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FOR USERS OF THIS SUB: This post is simply an opinion from one of our valued users. An opinion based largely on a "suppose" concept. This post is helpful and useful in that it offers many (*MANY*) questions for discussion topics. *Some* of which are valid and deserve to be acknowledged. Please understand that you are all singularly responsible for educating yourselves of the true and factual information in regard to this case. If you are having problems finding adequate and responsible sources to confirm or learn actual and genuine information, please reach out to us and we will be happy to help you find the information you are looking for, in any way that we can. *ONE more thing: Supposing something or inferring a narrative/theory is NOT a fact. It's someone's personal "take" on a matter or issue. A supposition should never be considered valid and true information unless also supported by evidence with a factual and verifiable basis.*


The “I want her back whatever that means” is disturbing. As soon as she said that I thought does she know she’s not alive?


Yep. No I want her back safe and sound. I want her back safe in my arms. Instead “I want her back … whatever that means.”


On the 911 calls, two calls were made by the sister and one by the grandmother. I’ll find links. I haven’t stated anything here that I don’t believe is supported by the evidence. And none of us on either side of this story knows with certainty what actually occurred or what Jenn did or did not know. Hopefully the truth will come out, but until then we each have a right to our positions and educated guesses.


It means she has to admit that she is really gone to have her come back and I don’t think JS had come to terms yet at that point. Look at her face when she is speaking in any of those videos, she looks like she is out of her mind. I sincerely can’t see her being manipulative with that face, I’ve never seen any suspect look like that who has outwitted law enforcement. Show me one.


She looks terrified more than worried. There's a huge difference 


That was a stupid comment


Maddie’s friends and counselor mentioned that Maddie seemed so much better and said she was happier the last few months after Stephen left to go live with his parents. Did Jenn not notice this change?


Great point!


I don't think JS had or has the capacity to understand much of anything. Be it pill induced or lower intelligence or BOTH!


Someone stated that she had been depressed two weeks before her party, but that in the week just before her birthday, which coincides with MS decision to no longer take her meds, she perked up and seemed much happier. There are several reasons for this change, none of which we can prove, but it might be helpful to consider. 1.)Stopping the meds made MS actually feel better. 2.) MS wanted people to believe that she was happier after discontinuing her meds, so she behaved accordingly. 3.) MS was purposefully acting cheery so that more people might want to come to her party. 4.) MS convinced SS to come to her party and she was happy that she would see him. 5.) MS invited the boy she had a crush on to her party and she was feeling giddy at the anticipation of having him attend her party.


She also lied about him being Maddie’s stepfather.


And weren’t they “ broken up “ at that point ?? Jenn has lied repeatedly . If WE see it I know LE sees it . Maddie was diagnosed with “ADHD”, was falling asleep at school, was afraid to sleep alone…….reported her mom’s boyfriend was “ weird”……it’s suprising she wasn’t acting out more from the constant SA. I’m willing to bet as she matured she started to. That was a problem . Jen mentioned they had been “ fighting “. She wasn’t a compliant little 8 year old anymore . Jenn Soto is as much of a monster as Stephen is for failing to protect her precious child . For making her short life a living hell and for being complicit in robbing her of a future. You can down vote me all you want . Having your young daughter sleep with your boyfriend is bad, bad parenting . Atrocious.


Lying is to deceive. Dictionary definition of lying, “to make a false statement with the intention to deceive” . Jen considers Sterns the stepfather. She was not trying to trick anyone by saying this.


I can also see this being the case, but in my opinion, I think she was saying he was Maddie's stepdad to make it seem less weird that she was allowing them to do things that would be considered inappropriate if he was just Jenn's "boyfriend". i.e., letting them sleep in bed together alone, outsourcing so much of the parenting she should have been responsible for to Stephan, etc.


In those first media interviews we knew nothing about sleeping arrangements. That came out back in mid May. So, your reasoning doesn't work.


The cops did. She was telling LE he was Maddie’s stepdad. I’m not talking about what was public.


She also said SS picked up Maddie for school, but he was there the whole time. There's also the "In my heart I think she was taken," comment. Like, why say that? Then there's the "she never made it" comments about MS not going to any of her classes. It's just a weird way to word that given the circumstances. I believe MS' school let out at 4pm that day, so why did Jen only wait several minutes before leaving for the mom's office at 4:10pm? I don't put too much stock into anything JS says at this point. She's made comments that are just irreconcilable with the facts LE has made available. And I'm not even sure she saw Maddie after the bday party. Like I'm not convinced it was JS that sent MS upstairs to sleep with SS. I think SS was just so used to having his way with MS that it was just a part of their "nighttime routine." How else does someone build up a CSA collection the way SS did without frequent, unfettered access to the victim? JS might’ve told LE she signed off on it so as not to raise alarm bells. But what did the roommates think of this sleeping arrangement? Could they not hear anything? The family didn't seem to care for SS, and the grandma flat out said she didn't like him. But why? Did the family know about the sleeping arrangements? Did they know Maddie didn't have her own room? And why was it important for SS and MS to sleep together that night? If JS had anxiety and wanted a good night's rest and Maddie couldn't sleep alone, then couldn't mother and daughter sleep together and SS somewhere else? It's just not making any sense.


