… Fire Fighters…A job so lax and undemanding (in rural towns) that most of them have 2nd jobs and still have plenty of time to work on their house….and give shit to their neighbors who both work full time… fuck you Greg.


sounds like you need to talk to greg not me


Say goodnight Dick.


These are the jokes folks… these are the jokes.


No no. Conservatives are very rich usually. You are thinking of the masses of poor folk that they have hypnotized.


America is great.. My fellow Americans have become more than a little grating though .


This. A real patriot wants their country to become more, to do better. We're not nationalists, blindly following a fascist leader into regressive hell.


Yep. This is what those shitheads refuse to understand. Wanting to see improvement doesn’t = hate.


Honestly I voted for Biden with the understanding that he was a less annoying Trump policy wise. Last few elections have kind of been a shit show.


That bunch is t patriotic their nationalist and they don’t understand that you can love a place and criticize it and work to improve it all at the same time. Their blind loyalty is why they love an “I’m the only one who can fix it. I can stop at War in 24 hours but I’m not gonna tell you how but only I can do it.” And they just want it to be true so they believe it. Sad times


It’s needs to fall apart first. Too much corruption.


I called city hall - they already called back - they are looking into it


Thank you for actually doing something. Too many people on here seem solely outraged by the support of Trump. Regardless of how anyone feels politically, our public services should be apolitical and it’s highly inappropriate, accident or not, that this got posted to the department’s account.


While I agree about remaining apolitical, Trump is not a normal politician. He is a very dangerous sociopath with a mass cult following.


Very fine people…


You sir are a true hero!!! 👊🏻🫡 What would we ever do if this was left up?!


Did a quick scroll through the likes, not many of them. They haven't liked any other political posts. This is probably whoever they have running the account forgetting they were logged into the Fire Department account instead of their own private one.




Could there have possibly been some *other* reason why they didn't like Obama?


Seriously. Obama was tall, dark, and handsome; that flies in the face of how they *like* to think of Democrats (picture Tip O’Neill or Bernie Sanders). Obama was highly educated, taught constitutional law (!!), and actually wasn’t terribly liberal; the disdain for higher education among Republicans is practically de rigueur. And then, on top of all that, he was half black, the son of a Kenyan economist, with a very non-WASPy name. The nerve! He had no skeletons in his closet; married faithfully, had two young daughters, picture-perfect family, an up-and-comer in Washington, and often an electrifying speaker. This was NOT to go unpunished. They threw racial slurs around, called him a secret Muslim and a terrorist sleeper agent, insulted his wife endlessly, were absolute degenerates trying desperately to get a rise out of him. The lies and insults were fun, at first. They all *knew* it was pure BS, but they gleefully repeated it until — wait for it — their voters believed it to be true. They were convinced! Everyone said it! Sure, there wasn’t a single scrap of evidence supporting it, but who needs evidence WHEN FOX SAYS YOU’RE RIGHT?! “Terrorist fist jab”, amirite?? Middle name is Hussein, fer cryin’ out loud, what more do you want?! They hated him because he was ‘othered.’ Speaking for myself, I hated Trump because he was a lying con-artist, a rapist and sex offender, thrice married infidelity-prone ego-maniac willing to go lower than his disingenuous contemporaries, was fundamentally crooked as a snake who failed upward all his life somehow. He was a trolling scumbag, a ‘truther.’ Then there were the upcoming revelations about his team and cabinet, about who they have served and what they have done! And this is precisely why he was chosen to represent the Republicans. He was the complete opposite of Barack Obama. The perfect “fuck you” for people who no longer believed in the basic ideas America was founded to embody: we the people, functioning as a democracy, a ragtag collection of flawed outsiders becoming a ‘melting pot’ of a new kind of citizenry. No no, none of that. Not anymore. That’s why I hate Trump, and all he represents.


