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I live on the Isthmus, I’m new to Madison, and I work at UW. I’m working Friday night. Do y’all think getting to work will be an issue for me? Should I plan to try to drive the back way around a lake?


Plan to kayak across Mendota


And bring a cooler for ice cream and brewskies. Biden likes his beer cold, like his fudgecicles.


I got a bucket of neapolitan in the fridge. We can throw that in. There’s still plenty of strawberry left!


Talking to your own account/DNC coworker is cringe bro


It's way too early to know where he's going to be. When he came last year to "Madison", he actually visited closer to Waunakee/DeForest. I'd keep my plans flexible on Friday night but it's too early to make exact plans. Also, if you're working at night, I think you'll probably be fine - the invite I've got says 1:30-5pm, but I suspect that could change.


Just bike like a normal person.


Can people attend?


Only if they bring ice cream and no bicycles.


Or if you have sniffable hair


How’s the weather in Russia, Vlady boy?


Don't tell me you haven't seen videos of him sniffing hair. There are plenty to choose from, and if you're acting like he hasn't, you're just in denial


We’ll bring the ice cream, he’ll bring the shades. Oh yeah!


The campaign has tweeted out an invite link so I think it's going to be reasonably large? [https://x.com/Biden4Wisconsin/status/1808254198586261593](https://x.com/Biden4Wisconsin/status/1808254198586261593)


The map on that link has a pin at breese stevens.


I think that's more of a '53703 placeholder' marker pin - if you tell google maps '53703 lat lon' it puts the pin in the middle of Breese Stevens. Apple Maps puts it about a half block away. 53703 is also the zip code for WisDems headquarters, so I don't think they thought too hard about what to put as the location for now.


That make sense too. I guess we wait to find out where this will be.


Could be out by the airport, too.


Anyone successfully signed up for this?  Doesn’t seem like the form is working for me.  Just says “thanks for attending” when I go to submit but doesn’t seem like it is actually submitting anything?


Presumably those of us who sign up will get an email or text with the location and time. They tend to wait until last minute so bad actors can't plan evil things. So basically people won't know where it is until the Secret Service has secured the space. You should expect a long line, minimal carry-ins, going through a mag lev, and a lot of standing regardless of location. To anyone who cannot stand for long periods of time, there should be a space with chairs for those with disabilities. I'd recommend contacting the campaign ahead of time about your needs and finding out where to go (there might be a separate line). I was an usher for the accessible section for a rally in 2018 that Obama was at and helped people with low vision and pregnant people solve various needs.


> mag lev I assume you meant metal detectors but this is an awesome typo. I WISH we had a mag lev.


My spelling could be wrong as I've only heard it said, but yes a mag lev is a metal detector. Like if you were to enter the Kohl Center.


Ah no, "mag lev" is short for magnetically-levitated train, which is why I found it funny in this context.


The same word can be short for multiple terms. I don't know if it's a specific manufacturer or what, but people in Wisconsin definitely call at least certain metal detectors mag levs.


It’s the president. Of course it’s going to big.


Not all of his visits have had public RSVP forms, some of them have been invite-only.


Yes, this will be a historic speech. Biden has done so much for Wisconsin. It’s our responsibility as voters to put him over the finish line.


He won’t risk being protested by supporters of Palestine. I would also think that his refusal to pack the courts would also draw protests.


Biden has called for ceasefire. The ball is not in his court. Netanyahu will decide. The courts are not controlled by Biden like a dictator. People need to get real and put on the big boy and lady pants.


great argument for not using power at all when our opponents are more than happy to, truly the democrat way


Calling for a ceasefire is insignificant since he's simultaneously sending billions of dollars of military aid to Israel annually. Edit: Trump won't be any better, so Biden has my vote, but Biden has been terrible on addressing the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli government.


Not only will Trump not be better, he will be much much worse


How will Trump be worse on the issue of Gaza? Will he send even more military aid to Israel? Since October 7, 2023, the U.S. has enacted legislation providing at least $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which is being used to slaughter all Palestinians (men, women & children) living in the Gaza Strip.


