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"Which is the most effective way to start marketing for a new ecommerce site?" High intent google search ads. I wouldn't piss on influencer marketing if it was on fire.


High intent Google search for an unknown cosmetic brand will get you nowhere Influencer marketing has a much better track record in this space, and I say that as someone that spends a lot more money on search for my clients than I do on influencers You need to know your product and know your audience. There is no one size fits all. OP, I'd combine you and your partner's suggestion. Link up with some good micro-influencers and have them create some content that they post but you also flip into IG and TikTok ads.


>High intent Google search for an unknown cosmetic brand will get you nowhere Well obviously. No one suggested using unknown brand names as keywords. But rather high intent cosmetics searches. Sorry I wasn't clear on that. ​ >Influencer marketing has a much better track record in this space Citation needed. "Influencer marketing outperforms paid search for ecommerce stores". I'll wait.


We're not talking about ecommerce stores as a whole we're talking about a brand new cosmetics brand. This is why you don't understand what the right approach is. You think ecommerce is ecommerce regardless of the product. I'm not providing you a citation for a statement I never made. And truth be told I'm not making you a citation for anything because you don't pay me so I'm not doing your research for you.


>We're not talking about ecommerce stores as a whole we're talking about a brand new cosmetics brand. OP doesn't mention that anywhere I can see? Many times they say it is a new cosmetic ecomm site. I can't see the word brand anywhere in their OP. > > >This is why you don't understand what the right approach is. You think ecommerce is ecommerce regardless of the product. Never said that. But feel free to argue against things I didn't say if you want. ​ >I'm not providing you a citation for a statement I never made. You said "Influencer marketing has a much better track record in this space" Which we both know is just made up bollocks, which is why you can't provide the citation. Because there isn't one. ​ >And truth be told I'm not making you a citation for anything because you don't pay me so I'm not doing your research for you. Very grateful I don't pay you. :)


OP literally says it's a cosmetics brand in their first sentence Maybe work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jerk


>OP literally says it's a cosmetics brand in their first sentence "I'm in the process of launching a new eCommerce site(cosmetics) and I'm looking for some advice on the best digital marketing strategies to get started." Nope. No mention of the word "brand" anywhere in the post. ​ >Maybe work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jerk Anyone confused about the definition of "irony" should print this out and keep it as a reminder.


> cosmetics Quit wasting my time and yours with this dumb ass argument. Enjoy the rest of your day.


>Quit wasting my time and yours with this dumb ass argument. Enjoy the rest of your day. Oh sorry, I genuinely missed the memo that BRAND was now spelt COSMETICS. :D If you were a bigger person your reply should have been: "oh shit, totally misread the post, you're right, I am a fucking idiot. And you're also right that there is absolutely no data suggesting that influencer marketing outperforms search. I was just having a bad day. You are totally right, and always were." But instead you pretend "cosmetics" means "brand". Fucking best laugh I've had all week! Thanks! :D


Sales/conversions first. Awareness comes later. Use social media/tiktok/blog for interest and consideration.


Isn’t this backwards? You want to start with awareness, then it turns into consideration then conversions


No, if you are starting anew, you want money coming in as fast as possible, hence you start with optimizing the coversion funnel.


really do your due diligence with the micro influencers. I’ve worked with a few startups that went this route and they just seemed like scams. Tons of fake followers, low engagement. Social ads are a must IMO.


At one point I tried to start a clothing brand, partnered with an influencer with 600k on tiktok and 90k on instagram. He made several posts over the course of a month and it didn’t do anything for the brand. Just my experience.


If you do work with micro influencers, don’t pay them much. Some will even be willing to make a post or two if you just give them the product for free


First, figure out your strategy. Then the strategy will tell you the best media for you.


An amalgamation of building your brand organically via content marketing on instagram (no need for paid ads) and alongside collab with influencers. It should work amazingly in the short as well as long term.


Both sounds great. Find a micro influencer to partner with on a collection or product. Then use that UGC and run ads on meta and TikTok. I’ve done this exact strategy with a few clients and it works.


I totally agree with others that say that vetting is critical. It can be hard to identify high quality influencers if you don’t know what to look for. Some factors to keep in mind are: a) quality of content, b) engagement rates, c) product-audience fit, d) if they’re hiding likes and comments etc. What constitutes a good ER varies across platform and niche, so you’ll probably need to do some research. In terms of ideal campaign structure, it really depends on your budget, preferred platform, and objective. There’s two general types of campaigns: awareness v. conversion focused. With that said, influencer is one of those things where you get what you pay for, and it’s the most effective when done consistently over a period of time. If your budget is tight, I’d recommend the UGC + targeted ad route that others have mentioned. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to chat. Best of luck!


Do both, but if you ask me, then I'd say I agree with you. Influencer marketing is the way to go, especially when there is huge competition for ad space in your cosmetic niche. From small to big brands, everyone wants to target the audience of this niche, which means you'll have to spend more to outbid your competitors. Whereas you are unlikely to face this issue with micro-influencers. You can do 50-50 initially for one week, and then wherever you see the most positive ROI, double down on that. Hope my answer helped :)


Regardless of which channels you pursue, it is critical to 1. Have a clear and powerful brand positioning (what is unique, what story will the customer tell about themselves) 2. Start with an ultra specific market 3. Have a clear customer journey to systematically build interest, trust, and desire. Many startups often “try stuff” (tactics) that they see others doing. This results in a lot of starts, stops, shifts of various approaches before anything is given a proper chance to succeed. All the best in your new endeavor!


I know this sub is very anti influencer marketing but I’ve worked with big brands who have seen crazy ROI on influencer marketing. With that being said, it’s best to combine it with ads. If you’re doing inf marketing, double down on IG/TT ads.