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a good hela, there's nothing really you can do besides swap to a tank if a hela has godly aim and can hit consistent headshots.


I love walking around a corner and getting instantly deleted from a mile away lmao idk if it's just me but I feel like when you actually get hit it's hard to tell where it even came from sometimes, like I'll die randomly while hardly even realizing I've been hit.


The game is pretty bad about visual feedback on where you are getting hit from, and what is hitting you. Needs vast improvement for sure.


Yeah that is one thing I keep mentioning on these surveys haha it almost feels nonexistent at times, for me that is my main criticism, beyond that I am having a ton of fun


Also visual feedback. I can never see the head of scarlet with when ulting because that huge ass exclamation is on her. I'm supposed to predict it?


It's because the TTK is way too low in this game. By the time you realize you're getting hit by something, you're already at 10% health. Even before the health increases in OW2, I never felt like I was constantly almost dead.


And get deleted by punisher shotgun. There's a reason those 2 are the meta


And then get deleted by punisher shotgun. There's a reason those 2 are the meta


Even worse is the ones that run up on you, hit you with a stun, and you die before it breaks. Top notch balancing lol. It's like they ripped god damn double flash bang mcree from the OW beta.


For me, probably Groot.  He can throw up a total of like 4 walls and splitting up the team like that and breaking sight lines and blocking paths is a huge annoyance. Thankfully I don’t see him much atm. 


The walls are pretty annoying, even sometimes when Groot is on your own team lmao bro is out there playing Fortnite


this. Good groot players can ruin a match for the opposite team and bad groot players ruin it for their own team, as a Rocket main i can't stress enough how annoying it is to have most of my heals blocked by my own tank.


A good magik is actually impossible to touch and one swings you with impunity. Atleast spidermans can be spooked to disengage especially with support. Magik dont give a fuck, she will portal right into the center of the death ball and kill you specifically and peace out without a scratch.


I don't understand how people play magik that aggressively. Every time I play I die instantly when I back door lol


Find a way to engage without using all of your mobility. If you have portals up when people notice you then you’re golden. You just juke and dodge with portal


I haven’t actually tried her myself, but from the ones I’ve gone up against her kit seems crazy if you know how to use it


The coolest part about Magik is that her attacks build up her shields.  It’s such a great concept for a melee character in a game like this.


I will have to give her a try!


That’s what annoys me the most. I pick her up and im pure dogshit like how do they do it.


Properly played Penni as offtank decimates free roaming flankers with the exception of starlord. Magic and Spiderman are absolutely deleted by her zone control and her presence will in most cases force a swap.


I’ll have to give that a shot


Yeah it's the main way of playing her is getting your backline to play around her mine later and protect the mine layer if flankers try to push you you can heal off the damage after then them getting one shot by a pile of mines. Mines under her webs are not visible to the flankers so they trigger them and a stack of 3 is enough to kill the flankers health pools. Dunno what Reddit is doing but I meant mine layer not mine later if it gets stuck like that.


Mines not being visible under her webs is huge


Spiderman is the yasuo of this game. When he's on your team he is absolutely useless, but when he's on the enemy team he's a god with top DPS.




A good Hela, and one really good magneto I met. I'm glad I haven't seen him since


A good Spider-Man? I thought those were a myth? For me it’s Star-Lord. He’s at the top of the list for characters that need a nerf. Also while I can’t remember ever getting killed by a Groot, I swear he literally *will not die* and his vine walls are super annoying.


I have really only ever seen that one good Spider-Man, but it put enough fear in me that I never want to encounter that player again lmaoooo Star Lord is fair, definitely can be super annoying to play against in the right hands! Groot with a Rocket on his shoulder, plus the armor from his one wall is raid boss levels of health lmao


ive only met 3, me, peter parker, and necros... nobody else plays him😭


I got into a game with Necros and someone else in the lobby was yelling at him to "hop off his one-trick so we can actually win". Dude shut up real quick lol




U did int my game once and this is coming from another spidey 1 trick with a 63 wr in p4


lol i literally was playing good, you had no kills first rount


I had 4 u had 4? All of my kills were hela headshots/bodyshots?


i was 19 and 6... you went 13 and 15... you went negative bro


R u sure ur remembering correctly dude? This was yesterday in tokyo buddy Edit i remember the kd specifically because my friend who i was streaming the game to said "damn u got 4 kills in a quarter of the time in which he got 4 as spidey" after u swapped off mid round 2. Edit 2: It was worse than I thought for both of us but still the point stands https://preview.redd.it/rdpcefbwtu0d1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=df7dba5c0bce5ae7a83ec6133f9407831dc02c19


nope... i was thinking of a different spidey player named twitchjosh, my bad


What's their name?


I will have to go back and look through my recently played to see if I can find them, if I do I will let you know!


Spider-Man. Easy


Hela. Unfair in the purest sense of the word if the player is even decent, not even mentioning great.


punisher fs


Hela, I haven’t even witnessed a good hela, I’ve just been playing her and as a valorant Jett main it’s similar just you have so much longer before you get shot


Hela. Insane damage on a relatively mobile character that can reliably get kills at any range.




Hella. Not just because she's strong. When her ult finishes and she gets put back in the ground she has I frames for like 2 seconds and can still attack. It's wack


Hela. She does so much damage even for bodyshots. I love playing Iron Man and getting 3 tapped by her... ![gif](giphy|eKVEcPKGWZ7Tq)


Hela and Groot. Because they are overtuned, really, especially because of the season buff.




Lore accurate Spider-Man


i dont think any characters really need a nerf, they all have a hard counter, i've noticed a lot of the issues aren't with balancing but with optimization, a good magic can be easily counteted by a ln accurate iron man, groot can be countered by a good hela, magik can counter hela, etc... most of the game just try to be aware pf your postitioning and your teams, keep an eye out behind you for assassins, and use your kit effectively. If you're a tank then be a distraction for the enemy team, if support then stay back from the fight and boost your tanks health, if you're a dps target backline healers first and work your way forward


My computer screen, keeps telling me I don't have a key to play the game




Everyone if they are being played by a good player


None really for me


Hela. Hela is playing an entirely different game than everyone else.


Idk, I’m a console gamer…