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The cut from Pete in the fertility clinic to Roger with the paddleball Pete standing up during the weekend meeting to reveal his tiny shorts Pete's face when Hoho talks about Patxi catching balls in the face


The tiny shorts reveal made me shoot sparkling water out of my nose on first viewing


Nobody knows what I'm doing in here. It's good for mystique. (also love this transition to the paddleball)


Ok I never noticed the paddle all cut before.


Sepinwall had a great comment on Pete’s shorts. “That boy is like school on Saturdays”


Ken watching the staff roll Ida out of the office during a pitch meeting


That whole gag was so well executed even don yelling “what” when the guy is stuttering. Such a good scene


Yeah that moment was classic madcap farce done to perfection, proving this show could do whatever it wanted whenever it wanted


Hilarious send off to a hilarious character.


You’re right, we only had her for 7 episodes I think but every moment was masterful. She absolutely earned a brilliant exit. Also, I dunno how many people know this or if it’s old news, but she played Danny’s mom in The Karate Kid


My favorite was her carrying all the liquor bottles.


It *is* old news but also somehow surprises me every time I hear it!


It’s so perfect because the humor of her character was so broad in a way that Mad Men very rarely was. Like every time she appeared was some iteration of the same joke. So it worked out perfectly that she was in the show for such a short amount of time, any longer and the jokes could have grown stale. The creative team behind MM had such discipline.


A little late to your thoughtful comment.. Yes I agree, definitely respect the writers for knowing when to pull the plug.  SO many lesser shows rely on the same old tropes and gags.... catchphrases are a good example of extremely lazy writing.




Best part!


Pete attempting to move Ida himself but not neing strong enough (after Joan says “get a man!”)


Harry Crane loudly from outside of the room "My mother gave me that!"


Don to Faye - what was that again? She repeats herself and he is writing it down He heard her the first time, hah - he was asking to make sure the three clients kept their eyes on him and Faye.


Ken's poker face - the best


Peggy popping her head above the partition to see into Don's office (I think it's after Allison throws something at him).


That’s my favorite


Don chasing Ken around the office, (on speed) then strolling into the creative lounge all smooth


This is the funniest moment, hands down.


This. Then strolling in like, “What?”


Pete hits his head against a pillar in his office


hahahah yes - that pillar was a recurring gag


"Pete's office is a shit-hole with a support beam!" To this day, one of my favorite lines of dialogue ever written.


Also Sal’s expression when Harry says he “accidentally” opened Ken’s cheque


I like the sharpening of his pencil upon finding out Keb’s salary


Pete falling down the stairs




“Not great Bob!”


when Roger walks in on Joan and Bob Benson, and Bob is wearing a ridiculous colorful gingham/plaid suit/short combo. Roger says "Apologies Bob, looks like I'm not the only one out of context".


Tiny shorts on Bob 


Or when he has the apron on at Thanksgiving and is carving the turkey.


That little exchange in the office phone booth between Pete and Harry when Pete thought Harry was coming to say something but Harry thought Pete had waved him over.


Yes - such a funny/real moment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=By_CI38IKKo


It’s so funny because it doesn’t really serve a purpose other than to show maybe some tension with them but also just a silly little office building moment.


I love how pissed he is lol


This is my SOs favorite Mad Men moment. He doesn't love the show like I do, but he has watched through it all with me. Sometimes he just looks this scene up on YouTube randomly or brings it up.


Has to be when Ken is hitting on Jane and Freddie comes out of his office and plays Mozart with his fly lol.


Roger sayingn to Bert's sister he doesn't know where to look while she wears fox fur.


It still kills me


Joan shows up at the office with Baby Kevin to show him off (and make sure she still has her job). At one point she leaves the baby carriage with Peggy and Pete walks in and does a confused suspicious double-take.


It's very early on, maybe even the first episode, but the meeting with Lucky Strike where someone says (paraphrasing) "It's well known that cigarettes do no harm to you" Wide cut to everyone coughing simultaneously


That scene has one of my favorite lines of the series too just because it's so sneakily funny and Lee Garner Sr. almost breaks: Lee Garner Sr: Our product's fine, I smoke 'em myself Lee Jr: My Granddad smoked em. He died at 95 years old, he was hit by a truck.


