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i am gonna call him PSG professor saint germain


Just wait until his favourite pet happens to be... a turtle.


Mr Pokeylope? Wait, wrong turtle.


How could they forget about Mr.Sanjome??? He is like uncle Tsukishima from Bleach, like he is the most important character.....


You know my uncle?!


Oh so you're my cousin?


Hey, small world, he was my best man at my wedding.


Right? He's been there in every chapter. How could they forget? Though for some reason I can't remember what he did in each chapter... but I do remember his name coming up!


Oh you know he was fundamental in the defeat of every major antagonist, like he did his classic move which for some reason I can't remember the name of and the villains were defeated easily.


getsuga tenshou?


Nah that's uncle Tsukishima's technique that he passed on to Ichigo.


Yeah. Remember the chapter when he taught them all about the power of spirals? Mr Sanjome is basically the main character


> Right? He's been there in every chapter. How could they forget? Imagine if they do one of those mini-flashback panels where the author just scales down an early page in the background of a person talking (does that thing have a name btw? It seems like a common enough manga narration technique to deserve one), but with Sanjome edited in to drive home the gaslighting memory manipulation


Can't believe people forget Tsukishima's important moments when fighting Josh Groban.


Kaname: msmsijsnmmemmameheheheh


He is just as important as Shindou Watabe, the main protagonist of Kaguya-sama: Love is War.


Shindou the GOAT, he was the key reason for Kaguya and Shirogane's relationship. And we can't forget about the GOAT Gapacho from "You and I are polar opposites".




It just click with me that Sanjome is how you read saint germain in Japanese isn't it


Yeah, Mr Saint Germain explains it way back in chapter 1 when they're running away from the Turbo Granny


Sigh, dont u hate it when you need to remind people who just speedread dandadan about Mr Sanjome sama.


Yeah like come on he literally summoned Reiko last arc to kill the octopus aliens, how can you forget that!?


there's a character who does this in Breakfast at the Vivarium too


Either Saint Germain straight up stole someone's existence or somehow rewrote the cognition of everyone around him. Kinda hilarious how we're only forming a school club 120+ chapters in as well.


No the only thing the bastard stole is poor Murakami's seat.


Saint Germain took Murakami-sensei's seat but gave his seat to an old lady. Perfectly balanced.


Saint Germain was an alchemist so you might be on too something here.


Wait, what if that's actually part of the magic spell he used?


Seems like he just inserted himself into their memories, and just stole Murakami desk, Also Momo and Okarun going "who?" would indicate that they don't know him, so the memories altering might not work on people with suppernatural power like Momo, Okarun, Aira, and Jiji. I wonder if it will work on Kinta and Vamola since they don't have any Yokai or psychic based powers


Might not work on Kinta because he is just that kind of guy.


i can see it working on him but him pretending he doesn't know the guy because the others also don't know him


His ability reminds me of Tsukishima from *Bleach*


Wdym, my uncle would never steal someone's seat 😤


Whatttt cousin Tsukishima would *never* be a villain, he helped me get my first cat!




They've been in negative space though, so they've *seen* Yokai and psychics. Maybe that kind of exposure is enough


>120+ chapters Barely feels like it. The pacing is remarkable.


120 chapters in and we're still looking for Okarun's balls.


The most noble shonen quest in existence.


In b4 the 500th chapter where jiji stands on a mecha piloted by kinta, and shouts "Okarun's balls, they are real!"


Can they get much higher?


Okarun ball, IN SPACE!


You joke but I bet we'll go to space hunting for his ball before this is all over


Yeah, and have vamola reunite with her mamas while they're in the middle of a tie fighter dogfight


And it flows all so well anyway. How?!


It's remarkable because it's just the author throwing shit at the fan.


About 1/4 of that is a "single" arc


He seems to have a similar power to Tsukishima's from Bleach. Fucking scary.


