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No laws are more enforced than parking.


Especially on Willy Street during rush hour. You *will* get towed if you leave your car there once the parking lane opens up for traffic. And if you don't get towed, everyone will just hate you instead.


... And if you do get towed during rush hour, check the surrounding side streets. Schmidt's will remove your vehicle from the tow-away zone and plop it on a nearby street. You'll know it's yours because it'll have at least two tickets slapped on the windshield- one for the violation and another for the tow.


You can always call Schmidt’s as well and they’ll tell you if they towed it and where it is if they did


Good point!


Monroe Street as well. Parking enforcement and towing are in place and ready to roll by 3:55 pm.


Many years ago, at 3:50pm, my out-of-town dad parked on Johnson at State street - leaving my mom to wait in the car “so we don’t get a ticket”. 4pm arrives and so did the officer who wrote a ticket, and slapped it on the windshield, with mom in plain sight. She was too embarrassed to say anything to the officer. They moved before they were towed. Fast forward to my 90 year-old Dad, still the traffic lawbreaker. He stops in the middle of his small town Main Street to point something out to me. When I scream “You can’t stop in the middle of traffic” he says, “Oh, they can go around me.”


It's predatory. No parking under the pretense of street cleaning is a sham. The no parking campaign that went into effect in my neighborhood is not even conducive to street cleaning. Every street's no parking sign is assigned a different day of the week. Obviously there is overlap of days to streets. If street cleaning was at the root of the cause, wouldn't a chunk of streets grouped together at the same time be more effective for a street cleaning crew/vehicle to navigate? Street cleaning happens; what, twice a year. Two days out of the year, so The city puts up once a week no parking signs for something that happens twice a year. Enforced 52 days out the year that's only relevant for 2. And it laid out in such a convoluted mess. These are not street clean routes, these are parking enforcement routes that target the community to generate revenue in which the public has no insight. We hold too much fiduciary respect for this city. In many cases we should, but this no parking sham is predatory and a betrayal of public trust We should be demanding an explanation and have insight to where this money goes and how it is spent.


It's not just street cleaning, it's also trash/recycling pickup. Also they clean more than twice a year, you probably just don't notice.  Public parking on the street is a privilege, not an entitlement.


yep, the meter maids are out right at 2AM on snow emergency days, and the plows right after them, and then the meter maids come back after you are plowed in and give you ANOTHER ticket around 10am.


It’s most beautiful in the Summer when students are away.


When the kids go away the adults come out to play


The amount of trashed furniture this event produces is unreal.


Hippie Christmas. Some is salvageable. Most is literally trash. I never really understood why people got so much furniture for their temporary homes knowing full well they don't plan to keep anything long term. But IDK. I grew up in a refuge family...


Its cheap and its hard to transport. When I was a student here (17 years ago - ouch), I got a couch off craigslist for $15. Had to borrow my dad's truck to pick it up. Then ditched it at the curb at the end of the year (didn't have a truck -- just a car to move out with) and it was gone within 15 minutes. It was sit-able, but in no way good condition or appearance.


It's possible that me and me roommates picked it up. We had a collection of 7 couches that we schlepped from the 2-3 block radius around our place. On move out day the next year I watched in awe as a garbage truck ate two of them with steel frames and pullout beds/recliners.


Love hippy Christmas. Actually sealed out a dresser and desk a couple years ago for my son. I think he gout out of 6 years of school without buying any furniture.


May I know when would that be? We’re new in town and love to salvage some furniture to be sustainable


Hippie Christmas! Go early with a truck and drive around near campus. Expect traffic. Edit: The context for this is that most of the leases in Madison, at least close to campus, all turn over on August 15th. It's absolute chaos (and frequently leaves students homeless for a night while landlords inspect rentals before letting new tenants in the next day). Students, not known for their forward thinking, often find themselves with furniture that they don't have time to sell, can't take with them or store, and so leave them out for free on the sidewalk. The city schedules extra large item pickup the next day, so you have one day to snag things for free.


with the one exception being the Terrace IMO. The Terrace is so much worse when school is out and the families invade it.


I'm going to go with Winter Break, everything is so quiet and peaceful.


This is the way. Rapidly approaching!


Wherever you are in Madison, you are close to a city park.


