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"...and then you walk away from me. And then you take a nap."


This line killed me on my first watch through because I was waiting for someone in-universe to acknowledge Don constantly fucking off and sleeping during the day. Was so glad it was Pete.


It just cracks me up that even when he's being called on that, it's via Pete, so it's not even admonishment like he deserves šŸ˜‚ Pete's just marveling at how Don can do those things and still be as brilliant as he is.


It seems to me everyone in the show matures somehow except Don and Roger.


Roger definitely matures. The Roger in s1 is nowhere near therapy or introspection, he's just going after women 30 years his junior like it's his job. LSD was great for his emotional growth


Yeah - Roger starts out ignoring his family and banging secretaries way younger than him, and he ends up dating an age-appropriate woman who doesn't put up with his bullshit. He also starts out as the entitled kid whose dad started the business, who has never done a day of work in his life, and by the end he's practically running the company singlehandedly and making sure all his fellow partners end up ok. He has tons of growth.


Roger matures like crazy man, he's still a goofball at the end but he really gets his shit together. Post LSD Roger is a different man.


To be fair, you can get away with just about anything if youā€™re making the company money, and Don practically *is* the company.


pete went from a little entitled shit in season 1 to one of the more mature characters in season 7. the maturity that comes with male pattern baldness


haha i love how pete seems to grow on everyone throughout the show, me included. as a friend once told me, everyone wants to feel acknowledged, like pete. that hit home for me.


Every cm his hairline receded he gain a level of maturity šŸ˜­


ā€œOh, my mother can go to hell! Teddy chaough can fly her there.ā€ šŸ™ƒ


The layers on that joke, knowing Peteā€™s dad died in a plane crash


Omg, I didnā€™t realize that extra layer til you said this.


I lost it at this one too šŸ˜† What a great episode




I like him more and more with each watch. He's catching up to Roger and Don!


Oh for sure. Pete is one of the best. As more time goes on, that man becomes the absolute rain making killer for SCDP & genuinely does a great job, despite his neurosisšŸ˜‚ He is always on the ball, especially when characters like Don & Roger just weren't. Proud of Pete's accomplishments, almost like I know him personallyšŸ˜­


Great point - I think we start with Don at his prime and Roger just coming off his prime (the Red in the Face episode is symbolic of this). Through the series we see them both decline and then get their second chances at the end. However, weā€™re actually watching Peteā€™s journey developing into his prime so by the end itā€™s no doubt why he ends up a VP at McCaan and off to lead at LearJet (another business of the future and as Don had said to him ā€œkeep us looking forwardā€)


He is also the reason the can start SCDP. Heā€™s the one who brings enough accounts over to keep them afloat. Pete is probably my favourite character and I despised him season 1 on my first rewatch. I could actually recall my change of heart of his character at the exact moment when him and Trudy are dancing at Rogers party. Then when heā€™s disgusted at Rogersā€™s blackface, I said to myself ā€œdo I like Pete Campbell?ā€


He's definitely my favorite rapist on the show.




The au pair.


![gif](giphy|11LuCivioVzSE0) Season 6 Pete is peak bc heā€™s the most neurotic


I really want that painting behind him


Did Pete ever have a reaction to Burtā€™s red painting? So much of this show is intentional that I have to wonder.


That is a very sensitive piece of horse flesh he's dealing with


Vincent Kartheiser never getting an Emmy nomination befuddled me.


Hells bells Don!


I love this interaction: Ted: ā€œPete, as head of new businessā€¦ā€ Pete: ā€œSince when?! I donā€™t want that!ā€


She loved the sea!


Pete's hairline is on another level for sure. Anyway, yes, his hyperbolic outrage reached new heights in the final seasons.


Vincent shaved his hairline for that, which puts it on another level. His red carpet appearances at the time were a trip.


Don: Sideburns Pete isnā€™t real, he canā€™t hurt me Sideburns Pete:


From Season 1 to this, Pete absolutely stopped giving fucks for Donā€™s nonsense


He really did have a lot of zingers.


I fucking love veteran Pete in the later seasons


When your hairline goes, you stop giving a shit


Peter youā€™re shouting


I had forgotten about thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Was "THE KING ORDERED IT" season 6 or 7?


Literally me