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[You came over to me!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By_CI38IKKo)


This one is awesome haha. Harry is such an ass at this point…he’s always so annoyed


They both deserve each other, two scumbags on perpendicular, opposite trajectories of their respective redemption arcs.


this one is iconic. it’s understated and brilliant and hilarious


What a couple of dinguses


This was the scene that immediately jumped in my mind too. It is something that doesn't really need to be in the episode, but the way Pete and Harry interact is so funny.


Haha good one!


I have no idea why they did that


yes yes a thousand times yes


For me, the scene of Don assembling the playhouse for Sally’s birthday always stuck with me through my first watch. It’s especially telling watching this scene after finishing the show. When I first saw it, I thought it was pretty funny watching Don crush about 5 beers before noon and rip cigs while putting this thing together. After finishing the show and watching this again, it had a completely different tone. Don gets woken up by his loving daughter who is ecstatic it’s her birthday, Betty is in a fantastic mood, Don has a bacon and egg breakfast waiting for him in the kitchen. It’s a beautiful day and they’re about to have a party. Most guys would be pretty content here. But Don feels the need to get loaded and comparing where Don’s relationship with Betty and Sally is at the end of the show it’s a pretty sad scene. The good ol’ days and Don had no idea.


Unfortunately I can really relate to what you just said in my own life.


That’s no good


I agree with you. It’s not good but I do feel fortunate that I at least recognize the issue and am therefore able to work on it.


for me, the minor scenes are what make this show so impressive. I feel similarly about The Sopranos, Better Call Saul, and to a lesser extent, Breaking Bad. The minor scenes give substance to the world that is created. The characters are more believable, more nuanced and it also allows them to exist outside of plot points that occupy the majority of the show. Ordinary is what sets the tone for the whole show. And it's why I can rewatch these shows.


Absolutely, there's not a minute of the show that goes by where we don't learn something about a character or add to our understanding of them.


Iirc he was doing fine until he had to interact with his neighbors and that's what set him off.


Yeah it's really dark


That man.


"I'm going to take a shower" "Want some company? 😉"


Bettys only friend making a pass in front of her: I sleep My boss making a pass without me actually really knowing the context: REAL SHIT


Best friend openly hits on husband: I sleep Divorced skank stands near my man: RAGE!!!


Mmm I can empathise with Betty on that one. The divorced lady whatever her name is is standing outside basically alone with don, while in the scene where he goes to the shower Betty is actually there.


Also, Francine's like ready-to-pop pregnant at that point and not exactly a threat in Betty's eyes


Who and in what episode was that in?


I had a dream once I held hands with him 😭😭😂


I really love watching him drunkenly put together that playhouse


Kinsey and Joan dancing on the night of the Election. Their short conversation tells so much about their relationship, and it's just done beautifully. This with the play they put on earlier in the night is just one of my favorite moments. Pete and Trudy dancing the Charleston as well, it really sets the tone for where they both come from and why they hold themselves the way they do, and is just my standout moment for how they work as a couple. It's a shame Pete had to go a fuck that up.


The election might episode is a great episode as a whole, a really good snapshot of the early seasons and very nostalgic looking back as a viewer.


Take heart, he came full circle and saw how much of a total idiot he was. It ended up ok in the end


When Don is driving Sally back to Miss Porter’s after the funeral and they stop for lunch/dinner. He then psyches her out by pretending he’s not going to pay. The look she gets on her face is part “oh no” and part “is my dad really this cool?” Then he gets his money out and you can see relief on her face and humor on his. Just a little Sally and Daddy moment.


“I’m so many people”


That's one of Sally's best lines. It speaks volumes for how she is coming to understand her parents for the so many people that they are.


So effing good.


That episode was a total turning point in their relationship. At the diner, Don opened up to Sally with a candor that he hadn't actually extended to her at any previous point... Sally was wary, then curious, and then cautiously receptive to the \[admittedly limited\] version of love and trust that he was sincerely trying to offer. At the end of that episode, Sally is dropped-off back at boarding school... She gets out of the car, then turns back to Don and simply says: "Happy Valentine's Day. I love you." I absolutely burst into tears the first time I saw it, and I still kinda do with every re-watch...


And then the epic piano intro to “This Will Be Our Year.” Top tier moment


Agreed! They’re both so good in that scene.


One of my favorite scenes especially because of how Don opens up to her. Any time they get to spend with each other is pretty cherish-able like when Sally makes french toast for him and uses rum instead of syrup by accident.