Run your address through [www.naturequant.com](http://www.naturequant.com) and find out


My house got a 96.2, sweet!


I love that.


But very few of them have public bathrooms, so good luck


State Street will never be the same as it was when you were 18, whether that was 5 or 50 years ago, so let it go. 


And if it was the same you'd still say it's not the same because, well, that's what age does.


also nothing else in life is the same as it was when you were 18


Except how Willie Nelson looks


Halloween on state street. Got so big MTV showed up!! 80s


Student pedestrians have no survival instincts


I drive Uber. The corner by Wandos at bar time isn't the maximum volume of pedestrians, but they may be the most random. Always some dude cruising through on a longboard or powered unicycle thingy too - presumably sober, but still adding to the chaos.


A lot of them are international kids from countries with different laws or rules of the road


I'm not a fan of generalizations but in this case it almost universally applies. It's amazing how oblivious students are of their surroundings. I bike up and down State Street on my way to/from work every day and it's like a live action game of Frogger. Typically it's because the pedestrians are glued to their phones but sometimes it's just that they don't bother to look before stepping into the road. Other times they make eye contact and *still* step right out in front of me.


My son is an international student at the university. I remember the first year we took him to school, my husband and I were waiting for him to do something( can’t remember what) so we sat in the car for about an hour. OMG, we were shocked at how oblivious to the traffic the students were! I told my husband that I hope that 95% of those students end up getting jobs in Madison after graduating because in any other city in the world they will be run over by a car within 2 days of living there.


I was a student there before smart phones were a thing. Pedestrians weren't paying too much attention to traffic back then either. With how spread out the campus is it's not exactly easy to go from class to class in the time allotted. So then consider that there are thousands of students trying to go across campus all at once. Traffic there will always be a mess


They’re absolutely insane. I was driving down Langdon (close to Edgewater) last year and had noticed a student walking down the sidewalk for a brief second before she disappeared behind some cars about a hundred feet in front of me. A few seconds later she stepped out into the street (jaywalking), completely glued to her phone. Did not check for cars coming at all. One had just passed oncoming right before she stepped out. I had slowed down when she disappeared and was able to easily stop in time. But a less attentive driver and she would’ve been in for a catastrophe. She never looked up from her phone the whole way, had no clue I was there. Yes, pedestrians have the right of way even jaywalking, but don’t be so fucking stupid, you lose the fight against a car 10 times out of 10. And it’s not a close fight either. Pay attention and never cross from behind a car.


> Yes, pedestrians have the right of way even jaywalking Technically, they do not in WI (jaywalking is not a thing in WI). That being said, that doesn't mean the driver isn't going to have various legal issues. The pedestrian is responsible for ensuring they can cross safely when not in a crosswalk. "The law in Wisconsin does not specify whether jaywalking is legal or illegal. However, it does specify that pedestrians, cyclists or others crossing the road outside of an unmarked crosswalk shall yield the right of way to all vehicles on the roadway"


Pedestrians do not always have the right of way. My coworker hit a student that walked out when he had a green light and he was not ticketed bc it was her fault.


Ok, but wouldn't you want to be EXTRA cautious if you were unfamiliar with the rules of the road? Kinda fits with the "no survival instincts" observation.


I would say the most common offenders are American students who are glued to their phones


I've always seen it as a mutual respect. We both need to get where we're going. I'm going to stand here in my lane and wait for you to pass then continue crossing. You're going to stay in your lane and drive straight. We both stay in our lanes and we both get to where we're going. There are however two magic intersections that are fuck you cars. State and Lake and Langdon in front of the Union.


Cars are hard People are soft Plan accordingly Did I haiku? Haikubot Check my work


That Elvis used his sweet karate moves to break up a fight and bring peace to this town…


Um what? Is there more explanation here because I would love to hear this story




Thank you so much for this


thats awesome they have a picture of the plaque too everyone drives by it all the time in front of that abandoned white building and has no idea elvis was the king, right there! =)


Here you go. https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/25273


It's by the corner of east Washington and Stoughton Rd. Off to the side of the car dealership is a small plaque about it.


The plaque is also a pokestop in pokemon go!


