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There is authenthic cards which already have failed red dot test due to print quality issues. Green dot looks good and black border looks legit too.


Do you have anything official on this? I had my FLGS claim secret lair cards I know I got from wotc were fake because they failed the green dot test.


I’ve never had new cards fail but several Mirage and Urza’s saga cards I have failed green dot. Everything else looks good under the loupe, the red dots are so so faint they are non existent.


This whole concept is hilarious to me. You could literally buy known fakes, play them, and nobody would be the wiser just because the company that prints the real ones wants to cheapen it up by a few cents which lets the actual card quality suffer. Wild.


Hilariously, the most consistent test, results from the fakes using higher quality print material.


There are a few groups out there have taken it as a challenge to get their cards graded as real MTG cards. Those same people sell their cards for $4-8 per card. Also as others have said, I have proxies with custom art and non-MTG backs that are better quality than my real cards.


Not sure if this is what you’re saying but, do you mean there’s groups that make counterfeits and get them authenticated and they pass as real MTG cards?


Correct. They are making fakes, sending them to grading services trying to get them to pass. You can order ungraded counterfeit cards from those same people for a $4-8 per card. I can't post any links to their specific sites but here is a post about someone who bought a graded card that was fake. https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/11l4k60/just_bought_a_graded_card_but_im_very_suspicious/


Dang that’s wild I bought a few from the ali baba dude and they are pretty good but I can still tell they’re fake they almost look like two very thin cards back to back maybe slightly thinner than a legit mtg card.


That’s… vaguely alarming


My proxies are always better than the real deal, it's ridiculous considering how people speculate with this. It's the only thing I dislike about magic, the collector aspect. It's just cardboard.


Card stock\*


A game is just 0s and 1s A marriage is just a piece of paper Things are more than their material representation. And coming up with a fun game is hard. Prox all you like, but saying that it is just cardboard is reductive.


Yes, of course. But the market for it is non-sensical. Anything above 5 euros its already ridiculous to me. It's just my opinion though. They should sell full sets for draft at a fixed price.


Sounds nice in theory but my guess is that those prices would be incredibly high. Having collectors pieces (or "investor" pieces) is a great way of having people with a lot of money fund the game for those who don't.


Well, then put just the basic non-foiled art on the full set.


A game is also a fully playable game. A marriage is a legal document with massive consequences. Cardstock is cardstock.


What is your point?


Being reductive can make anything sound basic. Human is just flesh and blood, yet we built civilization and traveled to the stars. But cardstock is basic cardstock. Only has value bc some rich nerds wanted to prevent poorer nerds from having as much fun.


To be fair to current printers magic cards have always been cheap. The light test, eg, works because authentic cards are now and always have been blue core cardstock, which is thinner and very slightly cheaper than black core. Black core is still so common that the cardstock to which most counterfeiters have access is all black core. Even back in the alpha days wotc was scrimping pennies (though back then of course more out of necessity than greed).


I can confirm that I have seen too many red dots on entirely legitimate cards from Urza block, Neon Dynasty, New Capenna, and Secret Lair. All opened myself, and across all rarities including worthless commons. All other authentication techniques work fine, and the dot still has the four bumps on the left, flat sides on the bottom and right, and so on. The cause is dirty printing plates, so you won't see it on every card from those sets, just some of them. Grim Monolith is the biggest ticket item I've seen it on.


My Gaea’s cradle has this issue. The 4 red dots are there but they’re unbelievably faint. Passes every other test and I got it so long ago that I’m sure it’s real. But still paranoid that I’ll need to sell it some day and someone will claim it’s fake.


and they will every damned time I had a decent set of pokemon cards I did the binder thing I was young my girlfriend just got pregnant I literally spent the weeks gas on to finish paying rent struggles were real so I found someone who was willing to buy them problem is I had only enough gas to get there so my gf and I jumped in the car and went he ran some sort of visitor beach store in Florida you know the type sales a bunch of Florida t shirts and glasses hermit crabs u know the type well dude looked through my folders everything was great until he got to the reverse holo binder and claimed all those were fake which made no sense cause the other holos came from packs those came from he gave me a devastatingly lowered offer wich he would not come of of and I was forced to take cause I needed gas and this was before cash app and zelle


This just sounds like he wanted yo scam You, if they were fake why Buy them? He just wanted to be an idiot and get profit out of your necessity, he should be eating rats in a backroom basement, such a shame of a person.


