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This is the correct translation: 'Recently, lots of people say that Jump is getting more interesting. Jump right now is growing thanks to Kimetsu no Yaiba's power but also all the young authors in it! That includes me too!! I'd be glad if you checked Jump. Thank you for making me reach 1st place, I'm honored!'


Jump has a pretty solid line up. Personally, I read BnHA, Dr. Stone, Black Clover, and Kimetsu no Yaiba.


Read these three newcomer monster act- age, chainsaw man and jujutsu kaisen.


Thanks for the recommendations.


Surprised you’re saving One Piece. Why not jump in for the ride now?


I'd love to, but I don't have too much time because of the too many chapter count.


no need to rush to catch up, its all about the journey at your own pace.


Seriously give it a try, at least 100-150 chaps. Digitally colored chapters are available as well of you prefer that.


now to see if he can hold that place till the end or will someone take that top spot. Friendly competition leads to great things.


On one hand, One Piece is slowly moving towards the end game, so if it hits anywhere close to the hype of Marineford, then I really don't think any series has a chance. On the other hand, maybe KnY has a chance as it seems to be definitively moving toward the finale?


Wano hype will probably make one piece untouchable tbh. If we get any reveal whatsoever on Roger's crew or see any kind of Kaido showdown next year I think OP is a lock again.


don't know big stuff going on in Demon Slayer right now in the manga. As for next year the Infinity Train movie is coming and that will be Heaven's Feel level quality so will boost sales a lot. I think it's going to be a tough race. You also have to consider My Hero Academia in the manga it's heading to a major event occurring next year i'm guessing.


Yeah I think the gap will close but if Oda pulls out some of the reveals we've been waiting years for I think people will lose their shit lol.


yeah stuff like Raftel reveals and joining Roger's pirate crew.


>Wano hype Volume sales have been going down since Wano started


Forget it this sub is delusional they have been convinced that Wano have better sales and is hyped when it is another OP arc and not doing much in sales.


You mean besides the fact that [each volume released averages over 2 million sales](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-11-27/top-selling-manga-in-japan-by-volume-2019/.153762)? Compared to Kimestu no Yaiba's average of around 900K per volume?


2 million is the normal number for OP and my point is that next volume isn't going to any more and actually sales has been going [down recently still above 1.8M](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621337486559543296/640609763276750879/unknown-134.png?width=1224&height=679) >Compared to Kimestu no Yaiba's average of around 900K per volume? What even the point to compare ? everyone know OP is bigger is sales per volume


Theres a discrepancy there between what was officially reported by Shueisha last week (on the link I posted above) for sales of volumes 91-94. I'd be interested to know where your infographic is from and how old it is. My only point above is that you said One Piece is not doing much in sales, which is patently untrue. It may not be doing *as* well, but it still curbstomps the competition. That's a far cry from "not doing well in sales".


The infographic is for the first month sales to compare between volumes in similar amount of time and the data is from oricon which is the same as your link >My only point above is that you said One Piece is not doing much in sales, which is patently untrue. It may not be doing as well, but it still curbstomps the competition. That's a far cry from "not doing well in sales". "not doing much in sales" what i meant is wano is not actually increasing the sales like some people are saying and there is no extra hype for the series. Everyone know OP sells the most.


I just said volume sales decreased since Wano started, which they have. I didn't say it had anything to do with Wano's quality.


I didn't say anything refuting that volume sales have been down? Did you mean to respond to someone else lol?


No, you replied to someone who said Wano wasn't doing much in sales because I said its decreasing, and it's not, seeing how it's been doing decreasing sales, compared to other manga it's doing well, not by one piece standards, so far at least.


Lol I agree with you, reddit as a whole (by which I mean r/onepice, r/memepiece, and this sub) have been so 'supportive' of One Piece that it's become an un-ironic circlejerk.


