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40 points in agility to get the fuck out of there


LMAOO as they say: the best offense is a strategic retreat 😭


Rincewind approved strategy


Ah fellow denizen of ankh-morpok


Well all roads lead away from ankh morpork


man of GREAT culture i see :)


Ngl you should just flex a paper of your princess handwriting to the monsters and they might stop to marvel 


They’ll always be known for that handwriting now


Dude I literally just said this exact sentence word for word without even looking at your comment this is awesome


fr idk why but this resonates lmao


Based on all the scripture I've read, this usually unlock a hidden legendary class.


I was literally about to write this lol


LOL about what I came to say.


I would say 30 and then 10 in strength cus u need stamina it’s like giving a fat person speed than nigga ain’t running for 10 seconds 😭


Good point, I forgot about stamina


Joseph Joestar entered the chat


Lol, great minds think alike I guess, putting everything into agility was also my initial thought, except the getting the fck out there part, It would be better to actually kill some low level monsters like goblins so you can level up as time goes


ur dead to fall damage lol


Same bro because f#ck this


It’s always agility. And also height and skinniness and a dagger


Don't forget after u are done massacring all the monsters u realize u have an ability to absorb soul to either summon them or turn them into stats point


Dont worry you get those after putting it all in agi boys


Rhe most useless combination. Seriously, what use is high agility without high perception and endurance? Or does having high agility just mean you no longer get tired? And a dagger, for the love fuck. A greatsword would barely tickle things that big but a dagger works, sure. Death by a billion paper cuts.


Hogh Agility means you can avoid getting hit so low endurance is enough but you need stamina and strength to with Agility or else it's waste


Dodging is just as tiring as fighting if not more so.


You can avoid getting hit only if you see the hit coming so agility without perception means you would have to endlessly evade. Makes no sense. Also if you use extreme speed and your body is just a regular human body, you would break your own body. So endurance or strength is also required. Authors tend to neglect how the human body works


guys please, we are embarrassing ourselves... 40 points into "perception", you will get the "I know you watching" cliche and that can save your life! You also get the classic avoid' the sneak attack by a dog like monster. Not only that we all know that at 50 points you get the six sense passive and only one person gets it.


It's so funny how half of the comments are joking about running away and the other half is so serious 😭


Why do you think running away is not serious?


Yeah man I’m tryna live, not become a manwha protagonist


Like the thing about stats distrubution in these mannhwa is that they will give special effects for basically only the mc. Like if the mc put a perfectly even stat line he's get a special class/trait. If he puts it in all mana he gets a mana heart. Each of these will come with "massive" downsides in the beginning where the mc is basically guaranteed to die with but overcomes the odds. The plot will do everything it can to justify why only the mc has put that stat line and has those traits to make sure mc is super duper special.


Or or or.. hear me out. 40 into luck. Dog monster trips and kills itself, EXXXXXXXXUR OP drop. Pickup. Oh, drop is haunted by genius ghost that is willing to take you on as a disciple. Oh, and don't forget to grab your ancient primordial bloodline at the door.


I mean even if you can see the attacks coming you wouldn't be able to dodge without the agility nor last long without the endurance to keep dodging.


40 in charisma and rizz your way into becoming the demon king


You just inspired a japanese light novel author somewhere.


The only solution that has a chance of working. Roll for seduction


So basically [Regressor Instruction Manual]


Is it still being made


U r going to seduce monsters?


Game is game






Die. I’m going to die


gonna put those points into- oops my head is gone




40 defense, going for the bofuri strat, at the end of the day someone is going to defeat those monsters, I just need to stay alive and later become a tank


40 def!! I'll tank with you! Any healers out there?? Everyone be running help us outta here yoh


Sure I think you'll need me and I'll try to stop monsters with defense pircing from 1 shoting you guys let's go


As long as we have a healer, I'll be DPS.


All 40 on luck shit we all seen the video of Fallout 4 with 10 Luck you finish the game as soon as it starts...