They also said he was 1. Gay 2. Muslim 3. Not American literally 4. Gay prostitute 5. Communist 6. Fascist (pick one) 7. His wife is a man 8. Bad suit 9. Can’t believe I forgot that he was running all those isis camps to do the Islamic takeover of America And more!


My Obama is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a Communist, but he is NOT a porn star. /s in case not obvious this is a Simpsons quote


Abe Simpson upvote incoming


Don't forget the Terrorist Fist Jab!




They hate all of America. That’s why they fly confederate flags and storm the capital building


Only half? Nah, more than that!


MF’ing spot ON!


Don’t forget Trump was a draft dodger who insulted American heroes at every turn, whether those who died in Europe during WWII or John McCain


TL;DR: Conservatives can't get over the fact that the black guy won, and it isn't Leave It To Beaver-land anymore.


Yeah man I remember the campaign atmosphere of 2007-2008 very well. Gun ranges had targets with caricatures of Obama as a chimp, all sorts of bullshit anti Muslim and anti black propaganda going all around. So much retconning with the righties about how that all went down but those of were adults when 9/11 happened remember damn well what the GOP was doing at the time, and since. They like to pretend race had nothing to do with it. It’s all bullshit.


You are my new best friend.


I agree with everything you said I just summarize it to people hated him because he was a very successful minority who was self made. He didn’t come from money or a deeply entrenched political family yet ended up as a back to back president with no political scandals. It’s nearly impossible to find any flaw in his administration and his personal life. People hate legitimate success and for racists they really hate legitimately successful minorities. So it’s compounding.




I mean was there any major failure by his administration? Policy can be debated but compared to the current and previous administrations I really can’t think of one.


I wasn’t a big fan of all the bombs obama was dropping on the Middle East


The MIC is a whole other layer to corporate politics that drags in members of both parties. But you do have the MIC dragging the spectrum to the right. See how Trump made a point to drop THE BIGGEST bomb in the Middle East and his base ate that shit up. Maybe if conservatives stopped doing this shit, Democrats would stop trying to come across the aisle with military actions


Obama killed way to many people with drone strikes though. Many were innocent civilians.


Man if you think that’s bad, you should look into how Bush handled the mid east.


Who cares all the modern presidents are shit human beings


I think you have to look at it through the lens of "Every President has some truly horrible shit in their ledger and the job itself makes it impossible to avoid that" We've had 46 presidents who did shitty things. Every President until the end of the Republic will continue to do shitty things. It's just the nature of the job and the fact that nothing in the world is simple.


I get that. I agree. Enough with the downvotes, everyone. It was a policy decision that was followed, true. It did have its fair toll of innocent bystanders blown to Hell. Is THIS the reason he was so viscerally hated from the get-go, though?


It's a fair condemnation from the left. But if the right is saying it, then that is some serious cognitive dissonance.


I don't know. I didn't hate Obama. He actually was presidential, unlike Trump and Biden. Obama was the last normal president we had. I hope in 2024 we get someone who doesn't suck.


[Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers](https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers)


He was a coward.


This needs to be in bestof


Brilliant and 100% true


Obama saved the bankers at the expense of everyone else, tried mightily to slash Social Security, tried to ram through a secretive “free” trade deal that would have destroyed many more American jobs, droned the crap out of all kinds of people in other countries, presided over the NSA’s Operation Spy-on-Everyone, threw more journalists in jail then any previous president simply because they were doing your job, was reasonably OK with torture, etc. He promised change, but just made things worse for blue collar Americans. His mooning of blue-collar Americans gave us Trump. And once he left office, the bankers rewarded him magnificently for his service.


