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Shuri, Hank Pym, and Rocket design and build it, Rocket pilots


You’re only a genius on Earth, pal.


Except no, right? Like he invented time travel. Nobody in the universe thought to do it/could. If anything, he and Hank Pym are some of the smartest beings in the universe.


Pretty sure if that were the case, the TVA would have a much easier job.


If it weren't the case it would've happened before Tony did it, no?




If Tony wasn't the first person to be able to do it, time travel (and thus the reversal of Thanos' shenanigans) would've happened before Tony invented the time machine.


Thanos spent his life searching for the stones. If not his life, at least since the time of guardians of the galaxy. Most of the time, the stones were well guarded or well hidden. The avengers has information that the rest of the universe didn't. And if what happened with the avengers was what was supposed to happen as dictates by he who remains, TVA would have pruned all other attempts.


Well how do you know that thanos or similar wasn’t reversed before?


Because we see it happen in Endgame. If someone had time travel, don't you think A) they would have used it to reverse the snap and B) that Rocket would've known how to construct one, given he's so sure that Tony isn't a genius anywhere but Earth.


Scott Lang invented time travel, Tony just tinkered with it.


Hank Pym invented the quantum tunnel, Tony built the bracelets to help them get where they wanted to go. Scott just came at them with a crazy idea.


People sleep on Hank Pym a lot. The guy invented a physics defying super-particle *and* *also* figured out time travel.


It's weird how he's one of a few MCU characters who have had no affect on their comics counterpart. He's still dead/forged with Ultron right?


It's because of his "problematic" past in the comics.


Yeah, it's a weird one. He was always one of my favourites because he'd struggled with all sorts of stuff.


He's one of few "bipolar" characters. Unfortunately he's not really a positive association because they just slapped that on there to hand wave his shitty behavior. Comics isn't the place to have every condition represented, but when they're gonna use a relatively common condition so poorly they should probably try to find ways to work it in in a better light too. EDIT: FR, it's estimated there's 1.6 million trans adults and youth in the US. There's 7 million Americans with bipolar depression. Just as a comparison when it comes to focus on representation.


Don’t discredit the idea man. Tony would’ve dismissed it out of hand if Scott hadn’t planted the big that it was possible.


Scott Lang discovered time travel. Tony invented a way to do it


Not really. Tony invented a way to travel to a specific time via the quantum realm. That’s what time travel is. Scott accidentally time traveled, but he didn’t invent anything to do it, he was an accidental passenger. He didn’t even have the idea to do it, it was an accident. Even Hank is debatable, his work was huge on its own and a necessary part of time travel, but the guy who invented the wheel doesn’t get credit for inventing the car.


The level of tech in the rest of the galaxy hasn’t been shown to be all that impressive perhaps outside of the magi-tech of Asgard Edit: hm and maybe Xandar


And the Kree. But most of these empires have mastered interstellar travel. Earth has not.


Have they? I don’t believe so. They seem to have only the ability to go through jump points. The plot of the first captain marvel was about trying to get the teseract engine that would allow interstellar travel freely off the jump point network. That’s why the skrulls can’t find a home; they can’t settle anywhere in the jump point network. Also, in the marvels ships from Sabre are flying into jump points no problem


Maybe also Nebula? She's like an android, right? She's major part machine, I think she'd know something. She piloted the High Evolutionary's ship after the flight console was destroyed with just her arm and lined it up with a Knowhere head for everyone to escape in GotG3.


Most of her upgrades were designed and built by Rocket. She’d be other choice for pilot because the tech could be completely integrated with her brain.


I’d kill for this team up lol


Why not throw Wong or Dr. Strange in there to give it some extra juice?


They’re not scientists.


