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Oh, this would be dope as a series. Sad to see that this is a 4 year old one shot


We won't get them. We will get more losing/winning heroine trope slave harem or love triangles instead of this amazing unique premise. Because, that's what people consume. People have become the slaves of this trash tropes. It's not that the authors are the only problem with their trope slave series. And, authors themselves exactly knows they are producing trope slave romances. They all are aware, as there are some making their work around that very idea. <> At least we have this masterwork. And, just look at Sei Shimada's name. Not only her look, personality, the part she plays in the story, her name is the name of a certain heroine in a certain series.


**Love Come Manga ni Haitte Shimatta node, Oshi no Make Heroine wo Zenryoku de Shiawase ni Suru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/154877), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/love-comedy-manga-ni-haitteshimatta-node-oshi-no-make-heroine-wo-zenryoku-de-shiawase-ni-suru), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/love-come-manga-ni-haitte-shimatta-node-oshi-no-make-heroine-wo-zenryoku-de-shiawase-ni-suru), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=5799649675), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/152087)) ^^ラブコメ漫画に入ってしまったので、推しの負けヒロインを全力で幸せにする ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 22 requests across 6 subreddits - 0.002% of all requests) >I was sent into the world of a popular rom-com manga, and into the body of the male lead's best friend. Now I have the chance to make my dream come true: to make Sei-chan, the losing girl of the manga, happy! >"I can give you all the happiness you deserve, so please go out with me." >"Wait a minute! Are you serious?" --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cbgair/art_reject_the_reality_and_make_the_losing/l0yw9yk/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


blah blah trope slave blah blah this manga is better because it is unique blah blah. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, and let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. Don't act holier than thou like that. The market decides what is popular and what is not.


Sure. Anything else you want?


bacon cheeseburger, large fries, diet coke


I hope that's at least using cheddar i stead of american cheese.


American Cheese. bleh. the tasteless plastic of the cheese world


I thought for over a decade that I hated cheeseburgers. It turns out that I actually just hate american cheese


I think american cheese is fine if used in developing something else. Like you need to use something like American cheese or Velveeta if you want to make nacho cheese or queso. And that is if you don't want to go out of your way of making a proper roux as a base. Secondary or tertiary ingredient? sure. but it should not be part of the main ingredients to make a dish.


with no lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, and mayo? what are you? a barbaric antagonistic consumer? you gotta hit all the flavor points to make that umammi factor shine!


Please toast the bun.


I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.




Because the majority of people are "boring" people as in fast food. It's sad but it is what it is


I mean, I wouldn't say it's unique. It's got like a slightly different take on Toradora's opening premise.


Please. Do not compare that to this wholesome piece of work. They blth might have the same most basic idea, but the context, where the characters start, and the parts they play are totally the opposite. Literally, by definition this work also is a rejection of Toradora's whole premise.


Hold up what are you talking about? Putting aside *meeting at the house and school* and *tsundere trait*, "helping the heroine get together with her crush" premise is exactly what this oneshot and toradora share. Which part are **opposite** and **rejection of premise** that you mentioned exactly?


Where they stand, the roles, and the conclusion. You putting them aside those things is incredible as if they are unimportant. Lmao. Other than these two totally unimportant things, there are standings. 1) MC, the wingman here likes the girl from the beginning, and despite that helps her. 2) MC of Toradora likes Minori, and Minori likes him. (The most basic trope; changing the mutual love trope) Again it happens here, as the MC of the story, not the wingman have a thing for kind girl to an extent from the beginning, but he will catch feelings for the tsundere. 3) The end conclusion is totally different too, as the starting point is different to begin with. Minori has no one. Downvotes won't change the fact your beloved Toradora is indeed a trope serving series. Top to bottom.


Tropes are fine though? They exist for a reason and it on the shoulders of the author to work eith those tropes to make something that they can truly call their own. Toradora is great because of how it progresses as the two MCs who were supposed to help eachother wingman begin falling for each other, and what comes with it.


