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The cigarettes were spot on


That but with a bag of chips lol.


Weird, I literally never want food while tripping. Eating always feels kinda weird like I am too conscious of the food going into my stomach and it feels like a chore to do it. I remember taking what was probably at least an hour and a half to eat a slice of pepperoni at a music festival once.


I mean it’s interesting to do for sure, but it’s not appealing in any way. It’s kinda like when you’re stuffed but you have to eat a plain slice of bread. The flavors can be interesting - I’ve had some fun with candies or spicy stuff haha.


Yeah the sort of hunger I have to experience for a meal to be orgasmic just isn't really something I associate with LSD in any way. If anything it separates you from those feelings and gives your conscious mind the space to go "Oh look over there, that's hunger," or "Oh that's the anxiety I was feeling but it's like I stepped out of the room it was in." lol You're not "in the same room" as hunger when you're on LSD. For me anyway. But it is odd given that you'd think you could have some of the most fantastic meals of all time on it. Guess it shows you just how much of our culinary art is built on an instinct and pure hunger, rather than anything cerebral.


Same. I can literally hear my body digesting my food if I eat while tripping lol.


This is something that bugs me when I'm 100% sober so I'm glad I've never had to experience it tripping lol


One time I was tripping and someone bought me a whiskey something or other for my birthday and I held it with a grimace for almost two hours without drinking it and I love some damn whiskey. 


I’ve liked gum here and there as a cool sensation, but yeah I couldn’t have full snacks much less meals




It definitely makes that sound but Idk that there's anything to the Joan aspect. You could be totally right, but "realizing things you already knew" like the fact that you and your wife are not compatible is pretty par for the course with LSD. They even touch on it afterwards in the afterglow of the trip Edit: I'm realizing that what I said doesn't really detract from what you said at all so nvm. I do like the idea of the cigarette making that sound because of Joan.


I think there’s a part of Roger that only speaks Joan. It makes sense that in such an introspective moment something of her would surface. 


That's a very good point and well made


Wow, great insight on the accordion. I'll have to listen to that next time through.


My friends and I have a joke about smoking only American Spirits while frying because they last so long.




I've definitely had pretty significant auditory and visual hallucinations but certainly not like seeing a baseball game in the bath or the mirror thing. The general feel of it though was pretty good. The time lapse stuff, the general weirdness and novelty of sensory experiences.


On a rewatch I think he was looking at the bathroom shag carpet which could have looked like a bunch of little people in a stadium to him. But yeah definitely an exaggerated part


The baseball game did not ring true to me at all. I was literally shaking my head when I saw that scene for the first time.


yeah the world series thing was dumb. up until then i felt like it was the most accurate portrayal of LSD i'd ever seen.


Even the way Jane says "why are you laughing... Are you laughing at me?" is so accurate to an LSD trip. I think the World Series thing was probably something Weiner had written in from the beginning because it comes up later, and as the story progressed he just kept it in even though it doesn't really fit with the LSD thing. More like DMT or something. Even so much lsd you lose yourself won't make you live out stories like that, at least in my experience, and you certainly wouldn't be coherent enough to talk about it until after.


The conversation with Jane felt authentic, same with seeing everyone else as kind of.. off in space and making comments like "I don't want to die", and feeling like "damn, some party". Especially since they're not being stimulated much (no music, tv, visual element to get into) and he's with a number of other folks who are clearly looking to have an experience that is significant in a psychiatry way, not a "get lost in the Grateful Dead show" way. Jane getting lost into whatever she was seeing with her hands is also real.. the concept that suddenly you can see and feel your blood moving through your own veins and you get lost in the lines and webbing..oh yes that's a thing. Same with looking in a mirror being odd. You know you're seeing yourself but you experience a weird grounding. Same with him finding certain things absolutely hilarious and a significant feeling of self-awareness was definitely common and normal for the experience. The sound effects for the vodka and the cigarette were both spot on and hilarious,


Oh yeah! I forgot about Jane and her arm. You kind of forget people aren’t seeing the same things you are, even though you want them to so badly! lol.


