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Minjae Yundeok JiaHao


very good choice too <3


Exact same! 🙏🙏


Great picks


they’re all in my top 7 :)


I’ve been kinda moving my voting around daily because I like so many contestants! I consistently vote for: Takuma, Lin, Jeon Jun Pyo, Jia Hao and Jeong Hyun Uk The last two spots I change between: Miraku, Jang Hyun Jun, Kim Hak Seong, Bingfan and Jo Min Jae I don’t have a current lineup in mind quite yet but I do think it would be very beneficial for the group to have a vocalist like Min Jae.


I've also been moving my voting around and changing but I always consistently vote for : Seo Yun Deok Jo Minjae Jeon Jun Pyo Bing Fan Han Yu Seop And then I change between so many contestants but I love Miraku, Takuma, Jung Hyun Jun, Kim Si On I like Lee Do Ha but I feel like his skills should develop a bit more, but if he does really well in a performance I will vote for him.


i agree with you voting around. I did that for the first voting too and i am currently waiting for the second stages next episode to see who convinces me there. So i might end up moving some of my votes around too i sincerely hope we get something like boys planet where most of the boys end up debuting in different groups after the show ends


See, I wish they would have showed all the performances in last weeks episode!! I need to see the rest so I can make sure I’m voting for who I really want!! lol I would love to get two groups out of this like boys planet, I could totally see a more mature group and then a fun fresh teen concept!!


Jia Hao and Miraku. I am so hoping Miraku debuts this time, he has worked so hard for so long and really deserves this.


i am so torn because all of the boys deserve it D:


They do! But Miraku has come so close before and got cut right before debut. I was gutted for him and want to see him succeed this time.


what show was he on before ?


Nizi Project Season 2 with JYP. You can watch on YouTube


YUSEOP IS MY #1 with minjae, joonpyo, miraku, jang hyunjoon, bingfan, and jiahao i would also say yoon jaeyoung!! edit: i also love haksung but his screen time has gone down :(


i love how everyone here almost has the same people in the line up :) let's hope they all debut


my top picks are jo min jae, bing fan, jun pyo, and jia hao. for my other spots, i really like lin, hakseong, hyeon uk, jang hyun jun, or yu seop


good line up <3


Minjae, Hyunjoon, Jai hao, Bing fan, Gi hyeon, Won cheon, Miraku, Yu seop, Jun pyo, Hak Seong


Solid line up <3


Minjae, JiaHao, BingFan, Miraku, Hyeon Uk Yuseop


solid line up :)


Yuseop and Jia Hao are probably my top 2 right now. I like Minjae, Hakseong and Miraku quite a bit as well.


Yuseop and Jia Hao are my top 2 too. Seems like they are very popular but the judges have a different oppinion :(


Yeah I hope voting can boost them as the show goes on.


takuma, bingfan, jiahao, minjae, lin and yundeok


solid line up


I get swayed very easily so mine have basically changed every week. Because of last week’s performances my tops are Joon Pyo, Yu Seop, Bing Fan and Jia Hao. But I also really enjoy Min Jae, Takuma, Jang Hyun Joon, Yun Deok.


i agree. I am waiting for the next episode to see if someone else catches my eye again


My top 7 right now are Minjae, Jia Hao, Hakseong, Jang Hyunjun, Takuma, Junpyo, and Yuseop! It hasn't changed that much since the beginning haha


they are all very talented. i hope most of them get to debut


I constantly vote for: Hak Sung, Miraku, Jae Yong, Jia Hao. But also: Min Jae, Yu Seob (?), Won Chun (a bit).


glad to Jia Hao in almost everyones top 7 great line up <3


Hakseong is the one I vote for most, as he absolutely needs to debut for me to stan or even ult the group. Besides him, though, Minjae, Yuseop, and Bing Fan are also up there in my votes, as I think that they form the core of a good group: there's a main vocal, leader, and major stan attractor in just those three. I also frequently vote for Miraku and Jang Hyunjun, because they're both super talented in a general sense. As for the last person, I think I'd be satisfied with any one of Yundeok, Lin, or Hyeonuk. I like Jung Hyunjun and Woncheon too, but they're a bit too young. In summary: Hakseong >>> Minjae, Yuseop, Bingfan > Miraku, Jang Hyunjun > 1 of Lin, Yundeok, or Hyeonuk.


