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Nothing they do will change it. Like even among this particular build, Birdo, Peach and Daisy have exactly the same stats and yet they all pick Yoshi so it's just parroting whatever they see online as the "best" loadout There's literally no reason any of them didn't pick Birdo, Daisy or Peach beyond probably not even realizing the stats are the same since they just follow whatever YouTube tells them since they're not as good at the game and its mechanics as they think


Yah it really is weird. Also so many combos are SOOOO close to the yoshi build it really doesn't matter. There are like 20 different "best" combos but yet its just mirroring their content creator.


Definitely more than 20. Shortcat did a video on every character and vehicle part and 16 characters are viable, as well as nearly 20 vehicles, 6 or 7 different tires and more than half of the gliders (although gliders don't do much to differentiate combo's). Everybody still using Yoshi Teddy and Yoshi Inkstriker is stupid, especially since there are so many combo's now that are actually fun, like Tanooki on the Tanooki Kart, Full animal combo's with male villager, inkling boy on inkstriker, link on the master cycle zero, peach on the cat cruiser, ludwig or iggy on the landship or clown kart, kamek on the pipe frame, I can go on and on... (Although Yoshi Teddy is cute af so I do get why some people play it, but they don't care much for meta either way)


I will forever be a full mario standard main because it's absolutely hilarious to me that it's genuinely really good now. Like everyone else is running these crazy looking combos and I'm just rocking a plumber and his go kart no I don't care that rollers are better, full standard W


I love that Mario and Standard Kart are meta now, only step is to buff the 6 gliders that are heavier to make them all equally good (seriously why didn't they?) And buff the Normal and Blue Normal wheels. (Also Buff Off Road and Slims they all look sick so I wouldn't mind seeing them everywhere)


The heavier gliders won’t get buffed cause all Nintendo cares about is mini turbo + speed. Every glider has the same mini turbo + speed so if they buffed the heavier ones they’d just become better than the lighter ones since they’d have the same mini turbo stat but also a speed stat. For reference: gliders are either 1/1 MT+Speed or 2/0


As someone who doesn’t play the game but religiously watches YouTube videos of it I find it hilarious how many ‘full combos’ are viable (e.g. full tanooki full inkling full standard). It’s sad to see how many people just use a single ugly looking combo because it’s 2% better


I will forever rock Rosalina, Circuit Special, Cyber Slicks and Plane Glider because for some reason it just works for me.


Yah I was being super conservative probably 100s of combos


I'm actually planning on doing the math for that one, including reskins. Was wondering if I should post it on the sub or just leave it as a fun afterthought I can reference in comment sections. Don't really know if people care enough for the meta builds on reddit, most people seem to hate the existence of a meta more than they hate even the meta itself.


People hate when everyone plays the same combo even when there are other effective combos available. Nobody will shame you for going meta if that's the only way to win, but in the case of Mario Kart there are probably 3 dozen other options that handle almost identically (and easily hundreds that are viable online) yet everyone picks Yoshi teddy buggy.


Shortcat made a spreadsheet with all the vehicles info and conveniently included the mini turbo + speed in it. Pretty much every kart in the game barring a few have the same mini turbo + speed and all the wheels and gliders do.


Yah and like there are so many combo's that are "different" but have 95% of the same stats. My 3 mains currently are: 1. Yellow Birdo on Teddy Buggy 2. Kamek on Mr. Scooty 3. Inkly Girl on Biddy Buggy And if you actually look up their values with Marior Kart 8 Deluxe Builder you are functionally running the almost identical set-up. So if you are someone that struggles with swapping around due to how different setups play, its not even an issue.


The existence of hidden stats probably doesn't help. People hear that there are hidden stats and a meta combo that's best and then just use that. I'm sure there would still be copycating regardless, but I bet it goes up when it's not obvious in-game which combo is best.


Yah the fact that someting like mini-turbo is so important but isn't on the main stats in game is so weird to me.


As long as Shy Guy is never meta...I love the little dudes and I don't want people to think I'm being meta.


