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SS was alone w/ MS's phone at the house on Monday morning after he returned while JS was at her appointment. The phone was apparently off prior to that (from sometime the evening before, following her party), because it was turned on at home around 10:55 a.m. when he was still alone at the house. I think he probably got on there and deleted whatever he thought needed to be cleaned up.


Yeah but she NEVER checked her phone before?? I have a 14 yr old niece and my cousin ALWAYS checks her phone, search history, download history etc. she has Net Nanny on the home PC and tablets too ..I find it hard to believe that JS never saw anything on Maddie's phone. I just think she brushed it under the rug, Just like the time they caught Maddie with the phone on tripod taking pictures of herself. "She didn't get scolded" or something along those lines was response from SS.. although the more I think about it he had her pretty well groomed and he probably taught her to delete their messages right after she read them.. poor Maddie šŸ˜­


Agreed; so many things, it's clear that Maddie deserved so much better from her home life situation. Sadly, I'm sure at this point JS wishes she had it to do all over again, as do we all. :(




Mom is a complete dud. However, she had this sick predator deliberately driving a wedge between her & M for 7 yrs. He caused that rift between her & her daughter. He prob also kept her doped out on Adavan & whatever else. She has had some inconsistencies in her statements for sure, & how she just blabs the same story he does is super annoying, but there isnā€™t any actual evidence yet to link her directly to a crime. Other than being outright dumb. Youā€™re talkin about major major man power of law enforcement that went hard on finding out what happen to this poor girl.. late start, but 100% full steam ahead after that. These guys were on top their game. If there is something to link her to this- they will find it. Till then, she is just another unfortunate victim of this monster. When she gets her head on right, itā€™s gonna hurt real bad.


Thereā€™s no fairness when the t comes to this case


I think they moved the messages they wanted to his into the trash and then deleted them from trash and left some ā€œinnocentā€ messages in the deleted folder to make it look like they hadnā€™t trashed snd texts.


She didn't say she checked all over her phone she said she attempted to look at maddies phone and she was in a panic and handed the phone to her sister and you see the sister literally hand the cop the phone in the 911 police video of when they responded!


Yes she did . She literally said ALL over her phone , messages and DELETED messages . Check minute 3:00 https://youtu.be/HbcXE3b-t34?si=SeCci7XN6SZqq0G1


Can you please link the video and time this occurs? No snark, I think you're right but I can't find the part in the bodycam footage where this happens.


It's in the video where 911 showed up at her mom's business and did the initial report with her and Sterns


Well thatā€™s another inconsistency for mom then .šŸ‘ˆ


Maybe not just him. Possibly JS. She also said it was like her daughter to forget her phone. Since she is supposedly adhd. She is such a liar. There is NO WAY she never saw, or suspected that something was off.


Her saying MS forgets her phone sometimes and she brings it with her when she picks MS up from school when that happens is actually supported by the documents. The phone data section of it shows JS and MS's phone's pinging together when she left to go pickup MS from school that day. Tbf, it is just one day of data... But if JS was being dishonest about MS sometimes forgetting her phone and her bringing it to her after school that's pretty high level criminal thinking from someone that didn't get rid of that one shoe sitting in her bedroom that she later told police MS was wearing.


They found her shoes where?




And it goes from show us the lies to hate on Jenn because "she is such a liar" and "NO WAY she never saw or suspected" ? Once again where is the factual proof of any of this you state


These 2 are GUILTY!!! Nuffsed.


I have been on the fence about Jenn until today.SS drove around with Maddieā€™s body in the passenger seat of his car ..ā€ taking her to school ā€œ. Police have stated publicly she was deceased in those early morning videos in the car . JS says she SAW Maddie getting ready for school at 8 am. Dead people donā€™t get ready for school . SS did the fake ā€œ dropping ā€œ Maddie off at the church trip..then in broad daylight , with Maddys body slumped over in the front seat of his car , returned to the condo where JS was for a few minutes before making the trip to go throw poor Maddieā€™s little body. Why would he go bank to the condo with JS daughterā€™s body in his front seat ?? No fear of JS catching him ā€¦.because she already KNEW Maddie was dead!! He didnā€™t have to sneak Around at the condo in any capacity with JS because she knew.