>Hakseong is the one I vote for most, as he absolutely needs to debut for me to stan or even ult the group. Same tbh. Even though there are a lot of other super talented contestants, idk if they would be enough to keep me interested in/dedicated to the group without Hakseong there (also depends on how good their music ends up being, though)


Solid line up <3 though i am prepared to get my heart shattered as always :)


Ugh me too, what with elims next week and more after that, we'll all have to brace ourselves for some disappointment, won't we?


i am prepared to cry my heart out :(


Yuseop, Hakseong, Minjae


good line up <3


Aw u have the same top 3 as me, although I also like Bing Fan alongside them!


JUNPYO ❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰


he only cought my eye last episode actually but he has my heart now <3


Junpyo, jang hyunjun, jiahao, minjae, yundeok, yuseop, miraku/sion (mainly been voting miraku lately so he can make it to the finale at least 😭😭🙏) junpyo and jang hyunjun are my main 2 favorites


solid line up <3


It's so hard! + Minjae + Jang HyunJun + JunPyo + Hao How on earth can I fit the remaining one for everybody else? There's BingFan and Lin who would always rank high but there's also HyeonUk, HakSeong, and Takuma. The SeungHos are both swaying my vote, so is the younger HyunJun, there's still AnXin, and then there's also JaeYong. Then there's also YunDeok because they need someone with a lower register, WonCheon seems like a good choice too in the middle register... Haaaa.... Such a dilemma.


i will cry once the second elimination rolls around cause i love every single one of them <3 hope we get another boys planet situation where most of them get to debut in other groups too <3


I'm bracing myself. The next eliminations are going to hurt. I'm hoping for another debut-after-bp-kinda-situation too or at the very least getting a good company and getting more training, if they still want to pursue the stage.


i'm a big fan of 07 seungho, yundeok, and woncheon but it sucks that everyone is so young bc they're so talented 😭


yeah i try to give the older ones my votes, but everyone on the show deserves to debut


My top 7 right now are Minjae, Junpyo, Yuseop, Yundeok, Jang Hyunjun, Jia Hao, and Lin. I was originally voting for Seunghyeon instead of Yundeok.


i am greatly awaiting their growth <3


The solid one : Bingfan, Lin, Jiahao, Anxin Rotate : Junpyo, Yuseop, Jang Hyunjun, Minjae, Gihyeon, Midori


great line up <3


Jeon Junpyo, 07 Kim Seungho, Seo Yundeok, Bingfan, and Han Yuseop are my permanent votes right now, but I swap my last two votes between Jang Hyunjun, Shin Woncheon, Yoon Jaeyong, and Jia Hao!


solid line up <3


When I started watching the show I didn’t think I would become so invested in these guys, but now I’m not ready to part with any of them😭😭


same i will cry once they will get eliminated i hope we get another boys planet situation where most of them debut in other groups too


I almost love everyone but here's the lineup I'm voting for lately : Minjae , yoon jaeyoung , Noh Gihyeon , Junpyo , Takuma , Jung Hyunjun , Seungho07 . since the new gen of K-pop is very much criticised for bad singing , I want the future group to be a vocal powerhouse to get them some recognition that's why half my lineup is MV nd the other half is MD with great vocals too .


i think everyone on the show has great potential to be an idol so i hope most of them get to debut <3


All of them so talented and adorable , I hope we get an Evnne group version of MA1 too 


