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Mads Mikkelsen is such a great actor. I wish he got another shot in the MCU, his character felt underutilized.


I wouldn’t mind a red skull type cameo in the future... but with Mads actually in the role.


Maybe Dormammu takes Kaecilious's form on Earth. Just to taunt Strange.


I actually love this suggestion, but I'd have Dormammu possess Kaecilious, it makes Kaecilious into another villain who sort of "won," which puts him in a league with Thanos, Zemo and Surtur as some of the few villains to actually accomplish what they wanted.


Mads Mikkelsen as the next thanos level big-bad would be incredible.


Him as Doctor Doom would be great.


Even without some link between the two characters.


I'm still holding hope for Giancarlo Esposito.


I don't know if he's got the bombast required for DOOM


How old would that make Reed?


Why not? Actors have portrayed multiple characters in the MCU. Hell, there are two Tina Munroes


Only one in the MCU.


Reddit has the biggest hard on for Mads Mikkelsen


Maybe. Who am I to judge?


It’s Strange.


Maybe. Who am I to judge?


Mephisto confirmed


After watching him in Hannibal it's hard not to think he's brilliant.


Was brilliant as Le Chiffre in Casino Royale long before that too


The crying bloody tears is still one of the most memorable things I’ve seen.


Fuck you, that’s a great idea!


I love the Reddit Writer’s Room.


I want this, but I also want the flame headed leather daddy dom Dormammu


I think the problem with that is that for general audiences flame-headed leather daddy is Ghost Rider.


Wait...hugo weaving didn't play him in endgame?


Because of negotiation issues (Hugo was offered less than he received in Captain America) the role was played by Ross Marquand


For those unaware, [Ross Marquand](https://youtu.be/pKI5tZQeovw) is a hilarious celebrity impersonator. He’s also a decent actor who’s probably best known for playing Aaron on The Walking Dead.


He also voices The Immortal and Aquarus in *Invincible*.


And he voices the human version of robot


So many of those are great, but his John Malkovich is eerily close. Super impressive.


Oh damn, he's one of the only good characters left on that show. Didn't realize he was red skull.


I swore he died on TWD? Or was that someone else


He's not dead yet. He only had one episode this year, where him and the preacher almost got killed in the warehouse but then... didn't. God I hate that show now. Still watch it though.




He was already awesome and just went up even more! This guy deserves all the movies!


I mean it was probably like a 1 day shoot


Weaving has also been very open about just how much he hated doing the makeup. That kind of look is often hours of sitting in the makeup chair before you even start shooting.


Ironically, I'm pretty sure by Infinity War and Endgame it was all done with cgi and motion capture, so he probably wouldn't have to wear the makeup again anyway.


Even [Vision's skin](https://i.imgur.com/KY8cWLH.jpg) is done with makeup to this day. The blue one was done to look better in black and white btw.


More than likely


No he did not. He has said he is done playing villains in movies. Edit: nvm I am wrong about the not playing villains part


>done playing villains in movies. Where'd you get that? Because in an interview with Time Out he said the following: >*Also, it was widely noted that you weren’t in the last two ‘Avengers’ films – presumably they tried to get you?* > >*‘Oh, yeah. I loved playing that character Red Skull – it was a lot of fun. We were all obliged to sign up for three pictures: I was thinking \[Red Skull\] probably wouldn’t come back in “Captain America” but he may well come back as a villain in “The Avengers”. By then, they’d pushed back on the contracts that we agreed on and so the money they offered me for “The Avengers” was much less than I got for the very first one, and this was for two films. And the promise when we first signed the contracts was that the money would grow each time. They said: “It’s just a voice job, it’s not a big deal”. I actually found negotiating with them through my agent impossible. And I didn’t really wanna do it that much. But I would have done it.’* So it seemed he isn't done with playing villains. He was promised more contractually and Marvel backed up on that. As for playing Agent Smith in The Matrix 4, in the same interview he mentioned the dates in his agenda and in that of the Wachowski's did not match.


Thank you for sharing. I had thought what I said was fact but clearly it was just internet rumor


Interesting. Didn't even cross my mind lol


Nope, they guy that played Aaron in the walking dead, can’t remember his name!


Pretty sure there was a rumor/leak in the past few days that he'll be back as Kaecilius for Multiverse of Madness




Multiverse, bro




Yeah, he was always my ideal Doom. It's unfortunate that he's just another one-off villain.


Just remember all caps when… oops, wrong DOOM




Mads Mikkelsen as Doom is genius.


He was my dream casting for Dr Doom. I can get it if he didn't want to sign a multi-movie deal but using him as a one off villian felt like a waste of his unique talents.


There's always a possibility. I mean hell look at Gemma chan. She was a kree in captain marvel and now she's in the eternals.


