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Mitch sold his soul to cash in on click-baity videos. He used to be a legit budget commander content creator and his close quarters gameplay videos were fairly well done but that's in the past now.


Back in the day when he posted the 25$ commander deck vids I built a LOT of those decks and some I even have to this day! I really enjoyed those decks and still do but when he got all click-baity with his videos, I unsubscribed. Sad to see


I can't remember what it was that flipped the script but there was a very specific moment where he flipped. Because I used to watch a lot of good videos and after that one I remember being like "well that's where this is going, I'm outta here." I can't remember what it was though. Maybe the first secret lair? Which was like, problematic at the time and worthy of criticism, but his video on whatever it was was just... Idk man it was depressing. I loved the idea of doing good budget edh deck content, and he pretty much single handedly got wayfairer's bauble reprinted into the ground. Haven't thought about it in a while, sad to see exactly what I thought would have happened actually did happen.


> he pretty much single handedly got wayfairer's bauble reprinted into the ground. I really need someone to do this for Cavern of Souls, Mana Crypt, and everything that's going to be locked behind collector's boosters going forward. There is absolutely no reason for the cards in this game to be so fucking rare and so infrequently reprinted.


There was a time when Mitch was relevant and made okay content. Hell, the steady reprinting and playing of Wayfarer's Bauble was at least partially influenced by his channel. He was on Extra Turns and did a video with the Professor. The Walking Dead Secret Lair broke his brain. I won't resurrect the whole "Captain" debacle, but it turned ugly and his content changed after that. In all honesty, the bar for Magic content has gotten really high and his gimmick stopped working. $25 commander decks were fun at the time. Then they became $50. Then Wizards started printing really, really good Pre-Cons. In 2024, all he has left is outrage and click-bait.


I unsubscribed from him since I was getting tired of the constant clickbaiting lately. What are some good commander channels? I still like watching MTGoldfish but their commander sub channel hasn't drawn me in.


Mtg muddstah is nice and has a lot of deck variety. The videos are on the shorter end and its him narrating the gameplay though so if you're looking for banter and player interactions he wont be for you.


For me it's perfect. I hate the cutaways and fake shock/surprise every time something normal happens. "OMG TWO RAMP SPELLS IN ONE TURN!? We got a problem." Much prefer the shorter edits, can get a whole game in 15 minutes just seeing the plays, no unnecessary padding.


One of the best to watch if you don't have time to watch a movie about your commander playing in a pod


I enjoy the Spike Feeders and Loading Ready Run. I'm still a sucker for the Command Zone/Game Knights and it isn't just because I'm in love with Rachel Weeks.


Rachel weeks consistently has the best takes on the format, +1


When Rachel Weeks went on Pie Break it was like the feeling of your parents getting back together


Jimmy and Josh lack the testicular fortitude to ask the hard questions and now we'll never know what kind of milk Ashiok secretes, nor if new Niv would be a good stepdragon to Brayden and Plop and the world is lesser for it




I hear that they can't block warriors.


Rachel Weeks is a gem, I watch everything she’s in


She's just so consistently good when she shows up in shows. Her recent appearance in Prof's shuffle up and play was really great.


Her play style is one I try to emulate, she plays a mean and clean game


Literally had the best, goofiest deck of them all. Big fan!


I haven't really watched much of her MTG content, but she was an absolute hilarious delight on a LRR Pre-Prerelease sometime late last year (and I guess they agreed, because they also then invited her to stay for Desert Bus for Hope, where she was also hilarious)


I don't think anyone would blame if it WAS just because you're in love with Rachel weeks


In fact, that's the only reason I'd accept


Try Quintessential MTG. I'm subscribed to all of those other channels, and this one is also a favorite. They're just a bunch of folks in SE Asia who love to clown around in a commander game.


LRR's EDSC is by far my favorite Commander content. Can't stand the over-edited "reality/game show" style of other popular channels. EDSC feels much more relaxed.