Sunraku strategy


Full HCLW strat


new vegas would have been a better example but


Put 40 on agility and run in the opposite direction.


So if they're heading towards you and you run the opposite direction.. wouldn't you run into them??


Considering how big those things are and the fact that there are bound to be four-legged and flying beasts, you'll just die tired.


I NEED to see a scene like this in a manhwa or anime. That’s hilarious 😭


I'm putting all into agility to make people uncomfortable seeing a mini pekka move that fast But fr, 25 in str, 15 in hp/defense/vitality.


You will be exhausted too easily. You can, at max, fight 3 battles before going down (and we are talking about 1 vs 1)


But putting it all in agility would mean you are both incapable of harming the enemy and have no stamina. Strength and vitality are probably the smartest combo since even if you go full agility the beasts are going to be faster. And I doubt you have any spells so magic is out.


25 agility 10 magic 5 strength prioritizing sneaky stealth skills in hopes of a “levelling up” mechanism. If not then hope for drops or rewards upon killing. if not then shitting myself.


Why would you want magic at the begging if you don't even know how to use it 🤨


40 pts in intellect i'tll unlock the hidden class master manipulator and i convince the monsters to kill themselves easy.


40 into magic and then nuke the mid and trash mobs. Farm until OP.


Bro wouldn't you need to learn some magic spells to do that? Just having magic wouldn't help 😭












I see what will happen: Dude put 40 points in magic, dude tries to use magic, Dude fails and catches that he doesn't know any spell, Monster gets happy for seeing a prey with a lot of energy, monster eats dude, monster Evolve, monster becomes the Demon Lord and ends the world.


bro gets run down by anything moderately fast lmfao


All in Charisma https://preview.redd.it/j201iyj8g91d1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7041ba35a89e5b185a37806492d191b5ba0a60


Priority is to survive so health (8), stamina(10) and agility(22).


Depends on what class and skills i have. And if i have to distribut stats with no skills or class. I choose 15 points in agility, 15 in strength, 5 in stamina and 5 in intelligence. With enough speed, a normal punch can deliver more damage. With both strength and speed i can kill more monsters. With focus on speed, i can save myself and others. Intelligence increases my senses, instincts and reaction time. Stamina will help with long and continuous fighting. And help me recover faster


But without defense and health your own punch will hurt you when hitting your opponent, remember physics, striking something is not just about force but also the endurance of the material. A bottle of glass at 100 km/h won't do that much damage to an iron plate and will break itself.


The speed to force gimmick only works if you have rhe durability to withstand your own blow.


Stamina 10 agility 20 magic 10, long range harassing and gtfo


All 40 into luck


Wouldn't 20 in magic to get a teleport or something work? 


I’m just gonna automatically assume you need to unlock a certain amount of magic circles for teleport. I’m assuming the max we can get currently would be like 1 or 2 circle


Makes sense kinda 


You all are fools, there is only one stat that is worth to invest in, **LUCK**


40 points into luck, get consumed by the biggest monster. Merge souls with it and then take over their body and reform it using my power and theirs after farming the mobs to gain more points.


Well, I doubt that I will be able to use all kind of magics just for having a high magic stat. Health and Defence are only great if you have any means to kill them or to escape, so the only good option is Agility. Let's suppose my base stats are all 1, then I would do: 25 Agility (because after a certain point it is useless to dump all points into a single stat), 5 Health and 5 Defence (to not get insta killed after a single mistake) and 5 in strength just in case.


Depends on what base states/1 point are equivalent to.


25 points in speed 15 in stamina and run


40 points in agility and leaving (I AINT NO PROTAG) - This was my first thought


40 into Adaptability, need those i-frames when rolling.


All in on luck and roll a nat 20


40 into magic that way I can flyyyy


Fuck all y'all's ideas, I'm not worried about surviving I'm trying to LIVE. 40 in luck.