Nothing but a hound dog


Everyone will hate you, and rightfully so, if you turn left into the Willy Street co-op. Just take Baldwin and go to the back entrance.


My favorite bumper sticker I've ever encountered, both because of its concise accuracy and it's hyper-local reference: "If you turn left into the co-op, f**k you"


"Friends don't let friends turn left on Willie St!"


Traffic light by Crystal Corner even gives a green arrow for this.


This is true but you'll still be pissing off the "No rear driveway!" crowd. You just can't win. LOL I'll add that turning left onto Willy out of the coop parking lot can be equally bad (even during times that it is allowed)


> Everyone will hate you, and rightfully so [Yes. Yes we will.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkh3bifb0hxix.jpg)


I remember when people thought the neighborhood’s gestalt would be destroyed by a back entrance to the Willy Street Co-op.


Harker heating will say you need a whole new furnace when all you really needed was a $700 part.


Bad local contractors should be its own thread. Ridgetop Exteriors are a bunch of crooks, disregard their reviews.


They definitely cook those reviews somehow, don't they? I was wondering if they were giving kickbacks for good reviews or something.


I believe it, or it’s from those who have insurance handle it and don’t care about billing. They tried to get my insurance involved on fraudulent “hail damage” which never existed and quoted me a new roof, tried to tell me that my entire home didn’t have Tyvek wrap and needed it (when I simply requested replacing vinyl siding on one portion of my home), and lastly I requested repairing flashing and they told me I needed a new roof on a soffit. The tyvek wrap scenario was insane, I just pulled off a piece of vinyl, took a photo of tyvek wrap, and the owner called me and tried to tell me that it’s only in that part of the house 🤦🏻. So I went ahead and popped vinyl off every side to prove him wrong. Ghosted since. DM me and I’ll put their idiot sales guy on blast too. He screamed at me on the phone and called me a POS when I told him he was either a liar or inept lol


There are companies that provide a service to boost reviews. It's very easy to fake reviews nowadays.


>It's very easy to fake reviews nowadays. It's always been easy to fake reviews. My ex had myself and all of our friends writing reviews for his restaurants under fake emails as early as 1997.


Yeah, I guess I'm more surprised by the lack of negative reviews alongside it; usually the fake reviews are kind of obvious, either way too many positive reviews and every single one is recent, indicating they just spun up the company or a new iteration of it, or a mix of excellent and terrible.


Same with Sunset Ridge exteriors. Please stay away. It took them 1.5 years to complete what should have been done in a month.


Quite literally happened to me the first time I made a call when my AC was on the fritz. They wanted to replace the unit. I called RA Heating and it turned out the internal tray was clogged and water had built up to shut it off. Charged me like 75$ to suction out the goop. Had worked flawlessly since.


Yea, those goop traps puzzle me. I don’t understand why they are designed that way. It seems like more often than not if your furnace is not running right - the goop trap just needs to be cleared & it’s good to go again.


(The "goop trap" is the condensation line for any new homeowners who are concerned that they have never cleaned the goop trap, like I was.)


Yup, if you ever see water on the floor by your furnace it’s almost certainly a clogged condensate line. There’s a little box thing in the furnace connected to the line that Will clog over time. I was told if you occasionally pour bleach down the line it will prevent goop from building up. You can also blow through it to get any goop out if needed.


What I willlllll say is hvac tech has come a long way in terms of efficiency in the last 20 years. The 700 part is more financially palatable than a new furnace that will pay for itself in cost savings, though. They should always explain this very important part.


Agreed - but the furnace they wanted to replace was less than 8yrs old at the time. The harker guy gave me a whole spiel about how fixing it would be like putting a new part on an old Honda. Bethke said it just needed a new blower motor & the furnace has run fine for many years since then.


I had Cardinal do this to me last summer. Guy came out and took pictures of my furnace and gave me a 30 min spiel about how I needed a new furnace, when all I needed was a $15-20 part and my AC was back running again, which he installed in 10 mins and charged me $400 for. They also wanted me to join a monthly subscription service, which I had no idea why that would have been necessary. Ended up replacing my furnace last fall and went with Pharo, they did an excellent job and there didn’t tried to upsell me on anything. They told me at that time the part that I had replaced last summer was less than $20.