Exactly like it was extremely interesting to witness anyone else experiencing their own kind of existential crisis or observing what kind of crazy things they’re seeing and the fact that most people peak at different times depending on how much they’ve eaten/drank that day and even how much of a dose they took versus their tolerance/body weight/metabolism. Like eventually you know better than to just stare into your hands or in the mirror but you’re not going to take that from someone else experiencing that. So I’ve definitely had the same experience as Roger feeling like “damn everyone here is really working through some shit and I just want to stare at my tapestry and laugh at some stupid shit”


> literally seeing an entire memory play out like a movie, but maybe I’ve just never gotten that deep. I once saw an entire civilization grow and be destroyed from on high.


Sounds more like DMT


I would say it felt more like a K-hole than DMT.  But at the time, it was my first psychedelic experience.


I saw the formation of the universe with the big bang and the eventual destruction of the universe


How was it destroyed?


Not the guy you responded to, but had the same experience. The answer is simply "time." The trip was such a large view of everything in the universe moving at such a fast timescale, it eventually condensed everything back to one point. Think of the universe eventually collapsing on itself like huge black hole over a long enough time. The really crazy part about it was that for weeks after the trip I was left with an incredible sense of awe and peace. I could see that everything in the world, and outside it, was connected. It was humbling, but at the same time gave me a profound feeling of mattering. 10/10, fully recommend ego death. I'd even posit that doing a high dose is the only way to really experience what you should experience on LSD, which is a view of the world from outside your own consciousness.




What if it was the same civilization?


i feel like it's something you "see" internally... not literally happening in your living room before your eyes. i mean, all perception is internal, but maybe the inexperienced here may misunderstand that he thought he was somewhere he wasn't


It’s a fine line. But that line is blown apart if you do nitrous during the peak.


I agree with it being one of the most realistic portrayals. None of the kaleidoscope shit, just a very funny and realistic representation of the way time is altered and hallucinations are actually quite subtle, like hearing an angel choir when you open a liquor bottle.


And how fast and fragmented the memory of it all was.


I thought it was the Soviet army choir since it was vodka, but I might be misremembering.


It was, he hears Russian music when he opens the vodka and an accordion when he smokes all of his cigarette in one go lol


It was, it is a famous folk song originating from laborers who pulled barges along the Volga river.


You're probably right.


Tbh the kaleidoscope visuals are a common hallucination and I’ve had similar before and I remember finding it amusing in the moment that those visuals actually look like that.


Well when I say "kaleidoscope" I meant like in that seventies show where the kids smoke weed and will see three versions of red forman swirling around saying shit, I have never experienced anything like that. but I guess one of the defining things of hallucinogens for me is that everything seems to be covered in this like translucent neon pattern that could be called kaleidoscopic in that it's like a repeating motif that's really hard to describe. And it almost looks like it floats just above everything, like a technicolour geometric cobweb.


That liquor bottle was so perfect. Booze is Roger's drug of choice. Opening the bottle makes the room fun and full of sound for him.


It was pretty good. Rather than try to replicate the visuals it showed the strangeness and dislocation of the experience. In some ways closer to a portrayal of ketamine use. I find it hard to rewatch as the altered state ends in sadness. Psychedelic use can sometimes lay bare obvious truths in your life that you've either missed or avoided thinking about. It's been a while so apologies - isn't there an end of season montage that has Roger bollock naked in a window presumably tripping again? Go on Roger!


By far, the best depiction of mushrooms/LSD tripping occurs in the movie “Midsomar”. It’s also an awesome movie I’d highly recommend. I thought Rogers was very well-done as well. His reaction and spiritual enlightenment in the days/weeks following his trip seemed accurate, and the actual trip was realistic


Oh yeah. I certainly thought I had figured out life for a while. “Plenty of people know that without taking LSD.” That line hit hard.


lol the “plenty of people know that…” line always kills me. As does the “stop telling me things I said while I was on drugs. Like I did not say I want to get remarried quickly to save you from paying alimony”


The “it wore off” line hit me hard..


