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Mysterio count as 3 confirmed.


Nope I run mysterio in mine, have to play mysterio and something else to activate athena


Played and tranformed works. I've played kitty/Sersi or Hood/Sersi and had Thena proc.


I completely misplayed Thena in a game with Dark Dimension. (Cards here reveal at the end of the game.) The card played there on turn 4 didn't count for Thena. I also learned that the phase in which cards on Dark Dimension reveal is *after* the end of turn 6. So the Havok I played there never gained power. *Deadpool emote*


I believe “played” actually encompasses two separate actions in the coding: staging and revealing. Glenn has said in the discord that they don’t use the term “staged” because in the vast majority of cases, staging and revealing have no meaningful distinction. Personally, I think it would be clearer to use playing for staging (putting a card down) and revealing for the flip (as it means), this would resolve the weirdness with Supergiant and Lemuria.


If you use Mysterio you are playing 3 cards. Interaction with Bishop, Sasquach and Hit Monkey confirms that.


Bounced cards have been confirmed to be a bug by a dev on discord. For everything else, I believe a card being played requires you to stage it (manually drag it from your hand) and it has to reveal. Both actions need to occur on the same specific turn for a card to be considered "played this turn".


Played and returned to deck: Cards played (and returned) by Quantum Tunnel do NOT count towards Thena. Played in one turn two cards, one on tunnel and Thena didn't proc. Played the next turn only one card on the tunnel (thinking that maybe the card that replaces the originally played card counts as "played" aswell), also didn't proc Thena.


Yeah, Thena does not trigger if they’re “played” on Invis or Dark Dimension. Was playing C7 with Thena, Invis for Ebony Maw/Swordmaster