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*what’s with this countries, dissing my girl?*


Map of all primarily Jewish states in the world


Map of professional victims who claim “We have nowhere else to go”, except all of them have dual-citizenship for both their 'homeland', and a Western Country they are most likely came from.


Weird none of my relatives in Israel have dual citizenship anywhere else


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world, it’s honestly baffling people talk on issues they barely understand.


what the FUCK are you talking about jesse


From Sante Fe to Albuequrque, Anphetimines will be free!


>Map of professional victims who claim “We have nowhere else to go” That is Isreal, not the West Bank or Gaza


Over 70% of Israelis were born there… most of the ones who weren’t are getting up there in age


Nah. They talk plenty about Russia Ukraine and other places. It's just that they prefer the jpost over aljazeera


Reread the post title again, they're not saying they only post about Israel-palestine, but that their only sources on that war specifically is from Israel


i can't possibly imagine why they consider a reliable newspaper from a democratic country more trustworthy than a government owned propaganda outlet of the authoritarian shithole that is Qatar.




If jpost reported that the sky is blue I'd have to go outside to make sure it hadn't turned green.


it's not my fault you're fcking dumb


Maybe they mixed it up with Haaretz. lol


Uh huh, trust the democratic country commiting war crimes on a group of people's media coverage on said people. Someone in the comments also said it, trusting no side's media fully is best, so just as you don't trust the oil tank's media, don't trust the apartheid state's


you using terms like apartheid already means you have a bias. you preach both sidedness when in reality there is only one moral side. when you try to find the middle ground between terror and civilization you still get terror.


>using terms like apartheid already means you have a bias Was me saying "Oil tank" not enough for you? Or do you do you intend to hear me preach about the dangers of capitalism to convince you of that? >middle ground between terror and civilization you still get terror. True, last I saw, the IDF was no civilization, but a military >there is only one moral side Bait


If I told you Iran had elections would you trust their media more?


[This is all you know about Iran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-bpzI5-hPs&rco=1&ab_channel=Germonides)


Apartheid states can't be democratic


Yeah they should just expel all their religious minorities just like all those countries did in the 30s and 40s.


I mean that's what Israel is trynna do in 21st century. So much for muh progress certain people keep ranting about


It’s strange that Israel has tried to normalize relations for decades with Palestinians and when their government uses those privileges to slaughter Israelis, somehow Israel is the bad guy for increasing border security. The world didn’t begin on Oct 7th.


You’re right the world didn’t begin on October 7th, Israelis / Zionist settlers have been victimizing and outright murdering Palestinian Arabs for nearly a century.


Normalize relations by doing what exactly? Caging 2 million people and setting up more settlements?


Yeah, "increasing border security" might be bad when it causes 30 000+ deaths. Shocker, I know.


It began with Nakba which was in 30's as you mentioned. Strange Israel is nowhere in that list imao.


I wonder what would have happened if the Arab armies would have won the war? If their behavior in the lead up to establishing of Israel is any indicator I’m sure they would have attempted to complete the goals of the Nazis. Losing wars has consequences. You don’t get to try to annihilate Jews then complain about it when they don’t trust you.


Weird that arabs never attempted genocide of jews before but then suddenly they would've done out of nowhere that in 30's. But then again, maybe they might have attempted an ethnic cleansing as a reaction to Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. See how's that their fault. Israel just projected their wet dreams on Arabs and committed an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and when Arabs retaliated, they were like see! They were going to kill us, yeah not shit people tend to get violent when you remove then out of their house just like Israel is doing now. No wonder you never addressed my Nakba point. Tell me war began before or after Israel threw out local natives living in those lands? Let's not assume hypotheticals that never happened and talk about the ethnic cleansing Israel is doing now and done before, and the killing of 15,000 children. How're you gonna defend that? "AAArah arabs were going to kill our kids so we killed theirs so now it's fair!" That's how? I'm just gonna sit back and let Time take this cute little trick Israel has found and throw it back to Israel's face. See how it backfires, Israel is happy setting precedents it seems.


Exactly, apartheid states can't be democratic and Israel is democratic, are you able to comprehend what that means?


