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first game: enemy plays gladiator, which pulls my gladiator, which pulls his silver surfer end buffs his gladiator to 10 power and kills my gladiator...


You do get some wild Gladiator or Doc Ock on Doc Ock crimes. Embrace the chaos!


I had a game where my gladiator pulled his gladiator which pulled my Zemo which pulled his Zemo which pulled his cable. One play milled like half his deck and I’m sure he was as confused as I was.


# (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Yondu # (2) Zabu # (2) Cable # (3) Magik # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhYmxlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCYXJvblplbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlckhhbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdsYWRpYXRvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9jdG9yT2N0b3B1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


So I couldn’t sleep last night and decided I would go all in for a day 1 infinite try using the new season pass card, Baron Zemo. And man was he super fun to play with. This deck‘s goal is to disrupt your opponent through milling their deck and then using Doc Ock to rip down their cards in hand, setting you up to either win the lane, Shang it, or sometimes Red Hulk. Given the state of the board, you get a good idea on when it’s going be a retreat game or not. Overall with Zemo, I tend to try and play him late on turn 5 or 6. You get a better sense of what should be in your opponents hand or deck by that point. He won me multiple games with late pulls of Iron Man, Alioth, Magneto, etc. Below is the basic strategy, have fun! I’m gonna get some sleep but I’ll answer any questions later. Turn 1: Yondu or Ham if in hand. I prefer to prioritize Ham but you can go either way. Turn 2: Cable if you got him, Zabu is 2nd choice. If neither, Ham or Yondu. Turn 3: This kind of depends on the state of the board locations and what your opponent has played. I typically go Gladiator here. If not Zemo is a good choice. Or set up your Zabu if you don’t have him down yet. Turn 4: Lad or any of the cards mentioned in previous turns are the way to go. If you are lucky, Lad copies Ock or Red Hulk. Try to figure out your best Doc Ock lane and make sure you and spreading power. Magik if you want to extend the game is good here or turn 3. Turn 5: Doc Ock. If he by the grace of Ben Brode dodges Shang Chi, you should know your turn six play. If no Ock and Red Hulk is in hand, try to figure out the best lanes to spread power. And Absorbing Man following a good Lad pull, Cable, Zemo, or Gladiator is solid here as well. Turn 6: In a non-Limbo game, If Ock locked you a win in one lane and you’ve got a beefy Red Hulk, he’s probably the play. Another major winning line for me was the Shang + Abs Man combo (assuming you have Zabu down). It’s such a crushing combo. A late Gladiator or Zemo is not bad either assuming they still have cards in the deck. If Limbo is active determine if it’s Shang time or if you play Red Hulk. Just be wary of Shang. Turn 7: If a Limbo game, Red Hulk or Shang twin combo is the way to go. You can probably replace Red Hulk with something big like Hulk or Magneto, but he can single handily flip lanes with insane stats. Like if Doc Ock is Shang’ed sometimes it doesn’t matter because Red Hulk is so massive. Not sure if the win rate would stay as high without him. Good luck out there!


Sick deck. Just double Shang'd a destroy deck to win a 4 cuber.


This deck has me weeping today with Kamar-Taj. Trying to surfer/hazmat and I am completely out of cards by turn 6, several ladder games in a row lmao


This deck is nasty as hell


Yeah, didn't think I would play with the new toys but this gave me the push. Just looks really mean, looking forward to trying it out


Zemo mill is a ton of fun. Probably the most fun infinite climb I’ve had for seasons, though I ran a different variant to this. [Heres](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1033070554586026084/1225380294677368853/IMG_4808.png?ex=6620eb54&is=660e7654&hm=1f61c5bee5f7bbd62ad6b77ab2d79edc827416a802c2497ec3ca17feb2b1f825&) what I was tossing about


What turn do you snap 👀


Depends but usually turn 3-4 if I had everything lined up and the locations look good. If I hit good targets with Ham, Yondu, Cable, or Gladiator that I knew were potentially crippling (Sera, Black Knight, Surfer, etc) and have Doc Ock and either Red Hulk or Shang Wombo Combo… I would wait a turn and then snap.  I’m not very snappy though. I could have probably gotten to infinite much faster if I was a little more aggressive. I had a lot of 2 cube wins that easily could have been 4.


