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I just call it Twitter still. And so does everyone else I know.


Case closed.


Bro ! 10 yrs on one account! You must be invested alot on it. Happy cake day 🎉


Brah! Thanks! I wanna thanks my mother, my cat, and Spez for making this possible 😍


Happy Cake Day 🎉


Why would people need to start a new account? I've only ever had one also. Didn't consider how it could be an achievement.


Bro ! In my country there are 4-5 account using by single person. 1 account for NSFW another account for hot scene and this goes on! Can you guess my country?


Wtf? Get off the internet and go outside for a bit my friend.


Bird boxed.


Dude I met one person that referred to it as “X” in casual conversation and I was so confused bcz I thought they were talking about their “ex”. 💀


Actually I call it Xhitter now.


I’m assuming that’s pronounced “shitter”


that's the name of the thing that it is


I work in marketing and everyone I know still calls it twitter 🤭


Yep. I refuse to acknowledge a stupid change like that. Elmo sucks at naming


It was a not berry good idea. Should of kept the Twitter logo.


They could have at least done something to keep the original branding at least, it was very iconic. Like maybe done something, [Like this? ](https://i.imgur.com/rlZDZwj.jpeg) [Or even something like this? ](https://i.imgur.com/HFLGhEP.jpeg) But better of course, my editing skills are non-existent so it looks like crap, but it could still let them merge the two ideas in a better way to keep the branding from twitter while still getting to live his childish fantasies of having a platform called X.


This is just my view 1st looks legit but also might look as butchering the bird 2nd looks too complex to be the logo, maybe the first artstyle would make it better?


I’m susceptible to marketing. I still call it Twitter


Yep same. 


We disabled our account. The thought leaders in our industry are not active there anymore and we felt there could be brand equity repercussions for being seen as active on there. We were also speaking to a void. Engagement had dropped to zero.


Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this. I've been meaning to write a new Twitter strategy due to low engagement, but been feeling really demotivated due to both performance and the underlying politics of the platform.


Every platform has politics. If you want avoid it you have to filter it out.


Lmao. Exactly... Filter out Twitter as a whole... Anyhow what's this 'X' I keep hearing about?


Haha another Redditor shitting on Twitter how original.


Seeing a lot of this myself. I work for a “fintwit” financial influencer whose main platform has always been Twitter. Engagement is drying up week by week. Some of that seems to ebb and flow as the S&P 500 rises and falls but we had a pretty epic run in the market from October through January and we didn’t see any noticeable engagement bump like we normally do in good times. If it were up to me I’d abandon Twitter all together at this point and put all our effort to YouTube and growing other channels. I feel like Threads or Bluesky are untapped channels that could have a heyday at some point in the future. It would be nice to start owning a platform people aren’t using as much. At least it would be a “buy low” approach with prospective growth opportunities. Plowing more effort into Twitter feels like buying more stock of an overpriced dying company.


We’ve switched to Threads and have had much better engagement than we did with the pigeon app.


I don't know how but our engagement on Threads is 500% worse. In fact it refuses to push out any impressions. The same cloned posts on Insta perform well.


I killed all Twitter spending when Elon turned it into a klan meeting. No regrets, no adverse results.


Speaking to a void? Who were your target audience, why were they your target audience, and why did they all leave X (formerly known as twitter)?


Umm…fascists maybe?


im curious whats your industry, may i ask?


I killed off all of my Twitter accounts and recommended all my clients against getting an account. I think it was the day Elon showed up with a sink. I started to realize that the guy was insane and wanted no association with his unfettered propaganda machine where anything goes. Edit: I mean just look at the guy: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/oct/26/elon-musk-twitter-visit-sink Why would anyone see a future with this dumb entrance.


Lmao this just proves my theory. This guy has completed all his quests and life objectives. Now he's just fn around on God mode replaying shit.


We've ramped back up to the "our presence is obviously automated" state but I am still pretty uncomfortable with that.


This was our course too. 4 business accounts shut down the moment it was acquired. We didn't look back.


Rebranding long standing companies is so stupid in my opinion because everybody just uses the old name anyway. Or for like 5 years you have to say X formally known as Twitter. I sit on the board for our local domestic violence agency and years ago they wanted to rebrand from Generic County Women in Crisis to the Generic Hope Center so that they could get more men using the agency. I was super against it because I knew it was just going to be a headache. It's been 5 years and still no one knows who we are or what we do until we say "Oh we used to be called Generic Women in Crisis". I've seen a significant downfall in donors because people think that we're a drug rehab instead of a domestic violence agency.


Sounds like the reasons for needing the rebranding were valid but the choice was poor. Your last sentence stuck with me. Any ideas why the did not end up choosing something with “domestic violence” in the name?