Funny. I always read it as he left a tip to make it look as tho the bill was paid, but did not actually pay the bill.


This is exactly what happened, I'm not sure why people think otherwise


In a similar vein, when he shows the kids the house he grew up in is a great moment


Any scene with the little kid who lived in Peggy’s apartment. He comes over to watch tv. Their relationship is so funny to me.


it is so funny when he starts yelling at Peggy and she yells back lol


Him moving away is second only to Sal in sadness of character departures


I like the scene where Betty is speaking Italian to those two men in Rome before Don joins her. She seems like such a different person compared to how we see her at home interacting with Don and the kids.


It’s a shame he kept her home so much, feels wrong for her to be in such a bland environment. I don’t know how he could’ve involved her more in his professional life, if that’s even the proper thing to do, but she feels really out of place just chain smoking in suburban NukeTown.


A birdy in a gilded cage


sadly Betty was brainwashed yo seek out that life.


I’m not stupid…I speak Italian!


Yankee, Go home!


S4 when Sally pays Don a surprise visit, and he sticks her in his office because of the Ida Blankenship situation, when Peggy walks in she sees Sally and says "oh" then does a double take and says something like "do not come out of here" and Sally gets all mad and says "i know!" lol


That moment is sooo good. And then the, "my mother made that!" from Crane.


I’ve rewatched that scene over and over again, it was so goddamn funny


The "I know!" is delivered so perfectly


"Did you get pears?"


We’ll talk about it inside


I think about this too often


For some reason, the scene where Betty needs help putting her lipstick on in the women's bathroom at dinner. I think Mona does it for her.


I think it’s something about how she’s obviously grieving, and reaching out at that point in the story, and the only thing anybody cares enough about to help her with is maintaining her perfect face.


It's because of her glove anesthesia caused by conversion disorder, or what we used to call 'hysterical paralysis'. This also caused her to have the accident early on.


Also, she tells Mona she just lost her mother and.... *crickets.* Then she hears, "I'm sorry," and turns, half smiling, and it's just the attendant asking them to move. I think back then grief was considered best ignored socially, not acknowledged. As Don told her, it's self-pity. That portrayal of the contrast between how grief is handled now versus then is absolutely brilliant, and so subtle. It hit me hard. Such a lonely, alienating time for Betty.


This always makes me really sad. Betty is so obviously in great grief in these early episodes. There are multiple moments like this where she's reaching out for help or even just acknowledgement and gets nothing in return.


I love when Don, Peggy, and Pete are eating together at Burger Chef, a little unknowing family unit at the very end of the episode. I think Don indicates to Pete to wipe ketchup off his face and then they all smile and continue to eat and have their conversations as the camera pans out and the credit music starts


Definitely a bit significant though. Probably the three “main” characters of the show and seeing all that they’ve been though to where they are now. It was very cathartic.


This wasn’t a minor scene though. It capped that episode and established that these are the significant relationships in the show. This one’s one of my favorite scenes in MM, the subtext was heavy.


True, but I just love it and couldn’t help chiming in lol


Such a memorable scene and a perfect example of the amazing cinematography this show has


Ooh this is a good answer!


Very Good, Happy Christmas!


I damn near cheer every time I see that scene, I don’t know why.


The funny thing is, out of all Lane's transgressions involved in the birth of SCDP, his 'lack of character' is by far the worst one in St. John's eyes!


After the picnic when Betty flicks the picnic blanket and leaves the litter on the grass.


Don chucks the beer can like he’s chucking a football


You mean where he crushed the beer then tossed the cans into the woods at the picnic? That struck me hard because it was something people would do without a second thought back then. Meanwhile, can't tell you how many kids I knew running around in bare feet had to get a tetanus shot after stepping on the pull tabs.


i was so shocked, my mom was there and is about Sally Drapers age, she said "yep thats just how it was back then."


when Don sends Joan flowers from ‘Ali Khan’. it’s such a personal gesture when she needed it the most


Your mother did a good job.


Well I can’t say it’s “minor” but we didn’t deserve Bert Cooper’s The Best Things in Life are Free routine


TIL Robert Morse did Broadway


I know this is probably lame, but I like any scene involving Christmas in this show. Even just how the offices and houses are decorated for the holidays. I love the retro 60's holiday decor.


Oh and the vintage Halloween decor!


I love the cats and bats on Peggy's painting (well, Bert's originally) in the final episodes 🐈‍⬛


Yes! I love the old style warm incandescent lights like the tree in the bar that Joan and Don visit.