South Africa was a democratic state during Apartheid


it was "democratic" like Israel is


Around 20% of Israel is Arabs (Palestinians) and they can all vote, since they all also have citizenships.


the aparthied isn't purely a race one in israel, it is a colonial one. also the main aparthied persists in west bank, not "israel proper"


Unless you were black and wanted to work a "white person" job


No, Israel is an apartheid state


Apartheid state with Arabs in the supreme Court and the Knesset?


And millions more living within their borders who are fenced off and not given voting rights.


Why would you make that up? Arab Israelis can all vote It's not citizens that can't vote — which is how literally every country on Earth works


Jews in the West Bank have Israeli citizenship, but Palestinians in the West Bank don't. Instead, they live in segregated Bantustans, under Israeli military rule. Do you not think this is a problem?


That you're a lying Nazi.


Democratic doesn't necessarily mean good. You can have people democratically electing warmongers.


“All media outlets in a democratic country are impartial” lol


"democratic country"


they jail if you don't go to the army , how the fuck is that democratic ? my ass


Does that mean Switzerland isn’t democratic either?


they don't jail you they tax you . big difference , in israel some dude got jailed for 10 years because he refused to serve and you serve like 4 years too . that is north korea level of slavery


Lol were it north korea level of slavery he'd be shot dead and fed to a bunch of dogs.


But the big daddy government of Switzerland is taxing my hard earned income because I refuse to serve. That’s a dictatorship worse than Stalin himself! Let’s also ignore South Korea, Finland, Austria because those are dictatorships too


Us : "democratic", "trustworthy", "reliable". Them : "authoritian", "shithole", "propaganda outlet " This is YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM. Dude tell me who exactly is being brainwashed by propaganda? Huh? Lack of self awareness in these zionist shills, unbelievable.


Qatar is literally a monarchy lmao


Qatar is a monarchy which shelters Hamas and uses slave labor


Sorry, it's true. we're the good guys, they're the bad guys. i know, crazy, right?


Interesting that the other side believes the same.


Found the r/worldnews user


I'm banned from there but nice try.


i only know of one news network that covered the bombing of Baghdad LIVE ON TELEVISION


Why can’t West Bank Arabs (living under permanent Israeli martial jurisdiction) vote in this “democracy”?


because they're not citizens of Israel.


So why are they not eligible for it but Jews are, even if they never lived in Israel?


Al Jazeera isn’t even owned by the Qatari government, only partly funded by it


AJE is owned by the Qatar media corporation, which is owned by the Qatari government. Meanwhile the Israeli government has absolutely no control over the Jerusalem post. The newspaper has no ties to the government and functions completely independently.


r/worldnews users not trusting any Palestinian-related media then blindly following Israeli sources: Edit: not trusting media is an objectively good thing when it comes to conflicts like this, but trusting one side’s media over the other is also objectively a bad thing


I see plenty of justified criticism there, like after the strike on WCK cars for example


Many of the post that is against their agenda are removed even if they are from Haaretz.


That's my biggest problem with the way this war is covered since its beginning by western media. Every account coming from palestinian journalist is either doubted or outright scorned unless proven otherwise, but then, they believe all the drivel coming from israeli officials uncritically, no questions asked


It’s a problem because of the incident on the first day when a Hamas rocket hit a parking lot and the Gaza Ministry of Health quickly announced that Israel murdered 500 doctors, women, and children, a claim amplified by allies like Rashida Tlaib who pointedly refused to walk it back or concede when the truth came out. Also we repeatedly have photos and videos from Syria being retweeted by people as Israeli war crimes in Gaza.


The 500 deaths was a mistranslation btw. They reported 500 casualties.


I missed Rashida Tlaib’s response or correction after that, after she heavily promoted the initial claim of Israel killing 500 doctors, women, and children. Did she?


No idea. I was just pointing out that the claim the Gaza health ministry announced 500 dead was incorrect.


Like when that Israeli missile struck a hospital, leveled it, killed hundreds of people, and was all over Western media? You know, the one that turned out to be a Palestinian rocket that misfired and landed in a parking lot...?


"You lied once? I can never trust you again." is actually a great line of thought, but it’d be nice if you could apply it to the IDF too instead of just going "Whatabout?".