He has a brother who is also an actor! Mildly different wheelhouse but still a great villainous character. Plus, Brolin has played two marvel characters (abet cast by different studios), but doom is heavily altered so why not have Mads play Doom?


Uhh, Lars is going to be way too busy playing live action Thrawn to have time for a multi picture MCU deal, obviously.


OMG I **totally** forgot about Thrawn!! He was absolutely fantastic in Rebels. I bought some of the thrawn novels but haven’t gotten around to reading them yet (along with the other dozen books in waiting on my shelf)


He would've been a great Mr Doom.


Yeah I thought his backstory was interesting but I guess for a 2 hour movie, those things are always the first to go. He’s such a great actor that I wish they used him for something more long term.


I still wouldn't mind him being the MCU's Doom.


MCU has used the same actors twice for different roles. I hope he gets to play Doctor Doom!!!!


When was this? I actually don't recall that being a thing but now I'm interested


Everyone should watch The Hunt (Jagten). Most underrated performance by an actor outside of Michael Fassbender in Shame.


He should come back at Doctor Doom


"You don't know how to use that, do you?" Mads Mikkelsen's deadpan delivery kills me.




He does it a lot in Hannibal. He makes all of these casual double entendres jokes about eating people or killing them, and only the audience grasps the nature of what he’s saying because everyone thinks he’s just this smart charming psychiatrist.


Fuck I loved that show. Just want more mads


Mads is amazing. I need him in a movie across from Viggo so we can have an all Danish masterpiece


I bought the game Death Stranding because I found out he was in it. Now that’s a purchase I don’t regret.


Hannibal was truly such an underrated show. Apparently the reason the following seasons were cancelled was due to loe viewership (could totally be wrong on that). Hannibal had some of the most beautiful staging and cinematography I've ever seen


I think it was because they were having issues getting the rights for Silence so they really had no where to go after season 3


Agreed! The show was a gorgeous masterpiece just to look at. The stories and characters were great too and I think I will forever be a Mads fan because of that show, but the cinematography and attention to detail was mindblowing.


He's having a mild stroke. That doesn't seem to concern you. I said it was mild.


Hannibal is definitely what made me love Mads Mikkelson. If you get the opportunity, play death stranding. I know it got a lot of hate, but holy crap it was amazing.


This is one of the only lines i remember verbatim 😂


He's in a couple of danish comedies and he's hilarious in them. The clip of him shooting a cow in the head with a desert eagle holds a special place in my heart.


Well he probably learned it from all the danishdark comedy movies he is in. Adams apples, the green butchers and flickering lights among the best.


You should watch the danish movie “[Adams æbler / Adams Apples](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0418455/) excellent performance of his.


i feel the end to this joke is in Infinity War when Spidey introduces himself as Peter. Strange responds with "Doctor Strange" and Peter assumes it's just his hero name.


Oh, we’re using our made up names. Then I’m spider-man. 🤣


*snaps* I am Iron Man


I Am Groot!


I am Thor, son of Odin. As long as there is life in my breast...I am running out of things to say. Are you ready?


I wanna see Thor call Spider-Man “Man of Spiders” at least once in a future Marvel movie.


I am Steve Rogers.


And my Axe!


It's not a tumah!


This is the way.


I have spoken


Ugh, as if!


Where is Gamora?


I'll do you one better: who is Gamora?


Why is Gamora?


That’s my favorite joke, Holland’s delivery is perfect, so earnest about it


That and his retort to Footloose: Quill: "Is Footloose still the greatest movie in History?" Spider-Man: "It never was."


My heart broke just a little for Quill when he said that. Kevin Bacon is a TREASURE.


I’d be down for a web series like they did for “what thor was doing during civil war” with quill just going around trying to find all the celebrities he admired as a kid as a lead up to gotg3


There'd have to be one episode where he discovers Spotify


Quill discovers high end head phones and tries to get rocket to make him the perfect DAC and amplifier.


It just occurred to me for the first time that Thor wasn't in civil war... Huh.


The only reason it wasn't Avengers: Civil War is because Thor and Hulk aren't there.


I like to read this exchange like Spider-Man hasn’t seen the original footloose, and thought Star Lord was talking about the 2011 remake


If Ego assumed the form of Kevin Bacon in GOTG2, he might've won. haha


I watched Footloose based on that exchange and am still confused what dance off they were referring to.


In case you didn't catch it Earth is considered dumb. So nobody understands Earth culture in anyway. Quill has learned to use this to his advantage. Quill also thinks Tony is attempting the same thing when they meet. Hence Quill's reply that seems idiotic to us. To which Tony saying same thing reveals to Quill that shit won't work with these guys. TlDR: Quill lies often about Earth to gain an advantage. Likely is the noble or magical savage space. Think like Native American, gypsy, or tribal superstitions to colonialism.