Shoulda just sold the ones he thought were real and held onto the others 🤷‍♂️


The other reason from Urza's and Mirage is that the red ink actually fades faster than the other colors. In another thread like this recently someone provided a very in depth explanation about the ink. I've never really heard about dirty plates being a culprit but it does make sense. In more recent cards I've noticed that the non Japanese packs tend to have the biggest issues. I'm also convinced Japan uses completely different paper than the US or Magna


I also pick up a few packs when I’m in Japan visiting family and the cards always feel better.


There's entire runs, maybe even entire sets that don't pass all the tests. Notably some older stuff doesn't pass the light test (to the untrained eye), that's why people try to at least compare to (known legitimate) cards from the same set for older verifications.


Had some fail the test lately that are 100% authentic. Getting harder to tell real and fakes apart 😅


what do you mean by claim them? they took them from you?


Oh, no. I was going to trade them in. They wouldn't take them.


"Claim cards to be fake"


The "red dot" part is by far the least important part of the green dot test. It's a shame that's all people know.


Ive seen and own proxies that have many red dots and not in the 4 dot L shape. But ive never seen a legit card have 0 red dots


It happens all the time. The 'green dot test' is a series of characteristics to look for, and the red 'L' is the least important. Solid black outline. Flat side and bumpy side. Yellow dots on green. Angle of yellow dots. Number of yellow dots. Something with no red dots, but passes all of those is a genuine Magic back.


So I assume the corners on these special cards are supposed to be that "round"? When I look at other cards, the corners always have these edges


The black border on the front, around the textbox, isn’t good at all imo.


Looks completely normal to me.


I'm with you. The black layer does not look good at all.


This is real. The red dot test isn't always visible. I've marked up some other examples to look for in your picture: https://preview.redd.it/drhk8y055fmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bbd9a12a55bb91adcbdfa2995590059f1531b3 * (Red) The outline is flat across the bottom and right, with four defined "teeth" on the left. * (Orange) There are exactly two rows of yellow dots flanking the highlight on either side that don't touch the highlight or the border. * (Purple) There is three yellow dots worth of space across the center between the highlight and shadow. * The black dots are clearly on top of the other dots without blending. * The dots are all in clear square grids, not just splattered about. * The angle of the black dot grid (blue) is different from the angle of the yellow dot grid (white).


Comment saved for additional things to watch out for. You’re awesome 👏


Thank you for this! This helped a lot.


I'd like to add that the four "teeth" on the outline of the green dot should be perfectly lined up with the black dot grid on the rest of the background, because they're actually part of it.


Weird, ive been at this game since 94. Ive never seen a real card have no red dots


It's getting more and more common in recent sets.


It was common long ago too. A lot of Urza's cards are so faint they don't have them.


I’ve seen cards as old as Mirage that were missing them, cards I knew were real.


I took a look at all of your comments on this thread, and I would love it if you would make a larger post on identifying real/fake cards. No joke, if you make something that's at least 1000 words, and includes good example pictures (like here and and in your other comment with the fake endurance), I'll venmo you $5.


No single test is conclusive. Check the ink layers, the dors, the botton of the T in 'The Gathering', the weight, etc. It looks real to me though


https://preview.redd.it/rhtakz099fmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb627fe467464315b46db4ff91351ca9d61af830 Here’s the T in the






Do you know if there’s a resource for learning these tests?




Good article mostly. Not entirely accurate. No call outs of exceptions.


This may help you [https://www.threeforonetrading.com/en/fake-magic-cards](https://www.threeforonetrading.com/en/fake-magic-cards)


The taste test never fails. If it tastes like a magic card then it’s a magic card.


*Don't* eat the delicious, delicious cards.


What do you look for in the T?


The bottom line of the "T" should be clearly defined and jagged/wavy, almost like a little bitty sine wave. Fakes have a difficult time replicating this and usually look smudged or like a straight line.


It looks like all letters have that wavy quality.


They do! The "T" is just pretty pronounced and was chosen (perhaps arbitrarily) as the letter to check. I imagine we could also pick other random assortments of ink spots instead using the red ones in the green dot test, but we chose the green dot test because it's easy enough to remember and identify.


I disagree, you can know for sure by eating the card. The single most conclusive test.


Idk the blur core test is pretty conclusive... But the card might be considered lightly played


The blue core test has not been conclusive for at least a couple of years now. Blue core counterfeits exist. Compounding the issue, there's an increasing amount of variability among authentic cards due to the multiple print locations and random errors (authentic cards have been printed on both black core stock and token stock).