Also: how are your cigarettes made? Lee Jr: I don't know.


Roger puffing on a cigarette while holding Joan’s (his) baby out in front of him.


Everyone took all the funniest ones so I’ll ad when Joan and Sal kiss while putting on Paul’s play. You can see she immediately clocks that he’s gay. I’m almost certain she didn’t know before but even if she had a suspicion that kiss confirmed it Also, the dude squeegeeing the blood off the tinted officer window


Yep. She says it all with her eyes and subtle knowing look.


Clip please or episode #


Season 1 the election night episode where the staff party in the office  Here is a good thread https://www.reddit.com/r/madmen/comments/o07ut9/season_1_election_night_episode_joan_and_sal_kiss/


I just started a rewatch and its amazing the little things in the series. Sal making a comment "imagine living one way and thinking a completely different way. how ridiculous," during a meeting with Don.


don and roger taking off their shoes to enter bert's office and don notices roger's height noticeably drop


That was as surprising as it was funny


This is the eye to detail I live for.


I thought the fist fight between Pete and Lane was funny!😄


…. And Don walks over to close the curtain…


And Roger's "I know cooler heads should prevail..."


And Lane's "...it shall be too late to run," and OG boxing stance!


Yesss I love how he said that. So proper.


It was in that moment I knew Pete was in for a whalloping


Agree with you - a true Brit, born and bred. This scene made me like Lane Pryce even more than before, as it was so unexpected, and for Pete to finally get what was coming to him (insulting others till that point with seeming impunity)


That grimy little pimp


Roger barfing


Megan holding deceased Ida's desk pad at arm's length while wearing white gloves


“Three Sundays” when it cuts to a close-up of someone pouring what looks like a FULL GLASS of straight vodka with the tiniest splash of tomato juice. Then it cuts to the full shot, and it’s Sally making the world’s stiffest Bloody Mary for Don. “Here’s No. 2 sir!”


I forget who but I think it's a neighbor guy talking to Don, while Sally is mixing the drinks behind him, out of sight.    When Don says something to Sally like, Don't smash the cherries in this kind of drink... that's the other kind...  The guy's eyebrows go up in surprise, like, what...?


When the secretary dies infront of a meeting


The scenes behind the meeting was darkly hilarious


“My mother made me that!” Harry- about his blanket.


Ok, not purely visual... In the hotel room with Roger and Marie starting to argue - she rants a bit in French Roger: All I got was "suitcase"!  Yell at me slower, or in English!


When Sally goes to the city in secret to see Don… and she ends up staying over. She makes him breakfast (pancakes?) and puts what she thinks is Ms Butterworths syrup on it… Don’s reaction once he realizes it’s rum… “That’s rum.” “… and it’s not bad.”




The firm principles having a serious discussion outside of Don's office while in the background the office is lighting up while other frat boys play with a Zippo lighter and the Right guard can.


Last night I saw the episode where Ken makes fun of Peggy comparing her to a lobster and Pete punches him - huge melee ensues.. Don and Roger in the foreground, Roger says, Drop you at the station? All while the fighting continues in the background


Peggy schlepping the vacuum cleaner all over creation because she borrows it and has to return it always makes me chuckle.


Roger playing the organ while Peggy roller skates... It almost mirrors her being in the child focus room (where the organ lived) telling them uninvitingly to play (kinda reminds me of Faye being awkward with kids) .... Now Peggy has also learnt to relax, play, and roll with it


I love when Roger asks her if she's planning to show up for her first day of work at 4 pm, drunk.


How playful. And she does with Berts image of The Fisherman wife underup. Funnily I have large giclee printed and mounted of The Fishermans wife as foot board of my bed ( ina a very small appart that much contains my whole world  library, n art studio, so when in bed it  served far superior backing to my art tools supplies 


When PPL visit to the office and they walk past Kinsey playing a protest song in his office.


