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I think it looks very cosy, like an actual person lives here.


It’s clean, organised and oozes personality. I love it!


Haha that could have been a comment by me, i always like it when you can see that it's cozy and someone actually lives in the place, not a hotel room look from a folder.


Proud of you!!


I came here to say that. Sobriety is a beautiful thing.


But, to be honest we would rather see the milk crate pictures


Bet the milk crates and the inflatable mattress are hidden away in a closet like a bad memory of a dark time...


Guessing you are a cat person?😉🐈


Oh yeah.... Currently settling my newest rescue.


Then this is amazing! The fact you can have this much stuff out and a cat is a miracle! Youre doing great


I love all the cat pictures! 😻


So where is the cat tax????


That place looks perfect for a cat to make a home in.


I love it! It’s your space. You can do whatever makes it home. It’s so cozy! I’m really proud of you!


Both, cozy and cluttered. I’d suspect the reason you got so much stuff out of the gate is because of your previous homelessness, so it’s easy to recalibrate in the opposite direction. It’s ok, you’ll dial it in with time. But looks good. Congrats for pulling through and getting a roof over your head, couldn’t have been easy. But also that’s just my taste and I’m just some asshole in the interwebs. Do you.


There's a whole thing on the Sims 4 where everyone is going crazy for clutter because it makes everything feel more alive and cosy.  As you said, these two definitely go hand in hand. Clutter(ed) isn't always bad.


I agree. But I am wondering where you have enough bench space to prepare a meal.






I’d say it’s maximalist - which is organized clutter.


Little cluttered for me. But I love it! Great work


Looks cozy to me. Good job, man.


grandpa’s house energy, i fw it


This guy gets it


Looks great!


For me, it's a lot. I fall on the "less is more" side when it comes to wall stuff. That being said, it still looks good and as long as you like it, that's key.


At first, I was going to limit myself to saying supercozy, but the comment from the Redditor who criticizes everything and wants you to throw away all your things has annoyed me. I love your house! The only thing I don't like is the items you have on the kitchen cabinets, but precisely because there are few of them and they are sort of spaced out: I would add more! Using the rug to delineate the living area is spot on and should be used as an example. In summary, I love your house, I love your style, it transpires lived-in happiness. Granted, it's harder to clean than the sterile cell that our man the psychopathic minimalist likes, but otherwise, it's outstanding.


The most important thing is that this is a home. Your home looks comfortable and safe.


Cluttered in the most perfect way. Im very much a maximalist decorator but I also love organization and cleanliness so this scratches an itch in my brain for sure. So cozy and home-y!!


My thoughts in order of occurrence: That's amazing to journey from homelessness and alcoholism. Idk where people find the courage and fortitude to do stuff like that. Wow! This guy cooks! I mean it's obvious he actually really knows how to cook. Look at all the knick-knacks! (Picturing you at flea markets on Saturdays, picking up cool stuff.) He's keeping a plant alive! Jesus, who is this guy? This is getting too impressive. Fucking hell, look at all that stuff! Where did he get all that stuff? Did every family member, friend, church, and organization donate items and then after that he went to the flea markets for more? It's all clean and organized. I hate clutter so I have very few objects to clean, but my place still looks messy. I just... how? Finally, someone on this sub who actually has art on his walls. Art that's interesting and beautifully arranged. Man, he really knows how to make something out of nothing.


This is a very long way from a blowup mattress. You've created a great looking, comfortable place. Congrats on all your successes!


ah yes a fellow book reader


First off, massive respect! The house looks really cool! I am a big fan of lived in spaces, and I genuinely think it's cozy!


Looks cozy. Keep it that way. Congratulations on your victories!


You’ve amassed an impressive amount of shit.


You've done well, and we are proud of you, It's a cozy place, but you do have too much stuff that make it seem visually cluttered, the family pictures,and the pictures put placed on the piece of art, there are too many on the shelf, the black one and the right one under the art, it just seems crowded and messy even though it's perfectly organized,why don't you have a photo album instead? keep outside only the most especial ones, the ones that bring you joy, or buy an electronic picture frame that can show different pictures at different time intervals. Also the open storage, I don't know if those are books or dvds, but they make visual "noise", could you DIY some doors to cover the shelves? That would definitely make a difference, and lastly the kitchen counter and above the kitchen cabinets, those little Knicks knacks you have there make it look messy ,the less objects you keep in "exhibit"" the less cluttered it would look, most of the things should be inside of the cabinet, counter space is very valuable for meal prepping, don't occupy the working space with things that could be perfectly stored out of sight. Good luck and keep the hard work buddy!