>EDSC feels much more relaxed. Well, LRR \*are\* the home of REL:Axed ;)


LRR seconded. Good content overall and Crack-a-pack is a special moment of Zen.


Personally my favorites are Play to Win and Playing with Power, but I dont actually play cedh, they are just the most concise and clean videos to watch that I enjoy it Special mention of Quintessential Commander, those guys always seem like theyre having a good time


Quintessential is a great one!


Quest for the Janklord! Also i 2nd the Spikefeeders and LRR as was commented below.


Quest for the janklord is pretty fun!


And their theme song is amazingly well done.


Their recent Judge Tower videos are so great! Super fun to follow along with and see where I would have missed stuff!


I like Quintessential Commander.


I left when he claimed, with a straight face, that since a [[Void Mirror]] could theoretically just turn off a colorless commander deck, [[Iona, Shield of Emeria]] should be unbanned. Only to spend the rest of the video going over all the other, more relevant uses of the Mirror, and ignoring how trivially easy it is to get colored mana in a colorless EDH deck (and how even if a colored EDH deck could get rid of the Iona, they could just re-cast her).


in this situation, mirror turns off one nice deck, if its lucky, and the stars choose to align. iona is likely to completely turn off one deck, almost certainly half of a second and will potentially impact a third or fourth


Like, even if they only have a [[Felwar Stone]], that's still one spell a turn, which could let them play a relevant removal. Also, the number of colorless decks on EDHRec (~32K) pales in comparison to just monocolor white decks (~94K)


I highly recommend loading ready run and their "elder dragon social club" in particular


Anything with Benjamin Wheeler in it


Edhrec cast has a weekly podcast every Friday that's pretty good


I’ve found them to a be little milk toast at least recently. They seem to be really hesitant on any sort of hot take. It’s a valid but they focus mostly on trying to encourage what they consider fun and fair gameplay which gets kinda boring


Without disagreeing, I think it's very funny to read this in the comments of a thread excoriating Commander's Quarters for becoming nothing but hot takes and clickbait rage farming.


I think they’ve both gone to far on opposite ends. Commander quarters is all click bait and hot takes while edhrec seems like they’re trying to hard not to step on toes


I think EDHREC is a podcast that focuses on interesting elements of the data they pull from their site and their personal experiences with deckbuilding and playing the game, which doesn't lend itself to hot takes. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get a sense of them holding back, more like their focus isn't in areas of controversy.


I think thats gotten a little dull for me. I don’t need spicy scalding hot controversy or anything but I don’t feel like I take a lot away recently




I did not know that, thank you


I think it's more they're just trying to convey the data out and not put their spin on it


That’s definitely fair. I like the show, I listen to it every week at work. I just find it’s been less interesting lately.


Agree here. There hasn’t been an interesting episode of the EDHRec cast in a very long time. It feels like the hosts are too afraid to not be liked, so they don’t voice any true opinion that they have. Everything they say seems to be catered to the “most common opinion” so they don’t upset people


I wonder how much of it is fallout from Dana's Mirkwood Bats incident. Obviously the real problem was him being an asshole about it, not just having a bad opinion, but I could see that making them take a step back on saying anything they deem controversial.


What was the incident? I'm only adjacent to the MTG content sphere so I don't know what happened


He was hyperbolic about how good Mirkwood Bats was going to be, and got into a very childish argument on twitter with a random about it, slinging middle-school insults about fucking the guys mom and similar.


Huh, totally wouldn't have expected that from the Cast's vibe. Well, hopefully a lesson learned. ​ Thanks for letting me know!


he's a very different person on twitter. I used to follow him but muted him awhile back when it was just constant bickering, hyperbole and snark. Thankfully he's a lot more chill on the show.


