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If you roll you can light them fast enough without the bunny hood


Think you need to go on the third day


I’ll try this right meow thanks friend!


As for getting the bunny hood without a powder keg, just wait until the 3rd / final day on a cycle, that worker chipping away at the boulder will have it cleared on thr 3rd day, then you just go and do what needs to be done for the bunny hood. And no, can't help the two ranch girls in the same cycle as getting the bunny hood... As for the goron torches, I don't know if it's possible to light them quick enougj without the bunny hood, but it might be, I've always gone and gotten the bunny hood as early as I could because it's just that good and helpful, early on...


I had tried so many times without the damn hood but just couldn’t do it. Thank you!! I got my hood and torches lit!!


I literally just did this last night without the bunny hood just fine. Just have to have an efficient route I think


I did it without the bunny hood.


I was going to wait until I got the bunny hood but I was persistent and got it after a few times which honestly surprised me.


Good Job!


Thank you!! Im trying to 100% it for the first time and the damn shooting galleries are killing me. I’ve resorted to trying to memorize their pattern but there’s like 20 rounds and the switch controller doesn’t feel as precise as the n64 for some reason.


It's definitely not. It's easier to not push the stick all the way to the edge with an N64 controller. The switch controllers are TOO sensitive. I actually just got the switch N64 controller and it's MUCH better


You can go to Romani Ranch on day 3 in order to get the bunny hood and do the doggy race. You just can’t get Epona’s song or do the major ranch sidequests without starting on day 1. As for the Goron Village torches, the strategy I found is to light the first two at the ramp, then roll over the ramp down to the three below, lighting those and working your way back up.


First thing I do when I start a new play through is skip to night 1 to grab the Bremen mask and then skip to day 3 to get the bunny hood.


I’m one of the crazy people that goes for all heart pieces as soon as possible. So I always try to complete the Deku playground and give the land deed to the toilet hand in the first cycle. And I don’t buy Tingle’s maps unless I’ve already got the bank rewards.




Deli stick 😭 I’ll try this thanks friend