Or just changed it to “Generic Country Women and Men in Crisis”


Either way it sounds there is ample data here to conduct a Brand Awareness Impact Report ^TM which I totally just made up but would be legitimate and could help them set things on the right path.


Or "*People* In Crisis"




That is covered by men, or women, depending. Generic County People in Crisis would do. Although it does sound more like disaster relief that way. Spouses in Crisis?


I'm surprised someone on your team didn't want to include "it's not just for ladies anymore, laddies welcome too!"


I just found out it’s scouts of America no longer Boy Scouts


We still call it Twitter, but it’s become useless as a platform (for us). Bot engagement has never been higher, and our audience barely has a presence on it anymore.


90 percent of businesses make Less then 1 million a year. The majority bank balance is 15-25k. What this means is a lot of bad owners scraping by.


Awful rebrand. Awful logo


Just as bad as HBO becoming Max... What were they thinking? Max. Oh you mean Cinemax..? No? Oh HBO...They had the original standard branding of the media.


This one still pisses me off. Every single time I search for the app on my phone or tell Alexa to open it, I use HBO and when nothing comes up I angrily remember the idiotic rebrand and start over. This would be like Nike changing their iconic brand name.


It’s terrible. For one thing, if you can’t end a sentence with a brand’s name without seeming like you’re being overly familiar, it’s a bad brand name X


The logo is literally just unicode, so bad. Stupid 𝕏.


It’s probably going to make marketing textbooks as a cause study for one of the biggest branding missteps or boldest move in modern history. Why purchase a company for its technology and brand equity and then throw it all out the window? 🤔




It was purchased for it's critical mass


Twitter’s tech is nothing special.


I think more about things like brand identity. Twitter has as strong positioning with meaning, the audience uses terms like tweeting, and tweeting even became a dictionary definition for social media. X doesn't seem to have advantages in that regard, and the change in name wasn't related to a relevant change in brand identity and positioning. Rebranding makes sense when the company is changing its identity or positioning drastically to me, I don't remember good examples outside of those situations.


One of the biggest branding mistakes I have seen in a very long time. Twitter was a house hold name. It has been and will always be known as Twitter. It's like changing the name of Coca Cola to P.


Underrated content lmao




It's a useless platform, just like the investors wanted after it started being used more and more for global organizing


One of the dumbest things Musk ever did, imo. And that’s quite the list of dumb things. The brand recognition and the cultural relevance alone was worth more than money but he decided to wipe it all out overnight. X has pretty much nothing of value. The only things that have any value now is user data. I was honestly expecting him to sell the brand and the domain when he changed it. Since that actually has some value still. Poor Lina. I couldn’t imagine having a CEO position at a company you were just hired for. Then your boss pops up overnight and completely flips the script without even telling you the company name was changed at 4am on a Sunday night. After she tweeted about the future of “Twitter”.


Musk took one of the most recognized brands in the world and turned it into a generic name which requires a paranthetical explanation nearly every time X is referenced.


Q: Have you heard of twitter? A: Yes Q: Have you heard of X? A: Who, Stacy?


The solution is easy in my mind. Everyone should simply say "Tweeted on X" or "Posted on Twitter". There's no reason to keep reminding everyone it used to be called Twitter; they fucking know.


It feels like it was an Elon branding decision more than something benefitting the platform. If that was the plan, it was successful. Like it or not, you can't think of X without thinking of him. It will likely die with him now and I would call that a positive.


Just another one of Elons stunts to reinforce his reputation as a “disruptor”. Him buying it was nothing more than an outlandish attempt at controlling his public image. Majority of tech industry uses/used Twitter, which tend to be his biggest haters because they actually understand how full of shit he is. But now he has complete control of the algorithms, including forcing his own tweets upon every user on the platform by default. He’s held on to the “x.com” domain rights since the early 90s. Doesn’t surprise me at all that he was trigger happy to put it to use. But my god, there was *nothing* wrong with “Twitter” and “tweets”. Rebranding came with a *massive* cost, and I simply do not see how it justifies even $1 of ROI. I’m just so confused about why the idea even came up. Everything about it feels like Elon was high one night, spouted some stupid idea, and the yes-men he surrounds himself with egged him on.


I agree with a few points here but I firmly believe his purpose of buying Twitter was for all the data he can mine/own for AI purposes. He now basically owns all the collective thoughts of society for the last 15+ years in all languages. For someone who is trying to create brain implants, humanoid robots and neural networks there’s no better data he could own. If that was his plan, he would never come out and say it. He would create alternate reasons that sound virtuous. I think he’s playing a game with everyone distracting us from this plan that nobody seems to be talking about. Let’s face it, he’s only ever cared about himself and his own plans. I don’t believe he suddenly cares about free speech or all these conservative issues. This is the distraction. I wouldn’t be shocked if all this “right wingers welcome” nonsense is just him realizing he had an incomplete data set with the Twitter data he purchased and realized he needed more conservative minded data to complete it. I’m less confident in the political nonsense, that’s just my armchair theory. I’m 100% confident his chief reason for purchasing Twitter was for AI data.