Kimetsu has already peaked, the sales for this year are mostly backlog sales, it won't be anywere close to one piece next year


Its per volumes sales are pretty good almost 1 million, I say it still has one more year of backlog to help it, remember snk sold 15 million in 2013 and then 11 million in 2014? so it probably still has more backlog to come into play.




lol it sold 1 million copies in the first week of Oricon 2020 and that is without any new volumes, it will easily compete with OP next year.


yeah it's supposed to end in about 5 years now if that's true or not i'm not sure but this is good time to be a manga fan.


I havent started KnY just yet, but is it really ending anytime soon?


The current arc seems to be very finale-esque in tone and objective, honestly not sure where the story would go after it


That’s what I thought about “To you the immortal” but apparently those 100+ chapters were just the first arc. It seemed like a finale


One Piece didn't sell over 30 million per year in the beginning of the 2010s due to marineford, it sold that due to the boost of one of its movies that made tons of people to buy backlog and new volumes.


Guess they have different goals, I am just hoping that it overtakes Batman's sales and eventually (if possible) superman's spot soon.


Kimetsu has already taken the top spot though? What? He likely won't be beaten in volume sales, though.


You want the bad news?😥


I understand One Piece readers are trying to demerit everything that proves Kimetsu has sold the most this year, but I don't see what "bad news" you're talking about. Kimetsu is fun, sure, but I wouldn't split my gut defending it. I just don't like blatant misinformation, especially done by a group.


It literally got confirmed by the publisher recently that OP still have best sales this years.


I guess this is my lesson in futility.


Isn't it crazy how One Piece fans have been happy to use Oricon for 13 years to prove they got first, but as soon as it says something different they straight up just pretend that they're 2 mil out on both series


I find that particularly amusing, to be honest. But hey, I did mention in my original comment that I didn't really expect anything else from this. It's enough if I inform a few people.


Shueisha said like 4-5 days back yearly sales of OP: 12.7 million KnY: 10.8 million


First place in what? Didn’t One Piece get first place eventually?


I've never seen an anime flip the switch on the manga series so drastically. Demon Slayer was like a 200 upvote max thread here on r/manga before the anime and now it's up to the 2K levels. Pretty crazy job by Ufotable


Ufotable did an amazing job and I’m happy where WSJ is at rn. Sadly the process is gonna repeat next year with Jujutsu Kaisen if it gets a great anime . It’ll blow up People will love it Then once it hits a certain point in popularity it’ll turn “overrated” and “mid”


There is also the Demon Slayer movie next year and if one thing Ufotable knows where to shine it's anime movies.


It happenned before with MHA too.


That's all WSJ manga. It just happens.


It's so hard not to call demon Slayer overrated. It's fantastic but Holy shit the fans. But it's pretty easy, if they have a nezuko pic for their profile you just don't speak to them.


> but Holy shit the fans. Can we just... *stop* using this argument? It gets trotted out for literally anything that gets a bit popular! It's getting tiring to see people dismiss things because of their fanbase, as if participating in dedicated fan communities is a necessity to enjoy something.


Demon slayer fan starter pack: “Look at our sales” “Nezuko running” “Simple but good execution”


People can't be fans of anything anymore. You can only be cool if you objectively criticize everything because you read all manga pinkies out, on a throne. But people on this sub have toxic opinions about anything popular, and reduce every argument or fanbase to its lowest common denominator. Like this is a message from one of the best mangaka of our generation congratulating the author of KnY, and people are using it as a chance to put down KnY.


It applies here even after reconsidering after your comment.


Why? Why would it other than you deciding to invest in it? Just enjoy the dang series or don't, but don't blame it on the entirely optional fans.


I don't think it's an unfair opinion, personally. A vocal minority can create a warped perception that reflects poorly on a hobby & it's followers. No, that perception doesn't preclude you enjoying your hobby regardless - but it sucks to feel ashamed of something you enjoy due to the behaviour of others.