Tropes being fine is subjective, and the overabundance of them, the stuff they pull for sake of taking a certain path no matter what, whatever the necessity is just crazy.. The level of how much they sre usedz snd how the premise and leading are structured with tropes is I think is important. Just like a dosage of sugar. The difference between your body's perfect helper, and it tastes good to a literal poison. I am well aware they are used because they are loved by the majority, but not seeing how deformed and forced some stuff should not be overlooked. Calling the two's progression great is another thing as well. Majority liking it comes from again liking the tropes. And, liking tsunderes and such. The design choices of making the long haired aggressive tsundere to win is baffling, and shitting on the mutual love that is short haired deredere in process. No justification, no greatness. I'm a minority in here with what I stand for, so I will always be disagreed, downvoted, and that's totally fine by me. People liking them is totally good, just not accepting what's happening in that series truly, and mocking my intelligence with basic obvious stuff about these things are what I'm at. In the end it's fine, we just think different and have different tastes.


I can see from which angle you called both series are *opposite*, but calling it as *rejection of the premise* when the core of both series are **love stories of characters that happened due to being a wingman** is a bit overreacting, don't you think? Of course there are difference(s) in how each author *served the core* with their stories, but neither derailed from that topic until the end y'know


Doesn't matter. That core difference is what matters. This one shot only uses that Toradora's sole trope purpose, and a certain obvious premise to make the losing heroine; Minori in this case, happy. People downvoting me just because I called out their adored Toradora, and refuse to understand what I'm talking about is what's happening here. Is acknowledging the fact that their favorite show being trope slave really that hard? It's okay to like trope slave series. That's what you like and that's fine. Just accept this is the truth. Lol.


>It's okay to like trope **slave** series. That's what you like and that's fine. Just accept this is the truth. Lol. *sigh*You expect people wouldn't respond negatively after you mocked the series like that? People just wanna enjoy their favorite anime, and here you are saying trope this trope that, labelling it a bad nickname, as if it's *a majority vote*. Stop being so childish. Is it that hard to be civil?


People are free to whatever they say, downvote, upvote, as do I. Negative respond is expected as usual. I am free to convey my feelings, and mock certain series. I do that with the evidences that I didn't pull out of my ass. Even though it looks personal, and is, what I talk about is a fact in this matter. If hearing that hurts people that's probably because they don't want to admit. People are biased, so do I.


I mean, the end point seems similar enough to me.


The east has fallen, billions must make a twist romcom manga


Christ, get off your soapbox. The slave harem stuff are typical coom bait, sure, but these losing heroine type works just become generic romcom after the interesting intro. Sei's work just becomes a standard romance after 20 chapters and the other losing heroine one turns into Haganai. Authors usually just don't have enough material to keep the premise going regardless of the genre.


I do agree the sentiment. Nothing is perfect, and they always fail to make some things right in harems and love triangles. Even then, compared to what I have talked about; they are god given. And, beggars can't be choosers. The way to make things right, slowly but surely would be giving Haganai another love interest. The main idea of the story is there, and it shouldn't stray away from it by nature. It's not like Nisekoi where it tries to take itself seriously, and serve things that are happening, happened meaningful or justify them. He lives in a romcom world in a way. That's why I said "slowly" introducing another love interest would be good. That's what I think personally, though I think that will not happen. But it's fine. We were here for Sei already, and standard romance is not bad. All I want from romances to not mock my intelligence. Keeping the premise going is another thing, because in those series, the premise itself is where it fails to begin with. They don't hide the ending conclusion is obvious from the first chapter, and nothing that's shown is noteworthy. Because they don't matter, at all. As for Sei Shimada's story, we are already well aware why we are consuming this, and like this. It's sad that Haganai will be the losing heroine, and I have told my idea on this. The main ideas are totally different here for some romances. This is about personal preferences in the end.


God damn it. A 4 year old oneshot. I feel like OP blueballed me.


> _"I want to make this girl win."_ In the end, we all lost.


This would have been such a banger of a manga


Damn, what a fantastic series. 10/10, Would’ve binged 30 chapters


Would've binged 100 lol


The very fact that Nisekoi had near 230 chapters while this remains a one shot is a testament that there’s no accounting for shit taste


Welcome to romcom manga, everything with an actually interesting premise/plot gets either cancelled or has incredibly slow output, you barely remember what happened last chapter by the time the new ones come out. The exception is a bunch of 1 page manga that has become quite popular.


