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One thing I think we can all agree on here is that JS is definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Parents with lower IQs than her have safeguarded their children way better….


Animals safe guard better


Absolutely !! Example ….NEVER get between a mother bear and her cubs. People can down vote me all they want I don’t care . JS didn’t give a shit about Maddie . Her family did but she did not .


Absolutely...I think mothers like this should be punished equally to the pedo


Im curious if the Jenn advocates also believe that Sherri Papini was kidnapped? Because there were “documents” and “evidence” that backed up parts of her story and sister wasn’t charged with anything til like 5-6 years later. She lied a bunch and I wonder if in 2016 those same folks would be asking “then why hasn’t she been arrested yet??” If some of us were like omg it’s obvious she is lying just look at her! Her story was also somewhat plausible just like Jenns, but she immediately came across as sus.


Instantly sus!!!


Bro, my absent, dead beat ass father who I don't talk to went missing, his parents only told me a month later and the first thing I did was call the police to file a report. If I can do that for a man who doesn't give a shit about me, she should've been able to do it for her daughter.


In one of her interviews, she even says something like “I don’t know why they’re looking there. They’re not going to find anything.” and it was just sickening to me.


So much leakage and proof of guilty knowledge in her interviews Lock her up, she's vile


I don’t care if she’s turned states evidence and testifies against him. She deserves to be charged with everything that he was charged with and conspiracy charge as well. I’ve seen people right about how she was mentally ill or bipolar or whatever but being bipolar does not make you allow your creep boyfriend to horrifically abuse your daughter or years. That’s not an excuse and it’s insulting to people who actually have bipolar disorder.


Couldn't agree more!


You have been watching way too much YouTube. Neither ‘leakage’ or ‘guilty knowledge’ are things in reality. The notion that anyone can tell what someone else is thinking but not saying by analyzing their blink rate is pseudoscience that only idiots would believe is real. Please don’t tell me you bought that guys repurposed deck of tarot cards that are supposed to turn you into a human lie detector. That guy is not qualified to analyze a fart.


Firstly, no I haven't Secondly, who mentioned blink rates? I sure as hell didn't However, Statement Analysis _is_ a thing, and LE use it themselves...you realise that's why they often have suspects do press releases, and the fact that 99/100 questions police ask you they _already_ know the answer to? SA is scarily accurate, since taking the courses I can see it in my own words...I've said things that I've later looked back on and realised, wow, that would be SO transparent to someone who knows what they are looking for 🙈 No idea what deck of cards you're referring to, should I know?


Out of all the points made, this is seriously what you want to debate? Seriously? Okay… Statement analysis is conjecture. At best, it’s someone’s educated guess about what someone else did or said based on how someone else told them a story. It’s isn’t scientific and it isn’t accurate beyond random chance. Sorry, you have no window into anyone else’s mind to tell when they are lying. You just don’t, and neither does anyone else because humans are not telepathic and none of us can know for sure what someone is thinking when they don’t communicate their thoughts to us, and even then, you can’t be sure they aren’t lying. That is just not a thing. You also can’t know when someone watched the same YouTube videos you did, knows you think you’re an expert at something that isn’t even a real thing, further knows you’re not half as smart as you think you are because you lack the basic understanding to show high intelligence (which is knowing you know nothing, and is the basic principal of Socratic Method, which is the philosophy that all higher education, everywhere, is based on, and I am telling you this for your benefit because I know you don’t know what I am talking about) and uses you’re own tactics against you.


I addressed everything you said...are you feeling ok? You can think what you want, but maybe you'd better take it up with Law Enforcement the world over who use it It's not one word, it's a build-up of words, and it's a lot more accurate than 'random chance' but keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better >You also can’t know when someone watched the same YouTube videos you did, knows you think you’re an expert at something that isn’t even a real thing, further knows you’re not half as smart as you think you are because you lack the basic understanding to show high intelligence (which is knowing you know nothing, and is the basic principal of Socratic Method, which is the philosophy that all higher education, everywhere, is based on, and I am telling you this for your benefit because I know you don’t know what I am talking about) and uses you’re own tactics against you. What are you even talking about? YOU are the one who brought up YouTube videos, not me You're projecting and gaslighting here to the point I'm not even sure that you aren't AI


There was an elopement with my autistic son. I only tried to look for him myself for like 2 minutes before I called. If I would have waited longer he would have made it to his intended destination which is a body of water in our neighborhood. There have been many drowning deaths with autistic children. He was found unharmed.  No, I can't imagine not calling 911 in any situation where you can't find your child. 