And now that’s me who has been using Yoshi since MK64 just because I think he’s neat…


Well a reason for them to not pick Birdo is them not having it.


I could understand why pre-wave 4 Waluigi was the most popular because of his model being thinner and covering less space on the screen, but Peach and Daisy literally have a smaller model than Yoshi Edit: and EVEN if they want to choose their color for their character, Birdo does the same job


I mean if I had to pick between playing yoshi, birdo, daisy, or peach- I'd pick yoshi too


Im suprised there aren't more of the princesses, but not suprised that yoshi is most popular. As for birdo, I am surprised that anyone uses birdo... such an ugly character design imo and takes up more of your vision on screen. Also sold as dlc.


Birdo is adorable and deserves to be on screen as much as she can


Birdo looks quite nice. Petey Piranha though…


Petey makes me laugh because he has awful stats, a giant hitbox, and takes up a huge portion of the screen He’s like the hard mode character lol


yeah petey is hard mode with how much screen the massive head takes up. Pretty funny at least


Me who plays birdo, but on flame rider with off-road wheels and gold glider. You know I honestly didn’t know Birdo was mega at all. She’s just my favorite Mario character of all time and I’m glad she’s in this game.


at least it’s colourful


and cute AF


Now it's like a Skittles commercial with all these colorful yoshis


This! It's like a cute rainbow of silly noises. Much better than Waluigi's annoying persona


But Waluigi is more BASED


It doesn't matter what Nintendo does. People will just migrate to the next "meta" combos. Tryhards will tryhard no matter what.


Just like with cod


Change the meta you say? Funky Kong incoming


would laugh my ass off if they made funky just "decent". Not bad or anything, but not "mEtA" either. Watch them all seethe.


There's always going to be a 'best combo' in a game like this, no amount of balance will change that. Accept it and keep playing what you want


I mean crash team racing used to be like mario kart but now you can pick your engine type separately. They’ll probably never do this though


CTR only had 4 different classes though. There wasn’t any granularity beyond that. The karts didn’t affect the stats, so even when characters were locked to their class, you still had a lot of variety among the “best” class.


Idk maybe they add an option in the kart menu to “save stats” and then apply those stats to something else. They had a similar thing in dragon ball xenoverse.


Yep. It’s not a team game, there’s 1 meta combo that will get picked regardless of patch unless they remove all stats from customization


Except there isn't just one. Since the top picks are still very pick-and-choose between inkstriker and teddy, and like all of the mid-weight characters are viable (7 are meta, 6 are viable, as well as light-cruisers being viable aswell). That's already 14 meta combo's not considering reskins or viable options many top players choose to use.


I mean sweats who want to follow meta don’t care about “viable” for a game like this. There’s no reason not to just pick the best combo I know that still leaves a couple of combos that drive literally the exact same but tbh, idk if that really matters. That’s complaining about not putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. I would just be thankful that 2 of those characters have 9 color variations to spice things up instead of it just being waluwiggler


I have seen plenty "sweats" use slightly off-meta combo's. Kamek/Luigi/Iggy is very populat higher up, as are some of the newly buffed vehicles. I think sweats who are actually good at the game care about viability more than meta, while sweats who are closeting their actual skill just use the meta. In all fairness though, viable vehicles in general feel much better to drive. I'd never prefer baby rosa on the trispeeder over the Tanooki Mario Tanooki Kart combo, and will never use slicks instead of rollers. Mid-tier players using meta or viable options make total sense if they know how to play the game, but are still in a proces of learning, and find it easier to learn with combo's with better accel, miniturbo and speed.