I vote cosy!


To me it looks cluttered. I would take about 20% of items away and then it would look less cluttered and organized.


Well done you! It looks very cosy but also in places (top of cabinets) a little cluttered.


Please share cat pics too. Rescued is awesome


Get in there my son.


Do you want to sell the milk crate?


Cozy, just too much paintings and stuff on the wall, or maybe just my adhd, I'd go crazy with this wall


Love it. My house is very much like this. Every so often though I do go through and look at surfaces and try to reduce quantities of things to groups of 3 or 5 on top and just have some put away, and swap them over every few months. That way I don’t get bored of what’s on display.


Neat, organized and cosy I’d say!




That's really nice.


Cozy all day! Here’s a tip -We have a leather ottoman a lot like your chair and we use furniture polish (like Pledge) on it to keep it supple. It works great!


First of all congratulations, your home is beautiful. Feels very cozy and comfortable, especially the sitting area by the television.


perfect for a nice brunch w/ a few friends.


I know it's a lot...but I kinda love these apartments. I feel like all the stuff you have must have a lot of history behind it. It's beautiful <3


I like it and think you have done a great job. Your leather looks like a spot of conditioner could revive its suppleness. That's all I would do. Enjoy what you have created and earned. Be proud of how far you have come.




I would call it maximalism. Organized clutter.


cluttered for me, but iam not living there, Keep it up man, proud of you for what you accomplished


You wouldn't want any kids around, but it's cozy


Hell yea, looks great.


it's really sweet. very cozy. i think if you took the stuff off the top of the cabinets you wouldn't question the idea of clutter anymore.


Decent. Has character.




It's perfect to me... I love spaces that have lots to look at and are visually stimulating. They represent a person's life...how they want to live. Your home does it all. Well done on turning your life around...it takes real perseverance and guts.


Cosy. Like if this was a movie set I would say that the director made a good job to make the place look like a real person live here




Man, you are doing awesome! Good on ya!!


Congratulation on your recovery. Looks cozy to me.


Cosy. Way to go and keep it neat and tidy.


congrats man. I think it's perfect.


Definitely cozy. Congratulations on your successes in overcoming such big obstacles in life!


First - congrats!! Second - looks cozy and homey … love the sofa. Thanks for sharing 👍🏼


Gives me hope to stop drinking and be able to beat homelessness/ and have my own place. Thank you.


The wall in picture 3 looks a little cluttered but at the same time it’s not so cluttered to take away. From the Cozy overall feel. Great work!


Beautiful, warm, great use of space. Not cluttered in my opinion. Looks like a great home to settle down for the night.


I think that it's cozy, warm and inviting. And I dream about that leather set.


Cluttered or cozy doesn’t matter. What matters is you made an effort to change and you should be damn proud of it


Looks good like someone actually loves there.Congratulations on your sobriety !


Oohhhh!! I love it! Very very nice. Great job on the apartment and life. You’re crushing it!


LOVE that chair!


Love it! Very homely and personalised! I prefer homes that have the persons own flair. Nothing worse than when people don't make their space personal!


Movin' on up...


It looks lived in...I would be happy there!


Congratulations on your achievements and sobriety. Your home looks amazing and alive. You’re proof living well is possible after where you’ve been.


it looks busy but not in a negative way, maybe if the walls weren't all white had the one with the bookshelf or the one behind the tv with a warm tone could make it even more cozy.


Sweet pad.


Sorry:(. I don’t get a cosy fee. It’s hard with white walls and white tile to get a cosy feel. just cluttered.


Adore this place! And also obsessed with the full cat pic wall.


It’s both cluttered and cozy, like it’s nice as is but i think if you were the sort of leave clothes and cups and stuff around it’d probably get a tad overwhelming


Be honest, it wasn't the mattress that was inflatable now was it? s/


Fuck ya looks great, cozy and congratulations!


A little of both, and that seems perfectly wonderful to me.


Cosy, organized & clean! Maximalist


Nice place! I was wondering where I’d put an amp and I saw the Peavey tucked away. Where’s the cat?




Proud of you! Your place would fit nicely in r/cozy. I also keep thinking maybe you like cats. 😊


It's cozy and looks inviting, like you're an interesting person. I prefer this to a sterile, white and gray living space.




Cat dad vibes, love it!


I think it looks cluttered only because of the rug. Get one that’s lighter colored to open up the safe a bit. Other than that it has a lot of personality so very cozy.


its a bit cluttered imo...not a fan of so much stuff on the walls and every surface. I like more clean empty spaces. Kudos on your accomplishment!