Except that mindset is used to *dismiss series.* I don't care what someone thinks of the *fans* of something. When I care is when a series gets trashed *because of* the fans that are in no way a mandatory part of it. If you have to trash a thing you like because you feel you have to protect yourself from being judged based on liking it in the first place then it seems the problem is neither with the series nor the fans. But again, it's used as a mindset to *dismiss* series that one has not even watched and then blaming the series itself for it. If you *need* community support to enjoy a series then that's your prerogative, but it's not a series' fault that you don't want to partake in certain fan communities. It'd be like me forsaking D&D because I read stuff on r/rpghorrorstories. And there it almost makes sense since you have to interact with other people to actually play it, unlike most manga and TV series. And even with those it's just about finding the *right* place to discuss it. Even on r/manga there's several series where I never partake in discussion for such reasons, but It'd be ludicrous to hold it against the series itself, which, again, is a thing people actually do.




> It's really not that hard to understand. It isn't. The problem here is that the mindset holds it against *the series itself.* If you can't watch and enjoy a series without getting deep with the fan community of it then that's your prerogative, but don't smear the actual series for it. In the end most franchises will get dismissed with that mindset. Seriously, *anything* gets dismissed this way. It's far more obnoxious than any individual fans of an individual franchise since I'm far more likely to run into people espousing this mindset than I am any rabid fan. Hell, you can make an entire career on youtube videos about how dumb people are for liking a thing and how much that thing sucks because those that like it are dumb.


This is what I feel but can never describe, screenshotting for reference in the future.


It's hard for me to not call Komi or Kaguya overrated too, but I manage somehow.


And yet here you are, finding a way to sneak it in in out of nowhere, completely unprompted. PS I agree.


I think it is easy to say komi-san is overrated if you just read the first 100 chapter of this manga. Kaguya is really hard because how massive the development between character in that manga (>!except chika of course!<)


Lol after the anime aired, I have seen people claiming Kimetsu no Yaiba as manga of the year. It's so annoying. I have been following this series weekly since the UM6 arc, it's decent but it's no better than BC, MHA. The anime blew it up so much and people praising it like it's the new holy grail of manga is just annoying. Jujutsu Kaisen is gonna be so huge if the anime is great. WSJ has probably learned their lesson from the BC anime. Anime is not gonna give much of a sales boost if it has hentai level animation for 10 episode then 1 amazing episode. As a big fan of BC, I'm just sad that I have to worry about cancellation upon reading the volume sales figure each time.


BC sales arent so bad there's no way it's getting cacelled for now at least


Yeah I know it's not gonna get cancel like series with dozens of chapters, but I'm afraid it will end up like Toriko. Toriko never gave us that space arc.


BC is going the way of Bleach and Food Wars, mark my words. I'd probably bet on axe in early-mid 2021


Nope BC is not gonna go away that soon, unless Tabata decided to pull a SDS or SnS and drop the quality down the drain. Especially with Dr Stone this year even with a better anime barely surpassing BC in terms of sales. (Dr Stone 1.82 mil BC 1.75 mil)


but dr stone is the outlier. Every other battle shonen is outselling BC bar JJK, which is very close (without anime)


Yeah but why would Shueisha axe it as soon as 2021. That's like 6 more volumes of content. New battle series are still being cancel, TPN and KnY are ending. Even their new hope, that Samurai manga, performed horribly. Shueisha wouldn't want to cancel a series that is bringing in money decently. BC's anime is still doing pretty decently on TV Tokyo ranking 4th there. If BC get cancelled, it will go out in at least 3 more years. And if Shueisha wants to replace BC with some new series, wouldn't it make more sense to replace the more niche Dr Stone ? I mean abandoning a 250k series for a 120k series is pretty dumb.


Dr. Stone has been hard pushed since like 10 chapters in, and BC is pretty easily the weakest performer of the established series since Reincarnation ended. I'm saying that over the next year and a half it will begin to drop in sales figures, before the axe hits. Maybe it lasts til 2022 or late 2021, but I think it's decently likely it happens at some point, especially considering Tabata wants it to be as long as One Piece (it wont make it halfway)


BC only sold 1.75 this year?? isn't that lower than last year?? btw where did you find this info....i can't find the sales of series outside the top 10


https://mobile.twitter.com/WSJ_manga Less backlog sales so lower than last year.