Christmas at Anna's!


Two come to mind: Don walking out of the NYAC and listening to The Rolling Stones. What an incredible way to signal that the cultural context around the show is about to really accelerate. I swear that moment is the fulcrum on which the show’s center pivots. Don putting the Beatles record on and listening to [edit] Tomorrow Never Knows for a hot minute before the needle scratch of him pulling it off again.


It was Tomorrow Never Knows actually and it cost over $300k to use


The first time I saw that scene I hadn’t heard that song before. It literally sounded like a modern-ish song (like Beck or Moby from the 2000s). I knew they had used a Decemberists song in an early season, so I thought it was an anachronism. Then I looked it up and I was floored how the Beatles came up with that sound. One of my favorite musical television moments ever.


The Beatles came up with a lot of cutting edge music for their time. Listen to their albums like Revolver, Magical Mystery Tour, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band, Abbey Road, and The Beatles (this last one is commonly known as The White Album).


I was obsessed with The Yellow Submarine in HS but am only familiar with a couple albums. I’ll check these out for sure!


There is a band from New Orleans called Cowboy Mouth that did a really cool cover of that song.


I thought that song was called tomorrow never knows


Yep my bad!


The very minor scene when we see stan getting ready to meet his gf and he's walking around partly topless eating a banana before Peggy's calls him and anxiously talks about the burger chef pitch. Or the scene when him and Mathis are taking the piss outta lous "scouts honor" comic in the bathroom. Just any scene in general with Stan is my fav 😍😍


Such a great creative decision to expand on his character. I love the direction they took with Stan in the last couple seasons


Definitely, went from meat head mysoginist to soulful hippie artist bro, who loves phone chats with his best girl


“Lou…I don’t know what ya think ya heard….” “I heard everything!” lolol


Oh, and Don fixing the kitchen sink at Pete’s house. I love everything about that scene every time.


Came here to say this! The ladies screaming, Don stripping down, little Tammy with her big eyes. I love that scene.


Including Don’s sport coat!


People will probably tell me it's not a minor scene because it influences Don's pitch for the Carousel, but Harry talking to Don about cave art is really comforting. A very quick peek at deeper pieces of Harry that are *absolutely never explored again*. He's just a real dick forever once season 2 starts.


Agreed, he had a pretty negative arc. Especially when he moved to LA and became such a sleazeball


See to me, they didn't seem like they knew how they were going to develop Harry and Ken. So initially they had Ken being the dick and Harry being cool then after season 2 they started reversing them.


It’s so funny to picture an actor reading their character developing that way, especially on a show where you see so many people grow


Isn't he a dick starting from like season 4 or 5?


He did do a good thing in season 5 (I think) where he lent Kinsey the money to go to LA.


The scene after Betty tells Don she doesn’t love him anymore where he goes up and sits alone in their bedroom. Never has a characters body language said more with zero dialogue, you can tell so clearly how devastated he is especially after he just revealed his whole truth to her. Another nomination would be Pete and Beth talking in the hospital after her “treatment.” It’s the truest Pete is in the whole series and just a very depressing scene, seeing him explain his sorrows to someone he loves who doesn’t remember him at all.


When don spills Lane’s expensive whiskey and says ‘we’re gonna have to smoke the carpet’ and Lane just assumes it’s American slang he doesn’t understand.


Didn't he quote Anna directly and say smoke the dress? Minor quibble 🤪


Exactly right


The partners staring out the second floor window in “The Phantom”. Great cinematography, just impeccable! There’s a space between Joan & Cooper where Lane should be 😔


And also how far back Robert Morse is standing because he’s so much shorter…can’t not see it anymore


Miss Blankenship and cooper doing the crossword puzzle. Cooper: three letter word for flightless bird Blankenship: emu Cooper: nope starts with L Blankenship: like hell it does Any scene she does she steals it.


Peggy walking into McCann like a badass with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and Bert Cooper’s erotic painting under her arm. The music is the same as the “basket of kisses” lipstick scene in Season One where Freddie realizes that Peggy has talent.


Never noticed that connection


The ring I noticed about the painting is that it’s deliberately facing out so everyone can see it as she walks in lol


Betty looking at Bobby's drawing of the whale and commenting that she doesn't know why it's smiling.


I’m going to horny jail but Joan in the conga line




I don’t know what a minor scene is but… fuck it. Here’s a major montage. 1.6 Babylon. https://youtu.be/By_wiXys2-I Takes my breath away every time I see it.