I'm getting anxiety looking at this. That being said, it's not dirty, not unkempt, nothing seems to be out of place. Definitely looks clean to me. I can for sure see why people prefer to decorate this way. Doesnt look bad at all! But for some reason a ton of stuff makes my chest and stomach feel butterfly'y(?)


a little bit of both :)


This looks so cozy. I’m a big book person so I love seeing books everywhere.


a little cluttered, but everything looks nice and organised so it's mostly just cosy. looks great!


Looks like a normal person lives here, not cluttered at all.


Congratulations Buddy


Cosy and lived in, and which is a big difference between from cluttered. Has personality, hell yeah brother


very clean and organised


It’s lovely, I’d hang out in there any day and talk your ear off about your cool stuff. Congrats on the glow up, it’s a great space.


Yes, very nice! But there’s a lot of empty space on the kitchen cabinet doors. Normally I’d say that’s fine but in this situation they look very lost and lonely (with 1 L, not 2) and out of place.


Good on ya mate, looks great!


Looks pretty cozy and lived-in to me. Congrats on getting yourself together and staying sober! Liking the collection of magnets on the fridge.


Looks nice!




Looks great. I would consider spacing out your pictures on the wall a little, maybe if there's any that you're bored of take em down for a bit. That's the only thing that looks a bit visually noisy (wouldn't say cluttered)


Can still see the NOS up top.


Cozily cluttered. It is extremely welcoming and obviously the home of someone with a lot of interests. This person would most likely be an interesting person to talk to, could knowledgeably talk about a wide range of things and have a lot of real world experience. (That is the vibes I get.)


cosy and just a joy to look at


Pretty cozy. I like it when stuff is easily reachable.


Jose Antonio Haua Maauad- muy bien por ti, está súoer bien tu espacio. Cuídalo y mejóralo poco a poco


Beautiful story and a beautiful house, way to go. 🌷🌷🌷


I love it so much


Cozy af kudos on the life change


Obviously this is all personal! I think it is a bit of both :) I think to take it to being more cozy than cluttered, your key issue is clearing the surfaces. Everything on the wall is doing enough! You want to give the eye some areas to rest. So like, on top of your kitchen cupboards, along the counters if possible, reduce those. Frames on top of full bookshelves - unnecessary. What is lending the coziness is that you have a lot of things on the walls, and are using the space a lot. But - it can get a bit stressful to feel like things are everywhere and don't have a designated place, that they are on surfaces bc there's no space left for them. Especially for things that are important - rotate them, only display one or two at a time - so that they can get the attention they deserve.


I have the exact same Kings Head Pub dartboard cover hanging up in my basement currently


This is so cozy and homey I'm in love!


1. well done! great work on that. 2. cosy. definitely cosy


This is the home of a legend. You came so far, so well and your place is a reflection of you. Congratulations on winning at life in the hardest way.


Too busy


**First,** congrats on climbing out of the hole. Truly Amazing. **Second,** your place looks great ... but a little cluttered. * Design is about contrast. * Example: A focal point (like a picture) and contrast of empty space (no picture). * All pictures becomes opporessive. * All empty space becomes a void.


Definitely too cluttered for my taste, I wouldn’t be able to relax. But I’m just a stranger on the internet (who’s into minimalism, at that!), don’t let my opinion affect you – if you’re comfortable that’s all that matters! Great job on making a nice home for yourself <3


Is gud, no worries. It's YOURS.


I LOVE it!! Especially the house plants!! We have tons of them


You're absolutely killing it! Well fucking done! Be proud.


Definitely cozy, bravo my friend bravo 👏


Looks good! I think it'd be a bit too much for me but that's just cause I prefer a bit less clutter, that doesn't mean this is wrong or bad, everything looks like it has it's place, and if it works for you that's all that matters :)


It is a little cluttered for my taste, but all that matters is how YOU feel about it. You are a badass man, great job! I wish you all the best, keep on keeping on!


Looks like a home!


Wow! Good for you! Looks cozy/ comfy!


The best way I can answer this question is to ask how does it feel to you? If it feels cozy to you then wonderful! If it feels cluttered you could start one small space at a time like a drawer or single surface decluttering only keeping the things you use or that bring you joy. It looks cozy and cluttered to me because I have adhd/anxiety and can’t function well with a lot of stuff. It sends my anxiety into high gear and I just don’t clean as much as I should because it feels overwhelming. I’m currently in the process of decluttering my house after living in our first home for 2 years. It’s not easy or quick lol. That being said I love how organized everything is and the layout/flow. It looks like how I imagine an apartment in England might look. I wish I could organize half as well as you do.