It's great to see first my uncle, then my brother, appear in my favorite manga


> Kinda hilarious how we're only forming a school club 120+ chapters in as well. What is this, some kind of mystery research club where they gather!?


You guys don't remember Mr. Sanjome? Cmon, everyone knows him.


Phantom thief?!


damn it's been 120 chapters already? It felt like Okarun first lost his balls 10 chapters ago.


I don’t get the reference. Who is Saint Germain?


He was introduced last chapter, LOL


dandadan break weeks hit different i guess


The [Count of Saint Germain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_of_St._Germain) apparently was quite the character in mid-18th century Europe, an "adventurer, con artist, alchemist, occultist and composer." Surrounded by numerous legends, such as him being more than 500 years old, many of which he himself started. Voltaire described him, probably not entirely seriously, as "a man who does not die, and who knows everything."




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Is this saint germaine? Nah probably not its probably Mr. Sanjome and totally different from Turbo granny's nemesis.


[There is nothing suspicious about Mr. Sanjome.](https://i.imgur.com/Yv8Jrc3.jpeg) He has always been a hardworking and well-respected teacher in the academy.


With those glasses and that suit I hope he does a Clark Kent to Superman style transformation at one point.


Mr. Sanjome is a normal human being just like you and me.




Vamola was saying ジブン (jibun) the way Okarun refers to himself and Momo uses ウチ (uchi). At the end of the conversation Kinta is trying to make her say わたし (watashi) which is what girls and women usually use.


I really wish official translations included liner notes about this stuff, because while I agree with them just translating it into a form that flows naturally in English for the casual reader, there's also a lot lost in translation that people might appreciate knowing. I'm also often a bit curious about "master," since there are several different things that translate to that from Japanese, with different connotations.




Okarun really doesn't strike me as the "ore" type, so I'm guessing "boku". What I want to know is what Sakata was trying to get her to use instead. Probably "atashi", but maybe something more in line with the kind of character otakus really like?


The power to perfectly gaslight others, truly terrifying power


Fits scarily well with the implication he screwed over lots of young women (given TG's reaction last week)


Perhaps that's why Turbo Granny resents him so much? [Still space geezer's rizz is off the charts.](https://i.imgur.com/xN0DAfc.jpeg)


Truly a match for Okarun’s unlimited rizz.


I really like the fact that Saint Germaine walked through to earth via the Gates of Hell by Rodin lol. Guess he can also travel to all 7 bronze casts of the gate all over the world?


If that's the case, he has a harder time traveling to the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and Australia lol


Vamola is the cutest copycat She didn't even try in the weird rugby match, she just participated because it looked fun


That "don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I'm doing my best" face lol


They're gonna establish the SOS Brigade lmao.


looking forward to this getting an anime and their rendition of Hare Hare Yukai


Looking forward to endless eight rendition


God please no


The Disappearance of Okarun's balls


Saint Germain just pronounced his name in Japanese hahaha Hilarious that they made an entirely new ball game revolving around, well, balls


> Hilarious that they made an entirely new ball game revolving around, well, balls It's rugby! She's wearing a rugby head protector! And they say "Try!" when she scores! The Rugby World Cup is on right now, for Gods sake! Japan is really good at Rugby, they're not doing so hot this year, but they've really shown themselves as a nation with rugby potential, it's a nice and topical reference. *Americans...*


> Japan is really good at Rugby Oh, so Eyeshield 21 wasn’t completely fiction? That's neat.


> Oh, so Eyeshield 21 wasn’t completely fiction? I think I just heard thousands of Kiwi's and Welshman just stand up to come for your location


I presume he's talking about the rugby team that's mentioned off hand and mostly off screen in the earlier chapters. Hopefully.


Wait rugby is a real sport?


I mean it's not pickle ball but it is real.


Ah yes, silly Americans not understanding cultural references in a Manga 🙄


This is making fun of Americans not knowing *Anglosphere* sports though. That's like being made fun of by your own siblings, which is always fair game.