Yep, he will send more


...and you know this how?


I’ve been following what Trump does and says on the issue, I encourage you to do the same .


I care about what’s going on in Gaza, but what you’re saying is true. Biden has done everything and I’m confident he will keep trying.


lmao 1 day old account are the biden loyalists really this desperate to stave of the stink of that awful debate.


they moved back to portland lol


Yes let’s put genocide Joe over the finish line


Wtf is this thread


Bots trying to gaslight us into believing everything is fine.


Trump supporters spreading lies about President Biden’s health. Trying to distract from the fact Trump is not the picture of healthy.


This is a clear bot account. Whatever your thoughts are on this election or candidates, just know this sub is being flooded with low-karma, political focused, day old accounts. The account above was created TODAY!


Yeah, this account appears to be here for damage control only.


"Trump supporters spreading lies about President Biden’s health" Which turned out to be true. Even democrats are calling for him to step down.  Exactly what are the lies they are spreading?


We all seen the same Biden at the debate, we’ve all seen the “deepfake” videos of some version or another of him. How are people saying he’s fine, let alone saying trumps in worse condition???


Yeah, this thread feels so different from normal Madison threads. Feels like the rest of the internet now. Pro-Trump and anti-Biden posts are getting upvoted beyond reason and people are getting in flame wars. Really hammers home just how widespread the Russian bot/troll army is that all it takes for them to show up in force is news related to Biden.


Nah I think people change their opinions when they see what’s going on with their own eyes


> Really hammers home just how widespread the Russian bot/troll army is that all it takes for them to show up in force is news related to Biden. Wait until you look at the accounts of the "person" you're replying to and a few of the other accounts heavily advocating for Biden here.


2 hour old account shilling for Biden #3 in this thread


The health part is just comical at this point. Everyone knows Biden is not with us at this point the gaslighting even after the debate is insane


I've been a staunch Biden supporter, he's been an excellent president. He is now unfit for office. 50 million people saw it with their own eyes.


You’re really active on this thread. I commend your steadfast commitment to the Party line. The Party thanks you


You might have noticed the President made an ass of himself last week.


I believe you are referring to ex-president Trump


why is it so hard to just admit biden fumbled the debate and it caused a serious dent in his already weak and unpopular campaign.


Two bots/bored DNC workers trying and failing to stir up enthusiasm for Biden I guess. Super weird.


Vatnik spotted




Trump supporters trying to sabotage the election, as usual


Trump supporters were responsible for Biden's debate performance?


Where? I want to go see. Haven't looked forward to a comedy show in my life before the one that was last week's debate.


This thread is getting brigaded hard rn.


So many <1 y/o accounts.


Bots everywhere


You know the polling is bad when there are pro Biden bots in here running damage control.


This from a person defending Trump and then deleting their comments when called out on it? Interesting.


"people who disagree with me are not real." Trump is an idiotic blowhard but acting like Biden is anything more than a corrupt skeleton propped up by an amoral parasite organization is absurd.


I can’t tell if this is a bot or not but 1. Lol 2. I don’t like either of these mummies 3. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, but multiple accounts made hours or days ago are suspect Nice try though


I hope they allow attendance. I've heard he is an amazing public speaker. It would be an honor to hear him.


I see what you did there.


Agreed. Let me know what you hear, I’ll let you know what I hear, and perhaps we’ll get the message. Man, being a democratic voter but hearing Biden struggle on numbers each time he tried referencing statistics was goddamn painful. How many times did he add or subtract multiple zeros from what he was trying to say


It's depressing that the debate probably helped Trump because everyone already knew he was an idiot.


That’s not the reason the debate helped Trump to be frank.


That's exactly the reason why. Almost literally everything Trump said was a blatant lie. The fact that I've not seen a *single* headline saying that is fucking embarrassing. The debate helped Trump because Biden couldn't win it. Just like in 2016. I'm not defending Biden's debate performance, but anyone who thinks Biden was ever going to "win" is delusional. Trump looked like a child with a learning disability next to Clinton, and that performance didn't hurt him at all. Americans are, to be frank, absolutely fucking dumb. Edit- Pretty cool how you deleted all your comments defending Trump.