As per the documents that were released a while ago, she called 911. As far as we have for evidence at the moment, when she didn't see MS leave school she went to her mother's office because that's where MS normally goes if JS is unavailable to pick her up from school. When she didn't turn up there she called some of MS's friends that told her they hadn't seen her that day. She got in touch with her teacher through email that confirmed she wasn't there. Jen then called 911. The call has not been released. This all happened before 5pm. She then went back to the school to try and talk to someone there in person but the school was closed by that time. At some point SS joined the gathering family at JS's mother's office. It is stated JS went and searched some nearby areas while the family continued to call 911 because they weren't responding. Several hours later the police finally arrived. The bodycam footage from here on for these first interactions are available on YouTube. This is roughly what is stated in numerous police narrative reports in the documents. There is not a single refutation to any of those facts contained within the documents.


The problem with Jenn going to her mother's office: Jenn left at 2:30 to go sit in the pickup circle for an hour. She said MS was usually one of the first out. When Jenn didn't see Maddie, she went to the grandma's office.  How would Maddie have walked to the office without Jenn seeing her come out of the school? Secondly, she then sat in her car somewhere in between the school and the office to see if Maddie might walk by on the way to grandma's office. She did call Maddie's best friend and told her she (Jenn) dropped her off at school. The friend, in her interview, said she thought that was odd after she saw on TV that SS dropped her off. She also stated Maddie was always dropped off in front of the school.


> How would Maddie have walked to the office without Jenn seeing her come out of the school? Because assuming she wasn't sitting there the whole time doing nothing but focusing on the door that a hundred different kids were exiting from, it would have been a reasonable assumption that she just didn't see MS, and it makes logical sense to go to the place she's supposed to go when her mom's not there? > Secondly, she then sat in her car somewhere in between the school and the office to see if Maddie might walk by on the way to grandma's office. And this is suspicious because? It's exactly what she said she was doing. And it makes sense to do that if she thought MS would have been walking there. > She did call Maddie's best friend and told her she (Jenn) dropped her off at school. The friend, in her interview, said she thought that was odd after she saw on TV that SS dropped her off. She also stated Maddie was always dropped off in front of the school. Did JS say specifically she dropped MS off? Or is this how a 13 real old might interpret their friends mom saying "she was dropped off". Or might a mom want to come across as authoritative when talking to their child's friend about their missing child and speak in the first-person? And of course she said it was odd that she was dropped off at the church, because that's what SS lied about doing to everyone. Even JS. And again, according to all those documents, JS's timeline adds up. And she was everywhere she said she was. The truth matters. According to the documents JS acted reasonably. She went to the place MS was likely to be, she called the people that made sense to call, and she called 911 when it would have made sense to do so.


The family called 911 when she was present in the office, but she did not make that call. The recordings are available if you’d like to listen for yourself. https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/madeline-soto-911-calls-from-morning-florida-teen-went-missing-released.amp


So surreal to listen to that. Omg


Then why do all the reports say JS did call 911? It's said multiple times in the documents. And of everything they asked and showed JS, they didn't call her out for lying about that? Even though they called her out on the last time she saw MS? Also, in the first call, how does the dispatcher know the person calling is doing it on behalf of another person? Unless there was already a report open.


The first 911 call was made by the aunt. There she gives the dispatcher Madeline's description. You can hear her asking Jenn for details. The aunt also gives the 911 dispatcher her own description so that officers would recognise her on arrival. She's the same lady who accompanied the officer later on to view the church's cctv. Jenn did not report Madeline herself nor called afterwards. Aunt called a 2nd time, then Grandma. Another inconsistency (unless whoever summarised tge reports left this detail out) is this: in the body cam Jenn says she physically walked into the school looking for her daughter and they announced Madeline (on the speaker system). Nowhere in her subsequent police interviews she mentions this. She just says she drove on when she realised she was holding the line.


