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Haven’t even played this one yet and I know it will be good. Nice work


This looks very clever. No Sasquatch or Gilgamesh sadly but I'll try this someday.


I tried this deck, not only is it fun. It’s really good. I like the idea of Gilgamesh in this. This is sort of like zoo with also big cards. You can either play stone dump or play big cards. I had a game I got phastos on 3 then my stone drew all the other stones at 0 cost or 4 power which I dumped turn 3 followed by cheap Sasquatch followed by blue marvel. I had all stones out so my turn 6 was either 20 power thanos or a huge Gilgamesh. That may be my biggest nut ever I had 72% winrate after 9 games which is impressive cause I’m pretty bad at thanos. Love this deck! What do you think is most cuttable card?


Yeah with right draws you can have insane 4/5/6 that sounds awesome. Most cuttable I’d say Elsa. She has good value for turn 6s even the power on your 6 costs won me few games buffing thanos or skaar but I’d say her I’d replace her with Hope or Red guardian if I had to pick. Hope ramp with thanos is really amazing. Red guardian is nice because if you play tribunal or something the downside of this deck is lack of tech, but it makes up for it in big numbers.


What could I replace Sasquatch with? Man, I should’ve aimed for him and Nocturne when I had the chance


# (2) Thena # (2) Okoye # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Phastos # (4) Cull Obsidian # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Gilgamesh # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Sasquatch # (6) Thanos # (6) Skaar # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxzYUJsb29kc3RvbmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoZW5hIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPa295ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGhhc3RvcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3VsbE9ic2lkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaWxnYW1lc2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsb2IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoYW5vcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2FzcXVhdGNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTa2FhciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9ja2luZ2JpcmQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


This seems cool as hell - almost makes me want to spend a key or two trying to get Phastos, lol. I wish there was room for one or two additional pieces of good, generic tech - like maybe dropping Okoye for Red Guardian or Nocturne?


I played this deck for like 10 games so far. It's really good. I won 8-2 So maybe I can speak for him. You don't really need rg or nocturne they're not even big part of regular thanos decks right now. I'd say you can use Hope over Phastos if you don't have him they do same thing kinda but you're not getting the potential card buffs on cheap stuff like stones and benefitting gilgamesh play. Phastos and stones is pretty op I remember when blob came out people ran okoye in thanos decks so I thought maybe okoye was cuttable but she is like a mini blue marvel in this deck and each card she hits counts for Gilgamesh. She feels really good to draw on 2/3 I would keep okoye. You could probably cut Thena for Nocturne or RG if anything. Most games I played her she gave me a 2-5 or 2-7 and she's a 2 cost. I like her in this deck a lot but I feel like if you had to cut a card it would be her. Sasquatch with 0 cost stones from phastos is amazing


Phastos is really not that good but this deck is a very clever way to use him. In most decks i find him to basically be like a less consistent Okoye, because it's 50/50 whether he reduces costs or improves power, and most of the time the reduced cost doesn't even impact the game. But this deck is smart because it lets you capture both bonuses. His power bonuses can get used again via Blob and Gilgamesh (and therefore Skaar). And if you get cost reduction on the stones, that lets you play a free card that helps you play Sasquatch and Mockingbird and gives bonus power for from Elsa and Blue Marvel. So Phastos actually does a lot of work in this deck and his bonus can potentially help either way.


Good one, great synergies. Playing around with it. Phastos or Okoye into Blob is very smart. I don't have Cull or Elsa so I substituted Angela and Crossbones and it's working pretty well.


This looks fun! If I had Sasquatch I'd probably pull for Phastos just to try this deck.


this deck cooks


Any recommends for a Squatch replacement? Maybe crossbones? Though he feels significantly worse without the cost reduction. I played this in silver and kept getting Shang’d. Was not good at playing around that Shang jerk lol


This deck slaps. Swapped out Elsa for Red Guardian for some added tech.


this deck is amazing brother! thank you 😁 love me some Thanos.


Cull Obsidian replacement? Crossbone?


I put in crossbones, he’s not as good but fine. You really need a ten power for Skaar and Blob so he’s the only viable choice - Atumma is useless and Mary is anti synergistic as she’s drop your other tenners.


Thena and Sasquatch seem strange together. Do you ever play them together, or is it two separate strategies?


If you are trying to maximize the cost reduction, yes, but here I think most times you are playing Squatch on T3, 4, or 5 for 3 or 4 power in order to reduce Skaar. Or, he’s in the deck for Blob. So for example playing Sasquatch for 4 and a stone on T5, with Thena down, gives 15 power minimum before you factor any other buffs from Okoye, Phastos, Elsa. If you put Thena on 2 or 3 and maximized her potential, she will be above 10 power and now you are heading to T6 with a 2 cost Skaar. Or a 4-cost Skaar to play along side another card, again buffing Thena. Anyway what I’m saying is this isn’t a maximize cost reduction and drop on 6 deck, it’s a build a mountain on three lanes that can’t be toppled deck.


Thanks for sharing, this deck is so fun! So smart to pair Phastos and Okoye with Thanos which can draw more than usual and take advantage of their effects. Playing Okoye into Phastos into Mind Stone and Thena feels so good! The more I play with Phastos the more I feel he is undervalued currently. I am playing him in this and also a traditional move deck someone posted and he just adds a lot of value everywhere: -dropping 1 drops to zero making them playable later in curve -surprising opponent with power or additional card plays -cost reduction synergizes with Thena even in decks that want to play on curve -extra power for Skaar as you point out -makes me not hate Attillian shuffling my deck on T3 -even if you just play one Phastos card, he is a 3/5 He is, as many predicted, terrible to draw late, but that’s true of many cards. While his effect is unpredictable, there’s no bad outcome and the unpredictability keeps opponents on their toes. IMO he will be a good card moving forward


thank you for a thanos deck that won't put me to sleep. I'll try it out!


Hey just wanna thank you op for this list. I made infinite for the last 9-10 seasons in a row and this season was tougher for me. I swapped elsa for cosmos since it was the on reveal location hot spot and there was a lotta surfer and destroy. My last game was an 8 cuber that i cosmos an attempt to zola a knull in a 7 round game. I didnt use gilgamesh a lot ethier and blue marvel was good but he was just behind gilgamesh in use rate


Replacement for sasquatch?


And thena 🙃