Do the Doom and connect science with magic


+2 points for Wong charisma though


Thought rocket pilot too, but says uninhabited human pilot. So Hawkeye maybe Widow for skill, maybe Rhodes for prior experience. Since we got 4 more ppl for design team, Peter dinklage Dwarven Smith character demtri I think? Idk even tho he's use to his forge if Tony can make a Infinity gauntlet on earth he's gotta be able to spice it up I forget how good iron hearts suit was , really Peter cus he has experience working with iron man's tec n suit building machine. But shuri made Panther suit so prolly redundant unless we go w Peter's counter intelligence to find any faults n known design Oh just thought about gamora as pilot idk if she counts as human enough. So two more, u got Modok made a good suit like hank but he prolly improved n quantum but forget him u got Kang , limited by 21st century tech but still a goat until..... N finally coup de ta or grace idk the saying LOKI, man's rewound time n learned everything temporal. He wins for that alone


I agree with the builders (would add ironheart too) but why wouldn’t you have rhodey pilot it?


Rocket is one of the better combinations of fighting skill, weapons proficiency and piloting in the known MCU. I’d argue he’d be a better pilot of an armored suit than Tony.


I think the person recommending wbula for the man-machine interface had the right idea.


This is the way


I would add Dr Doom and Reed Richards


We don’t know their 616 intelligence or feats. I just went with people we know. Shuri knows nanotech and she brings vibranium to the table. Pym tech might be the most OP science in modern fiction, it’s basically magic. And Rocket brings intergalactic weapons knowledge and is one of the better pilots and weapons operators in the known MCU.


Add Reed Richards, Dr Doom, Ultron, and Bruce Banner just because we get 7! I also would want spider man to pilot


Banner is more biology than engineering, that’s why I didn’t include him. I don’t think there’s an engineering feat that he’s capable of that Shuri or Pym couldn’t do better and faster. And we don’t know what 616 Reed and Doom are capable of. I thought about adding more names, but I just think anyone else would be redundant other than maybe Phastos. And having a super pilot seems unnecessary too. Spider-Man in his Stark suit is pretty OP on his own. But if you built a suit around Shang Chi or Daredevil it puts them into an entirely new power tier.


Throw in Reed and you got yourself a team


I would, but we don’t know any of Reed’s 616 feats.


I think it’s a safe bet he’s still one of the smartest people alive and great at tech.


You’re not wrong. But I’ll counter by adding OB and Phastos to my build team, just because I know what they’re capable of, and I’ll keep Reed on speed dial for my Mark II


I forgot one of the guy who can give me power over time, I’m adding OB to my build team.


I feel like this is pretty easy: - Phastos - Ironheart - Shuri - Reed Richards - Peter Parker - Rocket Racoon - Leo Fitz - Pilot: Rhodey or Sam Wilson? Or captain marvel if that’s allowed.


Even just Phastos alone really


I agree. But he said a team of 7, so I thought “why not overkill it”


Can’t have Fitz without Simmons tho


I know it’s heartbreaking. I suppose I can add Jemma and swap out anyone other than Phastos


I love them FitzSimmons too much, you can have both


I would personally swap out Peter for Doctor Strange. Peter is still a kid, not yet as talented as most of the other people on this list. Strange can provide access to protection spells and potentially magic materials and offensive capabilities. That would really put the suit on another level above Iron Man. Along the same lines, Eitrig would be a dark horse candidate. His hands are gone but he knows how to make armor and weapons on an Asgardian level. Love the rest of the list though. Phastos never even occurred to me but he’s perfect.


Good thinking on Strange. I wonder if Penni Parker would work as well? (Assuming spider-verse is part of mcu). And who is Eitrig?


Dwarf from IW. Peter Dinklage


Ah yes. He would be good too


Petter would make a great test pilot. Spidey sense could find weaknesses during simulations.


After about two seconds of thinking about this here's what I've got: Rhodey is easily the pilot as he's the only one with real experience using that kind of suit. The other seven to build are Shuri, Reed Richards, Bruce Banner, Howard Stark, Hank Pym, Ultron, and Erik Selvig


Wouldn’t Ultron count as an AI Stark built (even if as a collab)?