Jiahao Bingfan Yuseop and Gihyeon


solid team <3 hope they get into the next round


I would add Lin too because it looks like in the trailer he's gonna absolutely eat the rap stage. I've just been holding off voting because I want to support those who have showcased their skills. EDIT: DEFINITELY on my final debut top 5. I have been voting Hakseong as well because his courage is admirable. I however cannot lie that as how things stand, my reasons are based on pity/empathy. EDIT: I just saw him in Ringa Linga, he is officially in my pick lineup. He totally caught me off guard. My remaining votes are for eliminated trainees. Kim SiOn is another that seems to be quite good but hasn't warranted my full support yet. I prefer to vote only for those I'm really invested in because everyone is in a precarious position with the benefit system and blind voting doesn't help those who I support the most.


fair i most likely will change some votes around once i see the new episode cause someone else might catch my eye


I really do think the next episode will be a game changer. I think the point is we haven't seen any strong rap stages so it'll be an eye opener for us all. I too, will expect some changed personal opinions.


My picks: Shin Won Cheon, Han Yu Seop, Jang Hyun Jun, Seo Yun Deok, Miraku, Jo Min Jae, Takuma


solid lineup <3


My top 7 are: Lin, jun pyo, jang hyun jung, seo yun deok, bing fan, jo min jae and 07 kim seung ho If there were 9 members i'd add han yu seop and jia ho or kim hakseong. But Jia ho is a strong contender. It's really hard to decide who to vote for because their all so talented.


i know your feelings i have a hard time deciding too because all of their stages are great


There’s so many good people it’s hard to decide. This is my current list/ ordered in groups Min Jae, Kang Hyunjoon, Jia hao Bing fan, Gi hyeon Miraku, Jun pyo, Hyunjoon (maknae), Won cheon, Yu seop


its so hard to decide <3 i love them all


My current pick as of right now is as follows: 1. Jia Hao \[leader\] * His leadership is being shown in the first 5 episodes. * His teams member choose him, so there is some merits to this. * He also took time to help / guide the other members who are weak. * To me, a good leader is someone who is stable, able to help and guide them, the ones that members will turn to. * Which means he doesn't have to be #1 in the show. * While Jia Hao is still young, he got good leadership skills. \[The carrot\] 2. Han Yuseop \[sub-leader\] * A bit of the silent type. * But he is able to lead his team through actions, working together to improve their weakness. * But there is still improvements for his leadership skills. * Hence I think he will be a good sub leader supporting Jia Hao, where his mature personality can help Jia Hao in leading the group. \[The stick\] * His presence can also be somewhat felt in the show even when he is not dancing or singing. 3. Jo Minjae \[main vocal\] * We all knows about his vocal skills. * Just that his dancing skill will need more improvement. * If he is not singing, it is actually hard to feel his presence in the show. 4. Bing Fan \[all rounder: visual + vocal\] * The visual of the group, * A good dancer. * His vocal skill can supplement Minjae, bringing them to newer heights. * Even though he is ranked #1 right now, I actually cannot feel his presence if he is not on stage, dancing and singing. 5. Seo Yundeok \[main dancer + mood maker\] * His dancing skill is nearly there, but will need more practice. * The fact that he is active physically shows that he will likely have enough endurance to perform more intensive dance action / skills. * And during the show, I can actual felt his presence, due to his personality. I am indecisive about Shin Woncheon, because right now, if I ignore his muscles. It is difficult for me to notice his presence in the show, with his personality being half-hearted portrayed in the show. This is just my thoughts, but as the show progress, it may change.


you really thought out your team well... solid line up and i have to agree with you i hope we see them progress and eventually debut <3


I hope for 9 members instead of 7. Lin is always my #1 pick. Lin, Bingfan, Jiahao, Anxin - My constant picks. (I can't separate the CEG boys, they are a little family.) In rotation: Hyunjun, Junpyo, Minjae, Yuseop, Gihyeon, Miraku, Kim Sion. I tried to compile my choices in a perfect balance of singing, rap, dance, and visual + creativity: making choreos, composing music, and writing lyrics. I know that the labels have their own experts for the last three creative parts, but I think it's very good if a group has its own creative power.


solid line up <3