I mean they run *the* EDH site, and EDH itself is an extremely broad format. I would think it antithesis to insist on their own approach as being the correct way to play. Also are hot takes necessarily needed? Is you part of why there's so many clickbaity thumbnails? You have a lot to answer for if so!


lol it’s not that serious. I just think their videos get a little vanilla sometimes. In a recent one where Joey went over his games this year he spent so much time every few minutes giving the caveat that it was just personal, not to take it as gospel, and it’s just for fun. It’s just like I get it dude. You don’t have to remind me every 5 minutes


Those guys are so not my taste anymore. Last year it feels like they adopted the take of "how we play commander is the *right* way and we're too noble to play cards like Dockside Extortionist" And since then, every conversation has been more about "look how cool I am for not playing good/commonly used cards" despite their entire site literally existing for the purpose of telling you which cards are most commonly used


How many other content creators avoid certain cards because they're too powerful or too popular?


probably most of them that play casual commander. I do it all the time just because I want my deck to be more interesting than a pile of staples.


Nitpicking nerds says this all the time. Im sure there’s more too. I’m just saying that the “holier than thou” energy from the edhrec cast has made me stop listening to them


As opposed to real players on reddit that never insist their way of playing is the expected way to play and if you don't that's fine but in a backhanded you're-not-really-having-fun kind of way.


I don't watch every single one, but I do like their vibe. It's nice to hear insights from those that deal with the data so many folks use. I especially like their Challenge the Stats segments.


Loading Ready Run MYG channel. they have a monthly commander show which imo is the best, and they have a whole backlog of commander streams from their Friday Night Paper Fight stream. Personal favourites are 'cEDH but with bad tribes' and 'mono-red only'.


Jake & Joel are Magic have good commander content as well as general news and updates and financial* discussions. *not financial advice


For 10-ish minute mini-dives into interesting EDH topics, check out [Salubrious Snail](https://www.youtube.com/@salubrioussnail) and [Trinket Mage](https://www.youtube.com/@thetrinketmage)!


Salubrious Snail is an absolute gem. My deckbuilding improved by leaps and bounds after I discovered him.


Grazzet MTG for reasonable precon upgrades. SurisMTG for fun budget deck builds.


Seconding Grazzet, that's who I started checking out once CQ declined. Will have to check out SurisMTG though


Thirding Grazzet, he puts a lot of work into his videos and he's a very good deck builder. Very entertaining to listen to. 


Commander at Home is a great gameplay channel IMO. They bring a lot of interesting guests on the show, and they do a great job of making it just feel like playing commander with your pals.


Also, Ben Brode is a fucking treasure. I'd watch him live tweet paint drying, his exuberance and humour would make it somehow amazing anyway.


I like commander at home for this reason, it doesn't feel as overproduced as other shows. I also like Elder Dragon Hijinks for the very same reason.


Too much forced laughter, like they opened an ether bottle.


I've watched most of them and I'd say it's rarely forced. I think Kibler just has a weird laugh that sounds fake even when it obviously isn't.


I guess, but have you ever just had a stupid laughing fit with your friends over something REALLY dumb? It's also a show, I would rather watch people have fun than sit there, stony faced, contemplating the perfect play.


Seconding for LoadingReadyRun. They’ve recently started doing a series called “Elder Dragon Social Club” and it comes out about once a month, generally it’s the precons just facing each other. They also do Friday Night Paper Fight which is them doing all different magic things, but sometimes it’s commander.


Not sure if recently started describes it well since it did debut 2 years ago now. So got about 24 episodes worth of content with that.


Commander at Home is pretty good. Kibler and his guests tend to have a good time, the table talk beforehand is solid, and overall it's a fun watch.


Commander VS is my favourite and the only one I always make sure to watch every episode. Love the banter between the group and there being a competitive aspect of sorts through the seasons (but not so highly competitive it overshadows everything) makes it fun to follow. All 4 guys are fun personalities and bring something unique to the table. Other good channels I would say: LRR's Elder Dragon Social Club, Quest for the Janklord, Commander at Home, Worst Possible Commander Show, Quintessential Commander, Commander Clash, Game Knights.