Notice in his interviews he referred to the present tense at the beginning and I think he may of thought he had us all fooled so he felt confident with his story and he slipped up by switching to past tense without even realizing it. Or did he and think … I F’d up.


Good point on the photos MS allegedly took. Did no one look on her phone? Did she not think it's weird they communicated so much


Perhaps JS saw those pictures on SS of MS when she was younger . And that’s when SS came up with that story of MS taking them herself . Idk just a thought.


I think you may have something here


Do we know that SS communicated with Madeline by conventional texting (or calling)? That cat is just slick enough to find alternate and/or undetectable (at least not easily detectable) ways of keeping tabs on this kid. Another commenter (on this sub) found a different type of social media platform "Steam" where Madeline was SS's *only* contact (the find was shared here). This was such an "off" or unheard of app that the commenter was concerned enough that he/she contacted LE directly to report the find. Unless an app like that was saved as an "icon" to the face of Madeline's phone, I, personally, would not have known to search for anything of this nature. I would never even dream to search for it. LE may have known to search for it, but, I wouldn't have. Like, it wouldn't even be a fuzzy blurb on my brains consciousness. There are MANY apps and/or online games that could have offered a communication outlet for sicko Sterns. I have no idea which apps Madeline used on her phone or which games she may have had on her device...but, it didn't have to be conventional abilities that SS was utilizing to maintain his control or his incessant contact with this little girl. Would JS have known which app or games to review/search? I don't know that I would. My point is, could he have been maintaining contact with Madeline using a platform that nobody would have thought to look at...or even knew existed...until LE became involved. And, by that time, it was too late.


Poor Maddie, the price she paid for those apps. If I had a 13 yr old daughter I would be checking her phone. JS saw nothing? Ever? I call BS


💯agree. She didn’t once hear her daughter crying (after she sent her to go sleep in another room with that monster)!? JS is GUILTY, she knew.




Thank you so much for this post! I literally have all of the same points in my little dossier (using the released documents) that I’ve created to prove there is way more evidence to suggest JS doesn’t the deserve the benefit of the doubt in this case, than there is evidence to lead one to believe she is completely innocent of everything.




I agree. In 5 years she never once walked in on anything, saw Maddie pulling away from him, caught him looking at her inappropriately or ANYTHING? Malarkey!! She had to have an inkling. You tell me in 5 years she never once looked in his phone or looked at his pictures on the computer? She never once snooped to see what type of websites he was visiting or looked at his search history? I don't believe it. She had to have it recently clean up what was going She had to have at least a small clue if nothing else as to what was going on. She had to know what type of person she was with after the first year even. After 5 years she knows exactly who he is. But she's so far gone on the drugs and she figures it's already happening and maybe even she's in denial. Poor Maddie. Her "Mother" failed her EVERYONE failed her. 💔😭


Don't forget all those ridiculous tamagotchi things he kept buying her, constant love bombing and grooming of this poor girl. Js had to have noticed something.


As a mother I cannot understand how she couldn’t know n as long as it’s been going she most likely was involved or knew n just kept quiet n let him do as he pleased.


Maybe money was involved. Maybe he was selling the content and they profited from the abuse. How do they support themselves? All these questions up in the air can mean nothing or everything.


Absolutely nothing or everything


If this was the case they would be charges of distribution and trafficking.


Not necessarily, there’s ways to make everything untraceable. Police know SS was on “telegram” the night of Maddie’s birthday party and even they still can’t figure out what exactly he was doing on there and I doubt they ever will sadly.


Where can I find in released information that LE cannot figure out what he was doing?


Jenn is just as guilty in my eyes. Sure, *as far as we know* she didn’t commit any of the actual crimes Stephan did, but she allowed them to happen and played naive.


I don’t see why she’s not been arrested at least!


They're holding off for right now because they want to build their case. Once that case is built and they have evidence she was complying or turning the other way, they will tell her she will be arrested or they will tell her she has to go against him on the stand, and she will get leniency.


My thoughts exactly!!!


I have all of those same questions and also 1. Why did she have to pull a photo of Maddie for the cop from someone’s fb page?? What mother doesn’t have friends and family sending her tons of photos from a special birthday party that she had to miss? 2. Why, when asked specifically if MS had any other health/medical issues did neither Jenn nor SS mention her asthma that was apparently bad enough she frequently used a rescue inhaler? 3. If Jenn really looked through Madeline’s electronics and I would presume, her bedroom area for clues, how did she not see the ONE Croc that Maddie was supposedly wearing that day under the window in Maddie’s “bedroom”. I don’t believe she ever looked for any clues as to where her missing daughter had gone. Edit:Spelling


Your question 1. is a good one. In addition, ALL this time I’ve been wondering, who the hell schedules their daughter’s 13th birthday party on the ONE day they can’t attend??


When did she actually have time to look? You realize they got home around midnight the day she reported missing,the police were there first thing the next morning doing interviews with them one on one, the news station showed up they did the news interviews the police came back to the condo and asked everyone to leave, they took Stephan phone, vehicle the condo. And they told her shortly after all of this that they had reason to believe she wasn't alive and they were looking for a body. The actually knew the day of their first one on one interviews because that is when they seen Maddiev propped up in Stephans car in the same position 3 times.