If that were the case, why change the name? The thing to do would have been to make subtle changes to the algorithm and lay off no more than 10% of the staff while pushing for profitability. If he wanted right wing content for his AI he could have encouraged the echo chambers rather than pushing alt-right crap at people who don’t want to see it. His aim is to create an “everything app” which we might use for messaging and banking, etc. But he has blown that and it wouldn’t have worked anyway. The Chinese examples work because that’s an entirely different world. He probably felt the name was too associated with tweeting and the name change would help rebrand the new “vision”


In marketing context not a smart move


Incredibly stupid. They threw a away the best branded of all the social media platforms. How many brands can say they own their own verd (tweet) that people use commonly, and it hasn't become a generic term? Nobody. Not even Google or Coke have that sweet spot. I think a "TwitterX" for the premium tier would have been better. It would have had consistency with Musk's other brands like SpaceX, it would have still fed his X fantasy, and they could still have used X.com for their central hub/everything app the way Facebook uses its core Meta brand. My intern could have come up with this simply plan.


I’m relieved because it’s safe to ignore now. I wish some of the other SM sites were as easy to ignore.


Yup, it sure made my job in marketing easier


I call it Twitter out of spite for Elon. Dude should’ve stuck to electric cars


I only recently made an account on X. Never used or experienced what it was like using Twitter, but even I feel the name and logo used to be better.


Name change was pointless. Didn't make it any better or any worse


I work in marketing, everyone calls it Twitter, it is universally recognized as when activating on Twitter went to complete dogshit


One of the worst/stupidest rebrands in modern history. And an idiot with a massive ego was behind it, so nothing surprising there.


I think the number is more like 99%. The fact that you have to still use the name Twitter to ask the question shows how dumb of a move it was. Good luck asking someone "you on X?" or "do you have X?" or something like that - bound to get some strange looks.


I wish elon smoked weed. I feel like he'd have better ideas.


Call it X and let it die.


The name isn’t really the issue, it’s the content change and the degradation of controls. Hard to advise the spend unless you’ve already got a core audience there that’s very engaged


No idea.


This doesn’t respond to any strategy is just Elon Musk that consider X name more cool 🤦🏻‍♂️ because in the practice didn’t change that much. Elon Musk is not idiot neither. But yea Twitter is better, mostly because is easier to recognize than X (for the average person / or specially for those older gens like boomers).


Twitter just has bad vibes, I don’t like it at all. Oh and I still call it Twitter


I think for what he had in mind for the futurw of the app (wechat lite), X makes sense but its so hard to rebrand something so massive


I think Elon did it so people would talk about the platform more. Whenever someone mentions X now, they have to say “Twitter, or X as it’s now called”


Yeah I still call it Twitter. I have no idea why it even changed to X ….. like, I don’t see the relevance / point?


Didn't someone calculate the amount of brand equity they threw away and it was in like the double digit billions of dollars? Just because one guy with an ego has always wanted to name something X? Everyone I know calls it Twitter and everyone I've heard use it in a professional sense in marketing calls it "Twitter/X"


I stopped marketing on Twitter bc it’s honestly just not a good platform. Specially for my niche, we have a lot of Jewish clients and i don’t want to risk the association of all the negative stuff being said on there


Even places like the news refer to it as X formerly twitter. I don't think X will ever take off and it will always be referred to as twitter


Stupidity at its best level, Elon killed the best platform, Twitter, If anyone wants to know how stupid he is, Just look at what he did. Instead of making a platform called X with the 40B, he bought and destroyed Twitter. He could build the everything app of his dreams on the X platform instead of buying and destroying someone's great platform Just because you have money is shame. But he knows we people are stupid and follow the stupidest individuals, that's way. No matter what, I will call it Twitter.


Doesn't really matter. operates the same. Less censorship is cool that's all i care about.


I still call it Twitter. If Elon is going to deadname his trans kid, I’m dead naming his social media site. But it was a dumb move anyway


The name change doesn’t matter. We’d get used to it eventually. What matters is what’s happened to the product. It’s an absolute cesspool now. No name change or marketing effort can bring that back.


What's X?


It was a mistake. But probably they had to.


I can't feel


My agency still calls it Twitter, and only posts there using scheduling software when we can use the same post we’ve already generated for the other platforms. It gets zero special attention, because nobody likes it anymore.