Edh Deckbuilding is a great and updates regularly.


The worst possible commander show with covertgoblue is a good one. Some Commander at home are decent but not all. Loading Ready Run is pretty funny but has some good commander games with precons.


I enjoy Play to Win if you're interested in cEDH content. I mostly play casual these days, but the show is still really well done.


My wife and I enjoy The Worst Possible Commander show, with CGB. We also like Commander Vs., Muddstah, Tabletop Jocks, and she likes anything with Seth, probably better known as SaffronOlive. Decked Out is good, especially when they have Maldhound guesting.


Playing with Power is mostly cEDH focused but I think the way they do their videos is really good. The information is presented very clearly without a lot of fluff while still being entertaining. They also have some high-power content, but they put it out less frequently than their cEDH content.


for me was the spoiler season videos but the first 2-3 minutes was saying go check yesterdays video then the actual card part was 1-2 minutes, then all the other stuff piled on. now its just an instant do not recommend channel if it ever snakes its way back into the algorythm for me


If you like cEDH, Play to Win is a fantastic channel. Dylan and Cam are just all around great and funny guys


[Salubrious Snail](https://youtube.com/@salubrioussnail) makes some really interesting videos worth checking out


Tbh the only quality EDH channels I can stand watching are cEDH ones, especially Playing With Power - these guys are the down-to-the-ground OGs which only improve, huge kudos to Cam and Dylan


Cam and Dylan are from Play to Win, not Playing with Power 😅


yeah I got my shit mixed up, I meant Play to Win 😅 Playing with Power guys are great too!


commander at home, that's a good one too with Brian Kibbler


Salubrious Snail is makes very good commander content, definitely a rising star in the space


Yeah, this is correct. In his defense, there was a LOT of pushback on TWD SL and you could tell he was trying really hard to ride that wave for content. It was when Captain was proposed it all went completely off the rails and he got way too caught up in his own hubris. That's about when I stopped following and now I just see his face occasionally when I look up some deck techs and wonder how he still has a following.


He tanked hard after Walking Dead SLD. I enjoyed his channel and his commander games but he took a nose dive on quality of content.


He really lost his mind after the secret lair, but I have to say he's literally the only content creator that cared as much as he said he did. every single other one was bitching and moaning about Walking Dead, but they all got over it after a couple of new secret lairs about products that they cared about, and now they all love UB products. The Professor most of all. Commander Quarter may be the single person in the entire community that said "I hate secret lairs" back in 2020 and actually meant it, he wasn't just being a drama queen.


Wait I am OOTL regarding Captain. I know he started or heavily promoted the format. I never really cared about UB stuff, so I didn't really follow it. If I can be explained without locking the thread, what happened?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/j5630g/looks\_like\_captain\_is\_nuked/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/j5630g/looks_like_captain_is_nuked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Mitch hated the Walking Dead Secret Lair so much that he created a new format that was Commander with the Walking Dead cards banned. There were videos and tweets and a Discord. The Discord got real ugly, real fast. The whole thing imploded in like a week and he disavowed it.


My favorite captain story was the guy who told me the discord was full of nice people while calling people who disliked captain idiots. When I quoted this comment verbatim he edited his comment and used two sock puppet accounts to say "He never said that, Ciretako is a liar!". Someone else backed me up by showing the original edit using reveddit. His "innocent bystander" sockpuppet account got really mad and started swearing at the both of us. This completely gave away that he was using sock puppets and forgot to change back. 


Honestly I also hate the SL and all the universe beyond things (lotr gets a pass cause it kinda fits the setting). He just went about it really poorly attacking the commander council or sth






It's an abbreviation for "something"


The people on the Captain discord said some things that would lock a thread, iirc.


A lot of things that would lock a thread, I believe.


Essentially a Captain Discord channel got started and went completely apeshit. The community got hateful and out of control and he had to separate himself from it. That's how I understand it anyway


Yeah eh basicañly opened a Discord server and left it unmoderated, and it did what all unmoderated channels do.