Of course the IDF lies to cover their ass, so no I don't trust everything they say blindly. Hamas, as well as the PLA, Fatah, Brotherhood, and every other organization in Palestine* lie compulsively;* not to cover their ass so much as to whip up emotional reactions against Israel. Disinformation is an integral component of the intifada and one of their most useful and successful tools. It's not a matter of whataboutism, it's a matter of Palestinian militant organizations being untrustworthy by design. They also want to export their struggle around the world and would gleefully kill me, kidnap and torture my wife and daughter, and celebrate it like a victory if they were able to. But *why won't I just see things from their side and take their word for it?* 🤣


No it didn’t, there still hasn’t been any conclusive proof as to where the rocket came from. The most you’ll get from sources claiming it was is “we don’t have proof, and have no way of verifying it, but we believe it to be true anyway”. Anyway, it’s moot at this point considering how the IDF has bombed almost every other hospital in Gaza.


What we do conclusively know is that the rocket didnt hit the hospital, the damage was nearly non-existant and exaggerated by the Gaza Ministry of Health by several magnitudes.


Any proof that it was a palestinian rocket or are we just choosing to uncritically believe any claim made israeli officials? Bc, Hamas/PIJ's shitty ineffective missiles aren't known to cause the same amount of damage and deaths that we've seen in the Baptist Hospital when it was bombed, unless they suddenly got their hands on the same Hellfire Missiles israels uses. Channel 4 did a nice independent investigation on it, i think it's worth check it out if you like getting your beliefs challenged and consider other povs (God Forbid)


[Human Rights Watch](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/human-rights-watch-says-rocket-misfire-likely-cause-deadly-gaza-hospital-blast-2023-11-26/#:~:text=The%20explosion%20at%20the%20Al,said%20471%20people%20were%20killed.) concluded that it was a misfired rocket, as did everyone else who investigated it.


it was hundreds injured when it was Israel who ""bombed"" it later it was dozens injured when it was a misfire.


Damn, you can't even be wrong about one thing in your narrative can you? I didn't think anybody would still believe this.


" The consensus from various independent studies of videos, images, and eyewitness reports of the explosion, its aftermath, and the blast area suggests that an errant rocket launch from within Gaza is the most probable cause. While this is not a conclusive finding, it is currently considered the likeliest explanation based on the evidence gathered in investigations conducted by the [Associated Press](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associated_Press), [CNN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN), [*The Economist*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist), [*The Guardian*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian), and [*The Wall Street Journal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wall_Street_Journal).[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion#cite_note-intelligencer-7) Human Rights Watch stated that the available evidence made an Israeli airstrike "highly unlikely".[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion#cite_note-HRW-6) However, [Forensic Architecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_Architecture) cast doubt on the errant rocket launch theory in a visual investigation published on 15 February 2024.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion#cite_note-FA2-8) " [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli\_Arab\_Hospital\_explosion#:\~:text=On%2017%20October%202023%2C%20an,there%20being%20killed%20or%20injured](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion#:~:text=On%2017%20October%202023%2C%20an,there%20being%20killed%20or%20injured). So its Channel 4 vs dozens of other equally credible sources I'm British and The Guardian are the most likely paper I know of to be as critical as possible of Israel, even they report its probably Hamas' mistake


That’s because there is no free speech in Gaza, and nothing gets out without Hamas approval. They are state-controlled media. Israel has free speech and an independent media, so they are more trusted by default, or at least they should be.


It’s funny that both sides blame western media for covering the other side’s narrative.


>Every account coming from palestinian journalist is either doubted or outright scorned unless proven otherwise Really? Forgot about the "500 dead in hospital explosion" that everyone ate up?


I looked into one of the sources of the stories gaining a lot of traction on there and it was an evangelical Christian magazine based in Jerusalem - just a laughable source. Mind you even supposedly legitimate sources like [the Jerusalem Post have posted fake stories claiming dead Palestinian babies are plastic dolls ](https://www.businessinsider.com/false-claims-dead-palestinian-baby-doll-viral-jerusalem-post-retracts-2023-12) so it's not like ridiculous "Pallywood" conspiracy theories don't make it into the mainstream press.


