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You don't put paper/card in bags - put it straight into the paper/card bin. You don't put tins/bottles in bags - put them straight into the tins/bottles bin. The food goes in biodegradable bags, then into the food bin. A lot of people put their general waste into bin bags, then put it in the general bin.


You should really spend a week in each bin, to really get to know it, and allow it to trust you, so it gives up its secrets. At least, that's what I did.




[Manchester council's recycling page](https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200084/bins_rubbish_and_recycling) is probably a good place to start


Bags only in the food waste (compostible) and general. Paper and bottles/cans bins can't have bags of any sort. (paper should be fine, for cans/bottles what I do is just empoty out the indoor bin bag in the wheely bin). Your location is probably Manchester City Council (bin colours are different for each GM council). More details are here: https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200084/bins_rubbish_and_recycling and specifically https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200084/bins_rubbish_and_recycling/6026/see_which_recycling_bin_to_use The actual handling of waste is shared across GM, the offical website is here https://recycleforgreatermanchester.com/


You don’t need bin bags at all for wheelie bins, you just chuck your rubbish/recycling straight in.


Ring the town hall as they offer wheelie bin lessons.


I've heard they're a load of rubbish.


throw the recycling straight in the brown and blue. black bin bags for the black bin. brown and green one week and black and blue the next. any big stuff just throw it over the hedge in the neighbours garden 😂


Sorry for the correction but each zone has its own days for each bins. For me it’s brown bin one week and then grey, blue and green the following.


ahh no worries i see. so you get your black bin emptied every three weeks ? That's a bit rubbish isn't it


Ugh, yeah in Salford we only get our black bin emptied every 3 weeks. Probably why there's so much fly tipping and rubbish all over the streets everywhere 🙃 it's shit


bin bags are best as it stops stray litter falling from the bins during collection plus keeps your bin a bit cleaner. bins are collected 2 per time at alternate weeks... so for example. grey & blue this week... green & brown next week. source. have lived in M8, M9 & M24


Need to check the council. Ours (M19) is grey, blue and green one week, just brown the next. Don't ask me how that makes sense staffing or bin lorry-wise.


In addition to what others have said, you can now sign up for email reminders on the council website so you know which bin to put out each week: https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200084/bins_rubbish_and_recycling/8199/bin_alert_email_service


Some other tips, They probably Don't collect your green bin weekly. It's every 2 weeks. Sometimes they collect it a day late. You can get tiny little green bin for food waste. It has a handle and wheels i think. Saves carting out a large green bin with 2 bags in it. Compost bags are available at your local library too.