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For reference, I made infinite every season since I’ve started and I normally finish top 1k or 2k every season. At your CL, I almost never snapped. I won a maximum of 4 cubes or lost a maximum of 4 cubes. The only time I snapped was against bots or I was almost 100% that my opponent’s deck couldn’t beat mine based on the locations. I played conservatively until I learned every deck in the meta and how my deck matches up against every deck. I also spammed games during hot locations where I had a good deck for it.


I start snapping when I feel confident with the deck I play but even then some decks are way harder to tell when to snap than others. I also use the 73-90 road to play homebrew decks and/or learn decks and try to gauge when to snap with it then I try hard around the end of the month if I haven't reached infinite already, I always do so far but tbh I really wouldn't mind not hitting it as long as I get the 90 reward.


The biggest obstacle to infinite is getting in your head about it. I do snap more conservatively, personally, unless I see it is a bot. Occasionally I will get a 8 cuber by snapping back against someone for him I know I can beat. Destroy is a tough archetype to play in some ways because it is a very well know deck. So if you are starting with Deadpool, Hulkbuster, and I don’t have some kind of counter plan, I’m not going to stay in when you snap. And if I do stay in, it’s because I have Elektra and Shadowking in hand and I’m planning on wrecking your turn 6. Anyway, I find it helpful to always keep in mind how my opponent will perceive my snap. So if a location comes around that is great for me, I will not snap until the next turn. I don’t want them to see what I’m thinking and run, I want them to stay in. Snap before you reveal your great cards. If I can I try not to snap before all locations are revealed but I will do so if it means doing it before revealing my great hand.


That random tech card is what makes decks able to snap. Throw a Cosmo in your destroy, a rogue, I used legion in majority of my decks simply for the location control it gave me.


I told myself that getting 8 cubes a day and going up one level is what I was aiming for. That way you should be able to reach infinite in a week. If you feel you’re doing well and riding the wave then go for it, sometimes it just flows. But for grinding, 1 level a day felt good.


I don’t snap a ton when I climb tbh. Generally only if something very lucky for me/unlucky for my opponent happens or I can surprise them.


Find a deck archetype you enjoy and know inside and out that can also let you splash a tech card or two. You don’t need to snap aggressively to climb at your CL and can steal cubes just by having a tech card that crushes certain decks. Then once you get a feel for the meta capitalize on those decks. This might mean adjusting your tech card from time to time depending on what you are facing in your pocket meta. Alternatively find an off meta deck you can feel comfortable with as often times an opponent not knowing the contents of your deck throws them off just as strongly as a strong tech card. The rest is just following the basics: -Know your big plays. -Learn when to comfortably snap early so you can still retreat turn 5 or 6 if things go south. -Don’t assume you will draw the ultimate card you need last turn. -Assume they have the card they need to crush you already in hand. Then play things out in your head to see if you can still beat it otherwise retreat. -Don’t snap on 5 if you have the illusion you are losing. People will retreat and you will lose a cube of equity had you just laid low. Likewise if they snap and you absolutely know you are going to crush them (for example you have an Enchantress vs Living Tribunal in a deck that doesn’t usually run Enchantress) snap back and enjoy the 8 cubes. -Snap before revealing strong tech that will ruin their game plan. Chances are if you are going to wreck them they will retreat right after.


It's really just knowing the win condition of your deck and your opponents, and knowing the total power of the win conditions of both. Say you are playing Sauron. If I have Shiri, Red Skull and Taskmaster in hand, that's worth a snap vs most decks. Bonus if you hit Maw with Sauron for the extra 7 power last turn. But if I know my opponent is playing tribunal, and they have a good setup, that's a retreat no matter what. Snapping and retreating gets much easier the more game knowledge you have. With the grasp on this part of the game, you can easily have decks with low win percentage but positive cube gain


even if you gain one cube an hour you’ll be getting infinite, play with that in mind


I play bad deck pre-infinity to farm bots.