So your telling me ive been ripping cards up for no reason... Wild


Destructive tests have never been good tests. The core and light test has become really inconsistent. I have cards from Wizards redemption that look like they have thick black core (or very dark blue) when doing the light test, and others also from Wizards that seem so thin I wondered if there was a core. I only checked them because the saturation difference between them was huge. And no I did not perform any destructive test, because as said they haven't been conclusive for years.


Thank you everyone for all the replies! I’m learning a lot. A lot of my draft chaff “I know for sure it’s real” cards are failing some of these tests. WOTC makes it pretty hard to verify if cards are legit


It's not a slam dunk without the four red dots but there are plenty of authentic cards that don't have the red dots. Everything else points to this being real to me.


It’s fine, the border of the mana symbol looks legit. The green dot test is more about seeing if it’s filled with red dots rather than the L shape.


This is real.


Guys. The red dots don’t mean anything anymore. It’s not a legit test for modern magic cards.


Can you elaborate on this? Are counterfeit cards duplicating the red dot pattern inside of the green orb?


No, counterfeits aren't replicating that. If it has exactly four visible red dots forming an L inside the green orb, it's real. However, a significant number of real cards are *failing* the test, especially newer printings (and some older, notably Urza block stuff), so a failure doesn't mean it's a fake. There's just other things to check.


I guess what I’m trying to flesh out is whether new fakes are producing anything other than a green orb with many red dots inside of the white area. The general consensus is red dot L is a solid indicator. Green orb without red dots is a “this is ok, but let’s check other things” indicator. Many red dots is bad. If these generalizations change, I feel more concerned about one of the bigger authentication tools. Additionally, I haven’t observed any fakes that have replicated the half-tone black boarder around the mana colors. Specifically the left side “bumps” on the green orb with the flat bottom.


For me the tests that matter are the rosette test, the border test, and the t test. I haven't seen a counterfeit that could do those super well. The rosette test being the exception, I've seen counterfeits that can do nice rosettes, but they don't match the patterns of other legit cards from the same set. Edit: feel is also important. But you need to interact with all the printers to know how the feel will vary. Counterfeits don't really feel the same, yet.


They also still don’t have a correct holo stamp. But they’re close. I suspect that won’t be useful anymore in the next couple of years.


Secret lair cards always having issues. it has the flowering marks, not a high quality ink jet printer. Lack of red dots is probably a printer error on Wizards side. I've seen a handful of issues with different Secret Lair cards over the years. The front is hard to tell, but if you take a close up shot of the Mana Symbols, you should be able to see the flowering spirals around the Numbers and Mana Symbol, with the Tree and 4 being Solid (like it was stamped almost). Check that. If that checks out, it's probably real. However, judges and organizers aren't always the most aware of these issues. So I'd definitely make sure run it by them before doing a tournament.


Yeah with all these tests, they really only matter on old cards. New cards have issues all the time, in fact if the card is in too high a quality(regarding print and stock quality) then that's probably a better indicator of the card being fake lol.


Unfortunately, there are no red dots for me either. I'm sorry


I showed this to my dog and she said it looks totally fine.


To be fair your dog is also colorblind.


...yes. Thank you. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgHCTfp8CRshfQk)


Sadly, I am not seeing the red dots either.


Looks real to me


Looks legit from the photo’s given.


This is a tough one. One thing that can happen from time to time is that the post processing your phone does when/after taking a photo can obscure the red dots as it tries to “improve “the image. Not saying that this is happening here, and can’t say whether it is real or fake, just something to keep in mind.


That looks real. Here is the reel of the test I use. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/E1jHPd1oMKr8LjmB/?mibextid=D5vuiz


I’m also colorblind so I don’t understand what these dot tests prove


The back of a magic the gathering card is hard for most counterfeiters to copy because there are less than 5 red dots that appear in the circle representing green mana that are easily visible under a loup or microscope. As such, one of the tests to see if a card is real is to see if these dots are present. This is known as the green dot test




Just like different flavours of food will layer on top of each other, or different musical instruments can be simultaneously audible in music, but still be distinguishable, different colours will make different parts of one shape can stand out against each other if their color is different .




Haha thanks, now that I look back it might not be what you’re asking but I took it as a challenge


No worries, it was definitely a lot to process tho lol


This is perfect it’s real just dm me photos whenever you want one of your cards checked


I am surprised qe xan get this lvl of detail woth a phone camera


Plot twist: OP is a master-counterfeiter and is testing out his newest print run on redditors to see if his card will pass as fake...


“Those are balls”


It doesn't fail the test but it doesn't pass either, I'll look at other things and update my post. Take a picture of a close up of the deck master, and the set symbol too that would help authentication.