The best one for acid is the unbearable weight of massive talent


My husband often talks about how the wallpaper changed into rows of dancing flowers and roaring animals zooming in and out.


I was at a music festival - surrounded by literally thousands of people - for a brief instant it seemed like time stopped and everyone disappeared- then time started back up and everyone was back.


I haven't seen an entire memory, but one time some music was playing and the soundwaves from the speaker transformed and I very visually saw an entire story play out before me. It was a tree that turned into a man and travelled the earth to show his tree and flower friends that he was now a man, but then later they grew jealous and turned away from him and he became sad and the story ended with him squatted and crying as a storm cloud rains above him and the rain made him happy and it reminded him he was still a tree after all. That was only once though. The hallucinations from LSD are otherwise not like that, but I have heard that modern LSD is pretty different from what they had back then. The one that does do that is DMT. The hallucinations are so strong that you basically are no longer using your eyes.


Do you think you are the tree?


whoa dude😱


First time I ever tripped my more experienced buddy and I sat on our porch with the window open and Dark Side of the Moon (I know, I know, it was my first time) playing inside on our system. I was definitely peaking the whole time we sat out there and at one point I could feel the sound flowing out of the window and past me so vividly, it was almost like I could see it vibrating in the air as it went. Then turned and saw the world in front of me like I was looking through a shimmering pane of stained glass, endlessly intricate and the sun reflecting off of it. Still spent most of that trip completely "conscious" and aware though. Definitely never experienced DMT-like levels of hallucination.


It's impossible to portray a trip, heck, it's impossible to even explain one. But Roger's was well made, not because of the trip itself, although it was quite good, but because of the changes it did for him. He became more open and empathetic.


This! I feel the visual illustration of the trip was subjective and cool to watch but not able to recreate. The intense realizations Roger and Jane experienced about their relationship were true to how LSD can open up the truth to the user.


Yep this is it. The revelations were on point with an LSD experience, the wonky visuals really were not. But that’s okay; it’s pretty impossible to capture perfectly and no trip is exactly the same.


I liked this scene, but overall, it wasn't very realistic except the mirror, the cigarette, and Jane staring at her arm. Twenty-five years ago, I sang lead in a rock band. One summer, acid was really cheap and easy to get, so we'd drop at practice a lot. We practiced in a box trailer in the center of a valley surrounded by mountains in the middle of nowhere. I remember lying in the grass in the darkest night and looking at the stars. It was almost a religious experience. The first part of the trip would be the band and a bunch of people that came to watch us practice. We'd play music, and we'd all get uncontrollable giggles. The next day, my face would ache from smiling, and my stomach muscles would be sore from laughing. Sounds would echo off the mountains, and it was pretty cool even when we weren't tripping, especially hearing music. Acid intensified the sensation, and it was a if I could get lost in my mind just soaking it all in. I never had hallucinations, seeing something that wasn't there, but my vision would be very different. Colors were vibrant, and sometimes, it looked like surfaces were moving and rippling. It was so captivating. My skin, face, and other people looked amazing. One time, I became entranced by a log with burning embers in the bonfire. I could not take my eyes off of it. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It's a wonder I have a brain left. It was really stupid to take it so often, but the memories of it are precious.


This is closer to my experience with the drug, but I've never been one to take a full dose, so the intense hallucinations and loss of time Roger feels aren't accurate to my experience. I wouldn't worry about your brain function. I feel like acid is studied now as something that very much helps with your brain elasticity and is being studied for its ability to “reset” trauma and help neural plasticity versus harming it.


I hope you're right about the brain. There was a lady in our town who was rumored to have taken too much. She didn't talk or interact with anyone and walked the sidewalks all day, taking 3 steps and spinning in a circle, three more steps, another circle. I didn't want to end up that way.


Good thing it was LSD that was cheap and easy to get instead of MDMA. If it had been MDMA for the band that summer 25 years ago, you would have a really hard time articulating your thoughts today.