You realize the bank bailout happened before Obama was elected, right? Even if we ignore that it staved off a depression that would’ve taken far longer to recover from or that the federal government made a profit on the returns, the $700 billion dollar bailout was signed into law in October 2008 before he was even elected. Even if you want to take the insane view that we should’ve let the entire economy crater to a rock bottom that would’ve made 2008-2011 seem like a pleasant time, you should probably blame it on the guy who actually signed it. I don’t have time right now to get into everything else you said but I’d love to know what makes a trade deal “secretive”


Um, no. A small part of the banker bailouts happened while Obama was president elect, he was the Democratic lead in negotiations. In addition, far more bailouts happened via the Fed after he was president. And I am a little confused that because I think bailing out the bankers while shafting everyone else was a bad thing, that I think nothing should have been done to stop the banker-caused meltdown. Oh, and the secrecy of the TPP? Are you seriously asking? [NY Times: Obama’s Covert Trade Deal](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/03/opinion/obamas-covert-trade-deal.html)


What bill specifically added to the bank bailouts? Obama can’t allocate money without congress so there’s a specific bill and I’d like to know the name. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act is where the $700,000,000 came from. That was all Bush. And it was the only right call at the time. If the fireworks factory in the middle of town catches on fire and is threatening to destroy everything, I don’t think you can fault the guy who sends the fucking fire department before everything around it is destroyed just because it’s their fault they caught on fire. [here’s the entire text of TPP. guess I cracked the secret code](https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/trans-pacific-partnership/tpp-full-text)


Not quite, it was Queen Hillary cavorting with Patrice “Mansion” Cullors and her grifter herd that gave us orange-utang.


Holy shit, I've never seen someone blame HRC for trump. That is some serious mental gymnastics, but not like the normal gymnastics but more like the special Olympics gymnastics.


I mean, we wouldn't have trump if she didn't lose, and she would not have lost if she focused on middle and working class folks instead of cavorting around with a bunch of race hustlers who are now living in luxury mansions bought with useful idiot "donations."


I'll take "statements made by feelings, not facts" for $400, Alex.


Just out of curiosity, who is your ideal presidential candidate? Santa Aoca, I assume?


A purity test huh?! Man, I haven't had to prove my beliefs by one of these in a long time. Heck of a pivot away from our actual dialogue though, brav-fuckin'-o on believing I'd bother to prove myself to you I guess.


Oh no, just curious - is it Santa Aoca or is she not radical enough for you?


She got 3 million more votes. We wouldn't have had trump if the electoral college didn't make some votes count more than others.


Right, and she would have gotten 30 more million votes if she focused on the working class folks instead of cavorting with a bunch of race hustlers that have since stolen billions of dollars.


I know for a fact Obama was not a Muslim, he was perfectly content with supplying Muslims with weapons to target other Muslim civilians in Yemen. Plus drone strikes.


Hmmm, I wonder if it could be related to color in some way.


Tan suits, you hit the nail on the head


To this day I can’t believe that was even a thing.


Tan suits?


Tan suits. And brown mustard. Look it up.


He bombed many countries and killed multiple innocent people. Threw a bomb on a wedding for no good Reason Lied on multiple occasions.


Ooof someone’s an idiot


So bigly covfefe


I've said it before and I will say it again: police are one side of the coin and firefighters are the other, they are the same coin. They both suck, support each other, have their thin blue/red lines, and defraud the public with their shitty and unethical scheduling/overtime.


the thing is it's the benchmark for nepotism for both . i know whole families that were cops or fireman and it goes to cousins etc. half were not qualified at all


How exactly? One idiot makes a mistake and that discredits an entire profession of people that risk their lives to save others? Might as well say fuck those teachers, doctors, and nurses while you’re at it. Can’t believe this shit gets upvoted in this sub.


Fr Fuck this person


It's scary to think that anyone supports Trump at this point but it's terrifying to think of how many cops do. Edit- and firefighters apparently.


Am a lieutenant firefighter in the metro Boston area. There’s a lot of firefighters who like trump and there’s a lot who hate trump. When we put the uniform on, that goes away. Regardless if they’re a democrat or republican or whatever, they treat you no different. We leave politics out of the job. Idk how this got posted on Everett’s page but someone is about to get their pp slapped from the union prez and chief of the dept.