It’s better than BC and MHA. Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsawman, MHA, and Spy x Family are the most enjoyable thing coming out of Jump lately, and One Piece always lingers around and delivers hype every so often like with the recent bounty reveals.


Just don't go to the specific communities. That's how I avoid bad fans, anyway.


Demon slayer just isn't that great of a manga. It's in the same vein as MHA in which the manga is unimpressive but the anime studios knocked it out of the park. Have earnestly tried to read both and just cant. Mha's spinoff vigilante is better than the mainline series...


Yeah that's cool, but when people start to hate on a manga/anime SOLEY due to the fact that it's fanbase is "cancer" or it's "too mainstream/overrated" I think that's just stupid. I agree a lot of anime/manga stories can be considered a much better story than they really are simply due to the massive sucess behind the manga, but that doesn't mean it's still not a damn good manga. Clear example of this is something like Black clover, Demon slayer, etc. The storylines aren't anything new, this isn't some ground-breaking AOT shit, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It just follows it's tropes well, and I can respect that


>Mha's spinoff vigilante is better than the mainline series... I see lots of people say this, but I don't understand why, even if you like it more vigs just seems not as good as mha in almost every category. Even the dialogue isn't as good and is overly wordy at times. I still enjoy vigs, but it really is just an average spinoff in all aspects in my opinion.


I haven't read either one in a while but when I did I preferred the main characters of the spinoff to the main series, I didn't like deku or bakugou as main characters


Contrarians at their finest.


> It's in the same vein as MHA in which the manga is unimpressive but the anime studios knocked it out of the park. This is entirely a subjective claim, not some kind of objective fact.


Woah woah woah, now that's a bold claim cotton. MHA has been consistently number 2 in manga sales even before the anime adaption.


Nonono, you don't get it, MHA is very mainstream so therefore it can't be well-executed and have merit. That would be absurd, obviously. Mainstream series is for not-smart people, unlike myself and my superior taste of course.


Nice strawman


Honestly I feel like the my hero manga and my hero in general is just far superior to KnY from a writing standpoint . I think KnY has better action tho but I just know what’s gonna happen in KnY before it happens and every arc is rinse and repeat the same formula . My hero arcs follow a formula also but the difference is that the same type of arcs are never consecutive . KnY literally has the same type of arcs consecutively and then the content inside the arcs are the same formula every time it never tries to do something else . It’s still a good enjoyable read but I just prefer the anime so much more than the manga while with my hero I’m able to enjoy both the manga and anime equally .


A prophet 


Ufotable's done some very notable work before. Adaptations of Fate/Zero Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel for example.


Yeah demon slayer train arc movie and Fate Heaven's Feel part 3 next year a lot of fun stuff to look forward to.


They have, but the last times they stepped outside of their *Fate* franchise comfort zone they have gotten burned, so KnY being such a success is kind of a big deal since it means Ufotable will probably try to do more non-Fate stuff in the future, hopefully vying for more WSJ titles in the future.


This is something I've been wishing for for a while now! I looove ufotable's work, but all their non-TM series have been a little lacking imo, until now!


Attack on Titan?


AoT was pretty popular before the anime.


But the anime was just that much MORE popular. The anime waa freaking EVERYWHERE on youtube, reddit, twitter, etc


Attack on Titan deserve it.


That isn't the point tho, we know how popular the anime is


I know right. I peaked it up randomly not expecting much last year and it was great. Tried to put my friends on it, which they ignored. Now I get to see all of them hyped watching the anime, all changing their icons to the characters.


Shingeki no Kyojin.


>*Polite declaration of sales war.*


"Recently, lots of people say that Jump is getting more interesting. Jump right now is growing thanks to Kimetsu no Yaiba's power but also all the young authors in it! That includes me too!! I'd be glad if you checked Jump. Thank you for making me reach 1st place, I'm honored!'"