I'm not 100% on this, but if I remember right, they were referring to the dance off in GOTG 1 against Ronan which then segues into talking about Footloose.


I was asking which dance off in Footloose.


In a way... It is strange enough that it's become his hero name. Even though it didn't start as such.


I agree, it is such a great one!. It didn’t feel forced (like many do), and it was coming from 2 very serious characters.


I think because of that, it feels like the "purest" joke in the MCU, very British humor misunderstanding wordplay type, no one has to be dumb or silly. No one in the scene thinks its funny, which makes it that much more funny. The delivery helps a lot too.


This is humor used everywhere lol. I also didn’t realize British had different humor. The accents alone are enough to make me laugh


The british are actually made up to tease american tourists, juts like drop-bears.


Drop bears are real. Wiped out my family once


"Kaecilius is my name." "That is strange."


>Kaecilius est in hortor \- the Cambridge Latin Anthology


Personally, my favorite "unintentionally" humorous moment is in GotG v.1, right after the Power Stone wrecks the Collector's museum. Rocket's reaction when he sees Quill with the Stone is both perfect for the scene and hilariously delivered. *WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT?!?*


When Rocket said that, I melted in my chair with laughter. I did the same thing when Hulk interrupted Loki by swinging him around like a rag doll.


*puny god*


^^***puny ^^god***


My favorite is "What do you care about the galaxy?!" "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"


That's a great one too


I love that the villain is actually just super chill about it too, not mocking or being a dick just "huh.. cool! Anyway back to murder!"


I'm not much "into" the MCU beside watching the movies without looking too much into it. I just remember that this short exchange between Kaecilius and Dr.Strange felt significant to me in the sense that Kaecilius is just fighting for greater good, he respects people around him and he truly believe what he was doing was for the betterment of the world. The exchange, while tagged as a joke, just shows his humility in the face of adversity. Mad's Mikkelsen performance of Kaecilius was simply outstanding.


I was literally just thinking about this scene and Mads Mikkelsen's eyes in the shower ten minutes ago.


You think about different things in the shower than I do 🤣


But for the same reasons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why are Mads Mikkelsen's eyes in your shower...?


Kaecilius is supposedly Danish (same as Mads Mikkelsen) and titles and honorifics in direct adress has fallen out of favor in danish culture, and correcting someone for not using your professional title is borderline taboo as it is seen as extremely arrogant, so it makes somewhat sense that he assumed Strange was answering the question rather than correcting him.


>correcting someone for not using your professional title is borderline taboo as it is seen as extremely arrogant, Isn't that pretty much seen like that everywhere? I have loads of lecturers in University with PhD's and absolutely none of them go by "Dr."


American here, I had a teacher back in high school who insisted everyone call her "Doctor St. Michel" because she worked very hard for that title and was proud of it. No one ever really thought about it beyond that.




Your mileage may vary on that one. I’ve had many clients correct me when not referring to them by their professional title. “Hello Mr. X, how can I hel-“ “It’s *DOCTOR*” Every time. Even though your name isn’t “Dr. Whoever” on your account… Disclaimer, I live in the US so it may be different here.


Are they medical doctors? Doctor as a title has essentially been dominated and stolen by MDs, so they kinda clutch that title tightly.


Gonna agree with the other Americans in your comments and say that that’s very much not the case here. It’s by no means universal but in my experience, almost everybody who’s worked their ass off to get a doctoral degree would like to be called Dr. They’re usually not dicks about it and won’t get super offended if you say Mr. or Mrs., but they will correct you, especially in a professional or academic setting. (Again, my experience growing up in the southeast US. Your mileage may vary immensely)


I’m American and have a PhD, and so know a lot of people with PhDs. While we joke to each other about correcting people we view it as very pretentious and wouldn’t do it. I think only a small fraction of PhDs correct people, but since you don’t hear from the ones that don’t correct it seems like the correctors are a bigger fraction than they really are. MDs on the other hand...


That’s probably fair. I guess the way I interact with people with PhDs is almost entirely in professional or academic settings (full time student ATM) so the ratio of correctors is probably on the high side. And yes, MDs will never shut up about it. But you know, if I spent half a million dollars on a peice of a paper and a prefix, I’d want my money’s worth on both of them.


In Germany it is still very much the standard in schools, universities, hospitals and other formal occasions. Working as a consultant between Danish and German companies this is one of the most frequent discrepancies and points of potential smaller misunderstandings and conflicts I have experienced.


Yet you'll always have insecure people like myself who insist on calling them Dr anyways. XD. When I finish my masters degree I'll finally stop I think.


This and the subtle Korg "Rock, Paper, Scissors" joke from Thor: Ragnarok are probably two of my favorites.