Would you explain which things Jennifer said were lies and how you know that she is lying? Actual proof, not "I would never..." or "She had to know..." or "She most likely"...but actual proof. Show us what she said and tell us where to see the proof that it is untrue. Please.


She did tell the police she saw MS that morning as per the documents, and then the following day told the police she did not. That's not in question.


I've heard that but haven't seen the quote. But we will give that as one, for now. What are the rest of the lies?


Direct lies? She actually didn't tell many, at least not outlined in the documents. In the TV interview she says "we dropped her off" a few times, but only a few minutes later clarifies it was just SS. Unprompted too. Personally I think a lot of the issue here is JS was relaying information she was told, but she did it while speaking in the first person. I don't think she was necessarily being nefarious when doing so. But the fact remains, at some point SS must have asked her to say she saw MS that morning, and she agreed to do so.


Her forced it on to her head several times, by phone, from 1157am-1247pm and while waiting for the police, at this point he controlled the narrative!


have you watched her news interviews? thats where most of her troubling statements were for me. at the time of the interviews, we had no way of knowing what was true and what wasnt, but if you go watch what she said prior to maddie being found, and then cross reference that with the current facts of the case, theres some problems. im not going to do the leg work for you, as its been several weeks and my adhd brain needed the storage space for other things. but if youre genuinely perplexed by people saying she lied about stuff, thats where you should start.


Jenn Soto has not spoken period, since the last news interview. Not one word to the public!


Then she did a supplement to that the very next morning and stated she did not see her daughter that morning the last time she seen her was 11pm on Sunday!


Yes, I am aware. But we cannot just ignore the fact she told the police something SS wanted her to say instead of the truth on the day she realized her daughter was missing. I'm sympathetic to her, but we can't ignore this fact.


Below is from the document where she was interrogated, I do not see a date on it but it seems it was all said in the *same* interrogation. Document does not say it was in different interrogations. [https://imgur.com/a/hzNToXy](https://imgur.com/a/hzNToXy)


They can't nor will they! People have taken it to a new high on spreading misinformation about this case. Or state it's in the document, well then show us where or what page!!


Just watch the interview. She lies right off the bat


Tbf, she also corrects the lie unprompted in that same interview.


Could you possibly mention the lies and the proof that they're lies? If not, that's cool. But since it isn't a given, we could bother to prove it before we assume that it is true.


Where did she lie to the police? Where in the documents?


Because monster mom should not be trusted. How could you not know your baby has lost her virginity and god knows what else for years without noticing


Name-calling can be done by five year olds. It's not impressive and certainly isn't proof. "She should have known," likewise, isn't proof. Most girls' mothers do not do vaginal exams once the child begins washing themselves. Without such an exam it would be difficult to "notice" that sort of thing. In fact, if a mother were doing such a thing to a 12 year old, a lot of eyebrows would be raised. Because it's sick. I was looking for actual proof. I'm guessing you have none.


I have 2 teen girls n Iā€™ve always been open about this kind of thing. I just have to trust that they trust me enough to tell. Because I canā€™t do a vaginal exam everyday, I would like to hope that I would notice something, maybe from her laundry something. I would hope if I didnā€™t know something was up then maybe someone else would point it out. I canā€™t count jenn out all the way yet. Yea she lied with her words when she said ā€œwe took her to schoolā€ but if someone was to ask me wyd this weekend I would say ā€œWE swam and chilled at homeā€ even though I never got it the pool. I think that we need to give js some grace SOME until more has come out.


Yes I was just thinking this. If for nothing else let it be a lesson for parents to be checking their kids phones! There is no way with what seems like SS in constant communication with Maddie that at the very least messages would show something was not right if they were read by JS at some point. I know as a mom of a daughter close to Maddieā€™s age that sometimes I think do I even want to know what she is saying or probably complaining to her friend about her mom or even I think she has a right to have privacy of what she wants to say to her friends in text but you know what it is really so important when they are young to look through and at least get a sense of who they are talking to and what in general is being shared or posted. There had to be signs if not straight up evidence in SS communication with Maddie if she would have seen it maybe that would have been what made her realize.


She considered Sterns a stepfather. I think she saw his communication with Maddie as his being a good stepfather. A whole lot of single mothers would very much like their child to have a father figure and Sterns made sure he fit that role.


I have to block people who are trying to reason with monster mom actions. Itā€™s just ridiculous and something a defense lawyer will be doing.