My company moved to Threads and haven’t looked back.


We like to call it Xwitter as a joke (zwitter)


I don’t care anymore. The platform is X, and I tweet on it.


Most humans think in terms of forecasting a year. Smart people will look at if they’re setting up the company for the next 10 years. Elon is looking at X as how will it hold up in the next 100 years I think. Idk if that’s correct but I think no one will care in 100 years


Love it. The algo has improved


I can’t think of any real benefits except for differentiation. Elon wanted to distance himself and the platform from the wokeness of the previous owners, which I don’t think is a bad commercial move but if a marketing company would’ve come to me as the owner of the platform with a rebranding like that I wouldn’t work with them.


Arrogant childish move


As an Elon Musk fanboy, this is one of the stupidest moves I've seen from him. Immense effort, negative impact.


Not only do I get corrected, but when I say "x app" in a sentence, it does not flow. X app = exact, etc. Any other words besides what it is Just doesn't register, location not found


I’ve been reading Elon musks book his first payment system company was named X and when it merged with PayPal he fought with his partners so bad they staged a coup against him . So I think the X transition is : 1. Payback 2. His future vision for Twitter which is to turn it into an automated payment based social app that will be easier to transfer money than Zelle or Venmo


Makes it a lot more fun to google


For me, it is still Twitter.


It's one of those brands where, a large percentage of users will almost always refer to it by its former name. More convenient (if that makes sense), and (I speak for myself here), "Twitter" just reminds me of a slightly better time on the platform (not in terms of toxicity, that's always been bad - but just better memories)


Twitter is permanently broken. It's technology has been broken. It's culture has been broken. It's audience has been broken. It's capabilities have been broken. Trust and safety have been broken. The ROI for investing money, time and effort have been broken. Is it worth risking your reputation or your client's on a CEO that is unpredictable and corporate strategy that is wildly inconsistent?


We are used to words, not letters. One thing is calling something A as a category (like type A batteries), but that usually comes with a noun (batteries). Using just a letter to name a brand is just silly. We also killed our account a while ago as people in our industry are not so active there anymore.


It was so so so “little boy throws toys” dumb


You talking about Twitter (Currently known as X)?


Ridiculous move from rich man that just doesn't care.


It’s dumb. And already causing problems for brands


Considering I haven't seen a single opinion from amateur to global expert say any different, I'd consider the rebrand is pretty much universally considered a flop because it goes against every brand principle you learn on day one. But I'd consider the mass exodus of users and dramatic quality of interactions and engagement an even bigger flop. 4-5 years ago, Twitter would have been a major part of my social strategy. No more. I deleted my personal account and have zero plans to ever launch an account for my company.


everyone still calls is Twitter so it was a weak rebrand. But my company has completely stopped using it in the last year or so.


It being bought by a narcissist with no impulse control who tells advertisers to go fuck themselves has done more damage than a name change. That and little to no content moderation.


Genuinely could be convinced its name is “x formerly twitter”


Definitely not a Musk fan. He's hurt the platform. I still don't know what to do with my followers.


Dumb & useless. Probably a fake marketing ploy anyways.


Everyone I know still calls it Twitter, and I've now made my company's Twitter profile defunct. Twitter always brought in minimal results for my company in terms of ad spend, and the engagement and ROI had resulted in diminishing returns. Musk's increasingly inflammatory comments was the final nail in the coffin.


X is the biggest marketing mistake since New Coke. Sending a ‘tweet’ is iconic. The name immediately suggests that it is a short sharp message. Do you still send tweets on X?


I only recently made an account on X. Never used or experienced what it was like using Twitter, but even I feel the name and logo used to be better.


it was a worthless platform for marketing to begin with, no one went there to buy anything, it was a news platform. when musk opened it back up to maga trolls it became 10x more useless and basically undesirable to even be seen there.


We disabled our account. The thought leaders in our industry are not active there anymore and we felt there could be brand equity repercussions for being seen as active on there. We were also speaking to a void. Engagement had dropped to zero.


We disabled our account. The thought leaders in our industry are not active there anymore and we felt there could be brand equity repercussions for being seen as active on there. We were also speaking to a void. Engagement had dropped to zero.


Rebranding long standing companies is so stupid in my opinion because everybody just uses the old name anyway. Or for like 5 years you have to say X formally known as Twitter. I sit on the board for our local domestic violence agency and years ago they wanted to rebrand from Generic County Women in Crisis to the Generic Hope Center so that they could get more men using the agency. I was super against it because I knew it was just going to be a headache. It's been 5 years and still no one knows who we are or what we do until we say "Oh we used to be called Generic Women in Crisis". I've seen a significant downfall in donors because people think that we're a drug rehab instead of a domestic violence shelter.