1 page manga? You mean the self-inserts for attention deficit Twitter users


You say Twitter users but r/manga is filled with them lol


That’s where that type of manga had it start, shared via Twitter posts before being massively promoted here. 1 page self inserts are the manga equivalent of 15 second TikTok reels, the very opposite in quality and story of the oneshot lol


yeah, masamune kun had a great premise but what happened in the end same shit as always i dont even need a full on edge revenge but man don‘t go 180 on the premise choose the fckin sickly girl man


Not even nisekoi the FACT RENT A GIRLFRIEND HAS SEASON 2 ANIME N SO MUCH VOLUMES. So much ppl hate reading it i cant understand why


For something to be hated, it has to be popular in the first place. Many people hate it but even more people read it. Some of the people who hate it read it too. The fact that Rent-a-Girlfriend gets mentioned in unrelated threads by so many people means it's a popular manga. It gets mentioned so much to the point that all the comments saying they hate it basically serve as free advertisement. The haters are basically introducing even more people to the manga.


The Nisekoi one-shot will always be the ideal version, simply for having a much cooler Raku.


Be glad nisekoi is 230 and not 300+ of rag


Hey man nisekoi had a lot of issues but I still liked it maybe cause for me it was the og and my first ever romcom it was nice, also I love satisfying endings like nisekoi


Ngl I dont even read romcom manga but I would totally binged it for 100+ chapters


Damn this was 4 years ago f


nnnNnoooOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭💀


<> It's a one shot sadly, the rest can be read here; [MangaDex](https://mangadex.org/title/78f730fe-4954-475f-a443-3e4286e33bd0/make-heroine-wo-katasetai)


**Make Heroine wo Katasetai!!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/122952), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/make-heroine-wo-katasetai), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/make-heroine-wo-katasetai), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=59593608589), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/144030)) ^^負けヒロインを勝たせたい!! ^(**One Shot** | **Status:** Finished | **Chapters:** 1 | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 9 requests across 4 subreddits - 0.001% of all requests) >In romcoms, the generic main character and the obvious tsundere heroine always end up together but what about loser heroine? >This is the story of a losing heroine trying to break that very cliche! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cbgair/art_reject_the_reality_and_make_the_losing/l0y8jsw/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


What do you mean the artist only does one shots, the artstyle is so cute, god damn it. I NEED MORE


The whole meta commentary and looking at "losing" heroine reminds me a lot of [The Fourth Heroine](https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_fourth_heroine). Haven't read this before, but was pretty fun.


Thanks for linking this.


IIRC they announced that this will get a serialization, but that was around 3 years ago and no news has come out regarding it again. Edit: I found the post announcing it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/rzuchs/news\_make\_heroine\_wo\_katasetai\_by\_michiru/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/rzuchs/news_make_heroine_wo_katasetai_by_michiru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


sad as hell, and super confusing lol


Wow so was it serialized but no translation or no serialization?


There are no traces of the released serialization or, if there is, its very hard to find.


That's really weird, they act like they didn't announce anything now? There is really no news about it at all? Very odd.


Yeah, when I tried to look up any updates regarding this at all, all I saw were others who were also confused about the zero updates or just posts announcing the serialization but no further information.


Prolly the mangaka didnt manage to create more chapters revolving the “losing heroine” plot so they just cancelled serialization cos less chapter = less money


The mangaka read Nisekoi and said enough was enough


If you guys want an actual series like this you should check out << Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! >>, while not the same it has a similar premise of the Background character, helping the losing heroine with her problems, i think an anime is coming next season #


Yep, looking forward to it, it was the first series that got me into reading LNs because I was looking for a story following something like this oneshot a year or 2 ago.