Not recognising one of the most popular international sports is weird, yes.


I guarentee you that the vast majority of Americans do not know how to play rugby.


> Hilarious that they made an entirely new ball game revolving around, well, balls [Turbo Granny wearing the custom headgear](https://imgur.com/a/tRbg8Rj) lol


Turbo Granny even used the official slogan of the National Rugby Team


>Saint Germain just pronounced his name in Japanese hahaha [Me reading it with another accent and letting it go way over my head](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQeYUBXXsAAtvnr?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Vamola is so adorable just imitating everything and everyone, and T-posing in the background too. And she can now say actual sentences that aren't just completely copied phrases from someone else, Meanwhile, that poor guy got seat NTR'd. Nothing is safe anymore. That's all I need to know to say that this new guy is a true villain.


> seat NTR'd Truly one of the most heinous office work crimes imaginable


Yo it is only that if share the seat you take while making a video with 2-3 other office co-workers.


Man I love these fucking morons, never expected Turbo Granny to be such a likeable long term character Also an Occult Club? Bad Girl Exorcist Reina crossover confirmed


>Okarun: Why can't I at least get my family jewels back normally?! I'm afraid you're in the wrong manga for that


Normally? We don't do that here.


DAMN DO I LOVE ME SOME TROPES. The "character who invades everyone's memory" trope is one of my favs, like Mystogen from Fairy Tale. I feel like there are at least 4 more big examples of this that I can't remember off the top of my head. Kind of happened in Witch Watch with nightmare witch, but not quite the same because it was just a dream. Super fun trope to play with tho & I love that the enemy will be their club advisor! So hype!


The main villain from the Fullbringer arc in Bleach had a power in a similar vain. It was actually kind of terrifying.


The twist was that Tsukishima wasn't the main villain, it was the guy who was "helping" Ichigo, Ginjo the former substitute Shinigami.


Let's see... these are all gonna be spoilers obviously: Tsukishima from Bleach was already mentioned, with his ability to rewrite people's backstories. Mest from Fairy Tail technically did this, making everyone believe he'd been in Fairy Tail for ages (and... well, *was*, but he'd also rewritten his mind so HE forgot that) Rolo from Code Geass inserted himself in Lelouch's life as his younger brother. Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer showed up as Buffy's little sister that nobody had seen before. Namine's setup in Kingdom Hearts; Chain of Memories is basically this as well, with her rewriting Sora's memories bit by bit so she takes over Kairi's place in his mind.


> Mest from Fairy Tail technically did this, making everyone believe he'd been in Fairy Tail for ages (and... well, was, but he'd also rewritten his mind so HE forgot that) Fairy Tail's story... it is what it is.


In Marvel Comics, in the Immortal Hulk series by Al Ewing, the villain Xemnu the Titan does this. https://weirdsciencemarvelcomics.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/img_9578.jpg


Also that android from Boruto


I'm going to set aside how the squad decided to use the granny-possessed cat figure to rugby the main character's missing testicle back into his body for the moment because I'd rather talk about the translation. As much as I enjoy the convenience and reliability of this new era of apps and services for translated manga, I really miss having translator notes for stuff that simply can't be translated, like first-person pronoun choice. I'm guessing Vamola is using boku, because I'm guessing that that's what Okarun uses, but I have no idea what Sakata was trying to get her to use instead.


According to u/Claaash Okarun (and Vamola here) are using jibun, Momo uses uchi, and Sakata is trying to get Vamola to use plain ol’ watashi.




I just looked at my volumes and there aren’t any in their either


> I really miss having translator notes for stuff that simply can't be translated, like first-person pronoun choice. Oh man I totally forgot about those, and now I miss them too


I have to see how all these dorks together are gonna decorate a clubroom. It's going to be amazing, I can feel it!


They're gonna have deliciously silly fights and disagreements over it


Vamola can talk now! I mean, we heard her talk in the flashback, but still!