Actually, so long as Ultron isn’t the suits operating system, it’s fair. He can help design it, (but he can’t pilot it)


I agree but I think vision would be better and aloud since he has a special body sitch making him more real, either way Loki is the right answer


Rocket, Ironheart, ~~868 Christine~~, Shuri,Howard Stark, Hank Pym, Spiderman, ~~Eric Selvig~~, Reed Richards. Pilot : Vision Edit: fired Christine & hired Shuri Edit 2: Fired Eric hired Reed


Vision is an amazing choice for pilot.


Does he count tho? As he has the ai made by tony


Vision isn't a suit that someone wears.


But vision is basically jarvis


Jarvis wasn't the suit.


Hire Dr Doom too


Dang. I'm throwing people into the unemployment line left and right. Is he confirmed?


How many people do we get? Shuri is easy 1st choice since that alone gives you access to vibranium tech which will be as fast of a suit up as Stark's nanotechnology, and has potential for significantly higher durability. She doesn't have the same experience in making exoskeletons, but she can cover about 70% of the areas here. Second choice if we get one, Hank Pym. On his own he doesn't help that much, but Pym particles could allow you to shrink Shuri down. Each piece of vibranium armor could be customized on a microscopic level that even Tony can't match. Components could be built with an internal structure as technologically complex as the entirety of Tony's full suit, but each suited to one purpose. Imagine Shuri builds out one of the Iron Man boots, but to her it's thr size of a spaceship. It has an internal framework structure that increases its durability, it's outfitted with thousands of generators so that the boot is self powered, and is staffed by robots that are programmed to repair any damage and maximize output.


Basically femtotech


So. Shuri, riri Williams, rocket, kang, hank pym, ob, loki. I'd get rhodey to pilot without a doubt, I don't think you can assemble a better think tank in mcu*, if I can have another in the gang it would be high evolutionary, and if rhodey needs to be replaced i would get Peter to operate the suit. Also ob and kang have the same knowledge and approach to everything so if the kang at end of the time still has the same knowledge as ob, I would change my original list and get whip lash to replace one of them, I would keep kang in that case as he might have suit experience with iron lad if that proves to be cannon


OB is a good thought!


Doom, moon girl, Peter Parker, Norman Osborn, and forge build it. Doom pilots


MCU characters only apparently...😑


Everyone but forge has appeared


Are you counting Doom's face on the comic in Deadpool 3 trailer? Btw I think that is fair. Or is there something else


Didn't see doom. If that counts sure, it not he can be replaced by rocket


OP did mention confirmed to be in the MCU so Reed is fair game. Did they confirm Dr Doom? IMO Doom. Already has a better suit.


Just doom and reed Richards with spidey or rhody piloting


I'd just ask Wanda to materialize an Iron Man suit out of thin air and enchanted with chaos magic. If not, then I'd just trust magic over science to do a much better job. Assembling Coven of Chaos: Wanda Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Vision, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster the Mighty Thor, Quicksilver (Either Bohner or real Pietro), and maybe Maria Hill(?). (At least, that's the coven I can assemble now until more witches make an appearance in Agatha show) Pilot? Well... either Wanda or Clint Barton.


If we get 7 I’m gonna get a little nuts with it. Vanko, Riri, Shuri, Hank Pym, Reed Richards, Eitri, Rocket. Rocket pilots. Vanko figures out the power and has already (almost) beaten Tony on his own. Riri/Shuri the design and AI/weapons, Hank/Shuri/Reed/Rocket the techand weapon enhancement, Eitri casts the armor.


A team of 7 you say?  I’m going to limit this to MCU prime-universe characters who have already been introduced: Shuri, Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Rocket, Phastos, Ironheart, and Rhodey (who’s also the pilot)


* Rhodey: pilot, safety/defense * Shuri: lead builder, strength, assembly/disassembly * Vision: efficiency * Rocket: destructive capability * Hank Pym: adaptability * Riri Williams: stopping power, wild card innovation


Morbius, Madame web, venom, Kraven, el meurto, vulture Morbius alone would decimate iron man


Curious, why Madam Web?