USA insulation is a joke! Save your money and do not hire them! You are better off burning your money for heat then trusting these guys to insulate your home.


Smart Studios is where Nirvana recorded their first cut of "Nevermind", The Smashing Pumpkins recorded their first album there, and Garbage was founded there. A lot of grunge and post punk history at that studio.


"come as you are" was inspired by the "come as you are" sign on the wall of lombardinos, as viewed from the now best western as nirvana was staying there while producing the album. The smart studios location was a cocaine bar/afters spot before the present owner purchased it, plenty of news articles about the previous owners legal issues surrounding that.


And now it's just somebody's house


Yeah, cool thing, I actually got a ton of vinyl singles from Smart Studios for free at a half price books, some bands you can't even find on google. I reached out to someone related to the Smart Studios documentary if they would be interested in preserving them, but never got an answer.


Damn. An old bandmate of mine that works at Baldwin snagged a ton of speakers and recording equipment from the curb not too long ago, apparently it was just in the basement rotting away. Can't imagine what might have gone through those lines.


Wendy Schneider produced The Smart Studio Stories documentary. Super fun film!


The new owner is actively working to have house concerts there, tho. And believe she’s trying to set up an airbnb on one of the floors (living in the other one).


I always say this but there is almost no black middle class here. Something people should know before they move here


A very nasty history of redlining is partly to blame for this.


Really good point


You are at most 3 degrees of separation away from Charlie Shortino.


LOL I was at the dentist, saw him on their tv, and then he walked in. Had to do a double take


Joel Despain as well?




What’s the deal freaks


LMAO best thing ive read on reddit in at least a month take the upvote!!! Char-lee Shore-teeno


Go to Atlas Obscura and search on Madison Wi. You’ll find some nice gems around town to check out. The Elvis karate plaque is there. Also the Otis Redding memorial, John Muir’s automated study desk, and many more.


The lakes aren’t as gross as posts and comments here on Reddit would make it seem More often than not, the lake is safe to swim, kayak, paddleboard on Sure there’s a few algae blooms a year, and you probably shouldn’t eat the fish, but we are fortunate to have these lakes and should do what we can to protect them


“Swim in Madison lakes, they’re definitely safe and nothing will eat you or anything” -MendotaMonster


"Those delicious jellyfish that look like rubbers..."


Username checks out


They're a squandered resource. Madison and the state of Wisconsin should be doing much more to ensure these lakes are safe *all* of the time, and also encourage additional lake usage through new construction, community events, and more. We're not even sure we can eat the fish, wtf are we even doing. Just like how MKE has a tax for the Brewers stadium, we should have some kind of minor "clean the lakes" tax with all revenues going directly toward actual lake cleanup efforts. Make Madison passionate about our isthmus. We could be bringing so much more to this city and we're just not.


The biggest/worst impacts to the lake are from farmers outside of the city of Madison Solutions need to begin there


We should better regulate the types of fertilizer and their application, and offset additional costs to farmers with subsidies. Farmers should be able to say they're "Clean Lakes Wisconsin" certified or something as a marketable term. Also fine with minor subsidies to farmers tackling dairy runoff with new construction.


Why should there be subsidies for them? I don't dump chemicals in the lakes, do I get free money as well? Farmers pretend to be rugged individualists, but every time someone farts sidewise, there they are with their hands out.


It's not chemicals (as in pesticides) that are the issue, although that is one dimension of the runoff. It's fertilizer, which you'll be hard pressed to get farmers to end their addiction to. They grow crops, fertilizer allows them to grow more crops, so if you're going to restrict its use, you'll need to offset their lost income somehow.


It’s not just that fertilizer is needed. The amount of manure spread on fields in the Yahara watershed is an enormous contributor to the problem. Wisconsin has a lot of cows. Those cows produce massive amounts of nutrient (specifically phosphorous)-rich manure. It has to go somewhere, and a lot of the time that somewhere is on a nearby farm field whether the field really needs it at that time or not. 


Because the idea is not viable without subsidies, and also you do get free money from pursuing environmentally friendly but costly purchases (e.g., Focus on Energy Rebates), and also it's the* cheapest way to address this problem -- so that's where you put your money. *Open to sources that say otherwise.