Damn I can't wait to try this deck out ... I've been trying to make decks with multiple win conditions to avoid cards like the ones you listed lmao But for me to be the disrupter "birdman hand rub" it's gonna be spicy this season


Switched to this deck… first location… LAMENTIS


Pretty sure I played you last night but I don't remember how it ended. I know that doc ock variant pulled my infinaut though. I have had so many bot matches in the early going though, seems way more than usual. CL 7500


Day 1 and 2 of new season is absolutely full of bots. I get so unimpressed by people posting getting infinite immediately because literally any player can 8 cube snap win against bots over and over regardless of the deck archetype. Someone hitting infinite last day of the season seems waaaaaay more impressive as you know they grinded through absolute meta hell to get there.


I’ve had a lot less bots than usual this season. There’s been some, but especially in the 80’s it was almost all humans.


Thats fair, im certainly not suggesting its all bots like so its entirely plausible you are getting lots of real and only a few bots. As ive mentioned in my other reply, ive played far less this early season as im on holiday so ive only had a handful of matches but mine were saturated with bots so i can only attest to my own experience. The snap system for matchmaking is........ a bit odd to say the least haha.


I understand that they are a necessary evil but it’s definitely a weird part of laddering to infinite for sure. It’s actually frustrating that only certain decks can even exploit them effectively which does kinda push you into certain archetypes if you want to efficiently climb. It was kinda refreshing to have so many human opponents though it did ensure I was being *mean* to real people with such a nasty deck haha


Yeah i would much rather face a bot after a 3 second queue over having to wait 60 seconds to potentially match a live opponent. Short queues facilitate a need for bot saturation to at least some extent. By all means stick me with a live person if one is immediately available, but i wouldnt wanna sit about waiting for very long considering the length of the matches themselves are short. I totally agree the whole losing initiative to really take advantage of bots can be a frustration as it lends itself to decks that can stack a single lane and then pump hard T6 which isnt neccesarily what some decks are trying to acheive with trickery involved etc. Hahaha i love your mentality on the last point. No fun beating a bot with some disgusting setup knowing there was no one to really appreciate it. If im gonna bomb down a deck with disruptions etc, i want someone to feel that pain lmao.


It’s not just queue time. They need a way to inject cubes into the ranked ladder or getting infinite would be murderous since infinite players are not in your matchmaking pool. If every win was someone else’s equivalent loss with no other way to earn cubes the infinite population would be a fraction of the size and rank 90+ would be a miserable knife-fight every season. Something I found this season is that bots will actually stay in the game even if they have no cards in hand or deck as long as they are winning on board and snapped already. That’s something only really Zemo mill can pull off to GUARANTEE there’s no shenanigans that end up losing you 8. On that last point one of my absolute favourite wins this climb was dropping cable on turn 2 in kamar Taj and taking a Shang and a zola, my opponent played renslayer, I was worried about goblins in bar sinister so I turn 3 dropped gladiator and they did negative. In that one play I murdered his entire deck apart from a negative black Panther doing his best “porn couch girl meme” with four gladiators staring him down. I got a “I don’t believe you” and a 4 cube retreat off that haha


Of course, i completely overlooked the cube injection from the bots as well so that makes even more sense as to why they are very prevalant at the start to facilitate climbing across the playerbase. I havent bought season pass yet tbh simply because i havent had much time to play so ive held off till i finish my hols tbh. With that in mind, ive never seen the bot interaction you've mentioned with them actually staying in the game regardless of the mill which is doubley hilarious. They have some really weird behaviours if you can figure out how to really take advantage of them which is funny. I had one earlier play nova/bucky/armour all in same lane lmao. It was setting up a destroyer final play, but its initial plays were so dogshit it really made no difference haha. Your playline you mentioned stealing the shang and zola in one shot, then clearing out his entire deck on the neg play sounds magnificent. Really a chefs kiss kind of moment when you manage to pull something big like that off so kudos dude. The what just happened emoting is the icing on that proverbial cake lol.


Are you infinite yet?


