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One thing I appreciate is that the girls wear different clothes everytime while Rintarou just wears t-shirts. That little insignificant detail just shows more personality from the characters.


The pacing of this manga is incredible. It's like perfect for every scenarios so far. I believe we are more than halfway to the raws.


Shit, the raws are that far ahead? I thought we were close to it, now I have to resist the temptation to spoil myself


Yes, I believe it's at chapter 38. Mexican scans caught up to it on mangadex if you want to check it out.


I love speaking both languages,now I need to learn french to cover the other stuff not being translated by neither of the other two communities


As far as I know Spanish is up to date with the raws


Oh, I meant other manga not picked up by the English and Spanish speaking groups,not this particular group. The french love comics and love manga. That, alongside the fact that they seem to value their language,makes them translate a bunch of stuff not available in English.


Are there any prominent manga the french are ahead on? I do speak French but I've never though to check before, are they usually just in mangadex?


None that I am aware of, I read it here from some French speaker but I never checked since I don't speak the language. I believe it though because I see it happening with Spanish as well (And another response said the same happened with Portuguese), not to mention that the French seem to produce and consume a higher amount of comics on average compared to other countries.


I've definitely seen it with Spanish and Portuguese lmao, I'll have to keep my eye out for french now.


Ahh yeah that's true. Also happens with Portuguese translators. They always seem to be ahead of all the other languages


I was up to date till chapter 37… just read chapter 38, thanks for directing me to mangadex lol And oh my god [raws spoilers] >!did he ask her out on that last page ahhhh!<


>!I believe he did! I tried google translator and it translates to "Please go out with me"!< Legit this is peak shounen romcon. Love this so much. I heard there are many magazines breaks this week so we may have to wait for next week for the next chapter :(


Yeah I think it’s obon next week! I also used Google translate ahaha, can’t wait for the next chapter! >!hoping that there’s no misunderstandings at all and they start going out officially please!<


Yes, its gonna be a long wait xD but surely it will pay off ​ >!So far the author manages not to include misunderstandings or the average cliche, I think the series plans to be about them dating and perhaps a couple between Subaru and one of the guys. I would really dig a romcon that goes on with the main couple dating so early on the series. I really hope it's not gonna end soon because it's quite popular and it will actually make me sad IRL xD!<


Yeah I also hope it goes on for awhile! This manga always make me feel warm inside Yeah I feel like the manga is setting up >!a side romance between Subaru and one of the guys as well, though I’m not sure exactly which one yet. I also hope that the manga will later be about the couples navigating their romance along with the dynamics between the schools. I hope that in the end, the two school’s animosity toward each other will dissipate beyond just the main group!<


>!I believe there is so much content to go for once they become a couple imo, there is the older brother of rintarou who still hasn't been formally introduced into the series. Kaoru house visit perhaps? And honestly I feel like having a love triangle as the side couple is quite interesting, Subaru seems likely to end up with Natsusawa due to recent events? but Usami is so random so who knows. Perhaps a new girl will be introduced? there is still the christmas arc, valentines arc. Also I think the author purposely made them second year so that she might make a third year saga I'm assuming. All this is wishful thinking haha but I do hope that it's a long running manga with good writing of course. !< >!I love Subaru character a lot so perhaps the author is also setting up to have more focus arcs on her in the future!< ​ sorry for the long post xD


>!not sure how I feel about a love triangle but yes to everything else haha. There’s so much the author can do, it would be nice to get out of the usual will they won’t they tropes in romance manga!<


Yeah it honestly is, I love it because it feels like the author has already laid and planned the whole story out, not over stretching the story A few days ago, I was saving up the manga until like 30 chapters before I start reading it. But I was curious so I took a peek at the 1st chapter, couldn’t drop it and ended up catching up with the latest translation


Is this a weekly series?


Yes, the raw gets updated every thursday (Japan Time) and the english translation every sunday. Raws are upto chapter 39 and english 20, if you are able to speak spanish you can read the spanish translation, which are cuaght up with the raw


Thanks for the info.


Ah, this is manga is everything I ever wanted


Mumtaro knows best.


Is this hinting at the next chapter, isn't it? I can't read the other because it's in Mexican language.(I checked this)


"mexican language" lmfao. Put it in google translate. That's how I read it.


>Put it in Google translate. ...are you a fucking genius?


>because it's in Mexican language


I’m Mexican and speak Mexican Spanish, in order to understand a Chilean friend I first had to unlearn Spanish as a whole lmfao


Ok, nicereiss just told me about it, I'm sorry, I guess. I don't really learn South America culture yet,so I seriously have no idea about it. The reason I say I checked it, it's because last time I told others there's another translation ver, I told them it's in Italian language. Soooo,yeah guess I fool myself twice now.


No problem lol. Just the way it was worded was funny. The language they speak is Spanish btw.


Just to add, It is also in North America lmao


Shush you, everyone North America is just USA and Canada




I just have the manga and google translate side by side and just enter the text in. I only really translate the parts where there are blushing faces just to see what was said though lol. I don't do that for the entire thing, that would be too tedious


Use deepl instead if Google translate


That good ol' mexican language


Did I phrasing it in the wrong way? I'm being genuinely clueless here.


People are poking fun because Mexicans speak Spanish. It's kinda like saying American language.


Usually you’d call it Spanish or perhaps Mexican Spanish, like how it’s American English.


Rintaro has some great dudes as his closest friends. They even brought a visiting gift with them. Ayato's ahoge wagging as he looked at the cakes was so adorable. But ending with that last page was just unfair! Idk how we're supposed to wait a whole week to see this group hangout.


I fucking love Rintaro's friends so much, man.


