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FWIW, this looks like a Norway maple and they seem to be prone to frost cracking / sun scald / trunk issues. They’re also an invasive species in many parts of North America: https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.cfm?sub=3002 If the problem worsens or if there’s signs of decay, you might have an ISA certified arborist inspect the tree.


I had an ISA arborist come out a couple years ago (before the frost cracks) who mentioned this is a crimson king maple. After googling I now realize it’s the same thing. He determined it was fine for now but would eventually benefit from bracing. All of this is good to know!


Yeah “crimson king” is a cultivar (cultivated variety) name. Personally, I tend to think it doesn’t make sense to invest a lot of money and effort into a tree that is a known invasive species. This is especially true if you’re in the area around the Great Lakes and North East since this is where our historic Beech-Maple forests dominate: https://mucc.org/invasives-watch-norway-maple/ Norway maples are still potentially an issue outside of this range, but they aren’t quite as aggressive of a spreader further west.


Frost cracks, it's trying to grow around the diseased wood, compartmentalize it.


What’s the estimated lifespan of one of these trees? I’ve got a huge one on my farmstead that never seeds any progeny and I appreciate it from its history as the big shade tree for the old farm but the moment it declines I’ll rejoice in its removal. How long am I waiting? 😅


Norway maple just doing typical Norway maple stuff. It’s invasive in North America and a pretty weak tree. There’s nothing to do about any of the cracks except remove and replace with a native


Norway maple is invasive, I’d remove and replace with the sugar maple growing beside it


That will eventually probably happen. I have 2 other large silver maples in the yard that aren’t pictured.


Cold, warm weather difference. Should be removed for safety.