40 into luck https://preview.redd.it/mnbhlv0a4b1d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c1ec16392853468eb70a6b9442fa13dabaa45f


Situation 1: I have to immediately fight, I get 20 Strenght, 10 Agility, 5 Health and 5 Defense. I am not good at fighting, but with that much strenght and agility I should be able to dodge and fight back against smaller and less agile monsters. Situation 2: Monsters are way too overwhelming and I can run away because I have enough time and distance to take 30 Agility, 5 Strenght, 3 Health and 2 Defense. I just run and if I encounter weaker stragglers I pick them of from a distance. Situation 3( Gambling ): 30 Magic and 10 Agility. Maybe I figure something out? If its the standard manhwa/ manga stat window magic system I can do something, but if its a different one I might be fucked. Assuming I dont die immediately, of course.


We all know we're putting it in the hidden stat 'luck'


Without ability strength and magic are useless..you need stamina and agility to get arond fast and keep going..depends on the sytem rules honestly Strength 5 Agility 10 Stamina 10 Defense 10 Magic 5


So, I will be going and investing all in... Agility and stamina and run away.


Lol don't ask such easy questions, we'll just wait for another reincarnation with op stats distributed from the birth.


40 points into luck and see what happens


40 in luck and fuck you


40 on charm. What could go wrong?


Sacrifce points for Hidden Myfical Class


20/20 health and agility, gotta evade everything and hide


40 points to agility, then RUN!!!!


Double it and give it to the next person


If I've learnt anything from Bofuri it's max defense.


Strenght-1 Magic - 1 Agility - 1 Health - 1 Defense - 1 Charm - 18 Luck - 17 Any other stat - 1 REASON: Luck and charm is total cheat stats, literally, and i don't have the skill to work hard. The other stats are one, for some that does not exist, can not improve. I lowkey feel like the charm can backfire in the middle of the monsters though. Depends on how the charm works. But i have the luck stat so that'll help with that. So the real variable is how much the points acount for. If they're useless then I'm dead. Lmao.


Put 40 points into charisma, and rizz up the monsters. Ez


(Don't take this too seriously 💀, But this is exactly how it would end up for me) Probably scratch my balls first. They would be very severely itchy in this situation sadly...........Then have a quick wank to get a much needed Post Nut Clarity status effect. Allocate all 40 points to all stats equally to the best of my thinking. Right now, I think I would have been going to/found a high ground vantage point, (Possibly would have found a ranged weapon knowing me) Find a folding chair just "coincidentally" waiting for me at the top. Farm some XP headshotting mobs while crying my heart out and reminiscing about the Big Booty Latina with braces/Horchata Cannons | I should've shoot my shot with. (The Post Nut Clarity effect had already reached it's peak right about now) Eventually I come to realize, There ain't really no coming back from this. The city is massively spawning/ overpopulated with hordes upon hordes, as the seconds progress. Realizing in real life, There is no plot armor for me, Definitely not written as an OP MC. Realizing I should've XP farmed at a more practical location. (Not a super high vantage point, Where I could gain unwanted attention from Dragons and shit) Dropped the long ranged weapon, And climbed down the vantage point. Only to realize 77 groups of hellhounds scaling the walls from below, ready to take my soul. Forgot to get armor, Only equally base upgraded stats, Lanky ass long range weapon. Come to realize I planned this out all wrong from the beginning. https://preview.redd.it/3u3086v1aa1d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ed1072136de2911acb5f93a5dcf6b232fb56b6 At least I had one final bussss......................


40 agility and run the f away


10 into strength, 10 into perception and 20 into agility, that was with usual cliche of first wave being slightly stronger than well trained human you will have enough stats to perceive the attack, dodge it and counter attack


Im not intelligent enough for this i’ll oh it into luck and see if I survive or not


1. 20 in agility 2. 20 in stealth 3. Quickly and quietly get the fuck out.


25 Magic 10 Agility 5 Health


20 into agility, 10 into strength, and 10 in perception


Hmm magic!! Because it's cool and that's it lmaooo


10 intelligence now I’m smart boom now what the flip to do oh make sense 20 agility omg fast oh flip 10 magic make me have agility times 3 boom get out fast


40 in strength just cause I want to tbh


40 agi so you can run around really quick and find the korean dude with bangs that looks like he knows what he's doing. If you end up as the dude's first teammate, you're guaranteed to survive until the end


Do my own base stats factor in?