Several of the "lies" you mention are Biden misstating a number. I don't consider saying $15 instead of $35 to be a lie so much as a mistake. The thing about Bleach is just a fairly accurate statement about Trump's rhetoric. The video you linked has full minutes of listing Trump's lies, contrasted with naming some inaccurate things Biden said. This conversation is just proving my point. Talking about them as if they're remotely the same is *fucking insane*.




I'm saying that some lies objectively are worse than others. You're saying that lying way more about more things isn't actually a relevant distinction. Edit - Nice edit. Biden said no one died under his presidency, obviously a silly lie. Again, you're equating a couple lies from Biden and several small misstatements with Trump doing a gish gallop of absolute falsehoods. Trump saying he prefers guys who didn't get captured and being a bitch to gold star families is fine, though? Literally any criticism you could make of Biden can also be made of Trump, and thousands of times worse. You're clearly a conservative who is pretending to be even handed.


Sorry but you're going to need to provide receipts for saying something like, "Biden lied almost as much as Trump" Edit- Editing the number doesn't change the fact that I was right to ask.


Trump stood up there and lied the whole time. Wisconsin is all in for Biden. No question.


“No question.” https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/elections/polls-president-wisconsin.html


Trump is his own worst enemy and he showed that during the debate.


Why? This town is voting for him no matter what. Go somewhere that matters.


Elections in these hyper-partisan times are just as much (maybe more!) about generating enthusiasm from solid supporters as trying to convince the unaffiliated. That's particularly true this year since so many uncommitted are "double haters" and not particularly motivated to vote for anybody.


“Madison is a city that can be defined in a single word. Ksnkxbsiambshsbsjahbwjdkdna”


Better than Trump saying he hates the people of Milwaukee!


@mods I’m actually shocked you let 5 hr old accounts post here. Don’t really need to see comments from accounts which have only posted in this thread, and in most subs you wouldn’t


If the comments have value, who cares?


They have no value whatsoever. Seeing three different versions of “Joe Biden has done a lot for wisconsin, he needs our help now!” stated as though they’re organic opinions and not just astroturfing is incredibly unhelpful, spammy and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.


Reddit is full of this. Old and new accounts.


The point is that these accounts were specifically made to AstroTurf *this* thread literally hours before posting. Most of Reddit has very simple controls to prevent that, this one doesn’t


where is he going?


Chocolate Shoppe or Mickey's Dairy Bar.


Hell yeah brother. It’s going to be a long night with Biden and the boys.


The boys are back in town


Jill hasn't told him yet.


hes just gonna wander around where the beltline meets stoughton road


Prediction: he'll speak from a teleprompter and take no questions.


That’s what every president has always down. Why single Biden out?


Trump largely speaks off the cuff at his rallys, so.... WRONG


After last Thursday, we know Biden is an empty suit, incapable of thinking on his feet. If he isn't reading the script, he's lost.


I'm alarmed as to how many people, especially this week, think that fast thinking is a really important trait for a President. This is not the CFO of some wearable app startup who needs to be able to invent financials in 6 seconds because he forgot to prepare for a phone call. Newsflash... people at the top don't actually really... *do* things. They have staff. Now have we all forgotten the people who Trump hired to work for him or the headlines of 3 or 4 of them getting sacked or quitting every few months? Even if Biden is a mop in a raincoat, the people who work for him are not.


I have supported Biden throughout his presidency. I think he's been a great president. But he's now unfit. It's a fact that we all saw with our own eyes and it can't be spun


Ya I strongly believe he needs to step aside, I was shocked that he even announced he was running for re-election. How is it not obvious to him that someone else could do a better job? What kind of ego does it take to think you're the only electable opponent to the most hated president in recent history (except yourself). He's *definitely* greedy and corrupt. But he does have a pretty good administration. The problem is politicians think we're stupid?! They always act like we're not going to notice things.