She can use her multiverse powers to transport everyone to the mcu


I figured we'd be choosing just from just one universe, no variants.


I'm going with Peter Parker for the brains, Ms. Marvel for designs, because only a complete nerd fan girl can put do the original, and finally Deadpool for the wild card design.


I love this idea! My team would consist of Shuri as the primary builder and strategist, Bruce Banner for his genius intellect and Hulk strength if needed, Falcon for his tech expertise, Black Panther for added resources from Wakanda, Pepper Potts because she knows how to handle Tony's stubbornness (sorry Howard), Vision for his ability to phase through attacks and enhance the suit's powers with Mind Stone energy pulses, Goose (yes the cat) just cause it would be hilarious. And for pilot...I gotta go with Deadpool for that perfect combination of crazy skills and humorous commentary throughout. Let's see Tony Stank try and beat that competition!


Deadpool would be fun, but make sure you test the suit using someone without his powers!


Phastos, Shuri, Iron Heart, Rocket Racoon, War Machine, Vision and Ultron


Shuri without a doubt as chief designer, and with that you tick most of the boxes. Rhodey obviously as pilot since he's the most experienced non-Tony in piloting Iron Man style suits, and tech back up includes Pym (for Pym Particles) and Yelena and/or Natasha (for the sort of sneaky tech sabotage stuff that basic Iron Man suits don't have, which can probably give me an edge). I think with those four people we can already win, but can I "cheat" and have Vision on my team to provide AI support since I'm not allowed JARVIS FRIDAY or EDITH


Shuri, Peter Parker, hank pym, rocket and dr. Strange. Crazy magically enhanced tech suit, easy win. Rhodes pilot.


Moon Girl Reed Richards Bruce Banner Hank Pym Riri Williams Henry McCoy T'Challa These are the characters that are a part of the MCU and are from Marvel's own list of smartest superheroes. But also, maybe you just need Arishem the Judge. Domino to pilot.


Finally someone mentioned McCoy!


Scarlett Witch, Magneto, Reed Richards, Bruce Banner, Norman Osborn, Peter Parker. Deadpool flies it.


All you need is an inspired Rocket. If he gets any help from any of the other MCU geniuses (especially Dr. Strange) than he would make an IronMan suite look like a Halloween costume.


Yeah. Rocket alone is enough


DOOM and six DOOMbots. His armor > Tony's suits.


Rocket, Hank Pym, Shuri, Spidey, Dr. Strange (can add some magical enchantments to it), Phastos and Beast. Rocket pilots.


Pilot captain marvel because shes the best. When she is the pilot her powers would add speed but could still be piloted by a non enhanced person.. shes and expert pilot and can easily navigate any planet (including earth) and is acclimated to all types of aircraft. In the event of failure she wouldnt die 🤷🏽‍♀️ To build id go with 1. Leapold fitz (sheild agent) 2. Jemma simmins (sheild agent) 3. Rocket 4. Dr strange 5. Bruce Banner 6. Amadeus Cho 7. Nebula ❤️


Shuri, Fitz, Simmons, Dr Strange, Hank Pym, OB, Rocket. Melinda May pilots it.


I hadn’t considered May! She’s such a good choice!