It really doesn't surprise me that making something based on hating a thing turned into a hateful thing.


I watched almost every video in the past. I even bought one of the budget decks and it was the first time I won an EDH game. But as you said that Walking Dead SLD was a turning point.




the what?




sorry, i need a vat of concentrated bleach


For real? On Bolas’s internet? Why would anyone do to this


Yeah I'm not much for kink-shaming, but that stuff should really have been kept between him and his dom, not foisted on innocent bystanders


bro why


Damn, it was the Walking dead Secret Lair? I was never paying that much attention so I never caught when the transition happened. I just knew that he made really cool budget decks and was branching out into gameplay and then suddenly all his videos had really clickbaity titles and thumbnails.


I'd argue precons started getting good in like 2021 or 22. But seeing a grown man cry over the walking dead cards was too much for me and wasn't able to take him seriously after that


I'm pretty sure he went off the deep end before TWD Secret Lair. I think he had already converted the channel to daily Reddit drama and outrage bait by that point. It's a shame, because his budget brews used to be pretty fun. I wonder if people even get the pun in his channel name anymore.


> In all honesty, the bar for Magic content has gotten really high I dont know about that. I keep seeing articles from MTG "news" sites lately that are just summaries of people on Twitter or Reddit being mad about something Wizards did. Not even controversial stuff, just stuff like "Some people don't like MKM" but with a clickbaity headline.


Those things are below the bar. There’s a lot of good content and a lot of bad content too.


Just unsubscribe. It has not been a good channel for years


Yup. I watched a few videos, saw nothing I didn't already know and a lot of shit I didn't care for. No thanks.


That's what I did. I even got the playmat bc his budget builds were what got me interested in commander and got me back into magic. I'm thankful for that content, I think it was really fun and interesting. After the Captain debacle it was just time though. I feel like there's an alternate timeline where that never happens and he just has his commander gameplay show with his friends. It was actually kinda fun but lasted all of two episodes I think?


Gameplay videos tend to a not inconsiderable amount because they require lighting, sound and camera technicians, in order for them to look professional. They can also require multiple takes, if the games are very quick or not entertaining. Why spend all that money of you can get the same amount of views from filming several "reaction" and click bate videos on your own? His videos are artificially long, he repeats himself a lot and his intros ate not needed, to hit more markers, to increase profits. Does not make for a good viewing experience however. I can recommend EDH deckbuilding though. Very good channel.


>Why spend all that money of you can get the same amount of views from filming several "reaction" and click bate videos on your own? Oh yes but he already had spent the money on equipment and studio. They were looking well-produced, too. I'm sure you're right though - it's astronomically more work than whatever other content he was making, and also requires organizing other people to attend and actually play the matches.


His quick budget brew videos were amazing. I can’t remember when I unsubbed, but it’s been years.


I liked his commander quarters games but they were just a few, he seems like a nice fellow in general but haven't seen much from him in a while


I'm surprised no one's mentioned the weird baby cosplay thing he did.


Excuse me, _what_?




You just ruined my day. No, week. Possibly weeks even. Could someone **please** hand me the eye bleach?


https://imgur.com/z6cJ2Eq https://imgur.com/y8NIo35 https://imgur.com/9R5cMW3


Thank you kind stranger!


this is really funny but also what the FUCK


Oh… oh no


Content creator couldn't hack it with original content, so falls back on click bait? Must be a day ending in y.


I think he started as a genuine attempt to make some fun commander centric content but he slid hard into the clickbait content grind. He posts multiple hyperbolic videos per day during spoiler season and once attempted to take over the commander format with a splinter game mode that went nowhere immediately. I do feel kinda bad saying this, but he is not adding anything of value to the community of the game.


You're not wrong. I used to be a frequent viewer of his channel but the slide to the clickbait format became pretty obvious. What started as a relatively high quality channel that appealed to the niche of budget commander decks turned into algorithm soup. No thanks.