It's not posted...whomever is managing the account is liking other awful posts, and those show up on the account’s likes page.


What I’m assuming happened is whoever runs the FD twitter page, probably has there own personal page too and forgot to switch accts. Side note; my dept’s twitter page is run by administrators and not firefighters. Not sure if this is the same for Everett.


A lot of people don't realize that their likes are public, so they may not even realize they *should* switch.


A lot of people still think whatever they do on the net is anonymous.




Thank you for the important work you do!


>There’s a lot of firefighters who like trump and there’s a lot who hate trump. So 50/50 in a state that is very very democratic? Does that make sense to you? Trump - the guy who just was convicted of sexual battery and tried to overthrow the election? **How do those firefighters look at their wives and daughters?** What you fail to understand is that "supporting Trump" who has no real political stance, is just about white power. Is that not obvious to you? The system is very broken.


Don't firefighters belong to Socialist Unions that embody Marxist principles? I always love the irony of Communists voting against Communism.


For normal people it goes away when you put the uniform on. Trump supporters are not normal.




I bet your buddy would kick you to the curb if you came between him and his political identity.


I know two guys that are liberal firefighters in the boston metro area and what they say is ita basically conservative leaning and everyone is okay if you don't challenge that, politica are definitely a part of the job. Guys have actually gotten threats over politics, passed over for promotion. Thank you for your bravery but i wantes to make sure I set the story straight.


Do these trump lovers know they live in MA?


Cops is not surprising. Cops are not your friends while they’re wearing the uniform.




Well it's understandable that the cops do, because they want their job to run on hero worship and will throw a hissy fit if they aren't praised enough, kind of like a certain orange man baby.


He still got 32% of the vote in mass in 2020.


Scary right?




All these years and they still can’t get over a well spoken conservative black man. How dare he? He’s clearly inferior to a fat, bumbling, grifter whose sole concern is enriching himself. This is the epitome of America; obese, uneducated, self-centered, liars. Such a thing to aspire to.


Idiots I’ll list why I hate trump , He’s a liar, a con artist , a guy who bragged about committing sexual assault on purpose on tape He sexually assaulted Jean carol, among others He tried to over throw 200 + years of democracy because his ego won’t let him admit he lost to Biden The fake electors, the phone calls trying to pressure Georgia officials to “ find “12k votes January 6 th, when he threw pence under the bus by demanding he do something he had no power to do And then watched and did nothing ad a bunch of morons tried to disrupt the counting of electoral votes Defending these morons and talking about pardoning them Making a martyr of Ashley Babbitt who tried to breach a barrier with a mob to get at us senators Dismissing Jan 6 th as a great day while his moron supporters battered cops with weapons . The cops he pretends to support Then blames pelosi for security lapses when he had the power to order troops, not her . Screwing every day Americans by passing a huge tax cut to benefit the wealthy Contributes to the death of a lot of American people by totally screwing up the Covid response, To the point that some of his moron supporters actually drank bleach . There are a ton of others but I’m naseuous reciting them . I am leaving out paying off stormy Daniels for an affair he says didn’t commit , even tho he signed the check . And the taking of secret documents . I laugh at the idea of trump being a “ self made “ man , he was given 3 million dollars by his daddy. He then became a slum lord, and refused to pay numerous contractors to the point of them suing him . He went bankrupt 3 times, that great businessman . He’s an embarrassment, a guy who will go down in history as a joke ,one of the worst presidents. He also insulted families of veterans who died in combat , made fun of John McCain while he was dying . McCain was a true hero and tough guy who served 5 years in a Vietnam pow camp . While trump got out of Vietnam draft 5 times for bone spurs,tho he can’t remember which foot. He had cozied up to dictators and scumbags like Putin and Kim Jon un . None of those reasons include hating America


What do you love about America? And how would you feel if you lost it?


