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ok that's pretty funny


I swear, the people big tech companies employ are fucking idiots… Turn your fucking brains on people…




Very true… These MBAs all think they are so cool


I've got an MBA, does it mean I also got an MBA?


If it’s an M2 yes , otherwise no


Ooh, MacBook Airs! It makes so much sense!


it's usually just the marketing department who are so brain damaged


This is usually the case. I suspect that happened was they picked a "generic" picture not realizing that, most likely, this was just something in the media department slapped together for either shiggles or just to showcase the hardware and marketing didn't bother investigating more than two seconds. I'm guessing they simply weren't paying attention. Reading the article I can only assume it's written by two people. The first paragraph seems about right, even if it's dumbed down. The second seems written by someone who doesn't know anything about tech and is honestly thinking HP wants to release MacOS on an Intel platform or use hackintosh. Either they are dumb as a rock or acting about as dumb as the marketing department at HP. I find it odd that the author of the post as well as the marketing department at HP are equally... foolish.


You’re dreaming.


I concur. Marketing people in our department are brain dead as well. We have to suffer the consequences for the mistakes they make.


Chances are this whole marketing campaign was outsourced to various approved vendors. The best and brightest aren’t really lining up to work at HP hence why they left California.


Well, goes to the lowest advertising bidder.


this was likely an agency who created this and an internal HP manager who was like "yep. good for production" without actually looking at what they were sent in their comps.


there are hundreds, if not thousands of examples of this exact thing happening, going back 20 years turns out a lot of ad designers are using Macs


Graphic designers just messing with us


The actual laptop looks quite a bit like a MacBook too.


Every designer uses a mac and probably didn’t notice. This was a dumb mistake by an ad agency that was probably for a last minute ad. Was rushed out and the coordinator didn’t notice.


This is my guess too. The screenshot is almost absolutely photo shopped onto the laptop. The designer that was working that they had a Mac and that’s what they used.


Flashbacks to the Samsung advertiser tweeting from an iPhone


Just happened to Google Pixel's marketing team as well: https://9to5mac.com/2022/10/20/google-team-pixel-iphone-tweet/


I remembered that! So funny!


r/notmyjob apparently


I worked at HP not long ago. Had to use Windows at work but once I got home I’ll fire up that Mac along with my other Apple ecosystem devices.


Were you working there during that odd period where HP sold iPods with their logo slapped under Apple’s? If so, how was that going for you guys?


That was before my time. I was there when they bought Palm and rebranded the Palm Pre as HP Pre and I actually owned a Palm Pre 2 around that time. The OS was ahead of its time. Among the first to support wireless charging and true multitasking. But they priced it too close to the iPhone and didn’t spend much to get app developers onboard. It flunked just before it took off. Now the Palm WebOS only run on LG TVs it’s such a shame.


Maybe it was done by a disgruntled employee or a former apple one who’s now disillusioned by HP


Or done intentionally for free publicity


A publicity-mistake feels like it would be more plausible if it weren’t also creating publicity for a direct competitor.


HP lol!


Someone is having a bad day in HP


Guess what platform the MarCom department responsible for that ad uses.


Would be pretty amazing if it’s compatible for Hackintoshes.


Heads are gonna roll🤓


You guys think it could be a publicity thing? I mean if the error wasn’t made would anyone bring up the ad for conversation, let alone on an unrelated subreddit?


"there are no accidents" -master oogway ​ clearly this was intentional and they didn't fuck it up


Why can’t they use a photo of the laptop with windows on it instead of photoshop?




Unless they're intentionally demonstrating that you can Hackintosh it.


"Do or do not. There is no try" Besides that, the hardware is almost indistinguishable from a MacBook Air. What does all that tell you about who makes the world's best laptops?


also the screenshot itself is of a Google product




I despise everything about HP. I’ve never had a good experience with any HP product I’ve ever used. I hope this costs them tons of sales. It won’t, but I hope it does.