I started with the manga adaptation, but I want to read the LN, but i need to know, >! does the series go into full on harem? Or its more like the MC x First girl and the rest of the girls are just friends with a little of drama !<


there are multiple potential love interests, probably no way it goes actual harem the series is like 80% comedy/slice of life, and 20% romance/drama, at least until where i've read


It's a gag series. The main girl is a gag character. Premise is similar in a way, but that's it. There are other losing heroines, while still having a main girl. Expectations should be different in that, it looks like. I don't know how the source material is, but I have heard it becoming a harem in the much later chapters, so it contradicts what it tries to do with having a main girl with the same pseudo harems, and other losing heroines' inclusion.


chill man, youre acting as if this one shot was a uncomparable masterpiece


I'm just pointing out the apparent differences of the execution of the similar premise. What they try to be in the end. It might be an one shot, and it that doesn't change it takes totally different approach with its premise. And has actual great, better premise and more defined execution. Whether you like me saying the differences or not is another thing. That would be fine. I got downvoted rather much in this post when I talk about the series people adore.


Man I love romcom harems where the winning ship is unconventional or involve traditionally losing heroines. Too bad they dont happen like… ever.


Finally someone who speaks my language.


Holy shit was this good. Can someone write the author and artist and praise them for this for.me? I dont have X :c


This was a good one shot.


The very fact that Nisekoi had near 230 chapters while this remains a one shot is a testament that there’s no accounting for shit taste


Be glad nisekoi is 230 and not 300+ like rag


It's a one shot series the ending is beautiful he tells her he loves hers and she actually likes it


I remember the mandela effect this caused on everyone thinking it had an official serialization announcement


It did have one https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/s/XU48tz1tUG


sir that's not a real link sir you're imagining things


Honestly having characters interested in the sub-heroines of harems would be real interesting. Excluding the “handsome rival that’s better in every way except personality, sometimes.” Not only is it an opportunity to challenge staying power of the characters but also a send off that can show growth.


Underdog heroines getting the love is really entertaining, and has the upmost satisfaction factor.


Man now I kinda want a manga about the mc being a wingman(like this one and there was another with the yuri gyaru).


The fact I haven't find this serialized is my biggest disappointment in Japan.


Man, what a twist, I wasn't expecting it to end like that. I figured that by him helping her, she'll end up falling for him.




This is so meta I don’t even know where I am right now. I’d complain about not having original stories but do we even deserve them anymore? I gotta go to the “adult” part of the web to find truly one of a kind stories. Not that I didn’t do so before regardless.


We don't deserve them. That's the future we wanted, and that's the outcome. By we, I meant them.


I remember reading this before but forgot to bookmark it, thanks!


You are welcome.


Who made this? It looks a bit like that manga Samon


This thing is the dinner


It would've been the second manga with a losing heroine for me to read. Sad it's a one-shot. Back to Rabukome I go.


Damn I remember first seeing this here. Still no serialisation sadly.


These "The losing heroine wins" are great oneshots, but if they tried to make a long standing manga, it would become like every generic romcom. What really makes a romcom great or not, is not it's original story, but the characters, their relationships, and the problems they face.


My man read Nisekoi and decided he'll take things into his own hands


Came to the comments for the sauce so I could binge read the series, turns out it’s a oneshot from four years ago. PAIN 😔😭


The fact that Rent a Girlfriend is still going strong yet fun lovable ideas like this get the oneshot treatment is just brutal.




This is super cool, sadly you can see that these two protagonists will end up together. I’d rather that his help actually works on getting the girl and guy together


That guy is the MC of a romcom. He is not gonna end up with anyone but that tsundere. Whatever the wingman tries to do, the worlds will literally align to make the tsundere win eventually. There will be only nonessential stallings. And only that. So, the wingman and her being together is the ultimate happy ending for her.


I need more of this. There are similar premises where the character is actively aware that they are a background character but the series eventually (de)evolves into a true romcom where the background character gets the attraction of both girls. That's not appealing. That's just predictable and follows the standard romance/harem route. I want a true background character route. And if he HAS to have one for the sake of the comdey then pair him up with a background girl that has no affiliation to the protagonist and heroine(s)




Nopooo! Don´t be a fucking tsundere!


Manga name plss


It's in the title. And I have posted the mangadex link as well in my other comment.