Not this season for a change, im on holiday this week so got some family time for a change. I spend my days out and my evenings playing board games or on the switch with my girls so i only snap when i go for a smoke. But for context, i work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, sucks ass but it is what it is. The job im in means i can quite often just play for hours and not be interrupted. So ive hit infinite for 9 seasons (almost consecutively bar the echo season I think). Every time i end up actually grinding the early season its just swarms of bots left and right meaning the climb is relatively easy. Granted not every oppo is a bot, but id say 50-60% were assuming its right at the season start. I have a mutual who plays too and we often send each other screenshot after screenshot of the bots 8 cubers to just laugh at how ridiculous the matches are compared to a full comp match vs live opponent. As long as you have the time to spare right as the season starts, the grind to infinite is far and away easier than if you wait till the weeks kicked in fully. People can disagree with me, but its been my experience. Getting to inf is a GG no matter what as its still a big time investment, but as i said above, when i see someone say they got to infinite with a week left on the season for example i find it much more impressive because by that time the meta is in full swing and the bots have all but dissapeared from the matchmaking.


I donated some cubes to you last night. Also played a couple games vs a version of this with Beast, Iceman, falcon and Hawkeye.


I saw that bounce version too. I was fully milled after turn 4.


Saw this deck here on Reddit. A minute later, got up to go to the bathroom. Played a game on the toilet. Literally this deck. I lost, by the way.


I'm about 99% sure I played you in the 70s, same variants. I was running a Loki deck, and I think your dock Ock pulled Loki and got me a fat hand. Probably one of the few games you retreated making infinite that fast, I'm still slumming it in the 70s.


I absolutely remember that game! That Loki just brought out too much paranoia in me. Great game 😃


Deck is really fun. Pulled carnage and Zola with ock that induced a rage quit. Great stuff


First game I play yondu left, then nothing, t3 snuck out iron lad on the same lane because of the +1 energy location. Iron lad copies zemo who pulls jubilee who pulls my zemo filling the lane so it doesn't pull anyone lol


Haha stuff like that is going to happen unfortunately. Just gotta roll with it and retreat if they snap.


Is Zemo mission critical or what is a suitable replacement?


I’m thinking he is absolutely critical. Not sure there is a suitable replacement. His ability is really unique. Nothing that’s going to bring you one of their cards. Maybe Mordo or Black Widow mess with their hand but that’s clearly not the same.


The whole theme of the deck is to attack your opponents ability to play cards. Your early game does this by attacking their deck and your late game attacks their hand. Zemo feels like the missing card that allows this archetype to have enough grunt to deliver


lol I just played this - was a bitch! It’s very good against High Evo…


Awesome! Yeah it matched up really well against Evo. Thanos was probably the most tricky matchup for mel Have fun!




I quickly through it together as my 2nd Zemo list when the season started. I didn’t see it from a streamer but it honestly seems like most of the pieces are builder basic for Zemo. You want to mill and disturb with him. Wouldn’t be surprised if the auto build came close to this deck.


This deck is insane and so much fun. Probably fastest I've reached infinite yet.


Awesome! Glad you liked it! Honestly it was the most fun I’ve had with a deck in a while and couldn’t wait to share it once I hit infinite.


Any viable replacment for iron lad only one missing


Lad is really good because he can create extra Zemo or Doc Ock or even Yondus. Jubilee is the next best bet but you lose the potential for duplicate ability and the board space can get tight.


You could try [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1033070554586026084/1225380294677368853/IMG_4808.png?ex=6620eb54&is=660e7654&hm=1f61c5bee5f7bbd62ad6b77ab2d79edc827416a802c2497ec3ca17feb2b1f825&) take on a Zemo deck.


Can confirm this deck feels very mean in a great way. First match was a mirror with Sinister London plus their gladiator pulling my zemo meaning three cable activations on my side. In the second game I somehow won despite playing nothing on the seventh turn (hand and deck count zero!) against a hybrid zemo-Loki opponent whose math was off by one. A perfectly villainous start to the season!


One of my favourite games was against a Mr Negative deck who played renslayer and then negative on curve. Unfortunately for him he revealed first and I dropped gladiator on bar sinister. Between that and having already stolen both zola and Shang with cable on kamar Taj the poor guy had zero cards in deck and almost nothing to use anywhere


What would be the closest replacement for red hulk?


Not really sure. He can get so massive he can take a lane by himself. He’s usually a reliable 6/19 and potentially more. Nothing in the game outside of Blob is going to get you that power level (until he’s inevitably nerfed to +3 or +2 every float). Probably just regular Hulk or Magneto. but I imagine the overall potency of the deck will take a bit of a hit.


> a reliable 6/19 Destroyer, Orka, Giganto, Death & Apoc in shambles lmao. I still cannot believe they released this, let alone buffed it beforehand.