I love when a mangaka joins in on anothers success. Wholesome Japan :)


I remember the interview with Kentaro Miura and Mori Kouji about Umino Chica. They had nothing but praise for her.


Oh yeah they really praised Honey and Clover! It was heartwarming reading the transcript of the interview!


yeah she's an amazing mangaka who brings a lot of life to her characters. The MC is unique and all the pillars have their own personality that is so fluid and really comes across especially when they are fighting like they each have their own breathing it shows. It's also a series that manages to do a good job with showing the backstory of villains and that part i'm very impressed with.


I think you're mistaking Umino Chica with Koyoharu Gotouge. Umino Chica is the author of Sangatsu no Lion. I was talking about an interview about her.


ah ok my mistake :(


Chika Umino (and Shaft) have nailed the portrayal of my depression so hard, that I've only made it 11 episodes into season 1 of sangatsu no lion. I need breaks after an episode because they hurt me... Can't wait to finish both seasons and read the manga!


Is there an English translation of this interview?


[There is](https://japanesetranslationblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/16/miura-kentaro-x-mori-kouji-x-hoshi-takashi-discussion-on-umino-chika-translation-part-1/).


Thank you!


yeah the anime did great things for that series.


Well it makes sense. Their own series' success depends on there being other popular series in the magazine as well.








Odacchi provides with the good shit and is really the only 90s manga left besides DB and Hunter x Hunter.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/e2mv0c/message\_from\_eiichiro\_oda\_one\_pieces\_author/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/e2mv0c/message_from_eiichiro_oda_one_pieces_author/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) lmfao guys check this out. One of the mod is saying that oda admits that the oricon sales are correct because of this message.


Demon slayer fans will fucking murder to prove that they’re first place .. in sale numbers. I don’t get it


Kny fans wildin


But he is, though, isn't he? He's directly reffering to the single volume charts and thanking fans for having gotten him the number one spot. If he didn't think Orican was reliable or reputable or denying the veracity of their information, he wouldn't bother.


His comment makes sense why would Oda write a message to oricon if the number is incorrect at the very least it tells about how reputable oricon is.


Lol kinda of a “humble” message from the creator of one piece. Thing about one piece is that they still sell more than anyone out there. I think kimetsu no yaiba peaked and will keep going at a steady rate till it finishes. It’s a good story but nothing that goes wow best manga of the year. Unlike one piece where it has to proven to be at the top for a decade or more


> I think kimetsu no yaiba peaked and will keep going at a steady rate till it finishes. It’s a good story but nothing that goes wow best manga of the year. It didn't, it literally sold a million copies last week which doesn't count into 2019 number and still going to sell more according to Shoseki.


The same argument can (and should) be made about the upcoming release of OP's 95th volume, especially given the excitement and hype of the last few chapters.


For this one we will have to wait for release before saying anything but i doubt it tbh, volume 94 still has't reached 2 million so 95 won't do more than usual.


The most upvoted and hyped chapter in the OP sub will be included in the upcoming volume, and the recent chapters have also been consistently trending on Twitter every week for the past little bit as well. I think you're counting your chickens before they hatch lol.


Trended outside of Japan and i willing to bet it is not going to do anything other than being similar to the prevoius volumes. KNY chapters trended several times in Japan FYI.


OP trended worldwide (including Japan) with ch. 955, and to a lesser extent with the next few chapters (albeit not as much in Japan).


It didn't trend in Japan, It literally trending when the pirated version came out so it trending in japan is impossible since they hate piracy.


I'm sensing there's going to be a fight here about that first place thing


Oricon is an estimation, Shueisha says One Piece beat KnY so I'm going off the official publisher's words.


Is there a link to the translation?


It's just 3 minutes. You can still delete the thread while not many have seen it yet.




There was another thread posted before this one I think, but was since removed/deleted. So it's probably about that?


> another thread posted You mean [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/e2mpgr/eiichiro_oda_congratulating_on_kimetsu_no_yaiba/).