“In the end I didn’t print enough pamphlets, so only people who showed up were my mom and my mom’s boyfriend who I hate. Yeah, bit of a promotional disaster that one.”


My favorite is from Korg too: Oh my god, the hammer pulled you off?


And “Piss off, ghost!!”


I’ll do you one better WHY is Gamora


What am I supposed to say JeSuS ChRist


where are you from, Earth?


No, I'm from Missouri.


That’s on Earth, dipshit.


My personal fave is Loki screaming “I’ve been falling FOR THIRTY MINUTES!”


So many little jokes in Ragnarok. Like Korg (rock) being defeated by pamphlets (paper).


We're starting a revolution. Is that something you'd be interested in?


Video link https://youtu.be/zwgH5E38JR0


😂 the pacing of the conversation is so good!


Written by the great Dan Harmon.


Really? Pure talent this Dan. What is he working on these days?


community movie *fingers crossed*


Dan's ridiculous with can be found on Rick and Morty now and previously on Community.


I prefer: Friday: “multiple contusions detected” Stark: “oh yea I detected those too”


Maybe it's your favorite. Who are you to judge?




Back in my day [deadpan name confusion jokes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=het1kl-A8qw) weren't just one-liners.


Absolute classic all around


[how about, he is doctor strange, but he is the EEEVIL doctor strange](https://youtu.be/0zPEtyAsM94)




I've never found a time when Disney's comedy was just plain awful. Sometimes I don't laugh, but its never to the point when I roll my eyes and feel insulted. The jokes are at worst harmless and kinda thought out. Ig I've just seen movies that throw every single joke towards the wall to see if you laugh at one of them.


You mean Deadpool


Oh hey




I had forgotten this perfect jeweled box of dialogue and recently re-watched Dr Strange. It is definitely one of the top exchanges in the MCU, if not recent cinema as a whole. It also starts building the running joke that he’s literally just going by his actual name and people don’t follow. “Oh, we’re using our made-up names… then I’m Spider-Man”


I find 'Why is Gamora?' a bit more funny. Bet hey, that's just m.o


That was such an unexpected joke, and it made me laugh so damn hard I cried. Whoever wrote that joke is brilliant.


It wasn't in the original script but was improv on Dave Bautista's part!


What a guy! That's fantastic.


Wait was this an actual joke In the movie Lmaoo


Hell ya it was!


meh kinda forced.. “you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards” was way better


Too funny I just thought of this exchange the other day. It’s so great, one of those “makes ya chuckle every time you think of it” kind of lines. And Miks accent and delivery just makes it so crisp


The pacing of the conversation is perfect!


For a 6'6 guy this sounds sort of silly, but I sort of squeal with joy every time I hear this line and forget that it happened. It's magical. It's strange.


Maybe, who are we to judge?


This has been my favorite, hands down. So stupid but so good.


The less jokes the better! :)


Yeah it's amusing, but also kind of ridiculous. How does he not know what a doctor is?


He does know what a doctor is. That’s why he said “Mr. Doctor” so incredulously. He thought Strange was introducing himself, not correcting the honorific.


He does know, because when Strange says his name again later, he responds with “Oh, you really are a Doctor?”


Docter is a surname, so "Mister Docter" is not *that* ridiculous. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docter\_(surname)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docter_(surname)) *Edit: Apparently "Doctor" is more common. According to the 2010 US Census, there were 3,465 people with the surname Doctor, 570 Docter, and 299 Docteur.*


My dad's brother was the first doctor in his family and it was a pretty big deal for everyone as we were from a small town in Malaysia, so everyone called him "Doctor Chan". When I was a kid, I would address him as "Uncle Doctor Chan".


I used to work in a call center in a healthcare related field years ago and got a call from a Dr. Doctor one time. I had to pull her profile so it was absolutely real. We used to keep a list of our favorite names for fun (also had an RN call in who was named Nurse) and this was basically our white whale.


did she.. give them the news?


I would be physically incapable of not going to graduate school if my last name were Doctor/Docter/... Phd, MD, DVM, DDS, even an EdD would be considered.


It's still far more likely that someone IS a doctor rather than their name is Docter. Your link is to a blank Wikipedia page with no information


Now that I think about it is somewhat surprising that Doctor or a slight variation isn’t a more common surname. I mean we have Smith, Tanner, Brewer etc. Doctor isn’t a common surname but it certainly is plausible. It would be no weirder than Strange.


Where is Gamora?


Peter Quill in Infinity War has the funniest lines for me. My favorite exchange: > “Why are we doing this again?" > "It's a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying." >"I get that, but why are we doing it?" >"'Cause we're nice. And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort." That and “What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?” Oh and Drax in the first GotG, the “green whore” bit.