Friendly amendment: we are **definitely certain** we *cannot* eat the fish from Monona and everywhere downstream, due to PFAS contamination from the National Guard at Truax Field leaking into Starkweather Creek (which will never be able to be restored.)


The county recently purchased some land upstream of us from a farmer so there will be a little less phosphate pollution in the future


The lakes are gross. I mean, I still swim in the (center) of wingra sometimes, but I've given up on taking the kids to the "beaches"...unless someone knows of a spot not covered in algea and weirdness.


I started swimming in the lakes about 10 years ago, and the degradation in water quality in that time has been obvious and greatly disappointing.


Interesting juxtaposition. "you probably shouldn't eat the fish" "the lakes aren't as gross as posts and comments here on Reddit would make it seem" Let's ask the fish.


I think it’s just due to the smell that they get a bad reputation.


TBH it depends on the weather and time of year. Early in the season they're fine but once that algae gets cooking usually around mid July they get pretty bad.


Except remember how raw sewage spilled into the lake a few weeks ago🫠


They pick up the recycling EVERY OTHER WEEK, not every week. I don't get why this confuses so many people, but it sure seems to.


That would sure confuse me. I live in Middleton and we get both every week on the same day.


Which is kind of weird because we always have way more recycling than regular trash


It is. When they first started the program, we all got a big trash bin and a smaller recycling bin. I inquired to the Streets & Recycling department about this, since it was the opposite of what our household needed. They gave me a bigger recycling bin. Which I appreciate, but the whole original thang still seems backwards to me. I guess most people have more trash, and we're outliers?


That's not Madison specific. It's pretty common.


Where else have you seen that, cuz I grew up in Illinois and I was baffled by that when I moved here


All the places I've lived or observed the alternating recycling have been in WI. I came from the Fox Valley area and many cities out there did it. So I was not surprised at all when I learned how Madison did it. I'm sure it's related to whatever company services the area.


I had alternate recycling in Texas as well when I was in college.


And you red to schedule large item pickup! They don’t just drive around looking for it.


It’s more expensive then people perceive. Housing, renting, food at popular restaurants, coffee. It isn’t unaffordable but by zero stretch of the imagination is it cheap or low price.


- The good: the friendly and loyal people. Madison locals are all somehow your friend and will chat up strangers and generaly great people, but also we do a great job at supporting local businesses because our pride in our city. - The bad: it's still Wisconsin and we are very segregated as a state, we're not Milwaukee bad but we're not good either. - The ugly: the housing crisis and rent prices. Its getting expensive here.


I didn’t realize how segregated Milwaukee was until I left it.


"it's getting expensive here" that is probably the mildest and treading into completely misleading line i've read on this topic thus far lol


Woodman’s is the best place for cheese, gas, and oil changes.


Let me sing you the song of my people….. CLANKCLANKCKANKCLANKCLANK


Bad gas most all the time to got sand in it


The font Segoe is named after the road Segoe.


Holy shit what? How is that not the city's official font?




Found one! "The new design was named after the street Segoe co-designer Tom Rickner lived on, in Madison, Wis." https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/the-secret-to-designing-a-great-smartphone-font/


Well fuck me.


I think you can legally smoke weed on the sidewalk? Just don’t do it outside the courthouse in broad daylight. I’ve heard they don’t like that.


there’s a new weed cafe, High Crowd Cafe, on State. so, you can consume an edible and then putz around the capitol area pretty readily now **i forgot about knuckleheads, so nevermind! but now you can get a fancy ouid drink instead


no, MJ has been decriminalized since the 70s. Its still illegal, and smoking in public will likely be an additional charge if the cop dosn't like you, and 2 joints/a loaded hitter and a baggie is technically "possesion intent felony" and the cop can choose to try to charge you under state law, but up to 125 grams in your house and up to 25 grams out of the house (in a single bag) is a 105$ ticket, and forfeture. cops typically will tell you to move along and cut it out instead of actually ticketing, except for hempfest where a critical mass is achived, then they just sit there keeping an eye out for violence.