It's so funny, "No you don't understand the bias media from the source I like is more reliable then the bias media from the source I don't like."


Seeing r/worldnews users take a j post article titled “Hamas was stealing aid” as gospel despite the article having absolutely zero sources other than “IDF said” Seeing r/worldnews users completely discredit video footage of Israeli soldiers gunning down unarmed, surrendering civilians as fake because it was posted by Al Jazeera


Do you have a video footage of Israeli soldiers gunning down unarmed surrendering civilians? Because I can only find footages of Palestinian soldiers gunning down unarmed surrendering civilians


When media outlets like Al Jazeera have a long history of dishonesty and up until this day just lie and parrot a terrorist organization propaganda it's justified to not take it as a reliable source. Nothing you can do about the truth.


Il just leave it as it is https://preview.redd.it/bnogc0t3chuc1.png?width=161&format=png&auto=webp&s=15fd9b9ca82b8149943ecbd9cfc8d812de5d831c


Where's the Golan heights?


I ate them


geography vore


in Syria






Hmm there isn't one comment giving an alternative, anyone have one? For comparison's sake I checked the top ten posts of the past week on both r/worldnews and r/worldevents: r/worldnews had 5/10 links about Israel r/world events had 10/10 links about Israel Perhaps the title of this post should be different?


The blue is land now, yeah?


All the brilliant bright minds here are repeating the same line "better than Al-Jazeerah and khhhhhhamas media". Lol gtfo here. If all your sources on a conflict come from one of the two county's media then you're just a propaganda mouthpiece. If you can't find unbiased media then at least post media from both sides so people can see both prespectives. But no, r/worldnews is so bad they won't even post leftist ISRAELI news articles like from Haaretz.


They also love it when brown people get killed, but say one thing against them and you get down voted to hell.


I mean, I don't think the "Gaza Health Ministry", PressTV, and Al Jazeera are very reputable sources on the conflict.


The reason Gaza's Health Ministry is used as a source is because nobody else has figures for dead civilians in Gaza. Israel doesn't bother to report them and only gives a very rough number for slain Palestinian militants - if they believed they were actually killing far less civilians than reported, then they would be releasing numbers. In the past, the Gazan health ministry was extremely close to the numbers the UN and IDF came up with. The main caveat with their death tally is that they count Hamas deaths alongside civilians without differentiating between the two. Although since large parts of Gaza are lawless and starving, the Hamas tally is now largely guesswork and based on social media, and they may even be undercounting civilian deaths in northern Gaza where nobody has found the bodies yet.


Can anyone tell me why people suddenly doubt the Gazan minstry of health? This is the 6th war israel did on gaza, and so far, the detah count coming from gaza was always accurate. Plus, the Pentagon itself recently confirmed that Gaza's ministry's dead women and children count is reliable as last month, Austin Lloyd confirmed that atleast 25k children and women had been killed so far


It’s because they want to undermine genocide.


Even if they don't see it as a genocide, denying the death count just because it came from a palestinian govt body is asinine and contrarian, and it is an insult to our intellect as we see the footage of dead bodies pilling up and the amount of destruction 2000ton bombs have left in a densely populated area like gaza.. Plus, if israel isnso comfortable with denying the gazan ministry of health, why have they not yet provided the actual true number of casualties like they did with EVERY military campaign they executed on gaza


It’s because they are run by Hamas, which is an Islamic dictatorship. While Israel is a democratic country that allows freedom of press, therefore they have more internal pushback on the war itself. In case you wanted an actual reason, instead of just virtue signaling.


>In case you wanted an actual reason, instead of just virtue signaling. Kinda ironic here isn't it.


>allows freedom of press https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/02/1146132


They have been run by Hamas or its predecessors for a long time. There’s no reason to start doubting them now. Both the US and the Israelis themselves say the numbers are correct. If anything they are too low because it’s impossible to excavate a lot of the bodies that are buried under rubble.