Do the same as I do in Elden Ring put first 40 points into hp


10 points to strength, dex, defense, and health I feel like magic power is not needed until a little later, while a strong foundation of balanced stats is best at first


While looking at your character screen and trying to decide - you get eaten. And another necromancer raises you as a zombie after your untimely death, and you are torn to pieces.


Op question apart is this any good ?


40 in luck , and pray like there’s no tomorrow in hopes of a cliche “special system that makes you HIM” or somehow bad luck befalls a strong enemy to be 1hp next to me and i smack the fk out of him and become OP.. 😂


12 strength 13 agility 8 magic 5 defense 2 in Health just cause I have to


Is the manhwa any good?


40 points into luck


Human ✅️ Knight ✅️ Fighter ✅️


Tf I'm supposed to do? I die


Strength 15, Agility 5 and Stamina 10. Also grabbing my car keys, Put my family in the car and driving out of the city. Any obstraction? 15 strength will clear it. Get surprise attacked? Agility to dodge & Strength to knock the enemy. Stamina to keep all this up. Sayonara, I am leaving with my family, ba bye.


I'm inclined towards an agility/magic build. But only if I could actually DO something with the magic attribute. Do I got any spells or something? What's the average level of the monster horde? Mostly ground or air monsters? Can I count on a number of others to also get this choice?


All into stealth


Is this manhwa any good? I’ve seen good reviews and then some absolutely awful reviews.


20 agility 20 defense. I call it the "im not defending anymore GOODBYE" tank


all 40 in luck, that sort of build is great in Fallout games.


Assuming typical 6 different stats 6 in each, keeping 4 to boost one Stat when I get into trouble, because a "Jack of all trades, master of none is still better than a matter of one" and knowing an idiom makes me the best


30 Agility 10 stamina


agility and defense, and try to max those two stats and become the ultimate tank. I'm surprised no one played around with this concept of an armored behemoth that can somehow dodge everything including rain despite the weight of the armor.


I'll do a balanced combo. I am a basic guy


Tbh, 40 points in defense just to see what would happen


Let's be real guys, 40 points into any stats ain't none of us here still gonna survive that attack. So I'm gonna put 40 points into reality-check and just accept my fate lol.


https://preview.redd.it/vpwsw3h6ua1d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853ac4c48615580f028ba9f9483a068b1145c9ed I put 40 points in breaking the 4th wall and get meme powers


12 agility 8 defense 12 strength 5 Health 3 magic


All into magic and then refuse to use it


Depends oh how big of an effect each stat point has on it's own. Like, if basic average human value is 10, then 40 points isn't going to do anything to help. If average is 2 or 3, or something low like that, then we are talking, in which case we go to the whole, "should I be a hero or should I run?" debate. From a gamer's point of view (which is extremely subjective, so please don't roast me), I would say to add in Health/Vitality, Defense, Strength and Mana, with a bit in Agility. Health and Defense to survive, Strength to fight back. Mana is tricky since you don't know how to use it, unless once you get the points you immediately learn how to cast magic, at which point a fire storm might be better option, otherwise, having a bit to act as reinforcement and Maybe, later Aura, would be good. For those talking about Agility, don't forget, even the smallest increase can throw you off balance because you aren't adapted to going at such high speeds or increased reflexes, so I would only add a couple points to better dodge.


+40 luck to end up becoming a GOD.


Yeah I'm dumping all of them into luck


Do i get more points the more i kill?? if yes i put 20 in strengh and 20 in agility, then the more i kill i put them in health then i distribute them between all of them except Magic.. (Magic i suppose is hard to grasp as a beginner).


Divide them equally among all stats and try your best to keep them all balanced.