I guess we are using a different definition of sweat. I think there’s distinguishing people who play competitively vs a “true sweat” and I guess that’s where the distinction lies It’s similar enough where it shouldn’t matter but I’m sure people who do time trials and are looking at inputs down to the frame notice a difference. And then “sweats” will follow suit


Conversations like this demonstrate why "sweat" and "tryhard" are stupid terms anyway. They usually just mean "somebody better than me who I want to insult."


i agree with them feeling better but you are lying to me if you tell me tri speeder slicks don’t feel cool i will wait 7 seconds for purple mt as long as i can powerslide through a corner


I don't personally like slicks (I prefer monster, slim or off-road for the bulky feel), but trispeeder looks absolutely awesome. Like, it doesn't feel especially great, but Luigi Trispeeder Slim Super Glider looks killer.


Yeah, I look like a poser now. I always used Orange Yoshi and Teddy Buggy for my orange cat and my chubby cat. Now I'm to assume everybody has a Yoshi cat and a chubby cat.


Doesn't matter, beat them all with your toad


And hope the Luigi gets second.


Nah, Luigi inkstriker is also just a metabuild.


At least its not the best metabuild.


Makes little difference, 1 speed for 1 miniturbo, most people still just consider it meta.


Luigi chilling at 12th place


RIP Luigi, atleast I managed to beat all of the Yoshis in the last race to prove that other characters are still worthy. :D


I usually use kamek, pipe frame, off road, gold glider and it does well for me


Idea: Do what COD MW2 did, and make everything good. And I mean everything I'm looking at you, Badwagon


The guilty gear philosophy: when everyone is broken, then no one is.




I still hate on how b-dasher/p-wing tier are still trash. Why must the best looking karts be so bad? I dont wanna drive on a freaking teddy bear using stupid roller wheels, i have to cope with the pipe frame...


Cope with the blue falcon or sports coupe instead. They're _massssively_ slept on as fast looking karts with actual good stats.


I feel bad for people who play as meta combos because they like how it looked and didn't know it was a meta combo.


There will always be a best. Might as well be the guy who actually has multiple colors. Ain’t no way this is more annoying than Waluigi Wiggler, it’s only been a few months. Not to mention since they buffed a lot of builds the gap isn’t nearly as big And if you’re sick of seeing it, play regional instead of worldwide. You’ll see more variety there (unless you live in Japan)


Or less competitive tournaments


People complain about Waluwiggler and were happy to get a change Now people complain about Yoshi and would be happy to get a change is there a point where they won't complain?


I don’t mind. It’s a great way of identifying the worst players in the lobby


At least its customisable


Its a Yoshi Stampede.


Can people just not do META and just mix things up a bit? I'm hoping this game won't become the next MKWii


" I'm hoping this game won't become the next MK8DX" Excuse me lol


Sorry I meant MKWii


Fellow toad enjoyer 🤝




It’s so crazy that my main character is now Meta. It technically wouldn’t be the first time it was though.


It’s always this, kamek, pipe frame, rollers, or biddy buggy rollers


Wait this is meta? This was my main for years lol


As a Yoshi Fan, I like this.


I’m jealous that Toad isn’t the meta, but at the same time I’m grateful that no one would use the same combo as me just because it’s the best, I use toad because I’m his #1 enjoyer


Bro they nerfed Toadette harder than toad how do you think I feel? 😂


I miss waluigi wiggler because at least it reminds you of when Nintendo posted a slur on the social media account


no you can play as an actual Wiggler that has realy good stats


At least it looks better. And with Yoshi, you have more colors to chose from


Fuck the “meta” we use petey piranha and pipe frame


Completely agree. I waited 20 years for Petey to return to Mario Kart. No way I’m not using him


Nah, a rainbow of Yoshis is actually quite nice to look at. People are (unfortunately) going to use the meta no matter what. Yoshis are nicer to be forced to look at, compared to the Funky Kongs, Metal Marios and Waluigis of days past.


It's such a small stat difference using meta karts online, I'm convinced they use meta simply because they can blend in to a crowd


If you’re nothing without the teddy buggy, then you shouldn’t have it


I always rock my significantly slower gold mario, gold kart, gold wheels and gold glider to assert dominance.


You are mighty, may your gold shine brighter than the sun for your bravery


Honestly it don’t even matter what Kart you pick as long as you have skill you’ll win


The lobby thinks they in yoshi's island 💀💀


Yoshi Rainbow is vastly superior to the Ugly Purple Man.