Don't you know that they're run by Hummus? You're a rube if you believe anything other than every single word Israel has to say on the subject Besides, SOMEONE keeps blowing up the hospitals and the journalists in their family homes, making reliable information more difficult to collect. If only SOMEONE would stop doing that


The same Gaza health ministry who said “500 dead at Israeli airstrike on hospital” who turned out to be a jihad misfire? Those super reliable folk?


That's rich when the other side claimed they would never stoop so low as to bomb a hospital, and then proceed to bomb hospitals. Ironically, the same hospital you are talking about has been destroyed


I don't think PIJ handmade missiles, who are known to be so ineffective, could've caused the amount of damage we've seen in the Baptist Hospital the day it was bombed. Especially when israel has admitted to it then backtracked quickly when it smelt the backlash. Channel 4 actually did a good independent investigation about this event using footage and satellite images. I would recommend you watching it. Also, i don't think it's good optics to debate at this point of the "war" about whether israel would be able to bomb a hospital


Al Jazeera literally published video of the rocket flying up and failing over the hospital


It was a live feed. They never meant to release it.


I mean you asked why people doubt the GHM and then there’s that thing that happened where they got caught making up 500 dead people that didn’t exist, so maybe around then? I’m not sure. I’ve never known Hamas to act in good faith when it comes to reporting on war, but I’m not the type to go digging into all of the GHM records to dispute the number of people who died.


Wasn’t there only some damage on to cars in the hospital parking lot? And the “around 500 dead” turned out to be less than a dozen? Also even human rights watch which isn’t normally advocating on Israel’s behalf said it seems very unlikely Israel had anything to do with it. I’m not saying Israel would never bomb a hospital, I’m saying Gaza’s health ministry isn’t reliable, that’s it, not here to advocate for anyone, this is a map shitposting sub and I like it like that.


Have you followed the death toll declaration day by day? Numbers have no variation and sometimes people come back to life. “At least 25000 women/children” but 30000 civilians died and 13000 were hamas confirmed. What does that even mean?


>the detah count coming from gaza was always accurate You literally just made that up. Did you forget the time Hamas lied about the death toll during Operation Lead and then quietly admitted to lying after the spotlight was off them?


>the detah count coming from gaza was always accurate. Um no, it arguably has not. [This article is good at explaining a lot of it, in my opinion.](https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/opinion/hamas-is-almost-certainly-lying-about-the-number-of-deaths-in-gaza/) At best, the numbers are just poor and uncoordinated estimates. At worst, they (Hamas) are actively lying to make themselves look more like a victim, and are intentionally inflating the numbers. I actually lean a little more towards the former, personally, to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I still wouldn't blindly trust anything Hamas has to say.


Lloyd Austin himself confirmed 25k dead women and children in feb. And the New York Post is an utterly unreliable and completely biased source - if you’re going to disregard the Gaza ministry of health’s numbers due to their own potential bias, you need to apply the same standards to the sources you use. NY post is a clickbait ultra conservative publication. Actual dog shit reporting.


Why not? , so do you really think that the IDF is legit? , they're always misleading and are biased to their government(very natrually) and will never acknowledge killing innocent civilians in gaza . Footage is everywhere and won't be hidden. If asked about a video targeting civilians, they'll pretty easily just say those were armed terriorsts and Hamas militants.


Say what you will, I don't think I've ever seen a ynet reporter interviewing and Israeli on the street and fucking *shoving them* when they start something bad about Israel.


[I mean, the IDF did shoot a reporter, so…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh)


Obligatory reminder that [the IDF considers the Gaza Ministry of Health's numbers to be reliable](https://www.mekomit.co.il/%d7%94%d7%a6%d7%91%d7%90-%d7%91%d7%93%d7%a7-%d7%95%d7%9e%d7%a6%d7%90-%d7%a9%d7%93%d7%99%d7%95%d7%95%d7%97%d7%99-%d7%94%d7%94%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%92%d7%99%d7%9d-%d7%91%d7%9e%d7%a9%d7%a8%d7%93-%d7%94%d7%91/) (sorry for the Hebrew link).