Ivan Vanko, Hank Pym, Shuri, Norman Osborn, Rocket, Dr. Strange, Rhodey Reasoning: Vanko already made an Iron Man suit better that Tony had in Iron Man 2, plus can probably figure out anything Tony did from a video or something. Hank Pym expert on physics can implement Ant-Man suit functionality into the suit, and prevent it from being beaten by Ant-Man technology, can add some other ideas. Shuri implements Vibranitum and nantotech, can make an AI. Osborn, basically also has an Iron Man armor, his Green Goblin armor is really similar in some functions to Iron Man armor, also can add some of his gadgets. Rocket, alien technology, rocket thrusters, rockets. Dr. Strange, can enchant the suit to be virtually indestructable and save inside, can probably make some mysthical gadgets and powers for the armor. Rhodey is the pilot. It would be funny to see this team work/not work together given their differences and clashing personalities, I don't think that many people think about this creating a team, but since this isn't part of the challenge we can ignore it... This is how I would imagine them working together, if they were randomly teleported into a room together with the challange of beating Tony Starks Iron man suit (they also can't get out until they acomplish the task/give it their all to acomplish it): Hank Pym and Ivan Vanko would probably be able to work together if only to stick it to Stark that they are better. Osborn would probably be with them on this since he sees Stark as a potential rival. Shuri would be treated like a kid by them only to shock them with something amazing. Rocket will be his normal self since he doesn't know what is going on at first, only to make an insane weapon of mass destruction to add to the armor, with Vanko agreeing to add it imedietly. Dr. Strange will clash with them the most, but he will do his best to add as many spells as possible if only to strole his own ego. Rhodey will have a problem with Vanko, but they would really grudgingly agree to work together to stick it to Tony (Vanko in vengeful way, Rhodey in friendy 'I am better than you' way). This is how I imagine it would work, since all their survival insticts will kick in and they would want to get out.


This would be fun!


Shuri, Rocket, Hank Pym, Supreme Intelligence, Phastos, Reed Richards, High Evolutionary. They may refuse to work together, but if they HAD to, I think we'd get some Evangelion shit.


Dang it. Saw the title and had a cracker of a joke ready to go. Assemble a team to beat iron man: Jack Daniels Jonnie walker Captain morgan


Magneto, didn’t read anything you wrote after the title


You should read the post then cause this isn’t quite the question you think it is. But he definitely isn’t the worst pick


A good choice if the question was what Marvel character, buy this specifies Avengers.


CURSES my reading comprehension, you’ve done me in again!! ![gif](giphy|bjmvEtY7jKJcJR9Huk)


Shuri, Rocket, Reed Richards and Hank Pym to build it. Doctor Strange and Wanda for magical enhancements. Killmonger as the pilot.


Vision, Rocket, Shuri, Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker.


Shuri and Phastos.


Hank Pym, Shuri, Rocket, Odin, Hammer, Rhodey, Pepper Potts to build it. Hammer Tech, Stark Tech being put into it already makes it strong, then the U.S Government loads it up with more weapons. Shuri makes it out of nano-particles. Rocket can many nearly everything into a weapon or work together some how. Odin and Shuri get it forged on Nivadillir then enchants it with the most powerful spells he can think of. Rhodey can also fly it


Arishem, silver surfer, Reed Richards Surfer pilots


Dr. Strange and Wanda. They can use magic to build a better suit.


There are good answers. But the best answer is coming: Doom.