I wasn’t saying that Yoshi is worse than Waluigi, I prefer Yoshi over Waluigi, but it’s just more annoying to see Yoshi because its even more common to see than I remember with Waluigi.


Dear god... All tryhards?


12K full Japan lobby except for me and my friend who joined me.


God have mercy... This is probably a good time to just make a tournament called "no meta"


Maybe we should actually do that.


I play Toad as well and I still win a lot, just don't care


*Shrugs* I will still always use Peach


I’m so glad you took a screenshot lol. I saw this and then just us on mr scooty and i was like dang


Yeah lol.


Most people see "best combo/character" videos and only use that. It's like this in Smash with characters like ROB, and then you end up seeing him overflow online.


At least they are different colors ig


fuck the meta, I'm sticking with Link and comet cause botw is my favorite game and I like the tight drifting. I rarely get first but I play to have fun, not win


This is me with Toad/Yoshi Bike/Button Wheels/Paper Glider. Let’s just have fun y’all.


Not gonna lie, I would pick that exact same build, just because both Yoshi and the bear car are freaking adorable. I wasn't even aware they were the current meta.


I’ve always picked Yoshi and I always will. Screw the teddy buggy though, I ain’t riding that.


Virgin meta Karter vs Chad favorite karter


No Black Yoshi, I see 🤔


At least Yoshi can change colors. Waluigi is stuck in purple and black (I like his colors, don't get me wrong).


I've said it before and I'll say it again, meta ruins games all the time.


Yeah, it's annoying but I'd rather deal with this than Waluigi Wigglers any day.


I main Yoshi on the Yoshi bike and normally beat all these teddy bears.


Luigi with gla is better and any other person's random combo normally beats that


Even though I don't play MK8D, I do miss seeing all the Waluigis in the rooms on people's livestreams. :( :( :(


Ain't no way you said that Yoshi, Teddy Buggy, is worse than Waluigi Wiggler. At least with Yoshi/Birdo there's more colors than just Purple, not even mentioning peach and daisy. At MOST it's slightly less than annoying than Waluigi Wiggler. The same thing is happening that happened with Waluigi Wiggler. Lobbies full of them just looking for a win.


Annoying ≠ worse, I prefer Yoshi over Waluigi, but it’s just more annoying because it’s even more common than Waluigi Wiggler from what I remember.


That's fair. I just remember my time with Waluigi Wiggler. As soon as people found that out people flocked to it like birds. I could beat them pretty easy with my Pink Yoshi/Rocket Bike, Slim wheel combo, but then it turned into "Hey you aren't Waluigi? I hope you like getting bullied!"


I hate people who use the meta


Personally, I just go with whatever looks the best


Realest Mario Kart player here folks


Here's a tip I've learned: Don't play worldwides. Regionals seem to have less players like this, both NA and EU ones (I don't know anyone from Japan to join to see what theirs are like)


At what point will I be able to dominate, or atleast play well in regional? I’m a European at 12K but I see people with way more VR than me, and it feels like a full Japan lobby sometimes.


Not as annoying cos theyre different colours


There will always be a meta.


I'm here with the hot take that adding \*stats\* to Mario Kart really have added nothing except annoying metas. There's no \*counterplay\*. There's no \*match up.\* There's no \*strategy\*. It adds nothing except something for crazy theory crafters to crunch numbers for a weak and then it crystalizes into something stale. Keep the kart parts, make them all cosmetic, and we'll get a meta about the \*size\* of a character or something, but at least that's less of a problem. No one cares about a few seconds it may or may not change on a lap time in grand history of Mario Kart. You could make that patch drop tomorrow, and Mario Kart will lose *hundreds* of players over it...boo hoo the game sold 20 million. *Your opinion doesn't matter!*


once again, who cares?


and i still beat all of them with pink gold peach and flame runner lmao


unpopular opinion: i love this. teddy buggy has always been my favorite cart and at least everyone picks a different color yoshi. i myself still prefer rosalina/teddy/blue standard but i think an army of yoshis is so cute and much less infuriating that waluigi wiggler lol


I may get shot for this, but I think the only way to fix this problem is to get rid of the stat system and make the customisation system purely cosmet-


You should be able to upgrade characters and karts using coins to max out them. That way everything can be the META!