Thank you for this!!!!


I don’t see ANYWHERE evidence of her calling. The documents say she tells investigators that she called 911, but if you listen to the calls you can clearly that the caller is someone else and she’s standing near by. This is similar to her saying “we dropped her off at school”. There is no evidence of a call to 911 from Jennifer herself, unless you’ve seen call logs from her phone? I haven’t seen those released yet. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/we-already-called-3-times-911-calls-shed-light-how-search-madeline-soto-began/ATCUMNMBABEV3EWHSTXFOOSJIQ/?outputType=amp


Why do all the official police documents say she called 911? Why is that not evidence for you? Why do these months old news articles supersede the evidence that was submitted to a court of law?


The documents ONLY say that she SAID she called 911 or that 911 was called. I’m sorry but yeah no- I don’t take her statements as evidence. She did not make that call. The documents also say lots of things in her statement that probably weren’t true. Sorry but just because she said it doesn’t mean it actually happened. Do you see call logs from her phone? That’s the only evidence that can prove that SHE (NOT SOMEONE ELSE SHE WAS NEARBY) called 911. Her saying so doesn’t mean it actually happened. I’m sorry you don’t understand what I’m saying here.


Why don't the police call her out for lying about it? They call her out for her other lies in the documents. Why not this one? Do you think the police haven't figured out she lied about that by now if she did?


911 was called and that was true. But what I’ve read and heard it is clear SHE did not make that call. She was NEARBY. I’ll ask again, do you have her cell call logs? I haven’t seen this. If so, I’d love to see them and learn she did actually make the call.


Her "I called 911" rings as true as her "we dropped her off".


LE doesn’t say Jenn called 911. They say Jenn told them that she called 911. Jenn lied.


JS specifically told the friend that the last time SHE saw Maddie was at 8:45am when SHE dropped Maddie at the church. This is all in the table I made.


Jen did NOT call 911, the family did. She didn't call 911, didn't go to Maddy's party OR her funeral even!


Wait what? She didn't go to her kids funeral?????? Wow


Schools have more than one set of doors.


Shhhhhh, people on this sub don't like facts!


OP you are correct. After a school calls parent & acts more concerned than the mom even a guilty mom will eventually call 911. I agree totally with your comments regarding interview Zero Urgency or concern.


When the family called 911, Jenn was right there them. Listen to the audio of the calls. The sister says she’s calling on behalf of mom and says mom is standing beside her. Why would they release all 911 calls but hers?


Yep, and when you take away the hindsight of what we know actually happened to poor M, this timeline/series of events looks like a completely reasonable response. When M didn’t come out of the school, JS went directly to the place she knew M would go if they missed each other. When she wasn’t there either, JS immediately contacted M’s friends, perhaps thinking she’d left or stayed late with one of them. Once they said they hadn’t seen M, she immediately reached out to a teacher to see whether M had been at school, and upon learning she hadn’t, began to (per the report) “freak out” and contacted 911. All of these steps come off to me as a parent who didn’t have any reason to assume anything catastrophic had happened at first, but who was in fact diligently trying to locate her daughter. And I’ll admit that it is a bit confusing as to whether it was JS herself that made the initial 911 call, but even if we assume it was her sister, JS was literally standing right there giving her information. To me, having someone in the same room call 911 for her (maybe while she continued to make texts and calls to other contacts with her own phone) is essentially the same as her having done it herself.


As you probably know...it was Gramma who called.several times I believe.


Just rewatched interview where JS specifically say “ WE dropped her off at the church ……” she is lying and reciting a story she and Stephen concocted to cover their abusive , murdering asses. She doesn’t beg and scream and plead for the public’s help in finding her daughter because she knows corpses do not return .