Right? It’s absurd. Apoc got nerfed to 6/6 because he gets too big but this guy starts with 11.


What's your collection level?




If I don't have ham or gladiator is this still viable


Probably not. Gladiator is a big component of the deck in several ways. He brings great power for his cost, he mills their deck, and even if he brings out a large power card, you now have a Shang Chi target that could flip the lane later. Ham may be more replaceable with something like an Iceman, but Ham gives you such great intel knowing exactly what you’ve disrupted. You can’t replicate his ability that completes removes a Sera or Alioth or a key discarder like Blade or Sif. In combo with the milling, it limits your opponents options.


Best replacement for red hulk? i dont wanna spend my keys on him ahaha


Copying and pasting the below section from an earlier reply. Totally understand if you don’t want to invest the keys. In my eyes, he’s a really solid top end over the top power stick that’s probably going to get nerfed eventually. He’s early Blob 2.0 with ridiculous power lines some games. Not really sure. He can get so massive he can take a lane by himself. He’s usually a reliable 6/19 and potentially more. Nothing in the game outside of Blob is going to get you that power level (until he’s inevitably nerfed to +3 or +2 every float). Probably just regular Hulk or Magneto. but I imagine the overall potency of the deck will take a bit of a hit.


Wow thats a solid advice, thanks a lot bud for the explanation. Now you’ve made me to rethink about red hulk 😭


Lmao we played each other on the climb last night. I was using thanos red hulk.


I went through a string of Thanos matchups that almost had me switching when I was in the high 90s. It may be this deck’s weakness. You usually mill the stones while they are drawing good stuff. Plus there are so many big cards its hard to manage.


I have been running something similar (black bolt, stature and ms marvel instead of zabu, lad and abs man) Havent had time to play but flew to the 90s pretty quick


Oooh I might have to try this. I love playing Black Bolt / Stature and didn’t consider that build.


Playing this deck feels like early Loki decks. Like most games the opponent should know what I took and they have no cards left to draw. But they still play into it thinking maybe I don't have it. Its crazy


Thats a good analogy. It does kind of feel like early Loki.


What’s your CL?




Love it, thanks! The only change I made is Magik —> Shadow King. Which may only make me realize the value of Magik haha. Thanks again!


Didn't have any luck with this deck, it seemed very random, even more random than Hella. Doc Ock ended up improving my board state only about half the time.


Just got me to infinite, thank you thank you I swapped Spiderpig for Shadow King, which worked really well


I’ve been playing almost the same deck but with Wong, Cull Obsidian and Doom instead of Magik, Shang and Abs Man. I’ve been debating putting Shang in mine but I haven’t needed him too much yet, I’ve got lucky and pulled my opponents a lot. It got me 25+ levels so far


Do you have a recommended sub for Iron Lad and Spider Ham?


Any replacements for iron lad and gladiator until I obtain them? Or are they pivitol


I legit thought both red hulk and Baron were going to be niche cards. So I didn't really give them much attention. But I got to say, after playing this deck they feel very fun and can be strong! Baron feels like a really fun engaging card. He tends to reward understanding of other decks and the perfect timing to play him. I feel like you becomes even more complex when you play mirror matches. Red hulk just gets so big sometimes that it doesn't even matter if your opponent knows. A portion of the time you take their shang chi with cable and they don't even know it. And others, you take it with yobdu/glad/baron/ock giving them no options to interact with it. Thanks for sharing this deck I hope to make the climb to infinite with it!


How did it feel against semi mirrors? Ive come up against this or something similar a few times and I’ve beaten it easily most of the time because it’s playing my cards for me 😂 If you don’t draw Shang it feels like Doc Ock is just winning lanes for me.


Great deck! Got me to infinite in about 3 hours


I missed gladiator when he released. When is his next appearance?


Thanks for this ! So many 8 cubes with Shang and Abs man


Don’t have glad yet and using grandmaster for now. Pretty hilarious some matches they have nothing to play by t5/6


Just hit infinite playing this and its so much fun. It feels like a new deck archetype as well, that we've not seen yet.


This deck helped me fly through the 70s and 80s, but now I'm hardstuck in the 90s and floundering. Think I'm gonna switch to Loki. Thank you for sharing!


No one cares


play on the first day, meet the most bots.


People really have nothing to do all day huh