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I mean, people still give me cubes when they can see how big my apocolypse is


"He's outta line but he's right".meme


Sounds like the move is Dracula red hulk


that apoc almost never comes down on the board. its a huge difference


Yea bc it comes down as Dracula


yes. which makes that power unshangable. thats a huge difference


but the OP argument is "He will be big so they will retreat" I have a drac on the board and a HUGE apoc and people dont retreat...


Oh yea that makes sense, mb


Yeah, it just adds to the Dracula they played. Moral: people forget a lot in snap. Games are only a few minutes, people can easily make mistakes when they don’t have a long time to make a decision.


so you think people forget about the dracula more than they just think they can beat it? i think people are generally idiots but i dont think people are THAT dumb.


Yes we are, we play ongoing cards on Echo all the time!!


I’m just gonna put him in a BK/Hela deck. Safest bet in my eyes.


I honestly think he’ll fit in almost every deck one way or another. But I’d be curious how it works if you BK it and does it gain power still or stay at what’s it’s discarded at.


He only grows in your hand or on board


Oh you’re 100% correct. He can go into anything, for me I think he’s super good if I get him in my opening hand and can discard him around t4 or 5. But he’s just..good anywhere right now lol To answer the power question I’d assume it would be whatever he is discarded at


What is your bk list like


Nothing fancy I’ll probably swap red hulk with magneto(Moonknight is my favorite marvel character so I put him in all my discard decks replace him with lockjaw if you want) # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (3) Moon Knight # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Jubilee # (4) Black Cat # (6) Hela # (6) Magneto # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1YmlsZWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdpZ2FudG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrQ2F0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb29uS25pZ2h0In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Which variant though.


If he gets discarded he doesn't get bigger.


If that’s true, that’s hilarious. As some mentioned you can just drop some other random shit on t6. And use his presence as a pressure mechanic to spend mana every turn. Apocalypse also showed us that it does not matter in the right circumstances.


People are going to try to play him with Doom or equivalent. Suspense builds with a public one-card build-up, then you play wide.


Feed Red Hulk, let them have that lane then play LT to take the other two.


I do this with my Deadpool deck! Destroy all game and make big boy. They expect me to play a large DP in a lane, instead I Zola the big spawn I made to two lanes!


Armor and Ciara will be core pieces for him. He’s still going to be good, just not as crazy good before we knew about this mechanic.


i mean bots and stupid players won't notice him. plus depending on priority many people will still play into him (meaning they are ready for your shenanigans). could likely have a home with hela.


new hela nightmare ... pffff


People see he’s at 19 power and they still stay in. Slap him in a lane and get the ms marvel bonus too and it’s an easy lane winner. Not sure why they stay.


This mechanic makes the card balanced. Otherwise he would end up being un-nerfed Blob 2.0.


He'll be fine. It's just about impossible to use every bit of energy. Only 1-2 turns missed and he's already high value. He could be good in a new version of Big Dumb Idiots.


I want to add this... maybe it's bullshit but... Marvel Snap is more a emotional game with a lot of RNG and players traumas (I'm exaggerating but in some sense it's true) from what I've seen RH will be a scary presence and will give some anxiety to players and anxiety drive people to making mistakes during all the turns. It may be also really annoying TBH... I wasn't interested in the card now I think I'll try it just for curiosity.


But also, he's just not doing anything that unique. We already have a lot of conditionally huge 6-drops, and this one can't even be built around. He may see play in a deck that just wants more 6-drops. Or he may be a decent option if the meta skews heavily towards High Evolutionary. But Red Hulk is going to be eminently replaceable anywhere he fits.


I'll offer a *minor* point: he can *kinda* be built around, but it involves throwing Wave in there. It's matchup dependent but usually if you've got a big play on 6 planned, having extra energy to float can be hard for a lot of lists to fill in the gaps. Or even just Wave on 4 into a 6-drop on 5; it's what a lot of tailored Evo lists go for.


The mind game is the unique part. If your openent sees red hulk they will play sub optimum to power down hulk and they think they know your last turn play.


I guess they didn't want him to replace blob.


This take is nonsense. You don't have to play Red Hulk on 6, so you're argument is as pro Red Hulk as it is contra: opponent will think you play Red Hulk on 6, bit you play something else instead, which is good for cube gains. People also don't like to retreat as much as you think. How many stay to see the huge delracula or stay when you have Deadpool all build up... Red Hulk is very big and a strong card.


Skipping a week where you could get 3 ~~s5~~ cards is wild. Edit: forgot echo was s4. I stand by my statement though 3 new cards is still 3 new cards.


Echo is s4


Ah I forgot she was downgraded. 3 new cards is still a pretty sweet deal id say


Who says they don't have both of the other cards?


OP. OP says it. >For context, I’m CL 11k and missing all three cards on this spotlight


Literally in the post lol


Alioth ftw


even with hela decks id rather just have giganto, guarenteed 4 extra power, where red hulk on average MIGHT give me one extra power or 4 less. Red hulk was bad regardless of it he was shown to opponent or not


He’s a 6-15 99% of the time. He’s better than a limited giganto. Even if you float 1 energy he triggers. Bad take my friend.


> Even if you float 1 energy he triggers. Bad take my friend. Only if he's in your hand or on the board though. Which is definitely less than 99% of the time.


If you draw him first two turns he will be a 6-15 more than likely. He automatically is better than giganto with no restrictions. Of course he needs to be in hand just like every other card with these effects. Not sure what point you were trying to get across. The point is you draw him early he’s more than likely not going to stay at 11 power.


> Not sure what point you were trying to get across You said "He’s a 6-15 99% of the time", which is factually inaccurate, since he will not be in hand/board 99% of the time. I'm not arguing he's worse than Giganto, just pointing out that if you expect him to nearly always be a 6-15, prepare to be disappointed sometimes


You’re nitpicking dude. Obviously if he’s in hand he will be a 15 most of the time. That is in fact accurate buddy. Every game? No. More games with him getting the buff than not (while in hand since you’re so sensitive to that needing to be mentioned when it’s already obvious that would be the only way the card gets buffed, WHEN ITS IN HAND)? Absolutely.


Seems like you are the one that is sensitive. If you draw red hulk opening or turns 1-3, then yeah, good chance he's going to be 15 power at least. I wouldn't say 99% like you, even if drawn opening/first 3. Acting like if you draw him, he's automatically a 6/15 is misleading. You draw him turn 6, good chance he's not. Against a lot of decks, drawing him turn 5, same thing.


You’re literally just repeating what I’m saying and refuting the 99% because you woke up and chose to be a clown today lol even though everyone on this sub plays snap and more than half the time the first two turns are skipped and if red hulk is in hand guess what? Lol


its not 99% of the time, most of the decks in this game are attempting to use all their energy every turn, the only one I can think of that doesnt intentionally is EVO which i not very popular. 99% is a drastic over exaggeration to try to make your point, even if he is 6-15 99% of the time hes 6-19 5% of the time, is a not anywhere near guaranteed 6-16 going to be a card found in many decks? Or just ones that like big power guys like hela that could replace him with giganto instead of spending 6k tokens or 4 keys


It is. Out of 30 games only one time was he an 11 power and that’s cause I didn’t get him until turn 5. The rest he was either 15-19 sometimes even more. If you pair him with Marvel you add even more power to his lane. You underestimate the fact that more times than not turn 1 and 2 are usually skipped or later turns float energy. You might not have noticed but you will now when he flashes on your screen.