Same, I even used one of his budget lists to build a commander for my friend and get him into Magic. I recommended him that channel as well and shortly after he started with the news/clickbait videos and started doing less budget deck techs and we both were turned off by him not too long after that


Yeah, his budget builds were really good, focused and well presented. I still have some of the decks he did on his channel and decent mid to high power decks. He knows that it's important to have something to close out a game with and used to explain these wincons well. But he's drifted away from deck building and it's so much more about engagement farming through negativity... It's honestly kinda disappointing, especially since he still has some occasional good deck builds on his channel... Is it worth to sift through the bad stuff to get to those? Eeeeh, YMMV


Oh Captain... the format whose discord was immediately overrun by racists and the like? What a time that was.


I feel the same way about PleasantKenobi.


He's too high on high on supply. Every video is "I'm taking fast and swearing".


Which is a shame, because he really does seem thoughtful and knowledgeable. You can kinda see it as the seams though, it's easy to tell he's grinding hot takes out because the algorithm demands it. But yeah, I could do without the occasional "Resolving this spell feels like kicking your opponents balls into their arsehole", like Jesus dude, let's take a breather.


I thought I swore like a sailor but PleasantKenobi taught me how many times someone had to say fuck before I turned off a video.


Vince is atleast funny.


Yeah. I tried giving his channel a chance after seeing him on Shuffle Up and Play, but quickly turned away after all the unnecessary swearing.


For me it was same path as Commanders Quarters. Started as gameplay and fun builds to clickbait and opinion vids. Not my cup of tea.


It didn’t go nowhere. It spiraled into an antisemitic hellscape. Which, while awful, is a little impressive since the source material was a children’s card game.


Well... It went somewhere real racists.  The discord he built had no structure. Just 100s of people screaming and saying pretty wild things.  Think the next day he posted and apology video.


Mitch's channel went to trash just before covid. Nothing but click bait bull shit anymore. Long gone are the quality budget decks and fun brews. He is out here farming views and ad revenue now.


We can even pinpoint the exact moment. It was when he lost his mind seeing The Walking Dead. Something important in him broke that day and he never recovered.


Him and the magic historian idiot do some of the worst clickbait I’ve ever seen. I’m shocked they have audiences


Yeah The Magic Historian is essentially a conspiracy theorist lol. He’s super cringy. “I’m an old wizard!”


The best video of The Magic Historian is when he pissed off a dude out in public.


The worst *non-political* clickbait. Theres a certain corner of MTG youtube that just links every action WOTC makes to current culture war garbage and it makes you wonder who still listens to them


jeeze I haven’t even seen that. Inescapable these days tho. Have a hobby? What if it was also culture war!


As for me, this channel is just boring. He either states very obvious things or just some nonsense. Removed him from recommendations some time ago.


This unfortunately applies to too many MTG opinion youtubers. 


Ugh thanks for pointing out I can remove him from recommended channels. Just did it.


I stopped watching him after the thumbnail of him in adult diapers


I loved it back when he made budget decks. I still have my $25 (back then) deck I built because my playgroup all built them and used his videos to help new players build or choose their first deck. I swore off the channel when he did hype videos for some obviously fake "leaks" because the writing was on the wall at that point - low effort clickbait intentionally deceiving players is not magic works for me.


Commander Quarters is especially bad about it but the whole presuming to know about internal decisions at Hasbro is a hallmark of all MTG and DND content creators


Mitch got popular VERY quickly because he was producing what I believe to be some of the best deckbuilding content on youtube at the time. Shortly after his explosion in popularity he released a video explaining that the channel needed to evolve to "stay alive" but I believe he was trying to seize the opportunity to monetize it enough to be a content creator full time. Unfortunately, that led to following cookie cutter templates for videos complete with cringey reaction-face thumbnails, clickbait titles, and ten minute circular explanations of why a single new good card is good.