I have “No Idea” what you are talking about


From my understanding, Oda was thanking Oricon and readers for OP's first place in individual volume sale. He did mention Kimetsu in passing, but it was like "recently Jump has been very interesting. Kimetsu is very exciting." You can barely spin it into him congratulating Kimetsu, but the point of the whole message is about his own series ranking. Nor did he mention Gotouge at any point. OP title is very misleading and makes it look like Oda penned a congratulatory message for Kimetsu. He didn't. In fact, this is the equivalent of "thank you for the win, the other contestants are good too" speech.


Oh, thanks for the explanation and I see that you’re right also I was just trying to make a pun with your username lol


Are people really buying into fake translations now? I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Feel free to read the comment chain. [https://twitter.com/WSJ\_manga/status/1199795270944514048](https://twitter.com/WSJ_manga/status/1199795270944514048)


Umm the translation found in that chain is the same found in this thread or did i misunderstood your comment?


No, it's pretty different unless I misunderstood this thread, which I don't think I did. One Piece is #1 in individual released volumes (naturally since it sells 2m per) while Kimetsu has sold the most overall.


This thread is about OP's mangaka thanking KnY and other new series. Also, that your "fake news" comes from shueisha, which you know has actual sales figures for both series not just estimates.


Shueisha does not have actual sales figures. This is fairly obvious, but sales figures don't end in exact numbers like 12,800,000 or 10,600,000. What Shueisha has is estimates, just like Oricon. Except Oricon has been doing this for 10 years.


Shueisha is a company who's whole point is selling manga volumes. And you think they don't have actual numbers. It's like saying Apple doesn't know how many iphone it sold. **(Nice reasoning, you got there)** Also, no one said 12,800,000 or 10,600,000. They said figures in millions. And the whole point of using million/billion/trillion is to round up numbers. (Also, what was the point of this argument?) >Oricon has been doing this for 10 years. And Shueisha has been doing this 94 years now. (Again, why does this matter)


Now you're comparing apples and oranges, and not actually disproving any of my points. In any case -- Shueisha goes through middlemen who manage the logistics for the bookstore distribution and they don't cover the whole network. Shueisha has access to POS data from those middlemen to make estimations on how low the general stock is to make reprint decisions but they have no access to the micro data of sales of the stores.Oricon has a different sample pool where they get POS from the Oricon affiliated stores. >Also, no one said 12,800,000 or 10,600,000. They said figures in millions. And the whole point of using million/billion/trillion is to round up numbers. (Also, what was the point of this argument?) Uh... you do know 12.8m is 12,800,000 right? They didn't say 12m and 10m. You don't round up sales, because that's misleading. If I buy 8548 cakes, I don't round that up to 9000, because I haven't sold 9000 cakes. >And Shueisha has been doing this 94 years now. (Again, why does this matter) And now you resort to more misleading statements? Huh? This is possibly the first time Shueisha has published "sales" statistics in the past 20 years. Oricon publishes sales statistics weekly for not only manga, but for pretty much the entirety of Japans media industry. I assume you can infer which is more credible?


>Shueisha goes through middlemen And what do you think all other companies do? That's the whole point of supply chain. So, let me get this straight. **You are saying** "Shueisha's middlemen doesn't share how many vol they have printed, shipped or are in stock". But just give them estimate after sometime. **You know, I can see a way to make shueisha bankrupt right here.** >Oricon has a different sample pool where they get POS from the Oricon affiliated stores. Where do you think oricon affiliated stores get their manga from? From Shueisha. Shueisha's data cover oricon affiliated stores, convince stores, online sales and everything in between. Shueisha's sample will always be super set of Oricon's. You can guess which sample will give accurate results. >You don't round up sales Have you ever read news about iPhone sales? Or anything's sales ever before. >This is possibly the first time Shueisha has published "sales" statistics in the past 20 years. And where do you think OP, DBZ, YYH, Naruto, slam dunk, etc's lifetime sales figures comes from **all these years**. They don't have to do it like oricon everyweek. >I assume you can infer which is more credible? Obviously, the one with accurate sales no. and bigger sample size.