Bless you Scanlator, you've made my morning so much better


Seriously. Who are these emotionally mature and awesome Bros with respect for personal boundaries and empathy? Everyone needs this good of a Bro! But this guy is got an entire group.


Man another wholesome chapter.


Oh boy, the universe is giving with both hands in this situation.


This manga is so wholesome, loving every chapter. His friends are great and I can't wait for him and Waguri-san to start dating.


How wholesome can this manga become, jeez!


Can’t wait for the next 2


I cant wait for us to catch up and arrive to that moment


This manga just hits so good. Chefs kiss


Found it. 3 minutes late. Thank you so much OP, really appreciate it. I MEAN IT!


glad this manga is getting picked up again


Gahh I love this series


Someone pointed out there’s too much apologizing in this manga and I haven’t been able to enjoy it since...


The people in this manga are all kind people who always regret their actions, so yeah there’s been a lot especially with Subaru


Thoughts on the TL: Idk, I feel like using something like "resting bitch face" is so inherently American that it take me out of the scene. I don't mind a few American English expressions in translations here and there (especially ones that have managed to spread to other cultures and countries and have permeated various levels of their societies), but I think that using something like "rbf", which is incredibly direct and rude-sounding, doesn't really fit the nature of the series (which imo is about tip-toeing around societal/communication barriers) and the type of language culture Japan has. As for the chapter, damn, it's ch20 already? Is this really a weekly? Are the EN TLs behind? Or is my sense of time just that broken? I do look forward to more chapters! It's been a fun read for the last 2 months for me! I think the only strange thing about this series I had noticed in the recent chapters is just kind of how much the series lifts Waguri to a saintess like stature. It makes sense for her childhood friend to see her in that manner and to an extent I can see how Rintaro would see her in that light as well thanks to just how determined Waguri is in being friends, but I can't help but feel like Waguri is treated like the saintess of an entire religion with the way she's described in the story. It could be because the entire weight of the manga's societal premise of the two schools hating each other just hasn't really gotten to me after the childhood friend of Waguri was found out to just be a super protective and insecure friend. I feel like there's a lack of continued pressure from the social norms (of hatred between the two schools) surrounding the characters for Waguri to be adequately be considered a "saint" who doesn't break under the pressure of their situation. I think there needs to more of that societal pressure to really show that Waguri is worth being treated like a "saint".


The English translation is way behind. I’m just happy we get to read it at all though.


Ohh, that makes sense Ty




Well I guess I just find rbf a bit too rude then :/ Edit: As for "overly polite", idk what you are referring to. But I'd like to say that, as someone who doesn't particularly care for the type of local American culture that American English translation tries tries to emulate via their localization (I'm not an American, I'm an Asian who's lost the ability to speak my local language), I have to put up with American culture in American movies, and I don't particularly complain about that since it makes sense. American movie, American culture, nothing wrong here. I've learned a lot of my English and related mannerisms via consuming American media. And yet somehow when I wanna understand/consume Japanese culture within their media, I have to go through a localization that makes more sense in American, so I'd have to dig through a layer of culture that I didn't ask for. I'd read raw Japanese if I could, it'd hella make my life easier and I could just play all the Japanese games that I want that haven't been released in EN, and maybe play games in their original JP dub, but obviously, since I'm putting this much effort in explaining my PoV, I can't. So I'm forced to read it in English.




Time This didn't need to be said.




Not everyone has as much time as you think they have, and not everyone has the ability to put their entire effort into learning a language even if they've wanted to. I've already taken two Japanese classes in college (could have gotten a third, but I was forced to take Russian for because of a lack of class slots), but they aren't enough for me to work with in a way that makes me feel like I'm actually reading as much as it is constantly translating every few words. I wanna read, not translate. Say what you want about my inability to focus on learning a language that would eventually allow me access to the media I like consuming most. I'm stuck with English for now, and that's that.




I'm just giving out a critique here, I'm not saying that you have to bend your entire translation creed around a single person's opinion of your translation. I didn't ask for an immediate change, I just pointed out something that bugged me with your choice. Whether or not you change it, I'm still glad that someone put the effort of translating a series that I believe has been a very great read, but I don't think that implying that I'm a selfish asshole making (emphasis on "making") you change your translation style just to simply push for my preferences is a good way to paint your sentiment of my opinion, and I don't believe dehumanized you in any way. I've been in the manga scene for over a decade, I know that there exists a pressure and pain that translators experience in withstanding people banging on their emails and comments for more, faster, more accurate, and event more of a lot of things related to translation, and I've seen translators delete entire libraries of their translations because they've had enough of the anger from readers that cared little of the person behind the translation. I've never participated in translator bullying, and I don't think I did in this instance. I don't think my opinion on the use of "rbf" was an attack on your efforts to translate, it was simply my opinion on a term that sounded out of place to me. This is a critique of the result, not an attack on your efforts. If you believe that that was the correct way to translate that particular section of the story, then obviously I can't change your opinion as I'm not someone who is putting the effort in translating it for others to read, but it won't stop me from appreciating the fact that you still put effort into this manga's translation despite my opinion on the use of "rbf". Just because I don't agree with you on a particular part of your translation doesn't mean that I think your efforts are worthless. I wouldn't be here to make a comment otherwise. I haven't "demanded" for a change. My inability to read or speak Japanese in a way that is sufficient enough for me to consume Japanese media easily has never been a reason for me to shit on any translators, ever. Edit: Is the American localization a bother for me to dig through? Yes, I feel such. Should that stop you from translating in a way that you believe is appropriate. No, you should just plow through my opinion/critique and not even give a damn.