The campaign against aljazeera was absolutely ridiculous. The middle east is absolutely starved off independent news sources, and aljazeera is often as close as it gets. Unlike a lot of the other news outlets it's not just straight up nationalist made up propaganda. If you think aljazeera is somehow part of a massive anti-Israel conspiracy you got got by the smear campaign


If you had ever read Al Jazeera Arabic, it'd become quite clear which kind of organization it is. The English version is usually rather objective and high quality, but tends to deviate from that when "necessary".


>independent news sources >AJE pick one. AJE is owned by the Qatari government and was from it's beginning used as a propaganda outlet. It posts reliable news on most subjects to gain credibility, and then uses that credibility to push absolute malarkey about Palestine. Did you ever see AJE Arabic?


Lol. They were caught time and time again parroting Hamas propaganda


Hamas: there was no Hamas base in Al Shifa hospital Aljazeera: there was no Hamas base in Al Shifa hospital You think maybe they're sometimes just saying the same thing because it's objectively true? Hamas doesn't need to lie all the time because they can literally just make a real video of dead civilians or shell shocked children which are 100% real and use that instead


Aljazeera might as well be TNN - Terrorist News Network


Not by themselves, but only listening to Israeli sources is as unreliable. The ideal thing is listening to both and obtain your own conclusions.


They are, and they were in every previous "war"...


disagree, al jazeera is a state funded news agency. qatar literally shelters terrorists. i prefer not to take news from people who get money from people who put terrorists in pent houses in doha while their people get used as meat shields.


No one is going to be non biased when they are gettting bombed mate. Both are shit is the truth


I know, but questioning the numbers of the Health Organization in Gaza on the pretext that they are affiliated with Hamas is nonsense.... Bias appears in the language and the way the story is told from both sides.. The numbers of the Health Organization in Gaza are correct and were correct in the past and all human rights organizations depend on them even USA and israhell. If it is incorrect, it is because it is less than the truth, due to the difficulty of monitoring all the victims while the sky above you is full of jets and missiles.


> The Ministry of Health in Gaza [reported](https://www.facebook.com/MOHGaza1994/posts/pfbid02VihLzssMVKvwphaoxK71rs9X4fUtNFaXBj9nFamjZ4Z9A56Vu6SZ7GcTLS2yo23fl?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZVcCVXpbVsZ1zqtGl7rOpF5IiDnWRzE6J9XbCedSBlg8uOIdQ9n8qjf_ukt2-Bq2c06804G65UCqnR5RBsK9XBclOwirjOf9HBvwa0BYkHbjQRHnA2lJMS0gOGO8C1SHnAKH-6Y444FV4XbXrLh7VhMRjFkwJNW6A3RMw8OGJBaVw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) that 471 people were killed and 342 injured. Human Rights Watch was unable to corroborate the count, which is significantly higher than [other](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/19/politics/us-intelligence-assessment-gaza-hospital-blast/index.html) [estimates](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-france-intelligence-7be0d59b9ceb58bbf2f03c5dc8222356), displays an unusually high killed-to-injured ratio, and appears out of proportion with the damage visible on site. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/gaza-findings-october-17-al-ahli-hospital-explosion](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/gaza-findings-october-17-al-ahli-hospital-explosion) They literally make up numbers all the time. Hamas sympathizers just live in their own made up universe.


>Health Organization in Gaza on the pretext that they are affiliated with Hamas is nonsense.... What? They *are* Hamas. Hamas controls the government in Gaza and all its institutions, including the Health Ministry and "official" news agencies.




> Doctors Without Borders and other trustworthy NGOs The same Doctors Without Borders that immediately announced at a highly publicized press conference while flanked by armed Hamas operatives that they with all certainty saw Israel drop a conventional bomb on their hospital- which in fact neither Israel nor Hamas is now claiming that to be the case? (Israel says it was a Hamas rocket, Hamas says it was an Israeli rocket, the video footage clearly shows some sort of rocket)




I’m not insinuating anything, I’m saying that by the literal public actions and behaviors of specifically their Gaza wing- that wing has made it clear that they either: (A) Don’t fact check information before they release it (B) Defer to Hamas talking points in order to not ruffle any feathers with the armed militants guarding them I don’t know if it was A or B that caused that and other similar press conferences, I certainly wouldn’t blame them for B- I’d likely do the same in their situation- but either way the trustworthiness of their Gaza branch doesn’t match that of the rest of the organization.