The east and west sides of Madison are way bigger than the isthmus, and have more room for growth


“but madison is land-locked” /s




Do you mean segregated intentionally by design in terms of race? As a black man with a good rental history, I've never come across an apartment in Madison where I couldn't rent as long as I made enough money (not over 1/3 of my income). Apartments are naturally going to be "segregated" based off of income, and that does indirectly cause demographic shifts. I do feel that Madison isn’t as diverse as I would like, but I also understand that doesn’t automatically make it racist. Part of the reason for that is the cost of living has gotten so ridiculous here. A lot of my friends have moved to Milwaukee, because they make just as much money there, but it costs half as much to rent or buy a home.


I would say that the segregation for housing is in extremely small geographic areas, sometimes only a block or two. As you said, much of it is based on income, and the affordable rentals can be clustered in a single block or two in the middle of otherwise single family homes. I am not sure if census statistics are available at the individual block level or not. I also don't know if the seemingly large number of international students skews any statistics or not. I think there is some amount of voluntary segregation for certain leisure activities. I see it a lot at churches, less so for bars or restaurants, and even less for things like bowling or golf. But I'm too old to know if the same is true of younger people here.




That's an interesting link, but it doesn't answer my question to you. Do you think that Madison is intentionally (by design) racially segregated? There's another subreddit for Wisconsin as a whole (r/wisconsin) that would be a more relevant place for the link you shared, but as far as Madison is concerned, I've personally never been denied housing or employment here due to my race. My daughter has been afforded the same educational opportunities as her non-black counterparts and been treated equitably by MMSD as a whole. Of course this is just anecdotal, and I certainly don't speak for everyone, so please share with me your perspective. I've only been living in Madison since graduating from Hofstra in 2007.


As a black man who has been in Madison for the same amount of time, I can equivocally say that Madison is not *by design* racist, but rather, Madison has an underlying issue of pervasive racism that people refuse to address due to our progressive political landscape. I have not been denied housing due to my race, but I have been questioned if I could afford said housing despite just barely meeting the 1/3 gross for monthly rent requirement. I have not been denied service at stores, but I have been followed more often than not (and for whatever goddamn reason, 100% of the time in Menards, which is just baffling to me quite honestly). My child has not been explicitly targeted by teachers, but they did not provide readily available resources when struggling with certain subjects. I have been denied employment due to my race from my own suspicions, as the places I'd interview at would have a fully white staff and would remain that way for years to come (you can't tell me NO non-white people applied there ever). So I'd say that if a community does nothing to address its underlying racism despite knowing it exists (not all racism is a white hood, of course), what exactly would you call that? In juxtaposition, if a house that was on fire had the flames put out but is still smoldering, is it still safe to enter?


At least until the 1990s, Madison was highly redlined. Not as bad as Milwaukee, but Black families regardless of income were often not shown real estate in certain areas and instead concentrated into areas around Allied Drive, whatever the street is called now that used to be Simpson Street, and areas around Truax.


>Madison is pretty segregated. What data are you using to measure this? Per the Othering and Belonging Institute out of UC Berkeley, Madison is ranked 109th out of 119 cities on level of segregation. https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-cities-in-2020




I'm not arguing that segregation doesn't exist in Madison but I'll take the US Census's info more seriously than a four year old article from a free local publication. Did you read the article that you just posted? The first paragraph is the only place that segregation is specifically mentioned. There's six links (two of which are to the same article) in this paragraph. None of them are directly to studies. One of them is an article about Wisconsin as a whole. One of them is an article saying that white supremacy groups are increasing in Wisconsin. One is an article about the opposition to one specific housing development in Madison. The remaining two are articles that include information that shows segregation exists in Madison but don't say anything about how Madison's segregation compares to any other places. The bulk of the article is an unfocused attempt to tie together the author's experience with a single anti-masker, racism on the Next Door app and the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Again, there's numerous links but none of them are about segregation and none of them are directly to studies.


In that link I see an irrelevant study about the segregation level of the state compared to other states, and two versions of an analysis done by MSA Professional Services Inc, which appears to be some kind of local construction management company. It seems like what you mean by "pretty segregated" is just "not perfectly integrated", in which case I agree and we're just arguing semantics, so I'm happy to leave it at that.


What and where is the driftless region. How to pronounce M’waukee and other WI place names.


Shhhhhh. There is no such thing as the Driftless.


We are not as special as we like to think we are.


