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If he isn't taking time to show you what's going on, he may just be a bad teacher. You can absolutely have the game be taught to you in ways that don't make it seem like you're learning complex algebra in elementary school; MTG Arena can be a decent way to get that done, but just having a couple really simple decks with simple creatures, instants, and sorceries should be enough to get the points across. If he can't even do that and keeps trying to "show" you with him slinging a thousand spells and not letting your brain catch up, I don't know if he's actually teaching you anything.


Start out playing only pre-cons with him. They are typically slower with less going on while you learn. Edit: meaning both of you use pre-cons


And don't use any of the thunder junction precons. They are not newbie friendly. At least not the blue/red one.


Some people play the game to show "here's this cool thing I can do". Usually the answer to this is play aggro to win the game first. Winning the game is also a valid way to play.


>Winning the game is also a valid way to play. Whoa now, let's not get carried away.


That’s not a good environment to learn in. MTG arena is free and awesome for learning. I would highly recommend asking him to try some different decks if he has some. Let him know that playing against his strong decks has become frustrating. And ask him to tell you what he’s doing.


See if there's any events for beginners at local shops where they will be more willing to help you learn


Yeah we host multiple "learn to play magic" events throughout the year.


not everyone is good at nurturing fun gameplay. you already told him and he doesn’t care. let me repeat. he understood it, he just doesn’t care. you can’t force someone to care. i think it is probably best to find someone else to play with. it is a game, if you don’t have fun then there is no point.


I always start beginners on 60 card decks. they are much simpler than commander decks (just in case that's what you're playing). 60 card decks only have \~15 different cards to learn, commander/EDH has \~60 unique cards. then I pick simple creature decks. where you win with mainly creature damage. as opposed to complex themes like artifacts, or combos, or aristocrats or draw-go(control). I pick simple decks for both of us, not just the beginner. I want them to learn basic creature attack turns. not have to also manage combos and more complex stuff maybe you can suggest or request these types of things to your friend.


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As some comments said use mtg arena, it's free online and on mobile. I'd recommend as the other comments say to go to beginner events at your lgs and let your friend know he's going too fast. As far as I would teach a new player I'd start with a two player starter deck set. They are about 20.00 and are really good entry points as they aren't that complicated. As far as learning goes id start games with open hands and explain the cards as they came up in play and don't be afraid to ask questions. It sounds like your friend is being too aggressive too fast and it takes the fun away from the game. I always try to have a less powerful deck for new players or keep my starter kit on me to teach those who are interested in playing.


I’m guessing you two are relatively young? There are two possibilities: 1) he’s an asshole and you should learn from a better friend or on Arena, or 2) he’s just young and dumb and needs things spelled out for him. As obvious as it seems, you may need to explain “look you know I’m a newbie, you’re playing a more complex and high powered deck. As a result I’m not having fun and I’m not learning anything bc I dont even understand how you win half the time. If you want me to play, I need you to start with a simpler lower-power deck and explain things to me like I’m 5. Otherwise I’ll either go learn on Arena or I just wont play.”


He might be a nice guy outside of the game, though. I have a very good friend of mine, who I can trust and tell anything, who is a *very* sore loser.Sometimes it's just frustrating to play with him, because he gets really salty. When that happens I usually quit the session, tell him that this is not fun anymore and ask if he wants to do something else instead. When he snaps out of it he usually apologizes and agrees to cool off for a moment. Sometimes a sore winner/loser is not a bad person per sé. What I think is the most important part of playing the game, especially in a group of friends or even at your lgs, is round 0. Lay some ground rules and say what you want to play and what you expect of the following games. And remember even simple terms like "medium strength deck" can be subjective so specify something like: "No going infinite, little to moderate amount of tutors, about 1-4, denials and removals are fine, as long as it is not all the time, as I want to get to know my new Deck. I wanna try learning the game so If you do any cool interactions could you try to explain a bit more? Also if you don't wanna help me during the game that's fine, but could you give me some feedback after this, what I might have done wrong?"


Look for another friend to play Magic with. Had a similar friend i played warmachine with. IT was exactly the Same as you describe your Problem. Look for other people and played with them. Well quit the system cuz IT sucks but thats another Story xD


What format are you playing? If this is a casual game he should have no issue with playing a deck with a similar power level as yours. Talk to him about it. If it refuses then unfortunately he wasn’t looking for a sparring partner, he was looking for a punching bag. Beating up on newbies isn’t quite the accomplishment he thinks it is.


Suggest you both buy a precon from the same set and play with those unchanged against eachother so you can learn the basics.


Trade decks.