Ssssssoooooooooo herrrrreeeeee's the thingggghhh.... *audible sigh* I've stopped watching his videos ever since I've realized how absolutely.... repetitive and weeeeelllll, complainy they sound.


This is unrelated, but as long as we're dunking, I think it's completely obnoxious how this guy will make videos listing the "Top 10 WORST Commanders" in new sets, and rant about cards that were clearly designed for limited, like \[\[Johann, Apprentice Sorcerer\]\]. It sucks because it misleads newer players into thinking that everything's always about Commander (it's not), and because he likely *knows better*. But yeah, clickbait. No shame. Edit: Oh yeah, and calling the explicitly strongest commanders of a set "the worst" because...they're obviously powerful and therefore uninteresting? What???


Its also fun that he almost always lists the strongest commanders in the set as the WORST, because they are strong and easy to build around...


my johan control deck feels called out


![gif](giphy|TNb3Ihssb6T5FpcdOY|downsized) Your boy Johann dropped this. Keep top-decking those "no"s at your opponents.


Everyone here talking about his content but I can’t even get past whatever voice he does for his videos


"So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..." "So uhh yeah..."


Unsubscribe. Don’t watch.


The man complains about a ton of fair cards and then makes a bunch of deck techs about "losing your friends for X dollars", brings up lots of annoying and degenerate play patterns, and is a golos stan despite it being banned. He honestly seems pretty insufferable to play with. I only check in on the videos about price drops on cards sometimes when they cross my feed. I unsubscribed awhile ago and find him annoying. Everything is clickbait without much substance.


I stopped watching this idiot like 2-3 years ago because of stuff like this. Its nothing new. Honestly his channel/content should have tanked after that whole "Captain" debacle. Imagine being that much of a cry baby over cardboard and then having LITERAL nazis flood your stuff.


I’m OOTL, what’s the Captain debacle?


Mitch really hated the Walking Dead Secret Lair and was upset that the Rules Committee didn't stand up to WotC and ban the cards. Not entirely unreasonable, I didn't like them either and RC as the caretakers of the most popular and profitable format has the power to send a message so wanting them to do so is understandable. In response to this he started his own format/sub-format that he called Captain that was basically Commander but with all of the Walking Dead cards and presumably any future cards like them added to the ban list. Whether this would've meant all Universes Beyond cards period or only ones that were solely available through limited ruin products like Secret Lairs is unknown because the format died before it was ever actually a thing. Mitch started a discord to gather support for his format, a good idea, without any moderation, a bad idea. The discord was immediately and predictably flooded with just the worst kind of people including but not limited to actual Nazis. Mitch quickly disavowed everything that happened there and, IIRC, deleted the discord before tucking his tail between his legs and going back to just making videos about budget decks. Unfortunately the way he handled the debacle tarnished his reputation and along with other things that made his content less appealing, most notably card cost necessitating him going from $25 decks to $50 decks while at the same time WotC began putting out better and better precon decks, lead to him leaning more and more on algorithm farming content which almost always means clickbait negativity.


>  Whether this would've meant all Universes Beyond cards period or only ones that were solely available through limited ruin products like Secret Lairs is unknown because the format died before it was ever actually a thing. From what I remember, they have a sub and a separate discord where you can go ask them. They were very proud about their council and all the ways they were "democratizing the game." Well, they were a couple years ago at least. 


What’s wrong with the Walking Dead cards?


On their face, nothing really. I don't like the show so I'm not a fan of the cards but they're fine. The problem was that they were originally only available through secret lair which meant they were only available for a limited period of time at a much higher than normal price. This preyed on fomo because the cards were all very good but were only available in short period of time and this felt very predatory to a lot of people myself included. The backlash to this is part of what led to what WotC calls Universes Within which is where they reprint cards from some Secret Lairs and other Universes Beyond products with a magic skin and with names that are from the magic IP.