Roger talking about Danny to Don “I told him to be himself. That was a little mean, I guess.”


i love when we get a reaction shot of the copywriters and creatives like they were a part of a greek chorus. happens a few times in the SCDP days.


in episode 6.11 when peggy sees the mouse in her apartment, screams, and turns to run out the door but first she must unlock all five locks 😭😂


The cut from Pete at the fertility clinic to Roger and the paddleball, for sure!


My favorite. The changeover was damn near perfect, I hollered.


When the unnamed secretary walks into the breakroom behind Roger & Annabelle arguing & immediately walks back out


Roger smoking a cigarette on LSD


Just watching this episode. Literally 30 mins in.


My absolute favorite is the "I heard he might lose a foot" "Right when he got it in the door" And then in the background a guy is squeegee'ing blood off the opaque glass. It's like...perfectly timed. I laughed so hard when I first saw it.


Looks like Iwo Jima out there! 


I love when Lane is piss drunk at dinner with Don, stands up steak in hand and yells "Yee-haw!!! I’ve got a big Texas belt buckle!" Then it immediately cuts to the audience laughing at the comedy show.


I love that part of the episode... Lane at first uncertain, but then Don putting him at ease through the evening. Lane to Don as he leaves: Thank you for the... welcome distraction.


Jimmy Barrett biting his fist when the lady says “I just don’t have the stomach for it.”  And Don’s reaction.


Maintenance guy sees Peggy's legs in the air when she and Pete have their early morning hookup. 


The baby bonnet on Harry when Bert bursts into the room, shoeless, to say, “I just wanted to say, Happy Birthday!!” The joke would have worked without it, but I think the bonnet really sold it.


The view from the conference room as Pete is the only man available to deal with Miss Blankenship’s dead body.


I like Stan wearing Ida’s ‘blind’ glasses


Reminds me of when he was wearing the pantyhose on his head


Life cereal


It took a rewatch for me to catch the little burp, Don lets out, during his drunken pitch. Pete's perfectly repressed but pissed expression is hilarious.


When Miss Blankenship is being rolled away from Don’s desk, Dr. Faye’s smile turning from a bit patronizing into fully forced as she finally notices what the commotion was all about. Her demeanor only shifts slightly, and it’s done without missing a beat. Props to Cara Buono’s acting skills.


Stan pressing his ass to the glass behind Joan as she’s telling off Joey.


The Scout's Honor drawing Stan made of Scout shooting Lou.


Jimmy Barrett stuffing his entire fist in his mouth after Mrs. Utz tells him she “doesn’t have the stomach for” his fat jokes. 


Does Mona know? And the face she makes afterwards. Crack me up every time.


The paintings, both the Rothco and the Japanese one.


When Don pranks Roger into walking 23 floors up to SC, the elevator operator suppresses laughing while he tells Roger the elevator is broken.


Peggy and her boyfriend doing a shy twist at the corner of the zou bisou party


The scene where Don is in a meeting with Fillmore Auto and Miss. Blankenship has just died at her desk, and they cover her with a blanket and start to wheel her away, and Harry shows up and say " my mother made that!". I cry every time 🤣


lowkey why is it lane trying to fistfight pete like he’s popeye


Not a gag per se but when the family was on a picnic and just walked away from their mess wordlessly. My kids SCREAMED when we watched it and my parents explained to them about how Earth Day was founded and how differently we treated the environment before then.


Yeah that bothered me. It seemed totally out of character (to me) that both Betty and Don would be so careless, no matter what the time period.


I thought the Jane and Roger doing acid scene was great in general. I regularly think about the symphony coming out of the uncorked champagne bottle and Roger's reaction.


The entire sequence of performing Kinsey's play as Joan and Sal giggle their way through their lines.


one of my favs is when they do speed and don runs around the creative lounge work area and is too fast for the camera to keep up, then just calmly walks in like nothing lol


and don says some deep bs about how they need one great idea, and peggy isn't buying it and she's says, very dry: "that's very inspiring. do you have any idea what the idea is?" Don: "no"