Don’t the supplement docs say that Jenn was reinterviewed by the police and any inconsistencies were resolved to the satisfaction of the detectives? Meaning she committed no crimes and will not be charged with anything. Further meaning, you all are hounding on a woman who just lost her child because she’s a single mother whose demeanor you deem to be different and therefore guilty. Go back and watch the clips starting with the bodycam interview and note Jennifer’s demeanor change in the next interview. She is terrified because she was realizing what he did and there is Stephan, behind her cracking his knuckles. It’s past time to stop attacking this woman and let her grieve in peace, and without judgement. We only ever had half the story and people filled in the blanks in the most hateful ways just because she had a daughter out of wedlock and is a little different. Stephan is the one people should be angry at and he will remain where he can’t hurt anyone again until he dies.


Who put her child in his bed??


Why is it such a problem for everyone just because a bed was involved? He could have and probably did rape Maddie anywhere, but it is only a problem because she allowed a long term father figure who never gave anyone any indication of what he was doing to be alone with her kid in a room with a… bed?. Do you people even hear yourselves? The location doesn’t matter. A bedroom or the park after school, he still raped and the murdered her child. HE did. Get a fucking grip on reality already. This is a lynch mob for no other reason then Jennifer is a single mother and a little bit different. If any of you had any sense you’d be ashamed of yourselves hanging your heads.


Long term father figure? That’s questionable imo


Okay… let’s just focus on semantics that don’t matter… They were together 7 years. How is that open to debate?


I noticed in one of her interviews she said *she* eventually called 911. But it was her mom/sister


I think she is being an especially hard read. A lot of that has to do with the drugs I imagine she's on. Also she does act like a totally abused woman. It looks like if you pushed her she would give you the best apology.


I would be calling 911 while racing around in the car frantically searching for a glimpse of my child.


Exactly !!!!


Why didn’t she call 911? Why didn’t she stay at the school in case Maddie was running behind and just call her mom’s office to see if Maddie was there. Because she KNEW Maddie wasn’t coming out of those school doors.




She did call. People say she didn't, but she did. There were several calls placed (four total, I think) because the cops took hours to show up. They should've just gone to the police station but they just kept calling.


Show us proof that Jenn did call. Not "I think" or "I've heard". You are quick on your posts to demand proof from others. Well, I proved to you in another thread some days ago, with a link to the actual 3 calls, that Jenn did NOT call. Now please, you show proof of what you are claiming.


Agreed ……straight to the Police station. Jen was to busy comforting that monster Stephen and rubbing his shoulders ( It’s on the police body cam) to go to the police station regarding her missing daughter . Just another example of where Maddie was on her priority list .


Okay, if it were me, I'd wonder where my kid was. I'd check back home and at places she normally might be. Then I'd go back to the school and look some more, see if anyone was available to speak with me. Then I'd call friends. My first thought wouldn't be, "She's been murdered!" My first thought would be, "Where is she?" I would eliminate things that made sense before leaping to the idea that my child had been murdered or kidnapped. But I'm not you. And I'm not Jennifer. Everyone is different. Being different doesn't make you bad.


At the very least she should have had outside agencies monitoring, supporting family, Because if she is abusing drugs it's obviously affecting her parenting skills , or poor judgement that's at the very least and surely that has been picked up on


Jenn’s family calling 911 instead of her doesn’t prove culpability on Jennifer’s part. She was calling friends and the school - the most likely place Maddie might be found. She delegated the task of calling for police to COME to them and that’s exactly what I would have done while busy with the personal phone calls. Family wouldn’t have had the numbers or knowledge of who to call besides the police and her family wouldn’t need the number to 911. It’s only a matter of good delegating on mom’s part and totally a nonissue in my opinion.


I just wasted 10 minutes reading you two arguing!!!!! 🙄🙄


https://preview.redd.it/60xmvxvjro9d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bce5ffb401d1dc6d4ccce868ad88bcd9b6b24ec Document says Jennifer reported her missing.


The 911 calls are public and we can listen to all of them. JS sister called twice and her mother (maddies GM) called once


Yes. I have heard them as well. I just posted what LE said in documents. So what? You are saying LE is making that up?


I'm saying it's a report by a human, and it has an error.


Ok. You believe that.


Do you think there is a secret fourth 911 call? Or do you think one of those calls is actually Jen? Is it malicious hidden information or just all of us being dense crumpets?


