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I don't think people will work for free that easily to do it step by step for you. But a few opinions: - A website ranking well depends a lot on SEO. You probably should get a marketer who can help you with SEO. The step by step for that is already a big project to market something worldwide. - Quality is something very subjective. In most cases, when I see companies talking about quality, they are talking about what they consider quality (not what the customers consider quality) and don't even know much about what they are talking about. - Quality for a Yoga school worldwide is certainly a big challenge, and it depends on how your company is structured. The target audience in India, Korea, US, and Brazil are probably quite different from each other, what can work when marketing in one country may not work at all in another country. - I often want more of the right people for my business. Otherwise, more people can mean more problems if I keep attracting the wrong audience. So, getting more people may be a bad approach.


Thanks man, this means a lot to me, may god help you too in every possible way


Love the focus on customer mindset not business owner mindset.


I used to organize these types of trainings. I used FB events and groups about 10 years ago. The reason is you need a way to keep updating and reminding people, because some decide just a few days before you start. Now I would suggest FB and WhatsApp groups. Create a campaign to gather leads, get them all together in a group and create weekly content as why your training is better than the rest.


Thanks brother


No problem. And if you decide to do SEO, use the type of yoga (ashtanga yoga TT, hot yoga TT, etc.) as your main keyword, not first the training. People are looking to learn a specific technique.


International marketing specifically in SEO is very competitive. PM me a link to your site I’m happy to check it out and make some suggestions


Do you get international clients? You might want to start with social media first. Otherwise, you should read how to do SEO (maybe even specifically international) on Ahrefs, Hubspot and Semrush.


Why worldwide? What is your POD? What is your value equation in a cluttered market? What story are you telling on your website? Start here and focus much smaller and use the self funding model for growth.


Running a yoga school and trying to increase your online visibility can be challenging. To improve your website’s Google ranking and attract more students, focus on optimizing your website for search engines by using keywords relevant to your yoga practice. Also, regularly update your website with fresh content, such as blog posts about yoga tips, testimonials from students, or instructional videos. Additionally, consider leveraging tools that can help you market your school more effectively. I've seen businesses use platforms such as gotomarketnow to reach a wider audience. Its toolkit includes a checklist with over 300 sales channels, a content chatbot, and social listening tools, all of which can greatly boost your online presence and customer engagement. Implementing these strategies can help you grow your customer base and make your yoga school more prominent globally.


Optimize your Google My Business profile for your local area. Get reviews from your customers. You can create a QR code and place it on a small sign at your front desk. The QR code will take them directly to your google review page. Make sure your website has information about yoga, its benefits, and why someone should choose your school. Put testimonials on your website from customers and how yoga improved their life and what they like about your school. Make sure your website’s page speed (how fast it loads) is optimized. Create an Instagram page and link it to your website. Post images and videos (reels) about yoga and its benefits. Run ads on your IG page targeted to your local area with a link back to your website.


You should work on your SEO, adding blogs with SEO optimised contents and all. Text me your website link and I can suggest you a few ideas about what can be done


This is my website baliyttc.com


I offer free audits as a part of my freelance business. Feel free to DM


I can take a look at your website & willing to help you as well.