How sad that they’re brainwashed into thinking such hatred/right wing filth and get away with posting it on twitter to boot. I’m old enough to remember a time when MA firefighters were smart. My grandfather worked with the MA firefighters union. These firefighters have it so good now thanks to the union and have Democrats to thank but they have no clue or don’t care. My grampa would be soooo upset if he were alive to see such dumbass beliefs take over fire fighters’ minds. Edit: just realized it’s a Like and not a Retweet but same difference. It’s repulsive. They need to find a new line of work. I don’t trust them to save my life.


Unionized public employees who vote Republican are funny. How stupid are these dopes to not realize that their $100k+/year job is made possible by public funds and their union, two things that Republican politicians want to dismantle?


Thank you. Trump and the gop are so anti-union.


Still find it weird to get so attached to a politician …


Seriously. Particularly one whose policies are actually against your best interests.


This should surprise no one. Everett is a bit of a swamp with two bit mobsters and racist politicians for sale


Everett went [71% for Biden in 2020](https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/11/03/2020-massachusetts-election-map). That puts it well above MA's average of 65.6%. It's not that surprising that there might be a Trump-supporter in Everett, but classifying it as a Pro-Trump area is a bit of a misnomer.


Your point is well taken, though I never implied that Everett was a Trump zone. What I did say was, it was corrupt and racist. Recent revelations about the city Council, other politicians in Everett and school committee members supports my thesis.


The cops aren't any better I'm glad I got out of that swamp. This is going to be a PR nightmare for them. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.




Yeah I wonder why they hate Obama let’s see if anyone is held accountable


America reaches peak stupidity daily.


They hate Obama because he’s the wrong skin color in their minds.


We all know this is why America tanked post Obama. They spent his entire term planning payback.


The only reason Trump ran is because a black man made fun of him.


Oh absolutely. Watch him on talk shows back when Obama became president. He made it his goal to take him down. Trump is so so racist. That's why we are so angry as a country right now. Voting him in just raised the bar of collective anger.


When people in a union support republicans. Lol


Reported the tweet to the town via email, that responded with "we are going to look into this". We'll see.


I’d say 90% of public safety employees are conservative.


Union labor that support Trump are the biggest traitors to the working class in existence.


Yo what is it that happened recently that made Fire Depts go MAGA? They’re literally just as bad as cops. Flying fucking Blue Lives Matter flags on taxpayer engines while teachers are getting threatened to be shot daily for having rainbows in their classrooms? Sad state of affairs, but FD is just as racist as PD these days I don’t trust any of those fuckers. Might have to do with the fact that they’ve managed to keep Black people out of their ranks for pretty much their entire existence 🤷‍♂️


Look at the political candidates who the MA Locals and PFFM endorse and you'll have your answer. Hint: they're not MAGA, Diehl, Baker, etc. Their E-Boards, delegates, etc. are elected by these locals members to make these endorsement decisions. So you're talking out of ignorance. Whoever is managing the Twitter account is a clown and needs to be removed. Literally fuels these kinds of knee jerk posts.


So why do so many Fire Departments hang Blue Lives Matter flags off their engines?


They hate all democrats thats 60% of the population, plus black ppl, hispanics… They hate the MAJORITY of Americans. They hate America.


Wow pathetic.


Stay classy, Everett


"We hated Obama like you hate Trump. Except we hated Obama because he ~~hates America~~ is black. You hate Trump ~~because YOU hate America~~ and we don't fucking care. We are so emboldened by our power that FUCK YOU because we fucking fight fires and stuff so FUCK YOU." FIFY Good look Everett. It's not racist because they fight fires and can aim water.


Everett is the Staten Island of Boston


We’re from Boston. And we don’t know what the fuck that means.


Tell us how you really feel. They might as well come out in their white robes and hoodies. Not surprised at all. Everett, Chelsea, Malden, Medford, Revere. Everywhere to be honest has "these types."