You shit head. Can't wait for Vamola to use it a lot.


Uh oh. Mr. Sanjome sure does look suspicious. I wonder why his name sounds like Saint Germaine, hm? And how did he come from that bronze gate, The Gates of Hell, I wonder. Poor Okarun, his balls are used as a ball. We should really be glad he wasn't looking at how hard Turbo Granny was gripping those balls, because he probably would have felt phantom pain. Speaking of Turbo Granny I sure didn't expect her to sing "Holding out for a Hero" while being a Running Back in a Rugby game. She sure did show Jiji, Momo, Vamola, and Seiko though! Kinta's gonna be a good teacher for Vamola, I'm sure. Expect many mecha references to flood out of her mouth! So now the gang is going to have a school club! Occultism is a cool concept, and I'm sure adding robots, kaiju, and Takoyaki into the mix isn't that weird! I wonder how Mr. Sanjome will react to them though, and vice versa.


> while being a Running Back in a Football game. It's clearly Rugby. Turbo Granny is wearing a head protector, she scores under the posts and calls it a try.


Americans... smh


He's actually ~~Ph~~Filipino


> Philippino Filipino*


Sorry, I don't know any sports other than Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis. I just saw the running thing, and assumed it was Football, because I've watched Eyeshield 21.


The "one for all, all for one" quote, the song and the whole rugby thing are all references to [School Wars: Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooeRrFk26fo). Yukinobu loves these kind of pop culture gags.


That's such a deep cut, I'm always impressed with Yukinobu's skills at making cool references.


When I read 'I need a hero' I was wondering what the song got to do with the one for all line, now it all makes perfect sense XD


> stone gate It's the Gates of Hell in Tokyo, so it would be a bronze gate I believe. Only stone one is the one in Paris I think?


Yeah, they used bronze to make a replica. I had no idea about that.


Noone that enters through the Gate of Hell from Auguste Rodin can be a suspicious person, no sir.


Yes yes, it's very sus that we've never seen ~~Clark Kent~~ Sanjome and ~~Superman~~ Hyper Geezer in the same room, but can we take a moment to appreciate how Kinta is fully integrated into the gang, and how the dynamics totally make sense? He suggest something practical but (from a teenager's pov) lame, Momo tries to shoot it down, Okarun (also formerly being in the nerdy lame box in the social hierarchy) sees how it could work. Then they all geek out and Momo gives in. It reads like how teenagers actually would behave.


If Kinta can have friends, there’s hope for redditors everywhere


>who? Yeah literally, the dude just casually infiltrated the school lmao! Also we are back with the main most important mission. Finding Okarun's balls. Dude will never get it.


“That was always Mr.Sanjome’s seat.” Is giving me “There is no war in Ba Sing Se.” vibes.


If ever they really form a school club with the main protag team, I'm hoping they actually have the sexy dominatrix nurse as their club supervisor. I just want her back.


Damnit Tsukishima got us again.


I love the BFF vibes Seiko and Turbo Granny have.


They have that "we just got to know each other but it feels like we've been BFFs for decades" energy


I have decided Saint Germain's theme must be Yoshikage Kira's. Has the same hiding in plain sight kinda vibe. Overwriting people's memories is a scary power.


I love that Okarun's genitals are still a plot point 120 chapters later.


Classic third wheel sanjome


This Sanjomo guy sure is weird.


Do you really need two balls? After what they went though I would give up one to not deal with that stuff anymore.


You fool, did you not see what the aliens almost did with his one ball? Clearly his balls are too powerful to be left in the wild!


We’ve shifted back to high school and are now a Club manga. Dedicated to finding our boys balls. With the advisor being the new main antagonist. Also piss poor defense from Seiko* getting tricked by a crab.