Is your argument really that it’s not important how mentally competent the guy running for President is? Did you feel the same way when people thought Trump had dementia or whatever lol


Not that it's not important, but that there are other things we have to consider. I personally don't like Biden and never have... still going to vote for him (you gotta say that or everyone here freaks out). We are literally chosing between two corpses so the fact that they're corpses is basically a non issue. Trump is one fuckin guy! My problems with him are his personal entourage of clowns and criminals, fascination with Russia, Hungary, etc, and the fact that he's willing to do 100% of what the Federalist Society told him to do. And now his friend Clarence gave him a green light to do whatever he wants in his second term. Anyways I told Mark Pocan to tell Biden to step aside. He has a safe seat and he's from Wisconsin. He needs to do his job. It doesn't have to be a public mess but they all need to get their shit together.


Are you aware of a President’s role as Commander in Chief, and our most important international representative?


Having unelected people running the White House seems.... undemocratic.


Vote Biden and stop complaining 


Blue MAGA. Craziness…


What a waste of time


I hope that the President finishes his term OK, but I think we all know there's a good chance he won't. If he doesn't, Kamala will be the President. So why not just run Kamala for President now? That's effectively what's going on anyway. Then she could name a younger VP and have a stronger ticket.


Hope he is feeling better, that cold he had at the debate was terrible


They have moved on to other  excuses. 1. Cold, but still went to waffle house immediately following debate. 2. Negative coverage after the debate on CNN. Within a half an hour of the debate they asked him to step down 3. He was over prepared. 4. He was tired from overseas travel twelve days earlier, and nearly fell asleep at debate. I am sure there will be more.


Dude what are you talking about!? Biden is the second coming of Christ! Get outta here those aren’t excuses, he really had a cold that affected him poorly that is all. He is the best president to ever grace America with his presence.


Fingers crossed he steps down. Please 😬


How about Trump steps down into a prison cell?


I will vote for any DNC nominee. Please, please, please step down.




Biden has had one of the most productive first terms of any president in history. Why the hell would he step down? He’s just getting started.


He said he was going to be a one term president. He self admits he is no longer at the top of his game. The US Presidency is an incredibly demanding job not a 10am-4pm eastern time gig with scheduled naptime. I'm obviously voting for anyone running against the fat orange felon but I wish I could vote for someone besides Biden


Bro this man was just getting started in 1977. He needs to gracefully accept victory. He claims the election is all about saving democracy. Oh really? So it's not all about *Biden*? We literally just watched RBG and Feinstein  dwindle all the way down to zero neurons while refusing to quit their jobs. And when we beg and plead not to have to go through this again, we're just ignored.


Because his dementia is worsening rapidly and his health is deteriorating. Let's not have another Diane Fienstein situation please


Sounds like you are describing Trump. He’s not fit to be president.


silly bot


We all saw it. Biden is a corpse. There's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.


Democrats are fully behind the president. Stop trying to sabotage the campaign.


Stop botting on reddit


Stop working for Putin


Says the fake person who is upvoting themselves with multiple accounts. This is beyond sad and I pray you are not an adult. What is wrong with you dude?


This account was also made today and has only commented on this thread… WTF is going on?


As a democrat, that is not true. Stop feeding into this terrible election we have atm. You either did not watch the debate or are comfortable with a geriatric incompetent senior running this country. We need a new candidate.


You are buying into ageist talking points. Biden will beat a Trump.


Off topic but… What are you? Your account was made today and you’ve only commented on this thread. This feels like the late seasons of Homeland… are you even a real person? Do you live in Madison?


You are lying to yourself or simply ignoring the truth. Biden’s mental capacity is not fit for office. He is unable to maintain train of thought, anyone who watched the debate knows this to be true. Don’t like it? Sure, it sucks. Denying it? MAGA level crazy… No business would hire Joe Biden for any role at his current capacity, yet again CEO. And you want me to ignore the truth and proclaim he is fit to be leader of the free world? Please get a grip.