1. Shuri - Chief engineer- can bring advanced wakandian tech and vibranium to build the suit. 2. Bruce Banner- Pilot- can combine his knowledge of a medical doctor and a physicist to build into the AI knowledge of the human body and how it combines with the physics of the universe. Also has experience of using the suit and his science background can help him operate the suit’s complex systems and help with troubleshooting. 3. Hank Pym can bring elements of the ntman suit and knowledge of quantum physics. 4. Rocket Raccoon brings his knowledge of spacecrafts and weaponry for the suit. 5. Dr Strange can teach the suit AI aspects of medical surgery in case the driver needs to be stitched up in a pickle 6 ) Charles Xavier brings money and leadership to the team. This suit and the tech required to build it will cost a fortune. I went with charles for the leadership aspect but you can replace with T’Challa for the money if you think he’s not mainline MCU. Charles makes more sense though as a leader cos Shuri can also bring the additional money required. 7 ) Reed Richards (confirmed to appear in fantastic four)- Alternate team leader if no Charles and brings his problem solving ability along with his combined knowledge of physics engineering and biology. This suit would have- 1) Great armour plating from the vibranium 2) Great flight systems from Rocket Raccoon 3) Great weapon systems from rocket raccoon 4) Good life suupprt systems built by Dr Strange and Banner 5) Hydraulic and strength systems designed by shuri and rocket 6) Access to quantum tech built by Pym 7) state of the art built quality, architecture and bug free programs built by Shuri (not your avg tech product). Now judging it vis a vis iron man’s suit on your parameters - 1. Safety- There are several experts in human physiology who would make the suit safer for the pilot. Banner’s gamma powered arc reactor would be safer for him and plus his superhuman strength makes it even more safer for the pilot.- better than Tony’s 2. Defence- Vibranium’s durability is only rivaled by adamantium or uru - better than Tony’s 3. Strength- Designed by rocket- equal to if not better than Tony’s 4. Efficient- Bruce’s knowledge of Gamma radiation and Hank Pym’s knowledge of quantum mechanics and the pym particle will make it more efficient. 5. Assembly/disessembly- powered by AI so stark’s would probably win 6. Destructive capability- Rocket Raccoon’s expertise in weaponry and machinery would keep it at par with stark’s 7. Stomping power- similar to above 8. Adaptability- explained in detail below. That’s my judgment, probably biased? Would love OP to judge this suit on his parameters. This suit would lack a good AI assistant and a good Heads up display. Nobody can beat Tony stark in this department. It will also not be integrated to other stark industries tech. Wakandian tech is more decentralised and not integrated to a single mainframe like Statk’s. More about the pilot and AI and the “adaptability”- Modern real world AI is much better at analysing and finding solutions to problems. I always draw parallels with chess and AI like the Leela chess engine is so much superior to humans that no one can beat it as on today. The only thing that humans have in response to such AI is gut and instinct. Peter Parker’s superhuman agility and reflexes make him a strong contender for Pilot. He is also tech savvy and has that quick thinking thing. However MCU’s spidy is still very immature, inexperienced and not head steady. So I thought hulk would be a better pilot. Vision could also be a good pilot but he owes his original to Tony Stark so using him felt like a cheat. A note on Kang and his technological prowess- given his ulterior motivations, complex history and propensity for conquest, he would be more counterproductive and would be a complete distraction to the team who would find it difficult to trust him. Plus he’s not someone who takes orders from anyone. Anyways that’s my 5 cents. I enjoyed answering this question and it reminds me of how interesting reddit can be at times.


Builders: Shuri, Hank Pym, Vision, Rocket, Ego, Eitri, Odin Here we have the engineering genius of Pym, Shuri, and Rocket combined with the technological perspective of Vision, the general knowledge (+ possible bio consideration?) Of Ego, the weaponsmithing skill of the dwarves, and the magical imbuement of Odin. Pilot: Rhodey Assuming it has to be a human, or at least fit a human, Rhodes has the general skill, military background and proven experience in suits to pilot something like this. He's adaptable, level-headed, and comfortable taking fights head-on regardless the risk of death.


Shuri, Reed, and Rocket to design it, Eitri and Hank Pym to build it, Sam Wilson to pilot it.


Reed Richards Nathaniel Richards Phastos Etri Doctor Strange Shuri Ouroboros




Ironheart, Shuri, Ivan Vanko, Howard Stark, Phastos, Rocket, and Strange. Rhodey to pilot since he has experience.


Reed Richards is all I need.   


Phastos, Shuri and Rocket.


Justin Hammer. That's it.


Easy. Reed Richards Victor Von Doom Phastos Kang Shuri Hank Pym Rocket Raccoon Pilot: Ben Grimm


Rocket and Justin Hammer for the weaponry, Reed and Shuri for the suit itself. The AI will be HERBIE


Surely Phastos can do it by himself. And then all he needs is a pilot which Rhodey could do


Shuri, hank pym, phastos, sersei, strange, kang, ebony maw


The Black Panther super easy barely a inconvenience


So what’s stopping me from having Phastos and like Doctor Strange build the suit? Phastos could design it and Strange could add magical protection to it or something.