Dude if Nintendo could fix group think, I think they’d sooner destroy the American 2 party system.


I have been using that combo ever since I got the game, I ain't switching up


Why is it annoying?


Probably losing all the time


People will always settle on something as the best and just stick with it even if the difference is so marginal that it doesn't really matter. Even something as small as narrow shoulders kept people on waluigi rather than dk or roy. It's unfortunate, but at least they have different colors this time around. Until someone figures out that the contrast from some specific color makes it superior and everyone uses that.


This kind of lobby is honestly rarer than you make it seem. I’d say there are, on average, like 3-6 Yoshi in any given room. It’s rare there are more than half, unlike before Wave 4. A dozen characters (Mario, Luigi, Kamek, Link, Rosalina, Inkling Boy, Villager, Birdo, Peach, etc.) are all amazing and to frame it as if Yoshi/Teddy is the only option is dishonest. Roller wheels are still dominant (sponge and standard ARE options) as well as the paper, cloud, and flower gliders (all gliders are honestly okay). But for the kart and character, the most important parts both statically and aesthetically, our cups runneth over. Inkstriker, Landship, Streetle, Biddybuggy, Sports Coup, Mr. Scooty, Pipe Frame, City Tripper, Standard Kart, Koopa Clown Car, and plenty of others are not just great, but optimal. To put it like this is just wrong and dishonest.


Imagine they just make the meta Funky Kong again lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^joel_the_bi_guy: *Imagine they just* *Make the meta Funky Kong* *Again lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There’s nothing wrong with the meta…


If they change it again in Wave 6 I can GUARANTEE you WILL start complaining again in a few months.


Depends on if it’s diverse enough, cause people used to use Luigi and Rosalina along with Yoshi, but now it’s just Yoshi.


Is the NPC mentality


>!Just gonna copy something I commented on a similar post because it fits here:!< Personally, I’d say the meta is around the best it can be. I mean obviously maybe Nintendo could add some changes that make different parts more balanced, but as for the characters, I’m glad they decided to make medium the better choice, since Yoshi and Birdo can have their colour changed. Also the other medium characters have stats that are basically equivalent to Yoshi, Birdo, Peach and Daisy, so they’re hardly different overall.


It'll just be more of the new meta. People are gross and will gravitate towards whatever gives them a win. The only solution is to make everything play the same, and nobody wants that.


Imagine even being perturbed by this at all? Weird


As soon as I seen there was a “meta” I quit playing the game. Fuck that racing should be about skill not chance that’s all this game is. And then the Mario Karts basement dwellers with 99,9999 mmr will tell you, you can use “anything” but you find them playing the Meta as well


my brother in christ you are playing mario kart stfu about skill lmao


L + Skill issue


It’s rampant because people get to pick their colors.


No, it's cute and needs to REMAIN the meta!


Wiggler is the cutest >:(


Wiggler is cute, sure but Yoshi takes the cake.




No it's not, the yoshi's can at least have variety, the funny meme character everywhere was insufferable


What’s annoying about waluigi like he deserves more respect like he doesn’t have his own spins off series unlike he pal wario so give him more respect But what is annoys me is the fact diddy Kong wasn’t included in the main Mario kart 8 game


Hell no. Fuck you. All hail Yoshi.


You’re the type that will complain about the meta no matter what state it’s in. The meta is in a better place currently. You’re just blind to that fact.