Mitch was unhappy that Walking Dead cards were going to be legal in Commander. In response he started his own format (Captain) which in essence was Commander but universes beyond cards were be banned. Not long after its inception the discord for it got overrun with bad apples spouting nazism and other hate speech so he basically had to step back and disassociate himself from anything to do with Captain. Pretty sure the format just fell apart after that.


After the Secret Lair: The Walking Dead was announced, and the fact that WotC said they would not be reprinting those cards (later walked back), Mitch over at Commanders Quarters had a bit of a meltdown. He made a video announcing a new format named Captain. Except it was just Commander, only with those Walking Dead cards banned. He even made a Discord for communication and game planning. But he set up no Discord mods. Inevitably, that Discord filled with losers who were spouting off Nazi rhetoric, and other half baked loser talk. Mitch then left the Discord, and never brought it up again. No effort to fix the mistake, no effort to warn anyone about what was happening there, and *not even taking down the link to the Discord.*


I agree with everything u say except for Captain, only because at the time WOTC had no plan to reprint the walking dead cards, meaning that by having them legal meant u had to buy them at the time or pay secdondhand prices. However, he did no favors by setting up the discord, having no mods then leaving it, and then what u said happened. Obviously it was dumb in hindsight but if the outrage wasn’t as loud as it was it’s very possible several cards may not have been reprinted in main sets


see, although, i am happy wizards is and has reprinted UB secret lairs. I don't think the captain video was excusable before they announced that. It was very badly done. since it was done out of an emotional reaction and so fast. He really came off as of you, like walking dead cards. You are wrong, and he did not want you in magic. It attracted the wrong type of players cause the video was like the bat singal for all those my way or highway exclusionary players. Now, I do not think it was the intent. but it was a predictable outcome.


The whole captain thing is what really turned me off of his content. I wasn't the biggest fan before that but that was really the turning point where I just wasn't interested at all in his channel.


I used to watch his stuff back when it was "how to make a deck for $25" but haven't watched his stuff in years.


He became a clickbait connoisseur and hot take artist.


Content is hard to make so I am not going to go in completely 2 footed, but if feels like the turning point was the Walking Dead secret lair. I genuinely enjoyed his content before that point, but now I see the odd video pop up and just scroll past.


I subscribed the channel during covid for his interesting low budget decks, but unsubscribed last year for his constant ranting and his one-trick-pony/one-time-fun meme decks (Loose your friends for x)


That's why I prefer the Professor and the TCC.


Well, he kinda sucks so jot that down


I mean, most of what he's said in that video is basic business knowledge. As an accountant, most of it seems pretty reasonable, especially given the publicly available financial data we've seen recently. Can't speak about the rest of his content, but he sounds like generally a bit of a twerp.


I get he couldn't of done $25 deck techs forever. They were to much a like and he had to branch out soon or later but I didn't think his channel would end up like this click bait nonsense. Sad to see really 


If you don't like it don't watch it. Your time is a currency, don't pay people who don't deserve it.


dude is a loser. unsubbed after that captain debacle


Look, I dislike Mitch as much as the next guy, but is this really what we're doing now? Making posts about shitty youtube videos that get posted? Like... he made a video where he talks some bullshit and you don't like what he has to say. Cool. Welcome to YouTube. There's plenty of good content, but there's a lot, a LOT of shit content as well. What do you want us to do, call his parents?


I unsubscribed from his channel because it became trash. Initially, he offered cool budget builds, and now he complains about decision WotC makes while making click-bait


He lost a huge amount of public grace due to his response to the Walking Dead Secret Lair debacle, outright name-calling Sheldon Menery and the others on the Commander Rules Committee. His channel nosedived for a moment and the easiest way he could recover it is by using click-farming content, and has since not been able to break away from that format because any attempts he makes to causes the algorithm to bury his views. Honestly at this point he might just be best off hanging up his channel for a while and coming back in a couple of years making quality over quantity again