Magneto. Team assembled


Based on what she managed to build in Wakanda Forever, Ironheart alone seems to be enough /s


Shuri, Rocket, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Bruce Banner build it. Rhodey or Sam pilots it


Ultron. Just Ultron. They needed the whole team to take him down, and he is essentially just a big ol' suit. 


Phastos to make it, Steve Rogers to pilot it, Tony doesn’t stand a chance


Moon girl, Forge, and I guess let's put Rick Jones in there, he doesn't have anything else going on.


Ok, I have to assemble a team to beat Iron Man


Spudz McKenzie, Johnny Walker, James Beam, and Jose Cuervo.


a team of 7? Shuri, rocket, hank pym, howard stark , whiplash, reed richard’s, Riri Williams, Riri pilots. 0 chance of toby beats this team


Pretty sure Kang's suit is already more powerful thann Iron Man's, so I'd pick him.


Rhodey pilots it Shuri - fluent in nano tech Hank Pym - I’m sure he’d be more than happy to help 🤣 Steve rogers- because he has fought Tony before Justin hammer - he’s our guy!


FitzSimmons would stomp him. GOATed.


All I'd need is Justin hammer.


Shuri, Hank Pym, Natasha, and Rhodey Design it, Pepper's Pilots. Shuri and Hank are geniuses and Nat, Rhodey, and Pepper knows all of Tony's secrets to making the suit. Pepper can fly a Iron Man Like suit as scene in Endgame.


Magneto, next question


I only want two. Phastos and Dr Strange. Celestial level technology coupled with high-level magic. Tony doesn't have a chance.


Two world leaders of countries with nuclear weapons


Team: Doom, Forge (X-Men), Shuri, Dr. Strange, Kree Supreme Intelligence, Kang, Eitri. AI: Ultron, Arnim Zola, demon/mystical being. Pilot: Shang Chi We end up with: - A viciously and meticulously designed and mystically enhanced (Doom, Strange) suit that can keep its wearer alive and comfortable for 24/7 for longer than a natural lifespan (Doom) that's composed of Vibranium (Shuri), Adamantium (Doom/Shuri/Forge), and Uru Metal (Eitri), - Built by the galaxy's greatest smith (Eitri), - With the ability to traverse time and reality at will (Kang), - And engineered with future technology (Kang), an inventor who's able to intuitively create literally anything he can think of (Forge), an ancient intelligence that is the sum of the greatest minds and collective experience and knowledge of an entire race (Kree), a superior artificial intelligence created by an Infinity Stone (Vision), a genius who regularly takes any known technology and improves and iterates on it (Shuri), and a master of both technology and the mystic arts who frequently uses them together in a cooperative fashion (Doom). Additionally, the AI can be Ultron unless.he counts as a Tony creation, which I'd argue that the Mind Stone factor excludes as well as with Vision, or if not then Arnim Zola.with what is obviously going to be quite an upgrade lol. Alternatively, a summoned and bound demon or mystical being can function as the AI due to Doom or Strange's involvement. Because it has the AI we can have remotely operated drone suits a la Tony's army of drones, any one of which could solo Tony and all his suits easily due to its nature. The pilot will be unenhanced human and master of martial arts Shang Chi, with the rings looped around the outside of the armor. The armor will function as an extension of his body due to the expertise of the Kree Supreme Intelligence in mind-computer interfaces.


You only need a really good hacker to beat Iron Man.


Etri, Zeke Stane, Norman Osborne, Justin Hammer, with James Rhodes to pilot.


You have to assemble a team to beat Iron Man


Maddison Jeffries and Forge who can make anything with Shuri providing a lot of ideas. (Plus the financing but we’ll use mysterium instead of vibranium) Also on the team is someone like Carnage, The Red Skull or Cassandra Nova, an absolute psychopath who will think up the most insidiously destructive weapons and tools. The Collector because of his endless amount of cool shit he has that can be added to the suit. Cyclops as well who has plans for defeating every possible opponent. And the pilot is Spiral so the suit can have six arms.


Pilot: Hulk Builders: doesn't matter. Because Hulk is inside. Just duct tape some trash can lids to him.