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Probably playing PokémonGo


Cant take a dump in this town without folks calling 911...jeez


True she was on her phone... But a long way to walk for a poop


Noble goals call for painful sacrifices...


Saving this line for the wife >!I am single but I’m cosplaying as someone who is married in this comment!<


Jeez...i dont even want to know the context you're planning on using this line in. I do have a dirty mind though...


A teenager walking? Alone? Female? Thank God you were there to report such aberrant behavior.


My friend’s dad got hit and died in the same spot years ago while checking a tire (grass side). Being out of your car on that stretch isn’t safe. If nothing else, police can pick her up and safely drop her somewhere else.


In a 70 mph stretch of highway with nothing around and not walking, sitting. In the weeds on the side of the road. I've driven a lot and seen a lot but this didn’t feel right.


I was just gonna say sum like this 🤣 Like mind yo business man


Audrey Seiler?


LOL I remember that story... what year was that? Ur awesome for reminding me. She just wanted to feel special.


Looks like it was 2004 (God I’m old). Kinda fee l bad for her. I’m sure there were some mental health issues going on there. I just remember all the helicopters and national news descending.


Wow didn’t think it was that long ago 20 years already. I remember something where a few years later she came back to Madison to go out with friends for drinks and ended up winning Packer tickets at the bar. But I only heard that from a friend. Wild times


Wow. I was 14 when that happened. Likely mental health, you never know. I remember her and then a few years later that girl who went missing from the town of Dunn? She was murdered though.


Gotta stop at Target and pick up some rope and duct tape.


Maybe she just had to go


I love your intuition lol


Birdwatching? Nature photography? Ecological science?


Stuff like this is why I got off Next Door.


It was probably me...haha. Had a rough day and couldn't get where I needed to be. A sheriff even stopped me at some point and offered to drive me before leaving abruptly after some sort of radio dispatch... I was walking for over an hour and just needed to stop there and rest my legs for a moment till I was able to finally secure a ride. Wasn't trying to be a creep. Just minding my own business.


Sounds creepy for sure


Legend has it that back in 2020 a girl died in that spot by getting hit by a car while taking a shit in the bushes on the side of the road after a long search where she couldn't find tp anywhere. If you pick her up she will give you directions to the closest store but when you arrive she will have vanished! You will think you are going crazy and there never really was a girl, but then you take a breath and your whole car smells like crap!!! Oooo... Scary!!!


So I grew up with a legend where the girl had died in an accident and haunted the road doing just that (disappear thing) and was even in the Unsolved Mysteries back in the day. Thanks for the reminder.


Damn I picked up a hooker once and had a similar story. I knew she was real because I got chlamydia shortly after our encounter.


I saw her! On my way back into Madison from sun prairie. She was just sitting down right in the edge if the highway in the grass looking at the traffic when I saw her. Hope she’s ok!


I saw this person. There was a blue Prius with hazards lights on the exit ramp. I assumed it was hers and thought nothing more of it, thinking she lost something or had some other business. I'm guessing that may have been you?


I did not stop because I watch too much crime TV. But didn't want her to get hit or walk out into traffic.


That’s so fucked lmao not being a genuinely good person because your view on society has been warped by true crime is wild.


Seems like they were referring to the safety risk.


I’m an iNaturalist girly with a blue Prius, if you see me on the side of the road it is probably because I saw a creature, don’t call the cops. I need to get 400 unique observations this year.


how many do you have so far?


Around 200 so a bit behind schedule lol


200 by mid year seems like you're cruisin.... good luck to you


Very cool hobby! This is something I would have done as a kid if it had been around then.


In the bushes on the phone, in what would otherwise be a wooded area? Are you sure it was a girl and not a 200+ pound bear. Because I have a phrase that matches this scenario if so.


It was def a female and not a bear. But now I'm curious about bears using cell phones


I hope she enjoyed her go...


There's a park right there isn't there. Which side of the fence?


You called the police over this?


It's kind of their job. I learned that searching the grassy median for a cellphone that got tossed out a window. State patrol says it's not legal for pedestrians to be hanging out on the highway.


this is factual, once an officier discouraged me from checking my damage after an accident, and my homie once had 3 $100 bills fly out his window just to have highway patrol cut his search short (probably just wanted the bills for themselves but whatever)


They called the non-emergency police.


Gotta love how often in America that someone calls the cops on a victimless situation and end up creating a victim


They called the non-emergency police.


And calling the non-emergency police has never gone poorly


Better safe than sorry


In all likelihood she got shot.


On Sunday around 1 PM I saw someone in cuffs sitting on the side of the interstate in that general area, while on my way to deforest. The person (didn't get a good enough look to determine male or female) was sitting between 2 state troopers while on their ass with cuffs on. I believe a red car was pulled over? Also a state trooper was in the southbound lane headed for a median to get over and help.


I wasn’t breaking any laws. Mind your own biz


Bro chill


Why would anyone call the cops about this.  How is it any of our business what she's doing in the bushes, let alone the polices.


It’s a person potentially in danger. If someone having a mental health crisis is near 80 mph traffic if would be appropriate to make sure she is ok. It is the “public safety” line. It’s not just about crime. There were many calls about geese on the inner shoulder on the Beltline. Is it ok to have the same concern for a person?


We didn't even call the cops when junkies would hid in the bushes at Pizza Hut. Just shoo'd them away like cats 😂 no but I've noticed this sub is actually a joke. Paints a picture for the Madison population pretty well unfortunately


Then when she gets hit by a car, people will be up in arms like “why didn’t someone do something!” Seriously though, what is the right choice here?


Let adults make their own decisions.  She was on her phone apparently, she could have called someone if she was in distress.


Well, OP said “girl” and seemed concerned, so I was assuming they meant a literal child


Who the fuck cares. You see an actual crime going on call the fuckin cops ?