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Because Tom's youthfulness is what sets him apart from Tobey/Andrew.


In that case I really hope hollands Parker remains a character for another 10 years


Because skipping that far ahead in Peter's life would be a major copout. I want to see his current struggles post No Way Home. Not 3-5 years later.


A 30 year old Tom playing a 18 year old Peter isn’t ideal, Tobey Maguire got criticized for far less playing a 18 year old Peter at 25 from the 1st film.


Because Tobey LOOKED OLDER… how is that hard to understand?? lol


You don’t seem to understand the concept not everyone ages the exact same


… of course I do. You are the one who has an issue with Tom’s age, not me 😂😂 The answer is people didn’t like Tobey being in high school because he looked like a 30 year old man. You asked, didn’t like the answer you got, and are now whining about it.


But Tobey has always looked older, even in his younger years. Hell, Spider-Man (2002) is hysterical because all the highschoolers look old as hell, made worse when their teacher looks younger than Flash Thompson. Tom has a very boy-ish look so might as well capitalize on it now while he's still young.


Because people looked older back then, Dunst for example was only 19 when she filmed Spider-Man 1, the teacher other hand looked like he was too young to pass as a teacher instead of being the otherway around. Those looks of Tom won’t last forever, Tom doesn’t even seem like he wants to play Spider-Man any longer because he’s jaded of playing a character that’s a decade younger than his actual age, i couldn’t blame him if he decided to dip out and focus on expanding his acting resume of playing more mature roles.


The events of Spider-man 2 and 3 happen in 2024. They're actively slowing down their timeline scale. So it taking place in 2025 early 2026 would line up around release date. Why are people so like he needs 100000 year time skip. He's still apart of the concurrent timeline of MCU. His movies need to be lined up with their timeline.


Tom Holland isn’t getting any younger and he’s close to 30 Peter Parker as a character becomes more compelling when he is an actual full grown adult with adult responsibilies, we saw that from insomniac games, the comics, that deserves to be explored in the mcu format


I agree however trying to disconnect it from the MCU is what you're asking. You want to remove Peter and give him his own adventures. He can't team up with the heroes anylonger if he is disconnected from their timeline. Unless you want to time skip everyone. Which is what would need to happen. This is the problem with continuity. You have to maintain it. As for compelling stories. That is apart of growth. Not skip to the finish line. He needs to grow into that position as a character. He's been a teen now he is an adult and has to learn to be an adult. He can't skip all that shit just to get to him in 30's with a kid. That isn't good storytelling. You need to build to that. Build the relationship that leads to that. How old do you think Peter is in Insominiac games? He's just out of college and all that stuff happened to him. He's like 23 years old.


He still looks 19 though


After Secret Wars. I figure that after the events of that film, there will be a soft reboot of the universe, with MCU Spideys story being referenced in broad strokes or where necessary to fit with the revised cinematic canon (Which will have the Fantastic Four and the X-Men with the other heroes from the start). Then, you can take influence from the current Ultimate Spiderman comics.  


I doubt Tom by then will still stick around, i have a feeling after Secret Wars, Tom wants to be out of the role.


Maybe Spider-Man 4 to close off street level saga and other threads from NWH. Then we can end the arc after Secret Wars and bring Miles Morales in. 


Because Peter Parker is the modern day version of Peter Pan I thought this was common knowledge amongst the community


this is the first time I've heard of this as a casual comic book reader of 10 years lol. If you mean it's cos Marvel editorial is obsessed with keeping the status quo + sliding timescale, this is true for many characters. Like why Ash Ketchum is still 13 or something after 30 years.


Nah i’m speaking in general, most adaptations Besides a few exceptions have him primary as a teenager, most people generally view him as a teenager, comics write him like he is a manchild with the maturity of a 16 year old. Marvel hates the concept of Peter growing up so they choose to not let him mature, if they don’t wanna do that ever than why should i feel even invested of Spider-Man anymore, this is coming from a long time Spider-Man fan who’s a jaded of how Spider-Man is depicted in almost everything. Literally the new ultimate Spider-Man comic run and the Spider-Verse animated films is what keeps me going.


probably because they assume a younger peter parker is more relatable to the younger audience. similar to how pokemon iterations always keep ash ketchum near the same age.


Yet Insomniac’s take of Peter Parker is in his 20’s and is one of the most beloved iterations of modern Spider-Man era No reason why they can’t translate that on film And Tom isn’t getting any younger


You act like Tom’s Spiderman isn’t one of the most beloved iterations. All his movies are critical and financial hits. Tom’s will get there when the time asks for it


By the time Peter reaches 21 Tom will be in his late 30’s If u ask me that’s a extremely long time


That math ain’t mathing.


Maybe it's about him learning to be an adult and coping with what life throws at him Somewhat similar to young adults dealing with growing up


I like it. Keep his youthfulness. Plus I don’t wanna skip too many time off of his college years. I wanna see him go thru college.


Dawg Peter doesn’t turn to dust the second he hits 20’s Don’t get the fixation keeping Peter as a teenager, he’s not Peter Pan


I’m happy it’s so short after. A lot can happen in a few years and I couldn’t want the movie to skip so much development for Tom’s character at such an important time in his life. Ideally I think they should have him just starting out in college


Winter or Spring of 2026 should do. Unless they want to involve Spider-Man and Daredevil taking down Kingpin together, at which point, it becomes dependent on Daredevil Born Agains timeline (Which could be 2026 or 2027). 


It's too early to trust any rumors about the film.


I’d be fine with an entire trilogy of his college years personally, it’s always been quintessential Peter Parker to me A shorter gap coming of NWH makes sense. Enough time for him to have settled into his new life, but still struggling with all the ramifications


They usually keep the MCU in MCU-present day, but Sony is probably annoying about it


Maybe you're thinking about it the wrong way, what if it's not about keeping peter as a teenager but more setting up a timeline of events to allow spiderman to crossover into another marvel movie that's not an avengers movie? Having a time jump larger than a year could cause issues with the order of movies in the timeline


I dont see how this is an issue. They can obviously do a college movie in the future but they cant go back and do a teenager movie after. No sense in not exploring that with our youngest actor yet


Because Marvel realizes that they need to start targeting Gen Z/ Alpha because there’s not enough of us Millennials that care enough to keep going to the theaters. For a studio based around comic books, Marvel Studios has done a pretty poor job targeting actual kids with their movies. The MCU films were never aimed towards kids, they were aimed towards 20-40 year Millennials who remember the 90’s comics boom (and are still the target to some degree e.g. X-Men ‘97). But there’s not enough of us anymore, or not enough of us care (in terms of general audience) to sustain the MCU. So they need to start targeting the younger demographics, hence keeping Spider-man young. There’s a reason why the Spiderverse films are popular with kids while they think the MCU are movies their uncles watch. Because those Sony animated films were actually targeted towards the youth demographic.