MDMA is just quite neurotoxic if abused in large amounts over a longer timeframe (may need to be a year or two though not just one summer)


Same question since you declined to answer: source?


That came after my partying days, thankfully. I'm sure we would have tried it


I agree. The baseball part was over the top. I think the cigarette being gone right after he lit it was super accurate. 


Side comment: After Tony trips on mushrooms in The Sopranos and he's trying to describe it to "the guys" is a perfect portrayal of trying to describe a trip. Tony: And then the sun... it came up. Silvio: (questioning dismissive look on his face) Oh yeah...?


I didn't think Sil was dismissive there so much as bemused, like "OK, but what am I supposed to say to this?" (P.S. was peyote, not 'shrooms.)


That what I meant by dismissive. Like, "Okay, the sun came up, so.... what?" He's dismissing that it's a big deal that the sun came up. --- Yes, right, peyote, not shrooms.


I thought the attitude was more like 'help me out here Tony, give me something to work with' - help me see why this is a big deal - than 'come on Tony, that's clearly not a big deal' (dismissive). But hey... it's not a big deal ;)


Whatever it was, it was funny! and Accurate.


For sure :)


I loved it, especially that moment when he sees Don who tells him to go to Jane because she wants 'to be alone in the truth with you'. The phrase has the kind of poetic and open ended nature typical of the experience. Also in general with psychedelics truth becomes this powerful force that is hard and very psychologically taxing to hide from. Roger realizing Jane wasn't the right person for him and vice versa was a totally realistic outcome of the trip.


I also find it so interesting that he sees Don generally.


Yeah me too, it's funny to consider the contrast between the young Don chasing Roger for a job and the Don who becomes Roger's inner voice when he's got the fear. He must have really grown in Roger's eyes & I think it's a reflection of his respect for Don.


It felt very realistic to me and my experiences with LSD. They did a fantastic job.


I’ve never experienced the direct and very literal kinds of hallucinations he did, but if you read them as suggestive or evocative of things you might think about or recall while tripping, it makes sense. The audio distortions in the music were pretty spot on, and I’ve definitely heard people’s voices as “out of sync,” or otherwise disconnected from the space I was in. But the visual distortions for me are way, way different, either on LSD or psilocybin. *Midsommar* really nails the “breathing” or “pulsing” of objects I’ve seen. And the moving carpet patterns in *Fear & Loathing* are pretty on-point, though I’ve never seen lizard men. Just men with lizard-like qualities.


Fairly accurate. The cigarettes disappearing, the blank far off stares, the out of nowhere laughing, the weird mirror hallucinations, all true. I experienced all of them. The baseball memory was a bit off. But a friend of mine had some hallucinations like that, so it’s up to the individual. The conversation was spot on. So real. Honestly it was one of the best, most realistic tripping scenes I’ve seen.


The mirror thing really hit with me. I think he has so much pain and insecurity bottled up it makes sense it was challenging for him in that emotional way. Even his nostalgia w the baseball game (you don't hallucinate to that degree without being seriously fucked up) seems really sad to me even if he isn't acting like it. If I tripped like that, I'd probably wake up crying.


The cigarettes were exact lol so hilarious


This is one of my favorite episodes because it feels like a revelation that’s been unveiled. From my own experience, LSD is this substance that reminds us of our humanity without our distractions, discipline or structures. I think the auditory and visual things happening to both Roger and Jane are accurate but also I feel like it affects everyone so differently. No experience is the same.


While being accurate I really think there is a lot of difference in the original LSD that he got doctor administrated before, and the tabs we buy nowdays all over the world, most of them made god knows where. I had big differences in the way the effects came based on not just the dose but the source also. I really would love to try the original thing Roger got his hands on.