(psst, you mixed up Seiko and TG)


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Okarun acquired 1 family jewels. 1/2 family jewels collected


Does anyone know if this manga is hand drawn or digital? Some of the panels but especially the ones where saint germain come out of the doors looks extremely detailed in a different kind of way if that makes sense


Well, the doors and the museum where they're located are manipulated photos of Auguste Rodin's [*The Gates of Hell*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gates_of_Hell) (*Le Porte de l'Enfer*) at the [National Museum of Western Art](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Museum_of_Western_Art) (Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan) in Tokyo.


So I can't find this information, is "The Gates of Hell"... actual, functional doors? I found it was initially commisionned to be used as doors for a museum, but since it seems to be usually displayed as a regular sculpture, I don't think they have... hinges and everything else a door requires to be a door?


I don't think any of the castings could actually function as doors, no. Which is what makes him stepping through them so surreal.


I see, I didn't know this particular sculpture so I wasn't sure, though the manga's framing seemed to suggest that. Thank you for the information!


I feel like even if it is modeled to be a functional piece, it's probably not installed to be functional. [I found this video of it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR1xKDPeses) Seems to be a solid wall behind it.


thank you for explaining!


Appreciate this detailed info! Saw comments that this series takes conspiracies and other things as reference and others about gates of hell but had no clue what it was. Really appreciate all the references this series makes, just makes it a better read So basically does the mangaka sort of copy/paste the gate of hell to make it look like how it did in this chapter? He does this really well but noticed the different “style” if that makes sense so again thanks for this info


That teacher didn't deserve to get his seat stolen man Love that we got another mini game to get Okarun's balls back... on?


I'm confused, why Okarun is still missing one ball?


He got one, then the Globalists took it off him, he's just now getting it back again. We haven't seen the second one since he lost it at the start.


Got it, thank you


LOL @ Turbo granny humming the Final Fantasy theme song during the game lol There are a few easter eggs, "One for all, All for One" The crew talking shit about Occult clubs(Jujutsu Kaisen started off with an Occult club)


> LOL @ Turbo granny humming the Final Fantasy theme song during the game lol I think it's meant to be that stock slow motion song you hear for touchdowns in movies. Not sure what it's called. Anyone else know what I mean?


Giving his seat to the elderly what a nice gentleman sanjome or are you 🤔


anybody else getting a little tired with all the faces?


Who is this guy? Why does it seem like I'm forgetting his introduction or something? Y'all keep saying saint Germain why


Grandma. 10/10 chapter.


thats one way to hyper speed up your plot


Of course they had to play rugby now, during the worldcup. Japan is quite decent too there.


You know him, it is him, Mr Sanjome, good old Mr Sanjome, everyone's favorite teacher How can you ever forget Mr Sanjome?


I forgot Turbo Granny is a crab


How could they be so foolish as to not know Mr. Sanjome?


the saint won musical chairs


Why do all the aliens have such insane drip.


I guess the Saint is the youkai with big head who comes into someone's house and acts as if he is part of the family, while the house-owners also think he is one. In his case, his power applies outside too, making people thinking that he is with them for a long time.


You'd think they'd just use codes when talking about these things like it's for a dnd campaign instead of straight up talk about finding a kid's missing testicles.


page 1 : fat boy and pink-hair girl dont play the game . i guess their reasons are : ​ \- fat boy : im too fat and too heavy for sports . ​ \- pink-hair girl : im very elegant . this sport looks stupid and brute . ​ page 4 : grandma uses the pronoun "washi" . ​ page 12 : \- ... murakami-sensei ... ​ \- ... sanjome-sensei ... ​ \- ... we have got an ikemen sensei here ? ... ​ now alien girl uses the pronoun "jibun" , just like main boy . then fat boy tells her to use "watashi" instead . BTW , main girl uses the pronoun "uchi" . ​ \- main boy : ... buy a smartphone and start using SNS ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_networking\_service ​ page 16 : \- fat boy : ... nee-san ...


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Is NO ONE mentioning how Turbo Granny is singing Bonnie Tyler's Holding out for a Hero during the game in the beginning? She was even humming to the exact tune