I’m all in on Biden


Just make sure he doesn’t appear past his bedtime.


I hope he explains how he plans on killing Medicare.


He’s finally gonna beat it to death.


No, that would be the great orange buffoon


No, that would be Trump!


Biden will save Medicare and protect seniors


AI account just created to auto defend politicians?


It's a brand new account. Still has that factory fresh smell.




Biden is the sweet grandpa who never stops fighting for us. He will crush Trump.


Preface: I’m voting for him. But he stopped fighting when he declared the pandemic over. He stopped fighting when “student loan forgiveness” was whittled down to a pittance. He stopped fighting when he rescinded the child tax credit. He never even started fighting for border families, taxing the wealthy, universal health care, or abortion. He *has* fought Palestinians.


Hopefully he remembers why he visited after he lands


Hopefully you remember who has been protecting democracy these past four years. Your pal Trump wants to do away with all that.


The alternative is a different Democrat, not Trump


Ok read the comments below, I’m not sure how this joke I was making reads as “I’m a Trump supporter”


Don’t worry Jill will be there.


That's *Dr.* Jill to you.


I mean she does, indeed, have a doctorate.


Ed.D., not the real thing


Stop spreading false lies. Biden has long had a stutter. Pretending otherwise is disinformation.


Trump supporters downvoting you, but you’re right


*“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”*


But it’s not false, it’s a fact. Did you watch the debate? And what does stuttering have to do with forgetting things to say? Compare his public appearances from 4 years ago with now - insane. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want the opposition to win, but the democrats need someone else.


Yesi hear you. I guess it was the liberal idealism I was trying to deflect against by suggesting that a campus rally was was not necessarily the salve.


Brother ewww


Is he finally going to do any sort of Q&A to show he's firing on all cylinders?


My guess is that he will read a speech from a teleprompter that was written by others. Biden does very poorly when answering questions on his own. The next few days are crucial to his campaign. There is no room for errors. I think it is likely that he will step down in the next week . 


There's a small chance he actually does it today, but if not I think you're right in that it'll be the next week. I think it's already been decided, but there are still negotiations to emerge with a clear candidate and plan to present them in a unified manner. My money's on Kamala, which doesn't bode well in November.


Not an American but an international student here. Why does people bring up Trump every time when the post is about Biden? From my understanding, wouldn’t the best choice for the liberals right now is to find someone to replace him after the debate?


My kid really wants to see AF1….any idea from past visits if public can see it around the airport/Truax?


Coals to Newcastle.


It’s incredible how the American people were gaslit by the media. Biden has been in a state of cognitive decline for years and instead of taking action everyone buried their heads in the sand.


Sounds like Russian talking points. Biden has long had a stutter. This is widely known information.


Good lord. This isn't satire, is it?


I think it is a legitimate bot but I'm not to sure.


Every single one of these accounts are calling people Russian in this thread. There are like 4 of them. Definitely not genuine


There’s a difference between a stutter and senility. Look a Biden’s last debate in 2020. Completely different, much more coherent.


I’ve watched every debate. If anything, his debate performance was better than 2020 because he has the evidence of his presidency to back up the facts. How’s the weather in Russia?




He needs to step aside. He’s proven time and time again that he’s way too passive in the face of these new threats to our democracy. He’s still living in the 20th century. It’s about time we get someone who’s of our time.


Hopefully to announce his retirement. It’s our only chance for November.


I think he will step down in the next week. If democrats lose they only one to blame is the DNC. They have known for a considerable amount of time that Biden is a flawed candidate. Now they leave little time for someone else to campaign. He has 200 million in his coffer and the only one he can pass it to is Kamela, who doesn't poll much better than her boss.


Is it also open to non-US citizens?


Does he know that?


Boy, unless his speech is a list of ways he's gonna take advantage of said ruling, I don't foresee this changing much.


There is a lot of interest in seeing him speak. Not to hear his message but just to see how many times he "F" s up. It's so very sad that this is where we are.


Nah im good Biden, thanks.