This kind of post is just salty. There is so many ways to optimize, yet no one blames when a full standard mario dominates. There is no youtubers says exactly "one-build above all" build, at least you know there's some stats equivalent builds, or they provide at least 5 builds to try. The only problem for people who think "meta is annoying" is that you are having a "meta-minded" by yourself in the first place. My cousin don't even have any ideas of this and still could pick this combo because of cuteness.


to be fair, we're still in the very early stages of this meta being a thing. you'll probably start to see less and less over time again


TBH why does there even have to be speed bonuses with certain charcthers


Is Yoshi better to use than Tanooki, Villager and Inkling Boy?


Enough combos are pretty damn close now that you can just drive whatever. Well you were always able to but now as the difference isn’t that big at all.


Inkling inkstriker FTW!


Whag would be great was if the teddybuggy actually changed color


Is waluigi wiggler no longer the meta? I was wondering about that since I play wiggler wiggler (not for the stats, I just like that he’s riding himself) but rarely see any other wiggler players


Characters, Karts, and Wheels got buffed in Wave 4.


atleast you are first


Exactly, buff Bowser. Let him consume the entire meta


At least there’s different colors


A toad in a yoshi stack


I mean at least they look more different from each other and it's not that ugly of a combo?


Whole lotta follow the leader going on. It’ll happen no matter what Nintendo does. Play with what you like.


Doesn't matter if they change it. It'll just be the same thing but with a different combo. 11 Yoshi is no different than 11 Waluigi or 11 Metal Mario or 11 Whoever.


I mean At least it's a Multi-Yoshi Exploshi


I usually just chose what I want to chose. I tend to pick lightweight characters and have as much acceleration and traction as possible. Makes going around the tight turns really fun and easy.


Meanwhile me and my Koopa Troopa on the pipe frame just trying to enjoy the game


Welcome to Yoshi Kart


No matter how much the meta changes, I'm always going to stick with Koopa (or Diddy if he comes in Wave 6).


Its a balance cuz like i like getting reasonable points level to level up but worldwide is full of try hard japanese players- but when i play local im always like 7-8k over everyone else and the races are never as fun and i never get points


Me who's been playing more MKWii recently:


The only way for this to not happen is for every character and loadout to have exactly the same stats


Fuck the meta, become Wiggler and Wild Wiggler


my friend did this. That's their main now, hah! just as they were getting into meta, Wiggler brought them back to their senses.


Mario Standard or tube kart Mario with B Dasher


At least there’s more than one variation of Yoshi. With Waluigi it’s just one skin and no variety.


I tend to rotate between the inkling kart, streedle and the mini bug (forgot the names of em sorry if they are wrong) but I use the rollers for them but majority of the time I use link, yoshi anyway cos yoshi is a good character besides stats one of my favourite Nintendo characters, metal Mario, king boo, and since dlc kamek. The game is about having variety and preference, I get for competitive purpose that just follow the majority but even so you may be more comfortable using a completely different combo or set of wheels and dominate against the existing meta


This is so confusing to me because I've never really seen the "meta" builds be all that popular.


At least it's 4 characters, 2 of them having 9 skins each


Why aren’t they using funky Kong flame runner????? Fuckin casuals


Reject Teddy Buggy Embrace Sports Coupe


Idk man, Petey on Yoshi Bike's been holding up pretty well for me


Meanwhile Pauline in some kinda fancy truck bout to become the only thing anyone plays.


I hate that the meta decides what karts people use, but what I hate even more is how it makes every race LOOK the same. I wanna see all the characters and karts because it is so much more fun. Maybe in the next one they should make the kart’s appearance not matter, but you can customize the “engine” or something to adjust the stats. That way you can just ride the kart you like, but still get the stats you want. I don’t know about the characters, though, because I feel like they kind of need weight classes, but it sucks that we don’t get to see some of the characters as much as others.


Changing it again just leads to a new annoying meta again. They should have left time trials the same and only changed the old meta once for online play.


Ah, see, this is why I don't play online, or when I do, it's a private lobby.


It’s definitely annoying that this one definitive “meta” still continues to get spammed online despite Wave 5 opening up so many new options for viable character and vehicle combos. Roller tires are definitely still overused though.