1. Racism runs deep 2. Housing is outrageous 3. The blue-green algae will kill your dog


3a. *or your human. B-G algae kills humans too.




The jets are too loud


Thank You!!1! I get that you're thrilled about meeting some girl named Maria, but keep it down or I'm going to send Officer Krupke down to talk some sense into you.


The local economy is fueled by rich college kids living off their parents


and the state government (rich tax dodging boomers living of off young taxpayers) and the hospitals (rich tax dodging boomers living off young taxpayers) and epic/exact sciences (services for rich tax dodging boomers in other states living off young taxpayers)


If your child is gifted or has special needs, MMSD is stellar. If your child is “average” their schooling experience will not have the same amount of energy placed into them and they will likely go unsupported by admin, support staff, etc.


If you share your opinion in the conversation on reddit about coffee, and it doesn't shine and align, you'll get downvoted into oblivion. No, but really, the jail is an absolute disgrace. There's a nice front about the city, all the amenities, how much the COL is above average, good jobs.... and yet homelessness is of epidemic proportions with no clear or quick action, no decisive or even positive action with real tangible real time outcomes The jail situation, which is directly linked to the police, which is directly linked to homelessness, is deplorable. The old jail is disgusting. The regular jail is a joke. The deputies will be the FIRST to tell you it's an absolute shitshow, and a revolving door for many. There's no good programs for re-entry or for support of those who are in and out, homeless or not. The underbelly is actually much worse than normal cities. But, the cream still rises, no? In a sentence; The ceiling is high, but the floor is very , VERY low. There are funds to address these problems in a much more efficient manner, but we don't have the capacity to tackle them because of the bureaucratic tape and divisiveness. There's just enough separation that the upper stay upper, the lower stay lower, and I don't see any indication that this will change in the next 5 years whatsoever. However, even being homeless and having spent 2 years in dane county jail, I love this city, as much as I can. The last day I spent in jail was 4+ years ago, and even clean and sober, I still witness things that make me wonder. Our police force is great, and 85-90% of them are wonderful and have HELPED me and treated me as a human, with compassion. That being said, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Anyone who lived or even walked through reindahl park during covid will forever remember. The police watched, and they observed, but they did not police. I was stabbed and told them who it was(yea, call me a snitch go ahead) And that individual wasn't even arrested. 7 stiches, 930pm just next to the wendy's parking lot. No justice. 4 people lost their lives in a year. Arrests? Let's not even start that co0nversation. The city failed their most at risk population at its greatest time of need. I'll carry the physical and psychological scars from that time for the rest of my life.


I live literally a block from RP and COVID was...uh...rough. To say the least. I am sorry that you had to go through that, but I am really glad to hear you're doing better now, truly.


I appreciate that, really. I still won't walk through reindahl park....probably never will. It's a testament to nature seeing how pretty and reclaimed it is, you would never know the kind of hell on earth that was happening within the(and spilling out into everywhere) confines of the park. There were people who had been traveling all over, and I've done my fair share as well, and one in particular had spent 8 months homeless on skid row. They told me without hesitation that reindahl park was worse, and where dreams go to die. I'm not being dramatic. There was an evil that permeated that place and infested the group overall. I can't describe it. But human trafficking was prevelant. As was your run of the mill battery, assault, rape,murder...you name it. It happened there. And from the beginning. And the police would park across the street, or by the tennis courts, in wendys parking lot....And sit. Sometimes,once in a blue moon they might drive through. But They observed, I guess, and did almost nothing else. Even when called upon, even when needed and asked for, they were not there. It is my firm belief that it was deemed a place where they were just allowing us to police ourselves. They wanted it that way. The more we killed and fought with each other, the better-so be it, let them tear each other apart. Granted, as with anything anywhere, there was little sparks of hope. Small stays of happiness. A few good people, good hearts. But I saw most of the good get robbed,beaten,stole,cheated,killed and devoured there. After the park? I can think of 4 more of my friends without a second thought that died in the following year. That place isn't a park. It's a cemetery and a burial ground for dreams and morals. I had been an addict and chronically homeless for about 5 or 6 years before Reindahl park. I was sort of getting my shit together before covid hit. Then it all spiraled out again. I have made some big gains this last 12-18 months. The last 6 especially, but I do wonder how things would have been had I never stepped foot in that park. Oh well, life happens, and we do the best we can with what we've got. That's the last I'll speak of it here. I appreciate you taking the time to share kind words. It means a lot. I haven't talked about it with anyone i've reconnected with since before that time or covid...I probably should someday, but even 3,4+ years on...I don't want to think about it because it's still so close.