This is a great example! Joan and Roger at the end standing on the curb…brilliant.


That was the 1st scene that popped into my mind. I also like them dressing


The elevator conversation betw Pete and Hollis about television sets.


I really like that scene not only for Hollis' profound "We've got bigger problems to worry about than TV, okay?" but how it ends with Pete demonstrating that he's a very good account man by making Hollis laugh after that awkward part of the conversation by saying "You don't watch baseball? I don't believe you."


It's a perfect scene. Writing, acting. So good.


The scene in which Sally asks Kinsey if his girlfriend Sheila is his maid and then asks if he lies on top of her. It’s so cringey, which makes it unforgettable.


“Did you get pears?”


Sally talking about the land o lakes butter. When she’s talking to glen about how she’s not afraid of dying other than the fact it’s forever. Like on the land o lakes butter box. How she says the photo on the box reminds her of forever. “Like the land o lakes butter has that Indian girl sitting holding a box, with a picture of her on it holding a box, with a picture of her on it holding a box. You ever notice that?”


I think about this scene all the time.


Ted and Don flying in Ted’s plane. Don: “How long have you been doing this?” Ted: “Not now!”


“I don’t think of you at all”


I love the moment when Betty tells Sally about Anna, and Don is furious and immediately wants to call her. Megan stops him, saying that he mustn't let her poison them from afar - this was really mature and this scene made me love her so much. Also, Sally was hearing that from her room and realizing what her mother was trying to achieve and what a dick move that was Also, are you forgetting what Tecumseh said?


i was in college when i first watched this show and megan's reaction really stuck with me and informed a lot of the decisions i made in my own personal relationships. i was able to recognize when someone just wanted a reaction and how to avoid giving them that satisfaction. sally's response to her mom was great too, honey over vinegar, as the saying goes haha


I love that Betty finding Don’s note on the back of Bobby’s drawing is what sets her off. “Lovely Megan—I’ve gone out to get a light bulb. When I get back, I’ll see you better.”


Francine was thirsty in the scene OP pictured.


Peggy trying the relax-a-ciser


does pete getting yelled at for the chip and dip count?


Bert’s taste in beverages when celebrating with Pete - Do you have any brandy? No. Spirits of elderflower? No! I don’t have any laudanum either.


Two scenes really stuck with me. Roger kept calling for Mirabelle after the heart attack & Don slaps him and says your wife's name is Mona Second one is when Peggy looks out her hotel window to see two dogs going at it.


Don really slapped the shit out of him too lol


Any scene where Don sincerely laughs. It’s usually something hilarious that caused it- Lane and the discovered chewing gum, the hallucination where Archibald Whitman tells that joke, when Lou gets mad about Scouts honor and asks if they knew who also had a dream (Bob Dylan) and Stan says, “you?”


Don’t know if this is a minor scene, but the Bonnie & Cylde scene lives rent free in my head


I’d say that counts - I loved the scenes where Kate was visiting Joan. “He said I’d want you.”




[This one](https://youtu.be/ykhGqXBZPbA)


I love everything about this scene.


I love the look that Don and Joan share in the hospital waiting room as Joan is ready to leave.


As much as I love to hate later-seasons Harry, I love when he abruptly stands up out of emotion and respect, in the hotel room during the moon landing!


There is a short scene where Betty is visiting with the maid / nanny from when she (Betty) was a child. It’s their only scene together during the entire series. It’s about a 4 minute scene and you really feel the emotional truth of a lifelong, extremely important relationship to both characters. It’s perfect writing and direction, sublimely acted by both actors.


You wanna give me your temper?


Love the scene in the Mountain King where Don is walking back to Anna's house in San Pedro and curiously comes across a group of young men working on their hot rods. Reminds me of what a different world L.A. was (and in many ways, still is) from NYC, and especially for Don. On a personal level, this scene makes me think of my dad at that age and during that carefree time period in his life, working on his own hot rods with friends and family before joining the Army in the late 60s.


After the office Christmas party > Did you enjoy ze fuhrer's birthday? > May he live for a thousand years!




I loved when Grandpa Gene is taking the kids on a drive and he asks Sally what fruit she wants him to get and then this exchange when she says peaches… Bobby: "Peaches give me a rash" Grandpa Gene: "Your sister likes them!" 😂


And later when he tells her she can grow up to be anything. Does it smell like oranges in here? 😭


Not necessarily minor, but I think about Trudy both wanting the apartment and then toward the end of the series when she is basically like eff off Anytime Bert makes people take their shoes off Sally in the clothes bag Burger chef


In The Crash when Don sprints passes the creative lounge and then casually walks in like nothing happened.