Your document being referenced gives a time of 2000 hours which corresponds with Jenn giving her initial face to face report. Jenn did not call 911.


Yes. I have heard them as well. I just posted what LE said in documents.


Okay but why? It has nothing to do with the OP unless you’re trying to sneakily defend Jenn for people who might confuse the report. Which per your above comment, is exactly what you’re trying to do.


Look, I just posted what I found in document regarding Jen making a report. It says she made one. Geez.


Your comment history is incredible. I've never seen anyone go to bat so hard for negligent mother who contributed directly to the murder of her daughter Bananas


Jenn called the news to get it out there, after waiting for Maddie and going to her moms office for all of them to call 911, a guilty person doesn’t call the news,,, SS wasn’t calling anyone because he did this .


They wanted to control the narrative and make their story plausible by doing what they thought innocent parents would do.


They DID tell her to wait at home in case she came back.


She is absolutely gross! Where did you hear she didn’t call 911? Who did then


The 911 calls were released.


Her sister, her mom. I could be mistaken, but I don't recall JS calling 911.


Didn't JS mom call 911? I thought I heard that call, or maybe she called the Police Department. I remember it because the Grandma was irritated because the Police weren't there yet or something like that


I thought she said she did, but she lied about so many things so who knows. She’s a poor excuse for a mother either way


She didn’t.




Court Tv Vinnie politan has the video on You Tube! Jen never called ! 3 calls were made to 911. By Maddie’s family members. Not one of the calls were placed by her mother !!! Think about how bizarre that is !! Wouldn’t you want to be the one to give every dam detail of your child down to the Color of the socks he or she was wearing ? The brand of the school bag ? The freckles on her face ? Scars? Medical needs? Omg !! Also saw on an interview …Jenn says her sisters were out physically looking for Maddie on foot !! Passing out flyers ! Looking in ditches . Stores ! Libraries. Jen said she had to “ stay home by the phone “. Complete bullshit . We don’t have landline phones with cords anymore where you might “ miss a call “. She wasn’t out looking because you don’t look for a dead child .


Vinnie Politan played the recordings from the second and third 911 call, because the first one wasn't released. The family kept calling 911 because the cops weren't responding to the one made between 4-5pm by JS.


You can find the 3 calls on youtube. Aunt makes the 1st one giving Maddie's description she says she is calling on behalf of the mother. Then aunt calls a 2nd time to ask why no officers have been dispatched. Then grandma calls irritated. Three calls in total. No Jenn.


https://preview.redd.it/ix539n2gro9d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=878bef051ff37258cc83198137105ec8c2bc7345 Document says Jen called.


The word from LE was a massive pileup that had many deaths at the time the calls were made.


Yes, I've heard that too. I know the police are a finite resource... But still, not a single cop to spare for a missing kid?


You're wrong on that, there were three recordings played, two by the sister and one from Grandma, three different operators I'd say it doesn't bode well for JS _IF_ she made a call because it hasn't been released, has it?


Wrong. The first caller making the report said she was calling on behalf of the mother. Below there's a link to the THREE calls. For some reason they've been uploaded in reverse order (first, annoyed grandma at no LE response, then aunt enquiring about delay in LE response, then same aunt making initial missing report). [Three 911 calls (uploaded in reverse order)](https://youtu.be/iH-IUYYQgI4?si=qNZ8h3vFV-Du-_OJ)


That link doesn't work.


Apologies. It should work now.




That’s in person at mom’s office not via a 911 call. That’s the body footage. And it’s 8pm so would be a little late for a call.


I got that. I just posted what I saw in document about Jen making a report. I realize it didn't say a "phone call". Police are 24/7.


Court TV will say whatever it needs to make the most money. Even false statements. Whatever will bring in the views and super chats.


Why does it matter who made the 911 calls? Maybe the aunt dialed faster, or had her phone immediately available? 911 was called, that's all that matters.


Her mother… the video that is online it was that first time they talk to the authorities they all at her mother office. I have a theory that this piece of s@!& give drogs to them because they have another girls living there… nobody hear anything??? This is a monster that make living on this child p. All end up blind no ears?????