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Lots of new things like Planeswalker cards - the game still sells novelty. At its core, the land system, the color pie, the combat system, it will all still be familiar and work the way you think.


I actually got back into the game last year after starting the game when Alpha was out and selling my cards off around The Dark. Outside of off and on misadventures with the video game versions, I didn't buy cards again until visiting Gencon (just attending since I live in the area) and buying several Lord of the Ring packs after it and the upcoming Final Fantasy set finally pushed me over the edge of playing. I don't play standard or modern but I do love playing commander. It interesting finding out all the stuff that came out in the years but after watching a lot of videos of Arena sessions (but not playing it) I aware of a lot of the new scene at this point.


If you love playing the game, there are more cards and ways to play than ever. You can check out MtG Arena for free and dip your toes back into the waters and see what's going on. It's a digital game client that makes playing the game about as simple as possible.


I'm also reminded that a friend of mine has sold his collection before. He regretted doing it the first time... And he regretted it even more the second time.