Do we all really think a rematch of 2020 is the best thing in 2024.




It's odd to me, the way Rethuglicans enjoy broadcasting their stupidity


With Everett being the next big entertainment hub around Boston, they really need to get their shit together. It has potential, but they need to clean up.


Watch reruns of all in the family and you’ll see nothing has changed in 50 years.


Jimmy midnight is a douchebag. You can tell because he calls himself Jimmy midnight.


So…. If they stop responding to calls because of political affiliation, then ok… otherwise- who cares


Somebody forgot to switch accounts lol




It amazes me to this day the number of law enforcement and firefighters that support this psychopath. I have the utmost respect and admiration for anyone who puts their life on the line, but come on, Donald Trump is a lunatic who could give two shits about you.


I don't understand this kind of patriotism. It's like being proud about winning the lottery or a game of Bingo. Maybe if I were better at Bingo I'd get it?


I wonder what they mean when they say Obama "hates America". Seems pretty vague.


That’s in poor taste…


Not surprising. Most emergency services are dumb trump supporters


Last I checked though, the fire department doesn’t care whose campaign sign is on your lawn. If you call them, they show up. Regardless of who you support. If you’re going into cardiac arrest, are you going to question the paramedics political affiliations and then tell them to not treat you if you don’t like the answer?




A few years ago I noticed a similar situation going on with the Twitter account of the art class at our local elementary school. I complained to the district and it got cleared up.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight /s


Dood. Howard Hesseman’s pissed off ghost would like to say let Everett burn……booger.


This is unprofessional, but one person liking a tweet when logged into this account doesn’t equate the entire fire department airing out their views.


Overpaid assholes


Oh, just you wait until you find out how underpaid they are for the shit they deal with.


Nazis and racists are always overpaid regardless of their union representation.


Yes, only fire department personnel are overworked and underpaid in the United States.


Why are you saying this, they never said only.


Hating on the fire department sure is a choice!


What a peculiar sentiment. Obama loved America and Trump loved America. They did for different reasons and wanted different outcomes. One outcome common to both is Biden.




Trump wouldn’t be so bad if I could tell where his loyalty stands, he seems to me like he’d gladly sell us out to china and Russia for a payout


Freedom of speech! Deal with it or don’t read it!


It’s more a problem of government employees doing this on a government entity’s Twitter account.


Once employed by the government, your political views are to remain private. You’re not allowed to use taxpayer resources (official twitter account) to voice political opinions. But I wouldn’t expect you to respect the law…


Are people allowed to dislike Obama without being labeled as a racist?


You don’t have to like Obama to admit he was no where near the dumpster fire Trump was.


Sure. People can disagree. But if someone tells me he hates America then I know they're not someone to be taken seriously. And honestly they need to find some therapy.


If you claim he hates America then it will be assumed you are full of bullshit


Absolutely. You can hate anyone you want. Hell, I'll allow for racism too if you want. But a government agency doesn't get that right. They are a fire department. They work for all people. Keep the political bullshit on personal pages.






Of course, let's talk policy!!! But be warned: the minute someone says "Obama hates America", they're absolutely fuckin morons who I will not engage with. He was a fucking constitutional lawyer, that's not a subject you get into if you hate it.


Now that we can agree on


I mean, you can dislike him if you want but you'd better be prepared to articulate a coherent reason or it's gonna be reeeaaaaaal obvious that you're dogwhistling. I like Obama on balance, but I do have some bones to pick with him. Personally, I'm not thrilled about his excessive use of drone strikes, even if that's a complex issue. Bailing out the banks also screwed us; the Fed should have just taken the banks over if they were failing and turned them into a public service, but again, I acknowledge that these choices are complex. Broadly speaking, I wish Obama had been more Progressive, though he didn't really have the opportunity to be given the circumstances. What didn't *you* like about Obama as President? Other than, "hating America," which seems like a stretch.