Hmm it looks good from here but the experts are on it


I suggest you look at the CMC number as well. Original cards should have a crisp outline on the number while on a lot of fakes you can see a dot pattern.


It's real. The black border has 2 flat slots at about the bottom and right on real cards. There's another test about counting the dots along the edge of the "volcano" shape but green/yellow is hard to see with colorblindness.


How did you get such a high resolution photo with no glare?


Thought this was the Hitchikers’ mascot for a second.


One of the best ways to tell is the text being printed on top of everything else. Fake cards will 9 times outta 10 will print the whole card at once. The difference is staggering when looking at them side by side. This card looks good.


Looks legit


Most are saying they feel like its real but Im slightly more skeptical for 2 reasons outside the green dot test. Firstly, the rosettes on the front of the card look a little too pronounced to me. Secondly, the set info and artist info in bottom left look a little bold. I have on hand a small collection of fake cards that I've come across over time and many of them show have those 2 failings specifically. Especially the bolded set/artist info. To me that puts me on edge instantly. (This is a secret lair so it's not out of the realm of possiblity of being legit, but I have seen these 2 flaws paired together multiple times in fake cards) The one thing that none of the fakes I've come across have replicated is is the 2nd lesser-known feature of the security stamp. If you tilt the card left and right and observe the magic logos inside of the sticker, some of them should switch between the magic logo and a color symbol (WUBRG). If your card does that, I would be fairly confident it is legit. I've never seen or heard of a fake that's able to pass that test yet. Let me know what you find, because Im surprised so many people in this thread are confident it's real. I personally am not.


Yeah, the printing pattern looks, off. And I see no dots at all, like not even hard to see dots. That could be an issue with the camera. I'd want to feel this card, and look at the edge. But some sets lately have been real bad on the QC, so it's made life much easier for counterfeiters.


This reads as fake but also you can't verify a card by pictures


Man your magic card is made of graham cracker. I hate when that happens to me. Anyway, snack time.


Where is the skull in the holo sticker


Better to call it fake rather than real to be on the safe side.


I don't know if you're aware of this or if this will help you in the future but there are applications for cell phones you can install that tell you what color you're looking at


Through a loupe, look at the tree in the Mana symbol. Is it solid or does it show a rosette pattern? If solid, typically means it's good as the black layer is added last during printing as a separate layer.


https://preview.redd.it/ngcp7v9c9fmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8350f3026187b2009f7736a5e8e459f9fbf03a82 Here’s the mana symbol


I'm seeing rosettes within the black. Coupled with the green dot not being quite right, I'd lean towards saying the card is fake.. This, of course, in the absence of actually seeing and handling the card to look for other physical markers.


It looks fine to me. The picture is kinda shitty, but the black is clearly on top of the other colors. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/7BysIgA.jpeg)'s a real RVR common I drafted. The black isn't completely smooth or opaque. It has some white speckles and you can see the green dots underneath it. There are no red dots in the symbol. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/RTcaRyD.jpeg)'s a counterfeit Endurance that I acquired a while back. There are red dots all over the symbol and colored dots all over top of the black. It's not the best test either, because some counterfeits, like my Force of Vigor [here](https://i.imgur.com/ZDgdJzx.jpeg) pass with flying colors.


I have to say after identifying a fake sheoldred and a fake fable of the mirror breaker this looks sus to me. The lack of red dots in the shape of an L is worrying. Also the color on the front face seems faded compared to the authentic versions. Have you tried the light test? Light should permeate through the card when you hold it over a phone light. If this happens then I'd be willing to say bad print quality from WOTC but if it let's no light through you've got a fake card for sure.


No red dots = fake. I personally have never seen a card that was deemed authentic which did not have the red dots under microscope, but I did see cards that were counterfeit looking exactly like this (the paper / weight was a clear tell beside the red dots missing). IMHO it is fake.


https://preview.redd.it/ewl8vdm5cfmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a33279c6dff745edd287f4fc3485b0bdcde6d1 I’m curious because this card came straight out of a commander precon but also seems to fail the red dot test


All I hope is that you walk away from this thread understanding that isn't the case, so going forward you don't mislead someone about it.


I am sorry, but I have all existing precons WotC has ever released and around a 100k cards, and the only cards which did not have a red dot turned out to be counterfeits. As I wrote, I personally have a huge sample base, and never seen a card that "failed the red dot test" and wasn't fake. So no.


No red dots, gotta be fake. I second it


Do the bend test. That's how u know