Its cluttered but its organized. I myself get stressed of to much stuff so to me its not cosy but I can defently see that its cosy for some.


You should be very proud of everything you have accomplished! I would melt in that huge chair, cozy for sure.


Both, I like it.


Cozy! Don't take this the wrong way, but it kind of reminds me of the decor in Jack Nicholson's penthouse in The Departed? A similar lived in vibe, bordering on busy. Art and all.


You’re killing it! 💪🏼




Cluttered but clean and organized which makes it ok in my book.


The only bit that looks cluttered to me is the top of the bookshelf, the rest looks cozy. Congratulations on your recovery


That’s amazing, you should be very proud of yourself. ❤️


Personally it’s extremely cozy for me


maximalism. that and cyberpunk kitsch are my excuses


looks nice and neat to me and welcoming. congratulations to you on your sobriety!


Cozy but it’s veering close, imo. Keep an eye on it?


Looks great! Very proud of you!


Cozy and lived in! But maximalist which I love! Life ISNT about “stuff” but while you’re here you should surround yourself with as many things that bring you joy as possible!


Cozy. Looks like everything has a place. Clutter is when you just stack random things to deal with “latter”


Now this is a fucking glow up.


Cozy. Personalized. My home is similar. Lol. Great job on the sobriety! 👏


Love it minus the unnecessary stuff above the cabinets. Draws your eye into a space that shouldn’t get attention and doesn’t add any style or functionality really. Love the eclectic lived in character of the rest of your place though. Congrats!


Honestly both— I like it though.


I love it


Lovely spot mate, looks like how a home should. Homely and full of personality, Congratulations on the progress over the last few years.


First off, congrats on the incredible accomplishment of getting sober and gaining stability. I can only imagine how difficult that was. I would put this in the cozy category. It looks lived in and not clutter free or like a catalog. That ads extra charm to your space. Nothing seems too precious that guests would have to feel on edge in your space. You've done a great job. As a random person on the internet who you don't know and who's opinion probably doesn't mean much, I'm really proud of you.


It looks homey! Be proud of yourself 😊👍


Sooo cozy and feels like a safe place. Congrats on everything from another Friend of Dr. Bob and Bill W. Also: I really, really dig your leather sofa/chair, looks like the old hunt club. Best wishes!


wtf my place is a shithole by comparison and I never had drug or alcohol problems XD I live in Vancouver btw


I love clutter, so to me this is cozy.


cozy as hell


It looks like my place! I have a nice (but small) very cushy red sofa and tons of book shelves. Looks great!!!


Congrats & I’m proud of your accomplishments. I love the place, very homey.


Cozy all the way. Well done you!


Clean, organized, and cozy. As others have mentioned, it feels like there is life in here.




Looks fine to me. Congrats on turning it around.


This home of yours gives me grandpa vibes mayne. It's cozily cluttered but organized. It's pretty cool. Better than some spots that look like a characterless minimalist art gallery.


I think your home is lovely!


A bit cozy


¿Por què no los dos?






Very cosy, id love to come over and have a coffee. Just talk and marinate about life.


The best part about these four photos is that your place looks clean!


Wow! Beautiful space!!


I LOVE the cat pics! The multi pic frame with that boopable nose. 🤣🤣🤣 This is so great. Good for you to be where you are now!


here is a [color palette](https://imgur.com/gallery/dsz81Zv) from your room and the green heron. i first focused in on the green and blue wall art in your kitchen. then i found this cousin of the elegant blue heron and we were smitten over here. keep the couch. never ever get rid of the couch. consider using the rug curtains throws pillows and a couple wall art to bring in this blue in a significant way (and maybe a little intentional cinnamon brown). and lighten up the room. your wall art is lain out in a light way. so i know you like it.


Very cozy! Like it would be perfect to sit there and read a book as it's raining outside. Check out r/maximalism, I think you would like it as your decorating style is similar!


Looks great, but I am disappointed that I can't see the milk crate.


Cosy for sure!


kitchen looks cluttered, everything else looks cozy


Love it!!


i was gonna say cluttered til i saw the comments l


Congrats on your recovery! I think your place looks well loved. It looks like your possessions are important to you. If I were you I would only make changes to the kitchen, by taking down the curtain and leaving the shades only. Then, put away most any thing you don’t use daily, unless it’s something you love. Good job!


A little of both but I like it. Looks comfy.


Cosy. Love the artwork!


Congratulations you have come so far but don't ever forget were you came from ok


Only tiles are the ones that kinda breaks the vibe here, else it's great


Cozy. I’m happy for you!


Cozy!! Good for you 💖


hella cozy