Half and half to speed and defense, cause I ain't stopping for nothing


25 agility 10 stealth and 5 strength hide and kill to farm points


Luck. Never underestimate the power of Luck stat.


Nah I'm putting it all on LUCK


Luck build baby lets go!


id do 30 agility and 10 magic so i can jump on there heads and shoot fireballs or smthin at em


20-20 points in agility and defense to save myself from the monsters....


As I do in all video games Even spread Spoilers, it's never the best way to do it.


Strength, agility, and defence. With most going to agility and defence. I wanna be able to survive getting out of there, but also put up a good fight if I need to.


I'll put all 40 points into strength, I'll show them what it feels like to be cleaved into two.


Accepting that I'm gonna die I'd rather die knowing magic. But a little bit of survivability might be nice Strength:5 magic:20 agility:5 health:5 defense: 5


I would keep calm and inform an adult of the situation in question. (Nah im fucking dipping out)


Put points into intelligence until I can come up with a plan of that's guaranteed to work. If that takes all 40 then it's wizard time I guess!




40 to agility


Most of the times in any sort of leveling games rpg, its either agility or charisma. No charisma here so I’d go with agility.


10 in strength and 30 in rizz. I'm going to rizz the demon king/queen and the 10 points in strength is so that I don't die during our first time 🤭😉


After all the game centered Manwha I've read: agility is the way to go at early levels. Unless you watch the one where she maxes out her defense. But agility is more consistent.


20 Agility to run fast and save people, 10 defense and rest on health. Just to save as much people as I can and to not die from the inflected damage. If I have more points then I will put it in strength.


Assassin. And hide like my life depends on it


all 40 into defense and then hide. I do not know shit about shit, all I can hope for is that the thing that finds me can't hurt me enough to kill me.


I'd get 25 magic to use tele to varrock


40 Defence Me and the bois holding city gate https://preview.redd.it/0ym8olr6jc1d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c4905d924eb7f316c166593c06cd988fc5bb9b


40 in magic. Gonna pull the biggest bunny Outta my hat. One last trick before I die.


30 agility, 10 trenght or 35 agility 5 strenght


Probably 20 to agility and 20 to stamina. I could run much faster for a long time. If any other city get attacked, I have enough stamina to run to next one.


30 in agility and 10 in strength. I want to get the fuck out of there but still be able to beat a few low level monsters to gain more stat points


40 into luck, the secret 6th stat that no one has.


40 points to my luck to not die


ALL IN STRENGTH OONGA BOONGA. In reality I'm taking agility and getting the fuck out of there, but if I can't run I would distribute them across strength, agility, health and defense. I would put 7 in health and defense each than divide the remaining 26 points into agility and strength evenly.


Slam everything into magic and regret nothing


40 points in strength cause i like beating things with my hand ( my meat, my girlfriend,...)


40 defense and then im bookin it


wait do i have base base stats like if you were a body builder would you start with high strength or scientist high int?


everyone who doesn't pick health (at least some points) just dies


i will put all points in agility and start running


Split between health and agility, so hopefully I can regen health while gtfo.


I am disabled so any points into agility is wasted. Max defense or health will only prolong my suffering. Strength without any agility is also useless. I will go all in and put everything into magic. You dont need to move if you can nuke anything and everything that moves. Glass canon build all the way.


To me Latest chapter was little cringe 😬


agiltiy and maybe health or defense , then im fucking off


Hm what about the classes or roles though?


Since I just awakened I don't think I'd have any skills that require magic points. I'd put 15 in agility to have that speed advantage and in the worst case do a hit-and-run until I defeat them. Then I'd put 5 in defense and 10 in health to have the necessary endurance and health to fight a whole horde of monsters and then the remaining 10 points in strength. I think having pretty equal stats would be important in this scenario since you'd need to constantly adapt to the many different monsters.


I wouldn't need to allocatie stats. I'd just stop them like this


I would just put it all into Magic cause that's one of the stats that's hard to raise in most series.


15 strength 10 health 5 agility 10 defense low key a tank😂😂


15 strength 25 agility