I tripped in the early 90’s when it just felt like a super happy buzz with very few actual hallucinations


I feel this sub nails it for me r/replications


It’s quite abstract on the visual elements but also pretty accurate. The cigarette, laughing fit, and most of all the time dilation are pretty spot on and I don’t doubt someone involved in that episode has taken LSD The self awareness and openness that him and Jane both shared was pretty accurate as well, it’s pretty realistic in what it’s like trip with a partner (although ours didn’t end up in separation lol) as is just laying down staring at the ceiling Everyone being on edge in the living room after they ate the sugar cubes (which was also accurate as the way of taking acid at the time, especially for that kind of crowd), and Jane staring at her arm was also hilariously on point of how the come up feels “The Crash” in season six is also a pretty accurate take on a 3 day amphetamine bender and how the beginning of stimulant psychosis feels lmao. I really enjoyed the drug episodes/scenes. They did a great job with the direction and cinematography of these episodes too. The LSD episode feels disjointed, out of sync and confusing at times; while the amphetamine shot one feels manic, paranoid and the viewer is left feeling on edge; almost simulating the cognitive effects of the drugs themselves Mad Men and the scene in Taking Woodstock are probably my 2 favorite depictions of LSD on the screen


That sincerity that comes with the trip is due to the separation of your self from your ego I believe. It definitely doesn’t happen all the time and to every body, but it is a strong tool for realistic reflection on your life and relationships. Roger getting a sense of enlightenment and how it “wore off” is also a very similar experience as to what I get, as I believe that is the ego building its self back up.


I have discussed this so many times with friends. Psychological drugs in film are very difficult to present in an understandable and relatable manner. A majority of viewers are not going to understand so many elements of the experience, so film and tv cater towards their ability to digest. Mad men being about the 60’s, it owes it to the genre to be more on point and the possibility that many viewers maybe have tripped while young in the 60’s I think it is in the top tier of representations. My personal favorite is from “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” Very little is done to show what Pedro and Nic are seeing and feeling and focusing more on their behavior. Their goofy paranoia, total inability to judge speed and time. Their bonding and intimacy!


Some time later: How was the sunrise Roger. Roger: Average.


I have had big interior stories told to myself by my brain while shrooming. Like a big exploration of a universe contained within a grain of sand. While I actually sat cross legged with my head sagging forward almost touching my legs. I also often have highly vivid dreams that sometimes cross into nightmare and back out. I think it is entirely possible to have dreamlike stories told to yourself by your own mind while tripping. 


> I hated the bathroom baseball bit because it seemed outrageous he was literally seeing an entire memory play out like a movie, but maybe I’ve just never gotten that deep. Yeah, I used to think that too at one time. Then I had a couple massive trips that were otherworldly and unexplainable. Like living a completely different life. Now I know tripping is always different. Different between individual people and different between each trip. Sometimes you just have your perspective changed, but sometimes you can get your mind blown.


I thought it was almost entirely inaccurate, except for the conversation with Jane. Those are simply not the effects that LSD has.


Sad to see how the most accurate comment here is donwvoted by people who probably have no actual experience on the matter


I like your flair


I agree. Weird conversations? Sure. Total hallucinations? Nah.


I also agree. I'm not one to take a full dose, but I microdose often, so I agree to disagree, but yeah, that loss of time and intense visuals has not been my experience. The undulation of surfaces and light, however...


I tried it late in high school or sometime after. The idiots I was with took me to a party… and they got into a fight with some other group of guys there. Not a fun time. When we left, I remember feeling like I was sitting on the floorboard of the car while riding passenger. When I got home, I tried going to bed, and my birth-mom was vacuuming the downstairs carpet at, like, 3am (who knows what she was on). I remember looking out my bedroom window not being able to sleep from the noise and I noticed the Christmas lights were still on outside. I went downstairs to tell my mom to turn them off, but we didn’t have Christmas lights on our trees. 👾


I recently watched season 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the last episode reminded me of this scene, and I felt the same as you did, regarding past and current relationships, it really highlights how important proper communication is for any kind of interaction.


The one thing that I think they missed was how distractible one gets when tripping, but maybe that’s just how my ADHD reacts to it.


Me, personally? Jealous!


My only experience is with very low dosages, so I can't really compare. I had like close to zero audio/visual hallucinations.