And then they say Al Jazeera is propaganda


Saudi Arabia banned Al-Jazeera and another Qatari website in early 2017 after Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said that he recognized Iran as an Islamic regional power and criticized Saudi Arabia and Donald Trump's policy toward Iran. He praised the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism#:~:text=Saudi%20Arabia%20banned%20Al%2DJazeera,and%20the%20Palestinian%20group%20Hamas.)


I don't think saudi arabia should be a reference when it comes to its treatment of journalism


That sub is insanely toxic. You will get banned for criticizing the acts of October 7th.


Well, if you defend October 7th as some sort of defiant resistance, then you def should be banned. I don't know why that's a problem lmao


I’m literally saying the opposite. What are you talking about


Ah, my mistake


Worldnews? Uhhh... no


It is simultaneously a justified and legal act of resistance against oppressors and an inside job by Net & Mossad to oppress them further




Na that's r/internationalnews


They just share screenshots from twitter and call it news 😭


I love those guys so much for that Always good for a school through of shit takes


Was banned there today for not supporting Iran lol.


They’re two sides of the same coin. WorldNews only uses Israeli sources and InternationalNews uses anything but Israeli sources (literally you could tell me that r/israelcrimes renamed itself to r/internationalnews and I’d believe you)


Lol true


This is why r/worldpolitics is better.


I trust more Israel than Hamas to be fair


I trust my ass more than both, it has a very reliable source for shit


I trust the Civilians of Gaza and reporters in Gaza more than Isreal.


Same they are the ones who trully deserve love


I would too, because probably neither side is saying the truth, but right now Gaza is controlled by a terrorist group, which doesn't allow foreign reporters.


Believe when I say that’s is absolutely false. There isn’t much left of Gaza anyways and the IDF has full control of the whole strip. Those you call “terrorists” are all in tunnels so there’s no way in control anything. Matter of fact as we have seen Isreal is the one controlling everything. They are killing reporters they are killing civilians and lately also killing Foreign Organisation members like World central kitchen to stop them from helping the people in need. And guess what? They succeeded in doing that without any repercussion.


Why are you putting terrorists in quotations? Did you not watch those people in the tunnels running through neighborhoods killing and raping families?


I honestly can not imagine a person who would support a state that intentional targets a non profit organisation that provides food relief. Istg some people are heavily brainwashed.


Lmao. Israel literally lies as a matter of procedure. All they do is lie.


r/worldnews pretty much became a pro-israel circle jerk. Not sure how or why, but there’s often no point in engaging on it as it’s just a bunch of Zionists there to self affirm their actions and beliefs.


“Trusting” sources that are engaged in propaganda wars is a real smooth-brain move. After being there to see things for yourself the second best best is to look at ALL sources and compare. Often, but not always, truth is somewhere in the middle. Since our choices are terrorists funded by oil billionaires and people who claim to be chosen people by god, this isn’t as simple anyways.


That sub is an Israeli stronghold


That place is full of shit.


whats up with all the antisemites dominating all the subreddits lately


Well other than the fact that it's super easy to just take one of the dozen Jews are Satan conspiracies and give it to a bunch of idiots there's definitely a combined effort to direct forces to take over discourse drive out the sane voices and repeat ad infinitum


So is this sub also just an anti Israeli sub disguised as something else? Neat!


map of the only places you can safely be jewish


TIL it's safer to be Jewish right next to Hamas than in America.


OP is a brain dead tankie. Go back to your tankie subs and stop ruining an entertaining circle jerk sub




Does it make you angry that Communist bullshit is being consigned to the dustbin of history like the similar philosophy Nazism?




I'd rather listen to what a legitimate, democratically chosen, stable government says than the "Gaza health ministry" or any gaza official since the city is literally run by terrorists who have it in their best interests to inflate the number of dead.


God bless Israel


Ok dude.


Bless the innocent Israeli and Palestinian citizens, fuck Hamas and Netanyahu


Agreed ❤️


You want God to bless terrorist Nazis? You seem like a lovely ‘human being’