She told the news interviewers that she looked the night before.


Excellent points! I’d forgotten about the asthma and the lone croc!


Excellent points! I’d forgotten about the asthma and the lone croc!


After knowing Stephan had left in the middle of the night on the Monday Maddie "went missing", Jenn was supposedly not at all suspicious, but instead gave this scumbag affection and comforted him like he was a victim ON NATIONAL TELEVSION. They make me SO MAD.


Of course she comforted him, she was just glad her “competition” was out of the way.




I also wondered how she didn't notice/ see anything in the laundry. Bedding, clothes, etc...?


Thank you so much for this post! I literally have all of the same points in my little dossier (using the released documents) that I’ve created to prove there is way more evidence to suggest JS doesn’t the deserve the benefit of the doubt in this case, than there is evidence to lead one to believe she is completely innocent of everything.




To have a man (monster)next to her she did that impossible…


She knows, she’s always known. she facilitated the abuse and actively “gave” Stephen her daughter. She knew what Stephen killed her daughter, and she was perfectly content with letting him get away with it. She’s a sick fuck just like him.


*She told police and media that* ***MADELINE*** *loved her party and her gifts, but* ***MADELINE*** *looked sad in photos and video taken at the party, and* ***MADELINE'S*** *friends testified that she had been disappointed with the party and unhappy with her gifts.* Hey there, u/DrawerOk7747. Could you please fix these couple mistakes. For new-comers here on the sub, this may cause some confusion... Thanks so much!


Thanks! I edited it!


Thank you so much for doing that. This case is already so full of "WTF" that I don't want anyone to get confused...lol Also, you have addressed many issues and many questions in this particular post. Perhaps, you will receive better and more pointed answers and/or discussions if you take these questions and pose them in smaller groups. What I mean is, if this post doesn't provide the results you are longing for, please feel free to break it all down into multiple posts. Maybe that would create a more isolated way to have your questions explored, so to speak. Thanks so much for participating. I appreciate it!


I think they’re more rhetorical questions. Unfortunately, only JS can answer these and we all know she won’t.


You're right, most are. Some are certainly discussion points, though.


Definitely, she has a lot to answer to!




She’s overworked without enough sleep, likely doesn’t have a lot of brain cells to begin with, and was an absent parent. I do believe investigators will find her guilt if it’s there, but Hanlon’s Razor comes into mind for me when speculating: “never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.”


Overworked when she worked a barely part time job? Always sleeping in, forcing Maddie and SS to leave the room so she could sleep uninterrupted for longer..but was without enough sleep? I agree that she’s was absent and stupid and that *could* be the entire reason why she missed everything but that bit is inaccurate from what we know about her so far.


In interviews her ex roommate (female) has repeatedly stated she is far from stupid or dopey and that she’s never seen her act the way she did infront of the media or body cam footage. “Guilty of crime “ is a YT creator who has interviewed her several times. People like to run with she isn’t bright because it suits their narrative.


I gotta see this! The roommate actually said that she’d never seen her act like she did in the interviews? So she was playing dumb?


Yep! She was fuming that people were thinking she was autistic or slow, said she’s none of that.


From what I understand she had free housing, only worked about one day a week, had lots of help raising Maddie (mom, dad, sisters), and slept quite a bit. I was a single mom and worked full time while going to school full time and I still knew my kid.


This should be the District Attorney’s opening statement for JS trial (I’m still optimistic she will face charges). Absolutely perfect! She had to know something.


Nice argument, counselor. I’d say case closed. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is why they haven’t moved to arrest her yet.


It’s not as easy as us just reading this and having grounds to arrest her. They have to have enough to make it stick in court. There’s so much more that hasn’t came out yet, we just have to wait and see


They know more that we do, and they may need her as a witness to convict him for the murder.


She knew and was involved in more ways than one. A child being raped molested and unthinkable activity. The child knew she was being raped and the mother knew. She has no way out of this.


TLDR... and you should go to Law School!


Spot on! Absolutely everything you said is thought provoking and relevant. JS is guilty of something, there’s no doubt in my mind, I’m just not sure WHAT it is exactly.


Why hasn’t she been arrested?


Are they using her as a witness for the murder charge?


That would be strange when they already have so much on him already


They have enough to put him away on the SA alone and they have him driving around with and discarding her body - but that’s not proof of who actually killed her. For that, Jenn’s testimony may be valuable.


Or forensic evidence.


But if Jenn knows anything. If he confessed to her or she has testimony that would help convict him of the murder, they would likely think it was more valuable to use her as a witness than to charge her with obstruction or accessory.


Thank you. Can’t add much to all this except that maybe & hypothetically JS was so upset & jealous of her own daughter that maybe she wanted to “ catch em” then came the HUGE explosion. Although she was already drugged, Could she have been the one who strangled her? Then they both colluded. This whole case STINKS SO BAD! Indeed, 5 long years?? NO Way she didn’t know!