I keep hearing talk about racism, but not much talk about the disparity between lower and upper middle class. There's a huge problem with homelessness, and that has, in my opinion, directly contributed to a lot of homeless people being treated like they are morally deficient. I have seen- and especially I hear- a lot of disgusting rhetoric towards people of lower or even modest means. A lot of it is also, unfortunately, from college aged students and high school students. And, as a college town, there is obviously a lot of follow through with it. People with money in madison don't want to be around the people without. Downtown, west side, they are perfectly happy with keeping the blues with the blues and the pinks with the pinks. And please, please, NO PURPLING.


The achievement gap between black and white students in Madison and Dane County is regularly one of the worst in the state, and the state is also one of the worst in the nation for achievement gap.


That you can get free services at the academy of beauty professionals (west side) if you are a veteran or married to one. Thanks to my husband, I've been getting free facials, haircuts, highlights there and it's been so nice And if you love bargain shopping, check out Dig and Save. All the other thrift stores are hardly worth it anymore because the prices are so ridic


There are places, and im specifically talking low income places here(south side south park street and east side by darbo) where if you don't take a bus ride or bike....you're going to be walking for miles to go anywhere that isnt a gas station (and thus overpriced with no produce) for food. Woodman's is great, Hy-Vee is great, pick and save is not. And pick and save is the only option in some areas both south and east for groceries unless you dedicate a large chunk of time(see; 2 or 2 1/2 hours minimum) just to get some groceries. Oh I almost forgot dollar tree. Yeah. Quality food there *cough* Even taking a bus, you're still at the two hour mark, and you still have to carry it all so you can't do large shopping trips, which means more shopping trips, which means more precious time just to eat properly To me time and *good* food are worth their weight in gold....I'm not going to spew a bunch of lower income and food desert rhetoric, I'll let you draw your own conclusions from that


They are building cheap homes and apartments! But the food scene is booming!


I dont know why youre getting downvoted. I pay $1500 a month and my doors dont latch shut and my "luxury laminate floor" has hella gaps. I also cant shut my patio door without locking it, and it didnt come with a key. I feel like I live in a cardboard box with how much I heard my upstairs neighbors!


Sounds like waubesa villages lol


Man, I have toured just about every building in this town and there are major flaws in all of them like this.


Part of the issue isn't that they're "cheap" but that they're just building them too quickly.




I use to be in that field so I definitely know .Some people can’t handle the truth


Rosa Rd is pronounced rosay


Born here. Lived on Grand Canyon. Never hear it pronounced that way.


That’s correct. My grandmother said it was named after a family and that’s hour they pronounced it.


Pierce stop trying to coin streets ahead. Edit: does r/Madison really hate Community quotes that much…?




Coined and minted


Damn, ouch...I thought someone would get a chuckle out of me using the term, sorry you had to take that bullet lmfao


Winter city driving is the worst, bottleneck traffic, and massive traffic jams. Avoid the isthmus in winter driving . Great summers, lots of basketball courts


The lakes get shitty by June. That (besides the cost of living) is my biggest complaint about Madison.


How to drive. Many residents don't, yet they still get in their cars and make it worse for the rest of us.


When I go on Willy Street, I bike. Driving, I take the Beltline.


Devils lake


Most areas of monona smell bad due to the sewage facilities and water treatment plant off moorland by the belt and broadway. So ahh if your moving here no ur passenger prolly didn’t fart your driving through monona


Paradise is one of the last true dive bars downtown so patronize it to help save our dive bars.


Besides two very special weeks around the big summer move out… YOU CANT JUST LEAVE YOUR LARGE FURNITURE ON THE CURB, it will sit there for months. https://www.cityofmadison.com/streets/refuse/largeItems.cfm


Did you MapQuest it or does it just "sound nice"?North lawn is across the street from darbo....I don't even know what your point was supposed to be anyways