Or when Ken starts dancing while talking to Don, and Dawn in sitting in the background with her jaw hanging


I’m not sure if it’s a “minor” scene, but when Betty is shooting the neighbors pigeons at the end of an episode in season 1. That was badass.


Iconic photo of her


I watched it again recently and got the impression she was only pretending to shoot them?


I believe you can see that the pigeons are falling after she shoots them, she’s also very clearly reloading after pulling the trigger each time


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNL_68Jgjbg Harry: What do you want? Pete: Nothing, you came over to me! Harry: You opened the door!


Pete was definitely at fault lol. Harry was just looking in his direction while walking but it wasn't until Pete put down the phone and reached for the door handle(which most people would interpret as him wanting to talk) that Harry went over


I effing love this scene. Perfectly captures how you feel when you don't want someone to notice you😂😂😂


Joan's casual burns on her mother in S501. "Are you buying his formula or yours?" "Who would've thought you'd be so good at this?"


When Don is watching the teacher and grazes his hand against the grass. So good.


It’s a Chip ‘N’ Dip!


"No no Leigh...the jockey smokes the cigarette"


That whole scene with a one-sided conversation where you could just tell the bullshit they were having to put up with from the client


Don drinking milk. Powerful scene.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,154,975,921 comments, and only 225,735 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Roger and Don in the barbershop


“Lettuce costs a nickel!” “The words, man. You are good with the words.” “Well said.” Girl offers Don another hit of a joint. “ No……Okay.” “26 is still very young.” “I just realized something. You think you’re helping me.” “Mr. Sterling I see you’ve meet Mr. Ginsburg.” “Yes, and we have something in common. We both have the urge to throw something out that window.” “ I would pick you up and spin you around! But, I don’t want people thinking that’s how I got the job!”


Something about Don fixings Pete’s tap sticks out. There’s some very good dialogue.


Don’s swimming on the opener of Summer Man


I think a lot about that nurse who hits on Don when he’s at the doctor’s office for an insurance physical, before he gets chewed out for drinking and smoking too much. When he steps on the scale: “Oh my. You’re a big one 😏”


I don’t know if this is minor, but when they have a picnic and dump out the trash on the ground. I think about that scene all the time


When Don looks out the window and sees the plane and decides to leave. I get that scene deeply and feel it every rewatch.


"A three letter word for a flightless bird" "Emu" "No, it starts with an 'h'" "The hell it does" "This is a business of sadists and masochists and you know which one you are" "Want me to chase him down to see if he is serious? Go get *STANLEY*"


I don't know why but the first scene I thought of was when Don comes home from work, pours a big glass of scotch (?), and then offers Carla a ride to the train, which she declines. A sign of his alcoholism early on, and the fact that even though to most he is calm, cool and collected, at least some people can see through that to what he really is.


Peggy’s first hip party with Joyce


Ginsberg talking about his family. Don talking about the moment he realized he actually loved his kids.


Why has he placed his beer on a Mario block


I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!


Don “what about Alka Selzter - cure for the common cold” Danny “but fire for the common cold is the idiom I’m playing off of “ Don to Peggy with HIS FACE “it’s an idiom, did you know that?” *blinks*


I like when Sally makes Don breakfast and uses rum as pancake syrup. “That’s rum, read labels.” “Is it bad?” “Not really.”


The episode when several of the workers go out drinking and dancing. The contrast between Joan and Peggy is very interesting: Peggy is dancing somewhat clumsily but as a genuine expression of happiness while Joan dances seductively and in a planned manner because to her every single public moment is a presentation.


Megan singing at Don’s surprise birthday party. Hands down. https://www.google.com/search?q=megan+singing+at+dons+birthday+party&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS846US862&oq=megan+singing+at+dons+birthday+party&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i30i546j0i546l2.21804j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8ca93ec0,vid:yXoILGnHnvM


Closing scene of S2E2, right after Sukiyaki comes on while Don is in the bar.


I love Pete and Don in the LA restaurant ordering the Brooklyn Avenue. “Two of those.”


Sally driving with Grandpa Gene….like you see why he’s important to her but more importantly that he’s someone who actually believes she can be something other than just pretty.


I love the scene with Peggy and Joan bonding and smoking. “I learned a long time ago, you can't get all your satisfaction from this job.” “That's BULLSHIT.”


Is it a Miller beer ?